
chapter twenty seven

So far I recovered steadily and Jhope, Jimin and even V and Jungkook watched some dance rehearsal videos, the first time I stood up to come downstairs, I saw them playing with the kids, they were on the floor coaxing them to stand and walk, they were really big and growing real fast, Ga young was already a big girl the moment she saw me she smiled and tried to get up and succeed and all of them shouted and Jin carried her kissing her, Min Kyu was also a big boy already, when he saw me he also got up and walked "guys, it's the middle of winter, put some clothes on them, Jin took Ga young, "I'm dressing her in my own style, he passed me and I kissed her, and he went upstairs, Namjoon took min Kyu and I followed him, while standing outside the balcony he dressed him and came to meet me as they were laughing and Min Kyu was obviously hyper "Being a daddy fits you" I took out my phone and captured the moment, "Yeah makes me wonder all the things I would have missed out on if we had-" he didn't complete it but I knew what he wanted to say, "I'm just glad we didn't, this is such a sweet boy and girl, your blood" "Our blood"  I carried him as he opened his arms easily for me, "he's heavy let me carry him" "You Guys have been with them since I also want to spend time with my children, let's go downstairs " as we went down we heared the laugh and  only for me to see my daughter dressed in the same manner as Jin Oppa, "Nice PJs" "The weather is chilly, nothing must happen to her", I loved the outfit she looked cute, Namjoon just shook his head and smiled then he carried her, "Ga Young come to daddy" she smiled and opened her arms, Suga yawned, "Aren't you sleeping well" "I am just not enough, new babies keep you up with their cries" "I'm sorry Suga Oppa" after some time Jhope Carried Ga Young and was playing with her, "Let me show you what they were doing, Tae brought out his phone, "Yoongi and your son doing matching outfits too" he showed me the picture, it look really cute, "Aww the picture is cute" "It's not bad, I love Min Kyu so much and Ga young too" Suga said, "Do you have More?" "No, but I have one of Jimin and Ga young, here" "Aww, they are two even" "No the second one is him and Min Kyu, look" "This is the second one when they were asleep" he showed me the picture. "Send me the both of them" Jungkook brought me my meal and medicine, "If I continue eating I'll just get fat" "But if you don't eat and take your medicine you won't get better" Jimin said, Jungkook dropped the food and I began to eat, I didn't finish it though and I took my drug, "I think I'm all better now, no more bed rest and bitter drugs" "The doctor has to check first" Namjoon placed a call immediately, and I pouted, "If I say I'm okay I'm fine" A while later V nudged me, "Yes V Oppa are you hungry?" he shook his head, "Look at Jhope" Suga said, he was asleep sitting down holding Ga Young to himself and resting on her while she held him, I took a picture, "Okay the doctor is on his way" Namjoon came and I pointed at Hobi, Namjoon smiled then proceeded to wake him up telling him to go upstairs and carrying Ga young, Jhope went up to sleep and Jimin carried her with Jungkook, she was even feeling sleepy and it was only a matter of time before she slept off. Jungkook went to put her in her crib, but Min Kyu was still all hyper, and I tickled him when the door bell rang and Namjoon answered, I heared Ga young crying and I patted Suga and Jin, "She's awake, please help me" Jin and Jungkook ran upstairs to bring her down, the doctor came in, "Glad to see you're alive" Min Kyu created a force field surrounding the both of us for protection, "Ah, he sees you as a threat but acknowledge us as a family, I love this boy" Jimin said, "Min Kyu this is a doctor okay" I told him, "He cane to check on mommy so mommy won't be sick, you don't want mommy to be sick do you?" he removed the force field, and the doctor sighed, "This child is dangerous" "Only to you" Jin said

