

"Jimin?" Yoongi mumbled under his breath as he watched the CCTV footage of the morning. He could clearly see Jimin walking in, placing the dessert and coffee on the table, and walking out, a warm smile on his plump lips.

A huge part of him knew though, there was only one person in this whole building who knew how to get into his office and wears lavender perfume. But a small part of him didn't want it to be his ex. But here we are.

He knew that they both knew. They weren't over each other. They could never.

Six months. Six months ago, they were considered the 'it' couple. But now, they hurt each other too bad. They let their work and jealousy ruin a beautiful promise.

But now, there was hope, hope that even after all the feelings hurt and broken. They still crave each other; they still want each other. Need each other. I guess that's what true love does to you. No matter what, you never forget.

A smile tugged on his lips, maybe, maybe he can still fix things right. Jimin didn't tell him to, but his actions prove it. He was given a second chance to redeem himself. A second chance to give life to something beautiful again, it may not be perfect but you know what they say.

Perfect may or may not be beautiful but broken always is.

And he'd be a fool to let it slip out of his hands.

"Jungkook, am I really required?" Namjoon asked with a defeated look as he let himself be dragged by the blonde model.

"Yes, now shh", Jungkook hushed his manager as he dragged the man to Blue Moon café. Okay, he may or may not have taken his 'I might set you up on a blind date with a café owner' too seriously, and from what he heard from Taehyung, Seokjin is still single as a pringle.

A few moments later he walked into the café with the manager at tow, seeing the expression on the elder Jungkook knew he quite like the simple style. The aroma of coffee hitting their noses.

"Hey Hobi hyung!" Jungkook grinned at the orange-haired male who flashed them a bright smile.

"Hi Kook, welcome to Blue Moon!" he greeted before turning to the tall male who watched them curiously, upon seeing the cashier's gaze on him, the manager smiled his dimple smile. "Hi! I'm Hoseok. Jungkook's friend".

"Namjoon. His manager and friend", Namjoon shook hands with the elder who beamed again.

"Oh", Hoseok's eyes widen a bit as he turned to glance at the younger who winked at him and gave a cheeky smile.

"Hey hyung, let's take a seat and order. Talk to you later hyung, say hi to Tae", Jungkook winked again as he whisked away from a little confused Namjoon.

"Oh, I will", Hoseok winked back as he went into the kitchen, quickly finding the younger male. "Hey, they are here. Plan 'Namjin' is in action", Hoseok said to the black-haired male who nodded with a smile and walked off to Seokjin who was busy with a vanilla cake.

"Hyung, Jungkook hyung, and his friend ordered strawberry tart, a chocolate cake, and two vanilla shakes", Beomgyu informed Taehyung.

"Great", he muttered as he got to work and whispered to Beomgyu. "You know what to do right?" the young waiter nodded with a cheeky smile and vanished to the staff room.

"You know, the owner of the café is said to be very handsome, maybe you'll find your match soon", Jungkook winked. (Istg he didn't even wink to Tae these many times jkjkjk)

"Quit it, Kook, I don't want to rush things. And I'm certainly capable of finding my partner. You need to worry about Taehyung. Are you two official?" Namjoon asked, already been filled in about the Taekook drama by the ecstatic younger and a chatty pink-haired male.

"No, but maybe soon. I'm planning on a date before I get busy for the Gucci collaboration shoot", Jungkook shrugged, he has already been planning the whole date with the help of his sister and her crush. Yes, Y/N has officially recognized she has feelings for Hoseok and Jungkook is more than happy for her. As he said, Hoseok is a great catch.

"Here's your order sir", in came the person Jungkook was waiting for. "Oh, hey Kook", Seokjin smiled as he saw Jungkook, and then his gaze shifted to the tall male who was already gaping at him.

"Hi, Seokjin hyung. This is my manager, Namjoon hyung", Jungkook introduced. "And Namjoon hyung, this is Seokjin hyung, the café owner", the brat had a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Hello!" Seokjin greeted with a warm smile and a small blush because of the man's intense yet calm gaze.

"Hello, nice to meet you. A pretty good café you run, I'm sure the desserts are amazing too", Namjoon said with a calm smile but he could tell he was charmed by the person's beauty and the aura around him, calm and sweet.

"Thank you for the compliment, it means so much", Seokjin said gratefully.

"Hey hyung, I'm going to see Tae for a bit, can you give my friend company till then? Thanks", Jungkook didn't wait for an answer as he rushed through the kitchen doors, already updating Taehyung on what happened while Hoseok just sat at the counter and watched the two males interact.

"By the end of the conversation, I'm pretty sure Namjoon hyung will ask him out", Jungkook said confidently as he sat beside the older one on the bench behind the café. Eunji was at their neighbor's house on a playdate with their kids so it was only Taehyung.

