
Chapter 36 Thank you for the tea

My statement caused the atmosphere to grow so thick with tension you could swim through it. Alivian had been still when not preparing mine or Seekvaira's refreshments, but now that stillness took on a different quality. His gaze was locked on me and he seemed to loom, his presence pressing down on me.

For her part, Seekvaira's expectant smile had vanished. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were narrowed. Sitting stock still, her own presence pressing down on me, Seekvaira said, "You overstep, Riser. The loss of your mutation piece has clearly left you desperate. I am unable to think of any Sacred Gear I would trade both of my mutation pieces for."

Lazily picking up my teacup, I made an exaggeratedly slow show of taking a sip of tea, showing them I wasn't intimidated by their intense looks. Putting the cup back down, I once more looked Seekvaira in the eye and said, "I'm offering to gift-wrap you the Boosted Gear. The Red Dragon Emperor."

Seekvaira's eyes widened, but she quickly schooled her features. Her slip was enough for me to see she was interested.

"How do I know you can actually deliver what you offer?" she asked, trying to regain her footing.

"You would not have agreed to meet with me if you did not believe I could deliver. Need I recite your investigation into Serafall Leviathan's newest bishop?"

Seekvaira was silent for several breaths before speaking; I could see the gears in her head turn behind her eyes. "I understand your reasons for giving Ingvild to the Leviathan. It gave you a powerful friend, restored your nobility and protected you from any advantageous lords looking to take advantage of you after your banishment, but I do not see the logic in giving me one of the most powerful Longinus in the world. What do you have to gain from my mutation pieces?"

I took a bite of my toast, chewed and swallowed before saying, "That is my business. The question is whether or not you would be willing to make the trade?"

Seekvaira's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. A long sigh escaped her lips as she said, "I cannot accept these terms. The Red Dragon Emperor would require a queen piece to reincarnate. I will not trade Alivian, nor am I fond of using all of my pawns for a single individual. Because of this, I am left to choose between my mutation pieces. The rook would suit a dragon more than the bishop, so I must retain my mutation rook to reincarnate the Boosted Gear holder. What can I offer you in place of my rook?"

While I didn't show anything externally, internally, I was grinning like a lunatic. I only needed the bishop, and she was practically throwing it at me. That said, the Boosted Gear was worth more than a single mutation piece, and I was going to squeeze everything out of this deal that I could.

I let a long time pass in silence, feigning deep thought. I'd already considered what I would ask for if negotiations went favorably.

"My new home lacks a proper library." I said when I'd felt the silence had stretched enough. "The Leviathan kept it stocked with mostly fiction. Clarissa has trouble with her research because she does not have access to arcane texts. As my first addition, I ask for copies of every tome in the Agares library that does not hold family secrets. I understand there are likely some books in your collection that cannot be given to an outsider, but I want copies of all others."

Seekvaira did not react one way or another to my request, she merely picked up her teacup and said, "That is your first demand. What is your second?"

"I want Harpe."

There was a shattering sound as Sekvaira's teacup disintegrated in her hand. Ignoring the brown liquid staining her hand, she looked at me with hard eyes and said, "I must have misheard you, Riser. I believe you just asked for a blade forged by the Titans that was used to slay the most powerful gorgon in history."

When Yubelluna had done her initial research into the Agares family, she'd found a lot. The Agares family was the second pillar, and their treasure trove was that of the second most powerful devil family in existence. They had all sorts of things, but Harpe stuck out to me because of its recognition power. I didn't intend to use it – the blade was shaped nothing like the swords I was used to – but I would be able to trade it for something else somewhere down the line.

Holding Seekvaira's gaze, I said, "I am offering you eternal access to The Red Dragon Emperor. After you reincarnate them, they will no longer age. You will have the host of the Red Dragon of Domination as your servant for all time. That is more than fair compensation for what I am asking."

A long time passed with no words spoken. Neither Seekvaira or I blinked. Yubelluna and Alivian remained perfectly still. It was as if the universe had paused.

"I must confer with my parents." Seekvaira finally said. "Harpe is not mine to give. I will contact you with my answer when I have it."

I nodded in acceptance and stood. "You are welcome to come to my home with your answer to eliminate the need for letters. I hope you accept, but understand, if I do not hear from you within two week's time I will approach another with this offer." That 'other' would be Rias, so I was really hoping Agares accepted, but I wasn't going to openly say that. "Thank you for the tea and for your time, heiress Agares. I look forward to hearing from you."

Seekvaira stood from her chair and clasped her hands in front of her. "It was a pleasure to host you, Riser. Alivian will see you out."

The butler offered his king a brief bow before leading me from the room, Yubelluna silently following at my heels. As we were led back out of the mansion the same way we came, I felt a presence touch my mind.

You display wisdom, devil. You maneuvered that negotiation well. Even with the Agares girl's surprise knowledge, you did not allow her to disrupt your focus. The deal is progressing just as you planned.

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