Suga's POV

                   She brought out her hand and the doctor checked her blood pressure and pulse, "How's she, she should continue to be in bed rest right?" I asked, "Bed rest my foot, I have been lying down for the past two weeks anymore and I'll turn to skeleton, I want to go out!" "we could go out right now" Jin said, "Really? let's go" "Hold on, doctor how is she?" Namjoon asked, "She's okay now, she could move around and the scar from the surgery is almost healed, in other words, she's almost normal"  "Thank God!" she rejoiced, "Let's go to the arcade" I stood up, "Ready to get your ass busted in games" Jennifer carried Min Kyu and stood up about to rush up to change, "You wish, it's a bet, loser gets to play under the rain" "You're on" we rushed upstairs to change, Namjoon shouting we should be careful, Jin gave Ga young to Namjoon and he ran upstairs after Jennifer too, I opened my dresser, taking out street wear, a pair of black track suit and white bogus shirt with black sneakers and a face cap with my wallet, then I came out, and waited for them downstairs, the doctor had left already and JK was just waiting for us, he was already dressed before along with Jimin, after a while, Jennifer came down carrying Ga young, she wore black sweatpants too with a tank top and loose fitting cardigan, and Ga young was dressed to the pitch to not catch a cold, Namjoon wore grey sweatpants and loose fitting top, he was carrying Min Kyu and told Jin to get the twin baby stroller loaded on top of the car, "The bet's still on" "Of course" we rushed to the car, she sat in the front, Namjoon was driving and she gave Ga young and Min Kyu to Jimin and V, Jhope boarded the car and continued sleeping, and we drove to the arcade.


"And it's a hit" the automated voice from the machine announced the winner, and Jennifer whooped, "It's just a first trial I definitely let you win, let's go again" Jin shouted, and Jennifer stuck her toungue at him, then she checked the baby, giving each of them baby suckers, and checking them out, "Our turn" I said, "Sweetie please watch them for me" Namjoon took over rewatching the kids, "Ready set go!" we began to hit the game, no one could play this game better than me, jennifer won a few but in the end I won leading by three, "Hahahaha, I win!" I ran around, it was intense but I won, "Aish, just a few more and I would have won" she scratched her head, "Don't forget the deal, ah I should have asked for more" I rubbed it on her face, "Hey be satisfied or I'll kill you" "Hey, did you hear Min Kyu, Ga young, your mom said she'll kill your favourite uncle" "Hey what are you talking about, I'm clearly the favourite" Jin came forward, "I gave her the name" I fought back, "I also named him" "It's enough, I'm the best" Namjoon said, "Don't mind them, daddy's the best" they moved, obviously rejoicing, "Come Jennifer my turn, let's go for dance" Jhope dragged her to the dance machine, "Should I pick a song?" "Yeah go ahead" she said, he picked a song and they started dancing, but Jennifer wasn't really vibing and in the end Hoseok's score was higher, he beat her far because he could dance and his dance attracted some people, "That's cheating I could obviously beat you if it was a music I knew" "Alright let's dance together, a music you know" Jimin stepped forward, "Oya" her Nigerian slang, I smiled, when she chose a song and when it started all of us shouted, "Shape of you" "That was the only reasonable thing I could see here" she twisted and danced the hip hop so well with Jimin, he was going according to her flow, they practiced this a lot at home, in the end their score was higher than Jhope and some people clapped, Jennifer jumped up and down and went to her kids, "Mommy won" she pushed the stroller, when someone stopped her, "Are they yours?? they are adorable" "Thank you" Ga Young and Min Kyu was attracting lots of attention, "Well what did you expect when the father is a celebrity and the mother is a hot piece of cake" JK whispered, JK saw a punch machine and punched it and the score went high, "Woah" Namjoon punched his and his went higher too, "As expected of my sweet heart, you guys are all strong" "Of course that's only half of our strength, we could blow it up if we wanted " Jimin said and hit it, "I'm trying" Namjoon held her back, "You'll hurt your fingers " I laughed, "No way" she stood erect and punched it and it went even higher, I opened my mouth, "Remind me never to offend you please " I told her, Min Kyu started crying and Jennifer began to push him around, Jin bought some balloons and tied one to his stroller and the other to the stroller Namjoon was pushing, "Oppa!" she looked at me with doe eyes and I laughed, then bought cotton candy and gave her and everyone.

