

"Where are we going?" Taehyung pouted, letting the younger drag him.

"Just because you asked me out first doesn't mean I can't be the one to take you out first", Jungkook grumbled as they entered his house.

"That doesn't exactly answer my question but oh well", Taehyung shrugged as he flopped on the couch, stretching before sinking into the soft material. "I'm happy you took time out of your busy schedule and planned this", he said as he stared at the movies the younger was flipping through.

"Tae, I would always make time for you", Jungkook said softly as he looked at the elder who wrapped his arms around him.

"I know", the black-haired male sighed against the soft skin of the younger's cheeks, his lips pecking them. "Now let's get this movie night started".

They ended up picking Fast and Furious series, both up for a long night. Eunji was currently staying with Hoseok and Y/N. Having their own slumber party.

But when you are alone at night with the person you are dating, things start to get a little steamy.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's petite waist and pulled him on his lap, burying his neck into the crook of the blonde's neck who leaned back against his chest. The little bunny was too into the story to pay attention to the thoughts running in the tiger's head.

The black-haired male rubbed his nose against the pale skin of the younger's neck before pressing his lips on it, tightening his grip on the waist as he sucked, not wanting the boy to pull away. Though pulling away was the farthest thought Jungkook had, he could help the jolt he felt as he bit his lips. The silence and little pants were enough encouragement for the elder to continue his magic. Sucking, nibbling, licking, Jungkook was becoming more vocal as the assault continued. His moans becoming more and more loud as he titled his head back to give the elder more access.

Taehyung's lips traced the whole skin from the younger's lips to his collarbones. His hands holding the waist firmly and occasionally squeezing. He himself couldn't help the small groans that left his lips whenever he felt the other's @ss squirming on his crotch. Sh*t, they were full-on hard by now.

"I know you don't need my help with your problem but the offer still stands", it's either he watches Jungkook give himself a hand-job or he gives the younger a blow-job.

"Help me, Tae", f*ck those sinful moans and the pretty red dazed face. And the night was spent in the bedroom. (I'll let it to your imagination but nothing exceeded rather than blow-jobs okay people?) 

"Hmm, from the small time we spent together. I got to say this was expected Namjoon", Seokjin hummed as he looked through the racks holding many books. A typical library date.

"I guess I give the nerd vibe", Namjoon said as he stared at the handsome man who was busy searching for a book in the romance novel section.

"It's not a bad thing though, I like it quiet and calm", Seokjin winked at the male before finally grabbing a book he got interested in.

"I can tell", Namjoon replied cheekily as they sat on the windowsill seat, leaning over the pillows at the wall while the elder huffed and sat opposite to him. And the reading began, Seokjin being too engrossed in the cliché novel while for the first time in forever Namjoon just put aside his book and focused on the man in front of him.

"You know, staring at me isn't exactly the purpose of coming to a library", the elder said, his eyes on the book as he licked his lips.

"Who said it wasn't?" Namjoon smiled his dimple smile as the elder finally looked up from his book with raised brows, but he didn't miss the blush coating the elder's cheeks.

"Shut up", Seokjin mumbled as the manager laughed heartily, he bit his lip from smiling as he stared at the dimpled man looking at him fondly. He doesn't know why but he has a great feeling about this.

"Good morning Chimmy", Yoongi pecked the younger's forehead as he entered the younger's office. Today was the shoot for the Gucci collab, Jungkook, Namjoon and a few others have already gone to the site.

"Morning Yoongi", Jimin smiled shyly as he leaned into the embrace of the elder.

"The board directors are taking care of the business matters for now, wanna head out for a bit? My treat", Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, oh can we go to the Blue Moon café? I promised Eunji to introduce you", Jimin said, recalling when he talked with the girl about getting his boyfriend back and all. The moment he mentioned the elder the little angel was eager to meet him.

"Eunji?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"She's Jungkook's boyfriend's niece", Jimin explained. "Now come on, let's go".

"Okay, okay", Yoongi smiled fondly as the pink-haired male excitedly led the way.

"Here we are!" Jimin exclaimed as he entered the Blue Moon café. "Good morning Hoseok hyung", he greeted the cashier.

"Good morning Jimin! Oh, is he the crush you always take the parcel for?" Hoseok blurted out when he saw Yoongi close behind the younger.

