
chapter twenty six

"Namjoon and Jennifer you guys should dance too" "I get to choose the song" I went to the speaker and connected my phone, and played 'Troye Sivan- Angel baby' and Namjoon came on stage and we began to dance, the others tried to pair themselves and it was funny, Namjoon twirled me and I landed on Jimin, "Hey beautiful" "hi" we continued dancing, and he twirled me to the next person, V, and I giggled, "Aren't I manly enough" we turned around and he twirled me around to the other person, Jhope, "My queen?" "Your majesty?" we laughed, "You look awesome" we turned and he left me and I landed on another arm Ahn hyoseop, we laughed and continued dancing, then Jin, "Sister in law" "Oppa" he held my hand and turned it up, we turned around and he pushed me to the other person lee dong wook, "Engaged girl" "Single man" "Still as savage as ever" "Still as handsome as ever" we looked at ourselves and burst out laughing before I landed on Hwang inyeop, " Dancing with a beauty, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" we turned, "Likewise" I went on and landed on the next body, "Suga Oppa" "My beautiful princess" this time the dance stayed a little longer before I landed back on my fiancee body and I hugged him tight not wanting to let go. Next up was food, this was the tricky part and I got just the thing, I ate till I was satisfied and drank water, the guys were focusing on making Jin drunk which was hard, "He's a supernatural he won't get drunk" Jungkook said, "Then that leaves us with - wait what? that means you guys were cheating all this while?" I glared at them angrily and then Namjoon, "Please forgive us for now, right now Jin hyung is our priority, huh" Jimin begged, I folded my hands "Fine, but later we got unfinished business,just tell me the house is decorated" they nodded, "Fine fine now all we need is a Jin, give him this, go it always works" Jungkook took it and left, "What's that" Namjoon asked, "Sleep induced drug" we were all laughing and talking when Jin drank from the laced bottle, "Tonight is gonna be more fun" "Yeah"  we shouted, "Why are you guys looking at me like that" we didn't say and then immediately he fell asleep on jimin, "Yes, it worked" "All the power in the world can't get Jin but a woman did, I fear you little one" Lee Joon Gi said, "I'd take that as compliment of my skill" "What happened to uncle handsome" "Did he tell you to be calling him that?" he nodded, I got ready to carry Jin when Namjoon held my head, "What are you doing?" "We need to transport him back to the Jimin's house, that's the only way it will work" "You want to carry him, have you forgotten you're pregnant " "Ah, I'm pregnant " "We can do it" the others carried Jin out and I looked embarrassed, "That's what you get when you got too much strength" Hwang inyeop said, Namjoon held my hand, "I need to keep an eye on you always little lady, let's go" we got into the vehicle and drive off, "Wow this feels like an abduction mission I'm excited" Jhope said and laughed, "Me too" Jungkook was eating a snack from only God knows where. "When will he wake up?" everyone looked at me, "Tomorrow morning" we haven't cooked yet, "Don't worry about that, Jennifer gave me lists of many things I'm thinking delicacies, so don't worry" Suga said.

