
Chapter 25:Conflict between lovers

The next morning, Viltz got up early and set about sorting through his things.

Grabbing the wooden box that held the sets of clothes he bought the day before, Viltz put the few extra clothes he had in it and closed it again.

Looking at the small potted plant on the desk, Viltz put it on the floor and reduced it to ashes.

He then opened the various drawers and put the various books, notes and journals he had stored in his backpack.

Looking at the sheathed sword and saber set aside, Viltz laid them on top of the wooden box and then checked to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything important.

After confirming that all was well, Viltz put on a tunic and red shoes and left the room, where he met up with his companions and together they all headed for the chancellor's office, who was waiting for them along with Artorius and Mardin.

Opening a portal they all went through it and arrived at one of the rooms of Thanedd's castle, the base of the sorcerer's brotherhood.

There they met the group of sorceresses from Aretuza and together they descended to the second floor where the graduation ceremony would take place.

Viltz smiled at Margarita and approached her for a chat while his classmates gave him envious glances.

Tissaia gave him a sidelong glance but decided not to comment in the face of his brazen actions.

The group of students stood in two rows, with the sorceresses in the front and the sorcerers in the back.

The sorority members sat in their respective seats.

Tissaia frowned as she noticed that someone was missing, she didn't notice it before but now she realized that Yennefer was not there.

She became concerned and whispered something in the chancellor's ear, to which he only shook his head.

Sighing with resignation, she waved her hand, indicating to one of the girls to begin her oath.

The young sorceress stepped forward and solemnly swore:" I, Sabrina Glebasi, offer myself to the brotherhood to..."

Then it was the turn of all the sorcerers and sorceresses to take the same oath until it was Viltz's turn.

Viltz stepped forward and solemnly swore:" I, Vilgefortz, offer myself to the brotherhood to do good on the promise of the spheres not to put power before virtue, to respect the legacies of the ancient sorcerers, as long as my life shall endure."

"Welcome to the sorcerer's brotherhood."

Chancellor Gerhart said solemnly.


In some subway ruins, a portal opened and an enraged Yennefer stepped out of it.

Fixing her gaze on the sorcerer who turned to look at her.

With unrelenting fury in her eyes, Yennefer conjured a bolt of lightning and hurled it at the sorcerer, who hastily conjured a barrier.

"Yenna! Are you out of your mind? Why are you attacking me all of a sudden?" The sorcerer exclaimed, surprised and enraged by Yennefer's actions.

Yennefer gave him a furious look and continued attacking without saying anything.

The wizard could only awkwardly try to defend himself.

After a good while of attacking, Yennefer seemed to calm her anger and took a deep breath.

The sorcerer, seeing that Yennefer calmed down, approached her and tried to touch her shoulder.

"Get your hands off me!" Yennefer exclaimed and pulled away from the sorcerer.

"Yenna, did i do something to upset you? And shouldn't you be at the graduation ceremony?"

"Fuck you and stupid graduation Istredd!

Tell me, how did Stregobor know I had elven blood?"

"Uh... This... i...i didn't know he would use that information to do anything to you, i was a stupid, he manipulated me, i'm really sorry."

"Can your apology save me from going to Nilfgaard? Get me reassigned to Aedirn? Make me into something other than my blood?"

"And not going to the graduation ceremony will?"

"Fine! Tell them you lied! That you made up that slander to curry favor with your precious rector!"

"It's too late now, you missed the ceremony, the oaths are already done, think about it."

"You're smart, aren't you? You know everything don't you?"

"I'm sorry, i didn't know how they would use such information, and neither did you."

"Don't blame me."

Istredd shook his head and replied sarcastically," Let's pretend your rector never ordered you to spy on me?"

Yennefer could only look at Istredd with tear-filled eyes, not knowing how to refute his words.

"Hey Yenna...i can fix it, the brotherhood has offered a chair in the research chapter, to me!

We won't have to go to court."

Istredd spoke with a smile on his face.

"You can't be serious."

"We'll tour the continent together.

We'll be able to accompany each other and forge a new destiny, for both of us."

Yennefer sighed and shook her head, replying, "You want me to spend my life holding dustpans while you sweep the forgotten bones from the ruins? That's not a destiny, that's slow suicide..."

"What?" Istredd's smile froze.

"You don't really think that, you're just angry."

"Does it frighten you to know that you don't know all my thoughts?"

Istredd's smile faded from his face and he spoke:" Don't patronize me.... Ha ha ha, i was going to go to Temeria for you."

"That was your decision."

"Ha, you think i wish to waste my time gossiping in a court of law? That is your fetish, not mine!"

"A real man would expose his desires!"

"How can i recognize them? Huh? You disguise yours as if they were mine.

Stregobor was right... That's why you're here, that's what she taught you. We're all pawns!"

"I won't take lectures from a man who thinks the world is a romantic adventure.

My world is cruel! Unpredictable! You are born, you survive and you die!"

Yennefer finished speaking and turned to leave.

Istredd grabbed her arm and sneered:"Victimhood doesn't suit you you know?"

"Nor does heroism suit you." Yennefer let out a snort and pushed Istredd's hand away.

"You only seek approval from those kings! They will only want you for that artificial beauty of yours!"

Yennefer turned and looked at Istredd deeply before saying:" I want to be powerful, seen and adored by everyone who hears my name, that is what i deserve!"

"No amount of power or beauty will make you feel worthy of it!"

Yennefer shot a look of hatred at Istredd before opening a portal and disappearing.


In the vast ballroom of Thanedd's castle, all the wizards and sorceresses were dressed lavishly as they danced with the various nobles invited to this feast.

Viltz wore high quality black clothing that only nobles could afford, around his neck hung a silver necklace and on his middle finger he wore a similar silver necklace.

He smiled at the young lady next to him and asked: "My lady, would you care to join me at this dance?"

Margarita smiled softly and took his hand and they both began to dance on the floor decorated with star patterns.

Out of the corner of his eye, Viltz noticed Fringilla dancing with a young man wearing a crown on his head.

"Hmm, that must be King Virfuril of Aedirn, he looks to be about 16 at most, and he doesn't seem to like Fringilla, at this age it's no wonder he would fall so easily for Yennefer's seduction."

The young king stopped dancing abruptly and held out his arm to Fringilla.

"Let us rest, my dear."

Fringilla could only sigh and take his hand.

Tissaia walked over and greeted the young king. "Your highness!"

King Virfuril looked at her with dissatisfaction on his face and spoke directly :" I am sure a sorcerer of Aedirn would do better as my royal advisor."

Fringilla could only look down, uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Viltz was watching all these characters, he saw Istredd distractedly looking around, apparently looking for someone, he also noticed Artaud chatting with some nobles and the trio of Sorel, Harlan and Algernon chatting with an old man.

"Is something the matter? I notice you're a bit distracted." Margarita asked him with concern.

"It's nothing, i was just thinking about where to take you on our next date."

Margarita covered her mouth and let out a giggle.

"Wherever you want, but please don't let it be the Scellige Islands full of paunchy, hairy men."

"Haha, don't worry, i have a place in mind that you'll love."

"We'll see." Margarita circled around Viltz before he held out his arm and they both left the dance floor.

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