After a while day of fun, we were in the car going home when the rain started, "Ah ha perfect weather for my dare" "Of all days" Jennifer sunk further into her seat, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to" Namjoon told her, "Uhm.. yes she does, it's our dare stop butting in, go prepare for the music interview " "Shouldn't I be telling you that too??" "You guys have some stage interview?" "Well first we have a concert and then after we have fan meeting and interview again, actually tonight we are suppose to be live on weverse " "oh okay, no problem, tell me when you guys are going, we'd like to cheer you on as family" I looked at Ga young on her arms and Min Kyu with Jhope, "family" I said to myself, "If only I could go on stage with them it would also be fun" JK said, "On stage with my kids?" Namjoon looked at JK, "It's not bad, after all they are the next rap monsters" "Ha, next rap monsters? JK you're so delusional " "I give it maybe 5 years or less, and they'll pick music" Jennifer said, "Why did you say that?" V asked, "Because they got mine and their father's gene, and of course amazing uncles, you get influenced by the type of environment you are in" I nodded, and then the car reached home, getting down all of us raced into the house shouting and smiling, Jennifer passed Ga young to Namjoon and went back into the rain, "Ah!!" she was running around, "Hey get out of the rain!" Namjoon shouted, "Why I love it!" she kicked water and ran around, "Hey Yoongi Oppa, I'm doing your dare so don't forget I did it!" her happiness and enthusiasm was effective and transmittable, so Jimin joined her and so did JK and V, Jennifer's cloth stuck fast to get body revealing her perfect rounded chest which had really increased in size after she gave birth, it made me flush, "Hey, come out now it's enough!" I shouted, "Why, it's nice" "Yes Hyung, It's a nice feeling" "The dare is off, you're asthmatic remember? don't stay too long in the cold" with that she came back out of the rain, her hair all over her face as she dried her cloth on the front porch, Namjoon turned to me, "Hold Ga young for a minute, I need to teach someone a lesson" I carried the sleeping girl and Namjoon lifted Jennifer   on his shoulder, "Hey wait put me down" he carried her up to their room, so I turned to the others, "Go hurry and change out of your wet clothes" the maknae line ran upstairs happy and I sat down on the couch with the sleeping girl and rested my head to sleep too when she stirred and woke up and looked at me, "You're awake huh?" she smiled, "Well uncle is exhausted after your mommy made me him tired so this uncle wants to sleep, would you try to be quiet so that I can rest too?" "Do you think she's hearing you? you're not Jennifer" Jhope said, but then Ga young touched my chest and nodded then closed her eyes back, making me surprised, "Woah, she really heared you?" "I guess so" I closed my eyes back to sleep, when I heated footsteps down the stairs, "Whose hungry?" my stomach growled but I closed my eyes and continued to sleep when I felt Ga young moved, she was raising her hand to touch my stomach and looked at Jin hyung, "What?! is she understanding this right now??" V said and came closer, "Ga young sweetheart, are you hungry?" Jin asked and she actually nodded her head I had to think twice, Jennifer and Namjoon came downstairs, "Ga young are you hungry " she came down from my body and started to walk towards her, then she carried her "Sweetheart rameyeon meokkgo galle?" we all looked at her, "Ah, sorry so sorry I didn't realize, I forgot, sorry, do you want to eat rameyeon? I mean rameyeon rameyeon" RM was speechless, and so was everybody, "Yeah, let's make rameyeon, I'm actually craving it" he went to the kitchen, "Me too" JK jumped up, RM brought out some cup noodles, then put water on fire, waiting for it to boil when I heared singing, Jennifer was rocking Ga young on her chair and playing with her, "Hey isn't that epiphany?" I said, "It really is, hey come out let me sing it to her, I'm the expert" Jin pushed her away, "If you say so mister" Jin loved Ga young a lot and he started singing for her, Jhope also came and dropped an already awake Min Kyu for him, then V and JK joined him, while Jennifer went upstairs first, I closed my eyes and folded my hands to continue sleeping when I felt something warm on my body, I opened my eyes and saw Jennifer with a blanket, "You hate the cold weather a lot, so cover up okay" "Thank you" she covered me up completely and went to join RM in the kitchen, I watched them talking and laughing, and then Jennifer gave him a back hug to prevent the spice from pouring all over his cloth, "Hey just leave it, I'll wash it later" RM told her, "No it's a waste, we have to preserve what we have" "That's why you never wear those top expensive clothe I bought you? and only wear street wear, come on it's not like your husband is poor, I got a billion dollar card and I wanna spend on you, so later we'll go shopping " "no, I love what I wear, it's classy" she said, "It's not like we are poor, I even got a black card, anyway I'm spending it all on my children" Jin said, "Who are your kids?" RM and Jennifer said at once, "Couple fight " Jimin said and V clapped slowly, "Your rameyeon is getting cold" "I say you get to use my money" Namjoon argued, "And I say no, it's a waste when my clothes fit me" "But they are all sexy and so cool and I don't want people seeing you" "Are they still arguing about money" I whispered to Jhope, "I don't care I'm enjoying the fight" he munched on a snack, "But I like my cloth the way it is, not my fault it fits me so bad!" she raised her hands up, I grabbed the snack from Jhope and began to eat too, RM held her both hands and pinned her to the wall, glaring down at her as she stared at him, "Strip!" I coughed out the snack I was eating and started choking when I heared that, Jhope rubbed my back and laughed, "I think we should expect more Children" he said, "Hyung, we are here!" Jimin said, "I want you to change" RM told her oblivious to us, Jin was staring with his mouth wide open, when Jennifer turned RM around and this time he was the one on the wall while she hit her hand on the wall, making us to cringe and shout, Jungkook fainted, and I smiled, "But sweetheart you know, I don't like it, I'm most comfortable with what I wear, hmm? you won't be able to enjoy this body if you don't let me wear what I want" I opened my eyes, "But" "Shh.." she put her hand on his mouth, "Please baby,  hmm, I'll be a good girl" she put her hand together and Jimin cringed,covering his face, Jhope was screaming and Jin and V had their mouths wide open, "Hey be quiet back there!" RM shouted and we kept quiet, "Woah, I didn't know jennifer could be so.. wow manly?" Jin said, "The perfect trap for leader Hyung" "I heared you!" he Shouted, "shh let's see if he'll fall" "alright you can continue wearing them, I absolutely don't mind" "Ooohh" we shouted, Jennifer happily skipped back to her ramen, "It's ready now come and eat" RM glared at us before joining her on the table and we also went, Jin carried Min Kyu and V took Ga young we all had rameyeon.