Jin's POV

               My head was cool and it wasn't like I had drank at all, " Wait, the last thing I remember, they were looking at me and then I blacked out" I tried thinking, "Heh there's no way I can be drunk I'm a supernatural, that bottle! it was spiked, sleeping drug! those bastards" I removed the blankets and it wasn't until my feets were on the floor and I got off the bed was when I realized where was I, "Isn't this Jimin's house? what are we doing here" I opened the door and went out sulking when I heared knock outs and blasts that scared me I had to fall, then "Surprise!!" all of them shouted, "Surprise?" I thought, when I saw the banner happy birthday was when I remembered, today was my birthday, December 4, I didn't know if I should cry or laugh, they started singing, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jin hyung, happy birthday to you" okay cry, "He's crying, "Of course, you guys drug me to surprise me and I forgot- I forgot my birthday" they hugged me, "In any case the drugging was all Jennifer's idea" V ratted her out, "And the surprise was all her idea too" Jimin said, "Betrayer I knew you guys would never keep it a secret" I hugged Jennifer, " Thank you Jennie so much" "Alright you're squishing me" I released her, "Thank you guys for being here" I looked at them, "Of course" lee Joon Gi said "Let's go and eat before everything gets cold" lee dong wook said and moved and I followed, "Woah this is much and woah the cake, the decorations" "Jennifer gave it to us in detailed everything is the way she want it" Suga said. "Thank you" "It's your birthday, it's special" "I hope you'd remember mine like that" Jhope said, "Of course, all of you Tae Oppa birthday is next and then yours, then Yoongi Oppa and my hubby and Jungkook, mine and Jimin again, I can't forget and I have presents too for everyone that day" "I'm eager to celebrate mine already " Jungkook said, "What's all this, like dumplings but way scarier" "We have been waiting to taste it, everyone began to eat, "Hmm, it's soft inside but really crispy outside, it's delicious" Jungkook said, I ate it and it was, "What's this" "It's akara, beans cake" "It's like KFC chicken"  we ate a lot of things she did and even played games, this was by far the best birthday ever, "Gift time!" it was afternoon already,  Hobi said and came first with a gift, "Open mine" "What is it" I asked as I tore the gift wrapping, "Wow, game set, thank you" I hugged him, "Now Jennifer get ready to have your ass kicked" "Man you're on" "Mine next" Jimin gave me a present, I opened it and brought out a red scarf, "Hey Jimin, you're really thoughtful, thank you, this is for cold weather" "I'm glad you like it, Yoongi dumped his present on me, "What's this" I opened it, "A pair of sneakers, wow, thanks" "Ahh, Hyung, you copied me"V complained, "Me?" Suga was all defensive and I opened Tae gift it was a pair of loafers, "Thanks I'll wear it to the next official gathering" Jungkook passed his, "JK? what did you get for Hyung" I opened it, "A collection of perfume , wow, it has a nice fragrance " I spray one, "This is from me" he dropped a box in front of me and I opened it, "A collection of watches?? wow as expected of leader, thank you" everyone gave me something including Callista, Callistus and little Min hyun who gave me a dagger, "Wow, as expected of the son of a vampire " "We raised him well no doubt" lee Joon Gi said, "Jin Oppa, I didn't buy anything for you like you did on my birthday, I figured everyone would all buy what I thought of and I didn't have Enough money to compete with that" "You could have used my money, it's yours too" Namjoon said, "No it's not, I didn't work for it and I'm not yet married to you for it to be mine, anyway what I was saying is, the best gift are always based on the effort and not the reward so I hope you accept this one gift I made for you myself " she gave me a mini pink box with beautiful designs that touched my heart, "You made it?" she nodded, I held it like something I wouldn't want to break, "This is the first time I recieved a hand made gift" everyone was eager to see what was inside. I opened the box and saw a beautiful pink beaded bracelet, but that wasn't just the only beautiful thing, it had my name beautiful designed in it, "Jinny mouse, my name?" "Yeah my nickname for you, you like it?" "I love it, please help me to wear it"  "You tie it just like this" I looked at it, so beautiful, "I'm never taking it off" I hugged it, "Ah I'm jealous, I never got anything like this". "I made for everyone, because we are a family " "But if you did, mine won't be special, it will be a common gift" "No yours are special, because of those love hearts I put beside your name" "Really?" I looked it really was there, " Jennifer gave different coloured box to everyone, "Jimin Mochi! I love it" "Yoongi cat! thank you Jennifer" "You're welcome" "I got Tae tiger!" "Sit here I'll put it on for you" "JK bunny" "Jhope squirrel!! I'm never taking it off too" "I got Joonie koala" RM said and kissed Jennifer, "This is comfortable " Hwang inyeop said, "I love it, thanks" lee dong wook said, "Awesome" Ahn hyoseop said, everyone loved their gift when the door burst open  and someone entered, all of us stood up, "You" I said, Jhope growled and released his fangs, "I didn't see who invited you here, you got some nerve infiltrating my house trying to poison one of my own" lee Joon Gi, "I see she's still alive, and as beautiful as the day I saw her even though she's pregnant" Namjoon hid Jennifer behind him and growled, "Eyes off my wife". The whole house became crowded with them, this was war.

