

Noble looked deep into her husband's eyes as he spun her out and then back to himself. 

"I don't remember you being such a graceful dancer," she said when he seamlessly moved into the next step. 

"I am full of surprises." Fort winked. "I have been practicing so I don't make a fool of myself. I am glad to see it meets your approval!" 

The Deputy Director dipped his partner slightly as the music ended. 

"We should go dancing more often," Noble felt suddenly out of breath by his nearness. How could the man have such a hold on her even after all these years?

"Yes, we should. I love holding you close." Fort opened his mouth to say something else equally romantic when his attention was pulled away by a disturbance behind his enchanting dance partner. 

Noble turned around and frowned. 

Two of the men who had come with them, Master Kenz and Awakened Ty, were in a heated discussion. 

"Do you need to..." 

"Yes, I should go intervene. I'm sorry," Fort answered before Noble had finished her question. 

The pair snaked their way across the room to where the two men were arguing. 

"We need to do it now. He has refused to meet with us at any other time," Awakened Ty was trying to make his case. His brown eyes were filled with emotion. 

Director Kenz looked across the room and shook his head. "Now is not the time or place for that. We are here to foster goodwill, not to cause problems." 

"What seems to be the issue?" Fort hoped the Director would not fault him for joining. 

"Awakened Ty would like to approach Whispering Blade about our little problem in the south," Kenz whispered cryptically, sending Noble a wary glance from beneath his dense eyebrows. 

"My wife is aware of what is to come," Fort pressed his lips together. "She was on the team that helped discover the location."

'They are talking about Antarctica!' Noble had guessed that was the topic from the older man's mention of the south, and Fort confirmed it. 

"Why do you want to talk to the Saint about…that?" The professor did not realize Clan Valor had been informed of the coming doom.

"We have requested assistance from the great clans for the campaign. Valor has not been receptive to talks." Fort explained quickly. He turned to the two men. "But I agree with Director Kenz that now is not the time. We are guests here."

"Neither of you are my superior," Awakened Ty reminded them. "I don't need your permission to approach Whispering Blade or any of the other clan members."

"Perhaps we should find a less public place to discuss this," Fort suggested. "We are drawing unwanted attention."

Ty licked his lips. "Fine."

The Deputy Director turned to Noble with an apologetic look. He did not like how the other men were ruining his wife's magical evening.

Noble understood. "It is fine. Come back when you can. I will find other ways to entertain myself until then."

Part of her wanted to join them, but too many of the government guests suddenly disappearing together was likely to raise some eyebrows.

 "I will be right back and we will pick up right where we left off," Fort promised with a determined nod.

After squeezing his hand, Noble released him to his work. The men moved off in the direction of the facilities.

Turning back to the room, the professor found the other ladies from her group.

 A beautiful petite lady in an emerald dress was speaking with a delighted grin. The two women with her also seemed engrossed in the conversation.

 "All I am saying is that I am glad Lady Changing Star seems to be able to love again. After that fateful time with Caster, we were not sure it was possible." The young woman was saying as Noble drew near. 

"We?" The lady in a lavender dress next to her clicked her tongue. "Come on, Alice. It is your opinion." 

"Well, it should be everyone's. Look at the way she is looking at Master Sunless. Don't you think they would be perfect together?!" Alice hazarded a glance toward the two parties in question. 

"Don't tell me you are going to try to matchmake!" The third woman rolled her eyes. Her pink ballgown was peppered with tiny gems. 

Alice's smile widened. "Why not? If I play my cards right, maybe I can end up as a bridesmaid in their wedding someday!" 

"You have lost your mind," the woman in pink blew out her cheeks. 

"What do you think, Awakened Noble? Should Lady Nephis try her luck with love again?" The other Awakened in the group invited. 

"I wish her the best," the professor answered noncommittally. While she did like fictional drama, she was uncomfortable making definitive statements about Lady Nephis without knowing her better. 

"That settles it. I am very thirsty and I'm going to get some punch." Alice touched her throat gently. 

"I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that the refreshment table will bring you right past the 'happy couple'..." The woman in purple teased. 

Her pink companion clicked her tongue. "Or the fact that Ascended Raised by Wolves just headed that way as well." 

All eyes glanced toward the long banquet table where the statuesque Master had already cleaned three plates and was beginning a fourth. The woman showed no signs of stopping any time soon. 

'I couldn't eat that much even when I was pregnant with twins!' Noble marveled. 

Unaware of the observation, Alice patted her bun. "I have no idea what you two mean. I said I was thirsty, and I am. If other things happen, so be it. You ladies are welcome to join me if you like." 

While the other two agreed, Noble was the one dissenting vote. "I am not in the mood for food or drink just now. Please enjoy the refreshments, and I will catch up with you later." 

Noble decided to embrace the moment alone. Well, alone was perhaps the wrong word. There were people all around her dancing, talking, and flirting. Any number of relationships were being formed and a few were likely being ended.

This was the place to make valuable connections, but one misstep could make an enemy out of a friend. 

That was the way it was with the great clans, Valor especially. 

'I don't like politics...' Noble grimaced slightly. 'Or rather, I don't like petty politics.' 

People needed to be guided and the world needed to be run, but she could do without the underhanded tactics that were often used. 

'What am I doing?! I am here to enjoy myself.' Noble banished the ugly thoughts and put on a pleasant smile.

The room was so crowded, and the professor had to consciously ignore all of the emotional stimuli going on around her. 

That is why she did not sense the stunning woman in a red wine dress until she bumped into her. 

"Excuse me." Unable to look away, the professor moved to accommodate the Awakened with flawless silvery skin.

'She reminds me of Sharkey,' Noble had only ever met one other grey-skinned human. That Dreamscape duelist had razor-sharp teeth like the animal of his namesake. 

"The fault lays with me," she dipped her head politely and smiled. 

Noble was relieved to find the pearly ivory in her mouth was straight and pristine. But then a strange chill came over her. 

Noble couldn't put her finger on it, but she had a strong desire to get as far away from the stunning lady as she could. 'That woman is dangerous...' 

"Don't worry. She won't bite. The daughter of Song is on her best behavior."

The words startled Noble. Had the person been reading her thoughts? One thing was clear.

Someone had been watching her.

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