I laid down and watched as they all gymed down their body, we were discussing and laughing when RM came in, taking off his shirt he began to work out too, "Hey guys tomorrow uh.. I'll be going to the company tomorrow, just me so I'd like you to stay here and watch Jennifer and the kids" "I'll watch them for you, it's not a big deal" Jungkook said, "I'll join you" "Me too" V and Jimin said, "Hey what's this? oh my God, are those scratch mark?" Jin looked at Namjoon's back, "back off, I'm working out" "woah, hickeys, did Jennifer -" "Hey!" he blushed and all of us laughed, I raised up surprised and laughing, "I wonder who's the dominant one between you guys, what do you do every night" "Hey it's obviously me! just that most times, she uh.. well she, why am I even talking about this things!?" he continued working out while we laughed, "Talking about what?"Jennifer hopped in with a Bluetooth speaker smiling, "Nothing" RM said, she sat down on the floor folding her legs, "Min Kyu and Ga young, where are they?" Jin asked, "I put them to sleep" "Did you come to exercise?" JK asked, "Already did, I'm just here to watch a couple of hot men and play some music, maybe run the machine" she pointed at the thread mill machine, "You guys should continue don't mind me" she said and connected the Bluetooth to her phone, the first song that came up was 'seven by Jungkook' "Hey" JK blushed, "Oh don't mind me" she was waving her hand in the sky and was just moving around, we decided to not mind her, so I stood up and went to work out.