Jennifer's POV

                 The house was getting destroyed as everyone was fighting, even I was no exception, the weather had changed and heavy downpour had began, "No" I ran to Namjoon and blocked the knife that almost stabbed him with my baby's forcefield before kicking the man away, that sharp pain returned to my stomach in full force and I shouted and held my stomach when Namjoon carried me away to the door and said, "Run, Jennifer leave, just leave this house as fast as you can, hide, I'll find you, hurry!" "No I do- I don't want to leave all of You!!" I cried, "You'll die, we'll survive don't worry, now go!! I'll find you, run!!" I began to run away under the heavy rain, my stomach contracted and the pain was too intense, when I looked down, both blood and water was leaking, "My water broke" the bright sky turned dark and the moon covered the sun immediately, when I fell down and screamed, I could feel my baby's head, "Arghhhh" I pushed, the pain was intense and I was sweating, "Arghhhh" I squeezed my dress hard and pushed with all my strength, when the baby came out crying, but it wasn't over although I was weak, "It's twins" I whispered, "I can do it, yes, Ahhhh" I pushed with all my strength, and pushed and pushed, with my last remaining strength and the second child came out, "I'm a mother" I whispered and closed my eyes blacking out but not before seeing the sun return.

Namjoon's POV


               When I finally put my hand through his heart and ripped it out, the Battle was over, my cloth was ripped Callista and Callistus were on the floor, min hyun had blood on his mouth, and the guys were breathing hard, "Hyung did you see the eclipse?" it dawned on me "Jennifer" I ran out of the house, looking for her, "Jennifer!!" I called her name, I followed her scent of blood and came upon a large pool of blood, Suga came behind me in fast pace, "Where is she? I can't find her" "Settle down don't panic, she's okay" he told me, I dabbed at the tears on my eyes, "She's in the hospital, the doctor called, let's go" "Hospital?? what happened" "Let's go, the guys are already ready, they'll meet us, let's leave here before we're recognized" we ran away from there and got into the car as it approached us, "What happened to her?" Jin asked, "I don't know we found a huge pool of blood" "She may have given birth" Callista said, "On her own?" "It's possible" Callistus Said, "Jimin step on it" Jungkook shouted and Jimin Increased the speed of the car.

"Hey slow down" the doctor stopped me, "where's my wife, what happened to her" "Where's Jennifer?" Jin asked, "Is she alright?" Callista asked, "You guys follow me first" he led us through a show glass, "Your kids" he told me and we all looked at two children and with tears in my eyes, I looked at the doctor, "That's right, she gave birth to twins, it was two" I looked at my children, they were playing around, "Hyung they look like me" Jimin said, "I'm pretty sure it's me, see their handsome faces" "It's a girl and a boy" "A girl and a boy?" lee Joon Gi said, "Wow Jennifer is sure is strong to carry two" Hwang inyeop said, "See their tiny feets, such a pretty smile" Ahn hyoseop and Lee dong wook were saying, "I'm going to teach them how to rap" Suga said, "And I'll teach them to dance" Hobi said, I just gaze upon the life Jennifer carried, "They are beautiful" "Hyung they look like me right" V said, "Yeah sure" "I'm pretty sure they resemble their dad and mom a lot, the boys breaths fire most time and the girl creates force fields, it's just magical in there, Jennifer told me to call them bangtan child" "Yes they are bangtan children" Jungkook said, "I'll Definetly teach them how to be strong" he said again, "I want to see Jennifer" Hobi said, "Wait first" the doctor stopped us again, "What are you not telling us" He sighed, "When I found her she was nearly unconscious and had given birth already, she told me it's bangtan children, she had lost a lot of blood, there was complications during delivery because it seemed like the delivery was late, so she has been in surgery for two hours and we didn't know if she would survive" "No" I held back the tears but they flowed freely, "Doctor please tell me she's okay at least" "She's okay, she's getting out of anesthesia, but she's very weak and tired, the surgery was successful" I wiped my tears and hugged Jin, "It's okay big man, she's okay"

