
Let the Party Begin!

The PTV slowed to a stop. Noble was very relieved. The last turn into the manor's driveway had caused her to bump her hand against the seat to prevent more serious contact.

Her fingers stung until Fort, noticing the problem, picked them up and kissed the tips. While that did not change anything physically, the warmth soothed her aching soul. 

Their vehicle joined a long line of cars biding their time until it was their turn at the red carpet. The pause gave Noble time to take in the scene.

It was even more grand than she had expected. 'It looks like a palace!' 

The closest Noble could come to describing it was comparing it to the embassy she had visited before they left North America, but even that did not do Clan Valor justice. The large estate had many buildings, sprawling out over a massive area. 

'To think this is just one of the family homes!'

The professor had spent time around very wealthy people on many occasions throughout her life. This place was as impressive as any she had ever seen! It was truly a city within the city. 

At last, they reached the front of the line. A valet gallantly opened the PTV's door. 

"My lady," the valet held out his hand. 

"Thank you," Noble accepted his assistance though she did not need it. The antiquated practice gave the whole party a dignified air. 

'Just like a fairy tale!' Noble smiled warmly at her husband as he offered his arm.

Tucking her hand neatly into the crook of his elbow, the pair waited for the rest of the group before striding confidently forward.

The honor guard lining the red velvet carpet enhanced the feeling of fantasy, but it also reminded Noble to be cautious. She was here as a representative of the government and would need to behave as such.

Drawing attention to herself, whether for positive or negative reasons, was ill-advised. While she was sure to have a delightful time with her husband, Noble's aim for interactions with the other guests at the party was to remain polite and forgettable.

 'Which shouldn't be hard considering who all is here.'

Aside from her husband, Noble could count the number of mundane human guests on one hand. Two of them were government diplomats with her.

All of the others preparing to enter the party were Awakened or Masters. Inside, Noble had no doubt that there would even be Saints among the guests.

Who would give a second thought to a nobody like her?

Only the man walking next to her.

And that was the way she preferred it.

In all their stately dignity, the government officials passed under one of the vermillion banners containing an anvil pierced by a sword. It was time to be announced.

"Master Director Kenz, Miss Alice, Deputy Director Fort, Awakened Noble, Awakened Ty, Awakened Shelbi…"

Noble looked around the room as the rest of her contingency was introduced.

The party was already full of people. Powerful people.

Descending the stairs into the ballroom, Noble held up the hem of her gown to get a better look at each step. She was relieved when she reached the wide dance floor.

"Look over there!" Fort drew his wife's attention to a crowd of people.

 They were less than subtly hovering like bees awaiting their turn with a flower.

At first Noble thought the guests were trying to catch the attention of their most gracious host, but when the mass of humanity parted, she could see their real aim.

Five people were at the center of all the commotion. Among them, an enigmatic woman with silver hair, a blonde with blue, sightless eyes, and a statuesque beauty were all politely interacting with those around them.

The ladies were accompanied by two men that Noble recognized.

"Ascended Sunless and Ascended Kai?" She turned a curious glance at her husband.

Fort nodded slowly. "The ladies are Lady Changing Star of the Immortal Flame, Ascended Song of the Fallen, and Ascended Raised by Wolves."

The professor remembered that she should call the former singer by his True Name in this setting. "I did not realize they were friends of Clan Valor."

"Five of the youngest and most promising Masters of our time? Everyone wants to be their friend right now." Fort chuckled softly. "Shall we try and say hello?"

"And join all those sycophants? I don't know about you, but I did not come here to gawk." Noble clicked her tongue.

"Oh? And why did you come?" The corners of the man's mouth tipped upwards.

Before Noble could answer, a hush fell over the crowd.

The couple turned their gaze to find a dignified man with steely blue eyes wearing a suit of pristine black fabric. The grey at his temples spoke of wisdom, but his presence was suffocating.

Noble caught her breath. It felt like the air was being forced out of the room. Fort groaned slightly and put his hand to his chest. If her Awakened body was feeling it, how much worse must it be for him!

Noble's mind raced to find a way to alleviate her husband's distress.

Thankfully, the Transcendent smiled, dispelling the pressure that threatened to squash them.

This was none other than Saint Madoc of Valor—the famous Whispering Blade.

The nominal leader of Clan Valor cleared his throat gently. "Ladies and gentlemen…"

As the daughter of a former Director, Noble knew a good speech when she heard it. Whispering Blade started by reminding all of them of those who had died. The moment of silence was powerful.

Even Noble, who had no attachment to almost anyone in the room, felt the weight of the loss.

Then Saint Madoc launched into rousing oration on the bright future of humanity.

The contrast was brilliant, lifting those in the room with each powerful word.

Then he let the room in on a secret: his wife had written his speech!

"Saint Madoc and I have something in common, it seems," Fort whispered into Noble's ear.

The woman furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

"We both have ladies in our life that make us look good," Fort answered, allowing his hand to brush up against hers.

'He really is laying on the charm thick!' Noble didn't mind.

He was her Prince Charming. And even after all these years, his touch still made her heart beat faster.

Whispering Blade ended his speech by taking a refined woman by the hand and leading her to the center of the floor. When the music began, Madoc whisked his wife around in an elegant circle.

The melody was pleasant and inviting. Soon other couples joined the first on the dance floor.

Before she could say how lovely everything looked, the hand that was brushing up against hers was pulled away. Noble looked, only to find it was palm up, inviting her to take it.

"May I have the honor of this dance," Fort asked with a winsome smile.

With a blush, Noble accepted the handsome man's hand. "Nothing would make me happier."

Fort wrapped his arm around his wife as they began to move in time with the tune. The world around them faded as the couple was caught up in the magic of the moment. 

Everything was perfect...

...if only for a moment. 

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