Jennifer's POV

             I was just moving my hand around but when it reach the explicit side of the song, I sang, "You wrap around me and you give me life, that's why night after night, I'll be fucking you right,Monday, Tuesday wed... "  all of them turned to looked at me and I immediately shut up, fighting the urge to laugh, when they continued I was bored. I certainly couldn't keep still when music was playing, it was the world most boring thing for me, so I stood up and went to the thread mill carrying my phone, when I changed the song to 'indila- Ainsi bas la vida' and started the thread mill from slow motion, "Hmm more better, but then I wasn't able to keep still anymore when I started using it to catwalk and dance and this was more fun, "hmm more fun" I shouted in my head, it was going on for a while when I noticed that all the noises from the guys had stopped, so I turned around abruptly to see them looking at me instead and I slipped, "Ahh" I over ran and fell out, they all rushed to me, "Did you wound?" RM asked me, and I scowled, "Isn't it all your fault??" "How is it our fault, we didn't touch you" Jimin laughed, "No one asked you guys to be staring instead of doing your own thing!" I stood up, "Hey what did you expect, you turn a thread mill into a fashion runway" Jin said and hit Jungkook and they both laughed, everyone laughed at me, "Ha ha keep laughing losers " I went to sit down as Suga off the machine, "Yeah I think you should before you turn another thing into maybe a cooking show?" V said and laughed with Suga, I just rolled my eyes, and they went back to what they were doing, when I changed the song, to 'Louder than bombs by BTS' then I took some wrestling pad and wore them went to a punching bag, "You're going to fight?" Jungkook asked "Can't  I? I just wanna try" "Be careful so you don't hurt your wrist" Jhope said, "yes mommy" I punched it once and then twice, smiling, I was enjoying the way the thing was bouncing back and forth, Namjoon smiled at the way I was playing with it, and just continue on, I went on for a while when the memory of that night the werewolves and siren attacked me and Callista and my brain started imagining all sorts of scenarios, "What if she had died? what if they had their way with me, what if they come for everyone and succeed?" the thinking caused me to imagine the punching bag as them, and I started hitting it harder, imagining their dead bodies including Lee min hyun, Min Kyu, Ga young, Suga, RM, everyone, tears started falling as I hit it more intensely and it broke off the string, tearing at the same time and falling to the floor when Jin dragged me and gave me a tight hug, "It's okay, it's alright, it's not real" I started crying on his chest, "What happened" Jimin asked looking sad, "She had a panic attack or something like that, the fear is still in her eyes" RM said, Suga gave me a hug too, "It's alright, it wasn't real, it won't happen" I nodded my head and buried it onto his chest, "Wow, the bag even broke into two" Jhope said, "New record achieved" Jungkook said, "Let's go" I said and left them to go back to my room taking my phone and switching off the music, once I entered the room, I laid down on the bed covering myself with the sheets, my door opened seconds later and I knew it was RM, he came to the bed easing under the sheets and cuddling me, "Baby it's okay" I turned around and buried my head in his chest, and he kissed my forehead, "I remembered -" "You don't have to talk about it" "Thank you" "You give warm hugs I really love it, pity you aren't always like this on camera, I'd have had a feast" "You want me to be like this always on camera, no problem" "No! don't!" "Why?" "I want it only for me, before other girls will fall for my man" he chuckled, "I'm your man?" "Well.. yeah, were you my woman? do you want to be the woman and I the man?" "Woah, that's a disgrace to my reputation " I hit his chest, "Please, just one day, promise you will love it" "You aren't gonna give me more love bites hmm?" "Maybe... not" he hit my head, "can I ask you something?" he nodded, "Can you ever tell the world about us?" "Of course, it's not a big deal, I have been thinking about it, you and our kids, I want to tell them that I have seen the woman of my dreams " I smirked, "I'm the woman of your dreams?" ",Well not my dreams per say but you're best, I didn't even believe we could reach this extent, I wanna tell the whole world about us" "Well what about your career and the guys-" "Isn't more important than family, eventually we'll all need to settle down someday, I know what you're worried about " "What?" "Your skin colour, but trust me, that's what makes you more unique and more beautiful, and it attracts me the most, beside you have your own fan group of Korean already so why worried" I shook my head, "Your confidence right now gives me confidence" "That's my girl" he held me closer and I closed my eyes just wanting to rest in his arms, a few seconds later, I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Sorry, it wasn't intentional" he smirked, "Wasn't intentional? you call that not intentional, it practically alive" I pointed at his little brother, "Hey it's not my fault, man's got a mind of his own" "hmm, definitely something you were thinking about, what are you thinking about?" I folded my arms and raised a brow.

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