Jennifer's POV

                 When I opened my eyes white light entered my eyes, my body ached and I felt the painful drip connected to my hand that I tried to remove it, "My babies" I whispered, I remember I gave birth to twins, it was surprising but painful, the place where I had surgery was painful, I laid down back because I was dizzy so I  closed my eyes again, I must be coming out of anesthesia, I forced to stand up, I must see my kids, the room was spinning but I managed to make it to the door before it opened and I saw Suga, Namjoon, Ahn hyoseop, lee Joon Gi, Jimin, Tae and the rest, "Jennifer!" they shouted "Why are you walking, you're weak!" Jimin shouted, I fell on Suga and he held me and then Namjoon carried me back to the bed, he was visibly mad and annoyed but nothing was stopping me from seeing my children, "You just got out of anesthesia, why are you walking around, you just had surgery damnit! you could have died" the tone of his voice scared me so much I had to recoil and hide myself away, "Don't shout at her Namjoon she's scared!" Callista came to my defense, "She's injured" "She can't help it, she needs her children!" "Where are they, are they alright" "You have twins" Jungkook said, "They take after me" Jimin said, and I laughed, "I'm sure" Namjoon then sat beside me and supported my head but I wasn't gonna talk to him until he apologize so I shifted and buried myself on Suga, he sighed, touching the tip of his nose and between his brows, "Jennifer I'm sorry" I didn't still move and Suga laughed, Ahn hyoseop and Hwang inyeop sat down to watch the drama, "I'm sorry I shouted and over reacted at you, it's just.. it's just that I was worried and scared, I'm really sorry" that was at least appreciatable, so I turned and rested on Namjoon back, "I forgive you" the door opened and the doctor came in, "Doctor I want to go home" "No!" almost everyone in the ward shouted, "Actually she can go home but she must be placed on bed rest for a few days with strict food regulations" "Doctor are you sure, I mean she can go home?" Jungkook asked, "Doctor I don't feel so strongly about it" Jhope tried to talk the doctor out" "Jhope Oppa!!" I screamed, "we just want to be sure" Suga told me, "That means you guys can't take care of me" "Of course we can" Tae said, "Then let's go home, I hate hospitals and I'll never recover as long as I'm here, doctor I want to see my children" "You can see them" he brought the wheel chair and Jimin took it, "Come-on Jennifer, let's go see our children and after that we'll go home okay" I moved when Suga lifted me up and dropped me on the wheel chair, "Let's go" he winked at me, Jimin pushed the chair out, and I saw my kids through the show glass, the nurse now brought them to my arm, Namjoon carried the boy while I took the girl, she was laughing when I made cute faces at her, "Oh my he's heavy" Namjoon said and laughed when he held his hair, "Hyung let me hold him" "Hold on, when we get home you'll carry him" I coaxed the girl to sleep, we went outside, and got into the car, I stood up and got into the car before I could fall, I was feeling pain from the surgery but I endured it but Namjoon could see it written clearly on my face, "Hold on okay when we get home you'll rest" he rubbed my hair and I smiled, "What should we name them" I looked at the girl she was already sleeping " "I haven't decided yet" the boy touched his face and smiled, "He looks exactly like you" "You think? everyone says the girl looks like you but has my skin colour and all" "She got that asian look" I said, "You know how to handle baby, she's already comfortable with you" "I'm nervous as fuck, this is my first time having my Very own kid, so it's different, it's nerve racking" "Well you're a natural, you always know what to do, and I'm sorry for the way I shouted at you in the hospital, the thought of losing you just scared me so much, I couldn't live without you in my life, I'm sorry" "Baby, it's alright okay, I love you" Jin carried the baby away from Namjoon "Jin Oppa I'm sorry your birthday got ruined and we never got to end it" "Are you kidding it's the best birthday ever" "Are you for real? you love killings on your birthday, that's a new hobby" lee dong wook said as he carried the sleeping girl from my arm, "No, Jennifer gave me the best present ever" "The bracelet?" Callistus asked, "No, the babies, they are mine, she gave birth to them on my birthday, so they share the same birthdays with their world wide handsome uncle, so they are also my world wide handsome children" all of us laughed, "You're sick" Callista said, "Call it what you want, but they are mine now, cuchi cuchi coo" he made funny faces at him. The car arrived at Namjoon's house this time, and we got down, Namjoon put me in the wheelchair but I Insisted, "It hurts my ass" so he carried me, "My children" "Don't worry we'll take care of them ourselves okay" Jimin said, "Yeah just focus on getting better" Jhope said, Namjoon carried me back to my room, and dropped me on the bed, the surgery pain became intense and I had to bite my lip, "Let me get you some medicine " he went into the bathroom and brought a few tablet and I squeezed my face, "Say ahh" I drank water and took the tablet, when I returned it back, I rested my head while he took the glass away, the pain subsided but I noticed I couldn't keep my eyes open, "You gave me sleeping drugs!" I accused him, "You think a lot sweetheart I want you to really rest, you think I haven't noticed when we sleep together that you don't sleep even though your eyes are closed?" "Good of you to notice, you still could have told me rather than drugging me" "You wouldn't have taken it" he kissed my forehead, "don't worry sweetie, relax I'll be here when you wake" my eyes finally closed and I had a dream we all went to the amusement park and had fun with the kids, when my eyes finally opened, the room was dark but I could still make out Namjoon silhouette on the chair with his eyes closed, "Are you awake?" I whispered, "You're finally up, did you sleep well" he opened his eyes to look at me, "I feel relaxed for once thank you" the door opened and Jhope and Jungkook came inside with a tray of food, "Sleeping beauty come and eat your food" "you want me to eat on bed that's a new development I don't like I could just come down " "No don't stress yourself" Jhope dropped the food for me as I raised up, "It's especially for energy and blood replenishing " Jungkook said, Jhope