"Uh-Hm-Yeah, hyung this is Min Yoongi, my-uh-".

"His boyfriend and CEO of Min fashions", Yoongi extended his hand to the cashier who shook it with a wide smile. Jimin blushing like a tomato beside the elder who smirked.

"Wow man, I'm Jung Hoseok", Hoseok smiled brightly before ushering them over to the regular seats. "Beomgyu take the orders please". And soon the couple ordered.

"Cotton candy!" in came a little angel with the sweetest voice gifted by God.

"Eunji!" Jimin smiled widely as he hugged the girl and made her sit beside him. "You asked me who my boyfriend was yesterday right? Eunji this is Yoongi, my boyfriend and Yoongi, this is Eunji, the sweetest angel on earth".

"Hi!" Eunji gave him her gummy smile as Yoongi returned the same smile and a wave.

"So, you are the famous Eunji, Jimin was fond off. I'm must say, you are a real angel", Yoongi said as she smiled shyly. Cute.

"Here's your order sir", instead of Beomgyu it was someone else you got them their order.

"Thanks- Taehyung?" Jimin asked.

"Hey Jimin", Taehyung smiled at him and Eunji before turning to the guest, who stared at him with furrowed brows. He too frowned seeing the man before his eyes widen double the size. "Y-Yoongi hyung?"

"Taehyung", Yoongi muttered with wide eyes and mouth agape as he stared at his old friend.

"You two know each other?" Jimin asked, a frown etching his brows with confusion while the little girl just watched quietly.

"Yeah, he-uh, he is my ex-girlfriend's brother and an old friend", Yoongi said truthfully, he knew lying or beating around the bush wouldn't get them anywhere but hurt them more. Though Jimin was a little down he just nodded in understanding, he was grateful his boyfriend didn't lie.

"It's huh, it's nice to see you again hyung. After such a long time", Taehyung chuckled nervously. "I-uh, I should get going-".

"Wait", Yoongi frowned again as he looked at the youngest male and his niece from what Jimin told him. "Jimin said Eunji is your niece. Is she-?" Yoongi cut himself off but the black-haired man got the gist.

"Yes, uh, she's my sister's", Taehyung mumbled as he gulped.

"Oh, if you don't mind, I would love to meet her", there was a twinge of sadness but also happiness in his eyes. "I'd like to congratulate her".

"You can't Yoongi", Taehyung muttered quietly, Jimin sat frozen as he realized his boyfriend didn't knew what happened. Sh*t.

"Wh-What do you mean? I'm sure she isn't angry at me by now", Yoongi chuckled uneasily.

"She was never angry at you, it's just-".

"Eomma's dead", it was faint, but they all heard it. Three pairs of eyes warily turned to the little angel whose eyes were glossed.

"Oh sweetie", Jimin instantly hugged the little girl who said sobbing in his arms.

"Wh-What?" Yoongi whispered in shock. He looked from the wailing girl to the black-haired male who looked at the girl sadly. "Taehyung, tell me it's not true". But it was.

"Sh-She died during Eunji's delivery", Taehyung continued. "She was only an eighteen-year-old. It was either her or her child. You can see what she chose", Yoongi cupped his mouth with his hand as his eyes teared. Ex-girlfriend or not, she was his first love. His first kiss. His first date. His first girlfriend. His first time. His first heartbreak. Only because he had to leave Busan and come to Seoul for higher studies.

"When did this happen?" the words barely came out.

"a few months after you left", was the answer.

After a few moments of crying Yoongi finally calmed down and asked, he had a feeling he knew the answer but he needed confirmation. "Who's the father?" Taehyung expected that question. But he knew knowing the truth is better than feeding the lies.

"I have a hunch, but I need confirmation", he looked at the eldest male, dead in his eyes.

And soon here they were, the four of them at the hospital, overwhelmed to the core, anxious and jittery. Waiting for the doctor to break the news.

"Mr. Min?" the doctor called, the three males quickly huddling in front of him while the little girl just sat on a chair with ice cream.

"What were the results doctor?" the question they were eager to get the answer for.

"Mr. Min, we tested yours and its's positive. You are the biological father of Kim Eunji".

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