
Chapter 37 My king.

Focusing a moment, I thought back, She still has yet to accept. I'll need to work on a contingency in case she doesn't accept.

From the sword at my hip I felt…approval?

Again, you show wisdom, devil.

The sword quieted, saying no more.

Alivian held open one of the double-doors at the front of the manor for Yubelluna and I and said, "You will be able to teleport away from the manor from here. I hope your visit was pleasurable." He nodded his head politely to each of us, then gently closed the door behind us.

Looking at Yubelluna, I held out my arm and said, "Shall we?"

Yubelluna smiled despite herself and took my arm. We disappeared in a flash of orange light.


It had been a day since my meeting with Seekvaira Agares when the wards warned me someone had entered the grounds.

"Yubelluna? Please prepare some refreshments. We have visitors." I said, standing from the sofa and closing the book I'd been reading, a history of the Sitri Pillar, it seemed like information that may prove useful someday.

"Right away, my king." Yubelluna said, standing from where she was sitting next to me and hurrying towards the kitchen.

No sooner had she left the room then a female devil materialized in front of me.

"Flaming Chicken-chan!" a woman garbed in a far-too small magical girl costume exclaimed as she threw her arms wide to tackle hug me.

Too shocked to react in time, all I could do was squawk in shock as Serafall Leviathan knocked me backwards onto the sofa I'd just stood up from. It would seem my suspicion that she still had a way to circumvent the wards was proven.

"Lady Leviathan," I began uncomfortably, being crushed awkwardly beneath her breasts as she, perhaps purposefully, rubbed my face in her cleavage. "Would you be so kind as to get off of me?"

"But I can't glomp you if I let you up!" was the Satan of Foreign Affairs's reply.

I tried very hard to remember that this very same woman had flash frozen my surroundings less than a month ago, but I was a little distracted.

Deciding discretion was the better part of valor, I morphed into my flame form. Serafall fell through me, allowing me to reconstitute myself across the room, free of her 'glomping'.

"Lady Leviathan," I said, pretending the past minute hadn't happened. "It is a pleasure to see you. May I ask what I can do for you?"

Serafall spun around on the couch and sat up with a smile on her face, crossing her legs and swaying back and forth as she said, "A few things, really. Firstly, I really just wanted to see you, Flaming Chicken-chan!" Her expression was filled with joy as she said that. I honestly wasn't able to tell if she was making fun of me or not.

"Our meetings are always pleasant for me, Lady Leviathan. I thank you for visiting, but may I ask what other business-"

"Nope!" Serafall cut me off, hopping to her feet. She crossed her arms under her chest and leaned forwards, frowning at me. "We aren't continuing this conversation until you call me Levi-tan!" Once more, I was incapable of determining whether or not the Satan was serious.

"Um…Lady Leviathan, I-"

"Ah!" Serfall interjected, holding a finger up scoldingly. She stalked towards me with furrowed eyebrows, stopping a few steps away. "Le-Vi-Tan!" she sounded out, putting emphasis on each syllable.


Serafall's eyes lit up. "Yay!" She pounced forward once more, but she wasn't moving nearly as fast as she had when we were in her office. I was easily able to sidestep her and maintain a semblance of decorum in this extremely odd situation.

"As I was saying, La…Levi-tan, what else brings you here?"

Serafall's chipper magical girl act faded almost immediately. She turned to me with a serious expression and said, "Do you remember what we were discussing in my office?"

Noticing the shift in her demeanor, I responded professionally with, "I do, Lady Leviathan."

Serafall's eyebrows furrowed once again and she pointed at me disappointedly. "Levi-tan!"

Fighting the urge to roll my eyes at one of the four leaders of the devil race, I said, "I do remember, Levi-tan."

A pleased smile flashed across Serafall's face before she turned serious again. "What you said about…" she trailed off as her eyes turned suspiciously towards the hallway.

"I have refreshments if it would please you, Lady Leviathan." Yubelluna said, appearing from the hallway Serafall had looked towards with a tray laden with biscuits and tea.

"It's alright, Lady Le…" I trailed off at the death glare Serafall shot at me. What was so important about me using her weird stage name? "It's alright, Levi-tan. My peerage knows about my visions."

Serafall relaxed and reached forward to pluck some biscuits off Yubelluna's tray. "You should probably call your bishop too then, Flaming Chicken-chan."

This time I had to fight the urge to sigh as I realized Serafall's nickname for me wasn't going anywhere.

A few minutes later, Yubelluna, Clarissa and I sat on the sofa across from Serafall who was lazily reclining in an armchair. The tray of tea and biscuits Yubelluna had put together was between us on the coffee table.

"So what can we do for you, Levi-tan?" I said, doing my best not to verbally trip over the weird name. I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Serafall's expression grew serious as she met my eyes. "You said Kokabiel killed my sister in a lot of the futures you saw."

Yubelluna and Clarissa looked at me curiously, but I focused on Serafall for now. "Not most, but a sizable number. Are you here because you want more details?"

Serafall shook her head. "I'm here because I've been keeping a closer eye on Sona since you told me that and learned there is a group of Fallen Angels operating in Kuoh Town out of an old church. Did Kokabiel put them up to it?"

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