brought out the chopsticks and spoon, and I opened my mouth and ate as he fed me, "Hmm delicious " the door opened and Tae came in with Suga and a crying baby, "She's been crying since I don't know" "And him too" Jin came in, "They are hungry, bring him here" I carried him and Namjoon carried the girl and managed to calm her down, "Guys look away for a moment " "Why?" Suga asked but they turned around anyway except Namjoon so I breast fed the boy and used a towel to cover us both before they turned around, "Ahh, so this is how to shut him up" V came closer and I hit his head, "They are hungry that's why" "You're breastfeeding?!" Jimin looked shocked, "They are mine, why wouldn't I?" I continued eating my food until I noticed he wasn't sucking anymore and was asleep, "Jungkook carry him, he's asleep" "Wow, the power of milk" V said, "Daddy bring her here" he juggled her and dropped her into my arm, "Woah, they are growing big and fast" "Of course, they aren't ordinary children" Jimin said, I breastfed the girl, "Does the milk ever finish" JK asked, "Uh..  I don't know" I thought about it, "Do us big people take it too?" Jimin was curious, "No they do not and enough with the question" Namjoon said this time, "So we already gave them a name " Jin said, "really?" "Yeah you should hear them" Suga was excited, "the boy is Kim Min Kyu, Suga thought of this one, Kim for his father" "I love it" "It's good" Namjoon said, "And the girl take after me, Kim Ga young" "Min Kyu and Ga young, they will love to know it's their uncles that thought of this" I continued my food until it was finished then I set my cloth back and removed the towel, Ga young was already asleep, Jin carried her away from my body and went to drop her in her crib with Min Kyu where he were asleep, Jimin took away the tray and Namjoon made sure that I laid down back, "Lying down is so boring" "Let's continue composing the song" Namjoon gave me the papers and I smiled, "It's already done, all that's left is to sing it" "Really?? I'm not done yet though, the rap line is taking some time" "It's okay, I can wait" "You guys wrote music?" Yoongi was surprised, "Yeah, just for us" "hmm interesting" "can I have a dance number with you?" Jhope asked, "Yeah sure why not, we just need to practice but I'm a very clumsy dancer" "liar lair, don't let her decieve you, you need to see her dancing, she's great" Namjoon said and I tried to hit him but he dodged, "me too, can I ?" Jimin begged, "why not?" "Only once she's recovered"


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