
Chapter 28 This is the Hogwarts in my heart

"Very good, Ms. Granger." Professor Flitwick jovially called Hermione's name.

Hermione tilted her chin up proudly and quickly got up and said, "The Cleaning Spell's incantation is Scourgify, it works by clearing up certain things we think of as garbage depending on what we think of it."

"Very good, plus one point for Ravenclaw."

Professor Flitwick looked very pleased, "Ms Granger made a very good point, the cleaning spell cleans up garbage based on our perception of something. With proficiency in this spell, you can quickly clean the dirt off your bodies."

"Like this..."

Professor Flitwick took out his wand and flicked it.


A faint whirlwind seemed to blow over the entire body of Parvati Patil, who was sitting in the front row of the classroom, and when the whirlwind disappeared, all the dirt on Parvati's body had disappeared, and the wizard robe looked brand new, and even the unpleasant odour on her body couldn't be smelled anymore.

Parvati looked surprised, and the other Gryffindor wizards looked at Professor Flitwick with anticipation, hoping that Professor Flitwick would also throw such magic at them.

But Professor Flitwick clearly did not intend to do so.

He continued to speak, "Although the cleaning spell is convenient, this magic is equally dangerous. If you don't have a clear enough understanding of garbage, then instead of being effective, the Cleaning Spell will even cause some harm."

"Especially when you clean up the dirt on yourselves!"

"Always remember this, when we cast a spell, we must be clear about what is the trash we want to clean up."

Professor Flitwick then gave an example of a failed spell casting.

There was once a witch who tried to use the cleaning spell to remove the leg hair from her legs, and she ended up cleaning the hair from her entire body, including her private hair.

After mentioning the examples of spell-casting failures, Professor Flitwick explained the spell-casting techniques of the cleaning spell in detail once more.

This included the incantation, hand gestures, the mindset when casting the spell, and most importantly, the principles of magic.

The deeper he touched magic, the more Andy could feel the importance of magic principles to spell casting.

When using a cleaning spell normally, you actually only need three points - 'incantation, gesture, and the perception of garbage in your mind' - and that's enough.

However, if you wanted to understand magic in depth, or even develop other effects of the magic by extending the original foundation, then you had to master the principles of magic.

According to Professor Flitwick, he could even precisely clean out all the dirt inside a mixture of wheat flour and dirt.

"That's all I have to say about this magic spell for now. So, is there anyone else who doesn't understand anything?" Professor Flitwick asked.

Andy raised his hand impatiently.

Professor, I have something I don't understand.

Professor Flitwick looked at Andy and named him with a smile, "Mr. Collins, go ahead!"

Andy organized his language, "Professor, you said before that the Cleaning Spell can clean up some garbage according to our perception. Does this prove that our magic can actually hear our thoughts and also perceive our emotions?"

"Also, in the usual sense, the garbage we perceive is just some of the debris that life produces. But if I can forcibly change my cognitive concepts, would it be possible to make the cleaning spell clean up something else?"

"Other than that ..."

Andy asked a whole bunch of questions in one breath, anything that could be extended out from the cleaning spell, Andy almost didn't leave a single one behind.

Professor Flitwick looked at Andy with a face full of confusion.

If he didn't see Andy's boyish face, Professor Flitwick would almost think that the one who was sharing these questions with him was a wizard with a high level of magic attainment.

The young wizards in the classroom were also silent, what on earth was this person talking about?   


Professor Flitwick coughed lightly and said in a serious tone, "Our magic power can indeed sense our thoughts and emotions, it's just that this is beyond the control of our subjective thoughts."

"We can use our magic power to conjure magic, but it's hard for you to manipulate your magic power freely. Magic is like our blood, it's inside us, but can you control your own blood?"

"As for your second question... that is equally difficult. The concept of living has long since been implanted deep within your mind along with your upbringing, so it's hard for you to fool yourself."

"The third question is ..."

Professor Flitwick was very patient and answered all of Andy's questions. Andy was also thrilled that he had finally met a reliable professor this time.

This is the Hogwarts that Andy had in mind.

"Alright, Mr. Collins, do you have any more questions?" Professor Flitwick asked in a warm voice.

"No, Professor." Andy certainly had a long list of questions, but those had nothing to do with the cleaning spell and were not appropriate for this class.

Professor Flitwick continued, "What about the others?"

None of the young wizards spoke.

"Very well, since you have no more questions, then next, we'll begin the official practice." Professor Flitwick said.

"Oh! No, No, No! Mr. Weasley, please put down your wand."

Andy hurriedly turned his head to look.

Only to see Ron pointing his wand at Harry and constantly urging Harry to take out his own as well.

It was obvious that Ron couldn't wait to clean off the fertilizer that stained his body.

"I must warn you that you must not use this spell on anyone until you are proficient in the cleaning spell." Professor Flitwick said in a serious tone.

After saying that, Professor Flitwick waved his wand.

A small box flew out of the lectern, which flew in front of each young wizard in turn and sprinkled some sand on the table in front of them.

Professor Flitwick said, "We'll start by cleaning up the sand on the table with a cleaning spell, okay, everyone, let's get started!"



The classroom resounded with the sound of incantations being recited one after another, Andy looked around twice, so far, none of the young wizards could successfully cast the cleaning spell.

What a bunch of academic duds.

Of course, the reason why these young wizards were still unable to successfully cast the spell was not because they were really incompetent. The main reason was still because they weren't mentally mature enough and weren't firm enough in their cognition.

Is the sand on the tabletop actually trash, or is it a teaching tool?

If one couldn't firmly believe that the sand is trash, then the cleaning spell would never take effect.


Hermione whispered the incantation, and with a gentle wave of her wand, the sand on the tabletop instantly disappeared.

"Well done, Miss Granger, two points will be added to Ravenclaw for that." Professor Flitwick sounded excited, Ravenclaw was truly blessed with talent this year.


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