"Hmm, that reminds me", Taehyung scooted closer to the blonde who blushed, getting reminded of last night's activities. "I still haven't asked you out properly", he mumbled against the younger's lips. Their faces close as their eyes droop, the sparks sweeping through their body as butterflies wake up in their stomachs.

"Well, there's no rush into it", Jungkook whispered but only God knows how much he craves the rush to finally call the elder his.

"Of f*cking course there should be. Jungkook, we literally wasted seven f*cking years. I'm afraid if I wait long then...", Taehyung trailed off, his eyes avoiding the younger's gaze which softened.

"Hey", Jungkook said as he took the elder's hands in his, pulling him closer as he nuzzled his face into the crook of the elder's neck. "Fast or slow, I'm okay with anything if it's you, Tae. I like you, and we both know how deep we are into these feelings we harbor for each other. We craved, we needed each other even after being apart for seven years Tae. Seven years and yet here we are, just like the high schoolers who crushed hard on each other. And it'll never change. No matter how long it might take".

By now Taehyung's eyes were glossed, but he smiled as he wrapped his arms around the younger, bringing him into a tight hug and pecking his lips which rewarded him with a bunny smile he adored.

"I know, but still. Jeon Jungkook, would you like to go on a date with me?" Taehyung asked as he leaned his forehead against the blonde who giggled.

"Yes Tae, I'd love to", Jungkook pulled the male to him, this time into a full-blown make-out session.

"Jimin", the name rolled sweetly over his tongue as he called the pink-haired angel.

"Y-Yes", Jimin shuttered as he entered the elder's office. This time with the elder present in it.

"Thanks for the coffee and desserts", the younger's eyes widen double the size as he shuttered incoherently.

"Wh-What?" he uttered shyly as the elder male made his way to the younger, still keeping a foot distance between them as he took the younger's hand in his.

"Thanks for caring, even after I've been a jerk to you", the elder chuckled humourlessly, his eyes displaying the pain he endured for the last six months after learning his mistake and for being pushed away by the younger.

"You were never a jerk Yoongi, okay maybe yeah you were", both chuckled, deep and throaty as tears started to form, just standing this close to each other, finally opening the box they sealed away for six months. It pained, reliving those hurt and dark moments but they were needed though. It showed them just how much they needed to appreciate each other, how much they craved each other.

"Yeah, I've been a jerk, an @sshole to hurt you because I can't control my jealousy", tears fell from his eyes as he brought the boy closer to him. One hand wrapping around his waist while another cupped the younger's tear-stained cheek. "I deserved this", a mere whisper.

"Well, I'm not exactly the victim here too. I was impatient with you, blamed you working more as carelessness, I accused you of things too", the pink-haired said, his hands fisting the elder's shirt, their gazes burning into their eyes.

"I know I've screwed up but, I could never stop loving you", a truth they both were aware of. "I beg you, please give me another chance", a desperate cry.

"You know I love you too right", Jimin gave a weak smile, a throaty chuckle leaving his lips.

"Does that mean yes?" Yoongi asked, giving his gummy smile.

"Yes, you doofus", they wouldn't jump in fast though, the pain still lingers but for now, they got each other now and that's what matters now.

"So, why did the girl on the pavement just flip you off?" Y/N asked the moment she stepped into Hoseok's house; a girl just walked past them to a house few houses away while her middle finger was pointed at Hoseok.

"Oh, she's my ex so, yeah", Hoseok shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal but Y/N paused in her steps.

"Your ex?" she asked, feeling some emotions sweeping in her heart, none of them were happy though.

"Yeah. Though we clicked but no, she's a money-seeking b*tch who keeps me away from my friends", Hoseok said with distaste as he flopped on the couch.

"Oh", she doesn't know why she's getting so riled up though, it's not like she's in the clear either. She has been on a lot of dates and has a lot of exes.

"Enough about her though, why don't we speak about you?" Hoseok smiled as he looked at the girl who's keeping his heart beating faster than the metro train. He knows the feeling all too well, but he hopes that this time it doesn't screw him up. He doesn't want to deal with dating and breaking up, he's tired of toxic relations and getting his heart broken again and again. Unlike his previous relationships, he has hope that maybe Y/N might last longer or doesn't break his heart when he opens up. It's just something about her that draws him in.

"Hoseok", the orange-haired male frowned when he heard the serious tone in his crush's voice. He turned to her, silently staring. "I have a lot of exes too, I know how it feels to have your heart broken again and again just because you crave the affection you need", his eyes widen as he stared at her, mouth agape. "But I'll tell you this, I won't promise to not hurt you because it's inevitable. But I promise I'll be there whenever you need someone. I understand you and we don't have to go through this alone", though they both might not be ready to label their relationship yet they got each other, they got a shoulder to rely on.

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