
Ch 36 Night Of The Blood Moon

Rhaella and I flew towards the nearest settlement with our Strigoi sprinting on all fours along the forest floor in complete silence.

They were repulsive creatures but seemed extremely graceful when running on all fours it was like watching a cat at a full sprint.

Rhaella and I had to fly slowly at around thirty miles an hour for the Strigoi to keep up but we were quickly approaching the nearest village.

When we were a few hundred meters out I had everyone hold position as I flew higher into the sky.

With a wave from my hand a wave of dark magic spread across the village as all the campfires and torches extinguished..... now only the faint light from the moon illuminated the village.....I heard men shouting in anger at lights going out as they tried in vain to reignite anything.

I flew down to ground level with Rhaella and ordered the Strigoi to attack.... with orders to kill the men, wound the women and eat the babies they all rushed into the dark village with saliva dripping from their fangs.

As Rhaella and I approached the village a tidal wave of screams rang out throughout the clan as Strigoi ran from tent to tent while ripping men apart and eating babies alive before snapping women's arms and legs before dragging them outside.

As I walked through the massacre I absorbed the blood from all the dead men then cast Enthrallment on all the corpses left behind as they rose and began transforming into hideous monsters as the fighting continued the number of Strigoi only increased.

Rhaella was walking to where the Strigoi had left incapacitated women before biting their throats open and drinking all the delicious crimson blood that gushed out.

Slowly more and more Strigoi rushed into the battle, by the time we reached halfway into the village the clansmen had armed themselves and set up barricades as they desperately fought the crawling night terrors.

After the clansmen rallied they managed to kill a dozen of my Strigoi but with every second that passed, more and more bodies rose as they Turned into hideous hairless monsters and threw themselves into the fight on the other side.

the Strigoi were masters of the night so for every one I lost, two dozen clansmen would shed their lifeblood.

there came a point where the defenders were no longer enough to stop the ever mounting Strigoi numbers and they became overrun as the monsters rushed past them and into tents and wooden hovels to rip babes from their mothers arms and devour them with hellish fervor.

The clansmen who were fighting outside heard the cries of their wives and children and ran back to defend them....once their backs were turned the bloodthirsty monsters jumped out of shadows and clawed at their backs until their lungs were torn from their bodies in this ever intensifying festival of carnage.

I called a handful of my newly made Strigoi to retrieve the wounded women from around the village and bring them before Rhaella who was still ripping the throats of the women and drinking their lifeblood before tossing the corpses to the hungry Strigoi who tore them apart eagerly.

before long dozens of women were dragged back by their hair or limbs by the razor sharp claws of the Strigoi.

The wailing of women and desperate shouts from the men while the sounds of carnage raged around me was an orchestra to my ears as I used hematomancy to float all the blood in the surrounding massacre into a giant stream that entered my mouth as I devoured their blood and life essence.

After another fifteen minutes of carnage all the cries died out and were replaced by the gnashing of sharp teeth on flesh and the ripping apart of carcasses as my monsters worked hard to devour all the corpses who were too damaged to resurrect.

I waited until my faithful Strigoi finished their meals before calling all of them over.

they sprinted towards me, some on all fours like hyenas and others stood hunched over as they sprinted on two feet in my direction.

when they all stopped before me I took account...out of nearly three thousand Clansmen I was left with seven hundred monstrous Strigoi as the rest of the bodies were too damaged to ressurect...honestly their combat effectiveness is wonderful in the night I would have to wait and see how they do in the day however.

I looked in the direction of the next nearest Mountain Clans village and rose in the air with my leathery wings as Rhaella who was drenched in fresh blood followed close behind me.

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That night most of the mountain clans entirely disappeared leaving behind only destroyed villages and traces of a massive carnage.

I had my Strigoi capture half of the villagers alive once my forces grew large enough and I gathered them in a sacred Grove that I found

at the top of one of the moon mountains that had a giant sacred weirwood tree at the summit.

I withdrew a giant statue of Fortuna as I lit the tree on fire....the magic in the air grew angry at my action but I cared not.

Under the all seeing eye of Fortuna and the burning weirwood tree I had thousands of Clansmen who were being held down by Strigoi sacrificed.....their hearts were ripped out of their chests as all those life forces were transferred to my Goddess.....

in that moment she appeared before me....the most Perfect woman in existence....I brought her in for a long passionate kiss which we took part in as the blood of those sacrificed flowed towards me on the ground.

after those few minutes she disappeared from my arms and in her place a blood red moon now shone in the night sky.

thousands of Clansmen lost their lives in that festival of carnage and now they lay dead under the Blood Red Moon and the gaze of Fortuna herself....they should feel lucky to have their meaningless lives be used for something greater than themselves.

Once I came back from my bliss, Rhaella was looking at me wide eyed....it was the first time she ever saw Fortuna and she was in awe....

"Was....was that...." Rhaella stuttered out

"Fortuna herself graced us with her presence....we should be grateful for it." I told Rhaella

"I am husband....it's just that she was indescribably beautiful...." she said with a smile as she gazed upon fortunas statue at the center of the grove.

The light from the giant burning weirwood tree illuminated all around us as my Strigoi stood there menacingly while awaiting orders....

"Take the bodies away and eat them elsewhere....then build a cave into this mountain where you all will reside and remain dormant until a time when I call you to serve again!!!"

I ordered them aloud and the strigoi quickly dragged the thousands of bodies away into the woods to devour them elsewhere.....I didn't need them now but in the future having three and a half thousand bloodthirsty monsters at my beck and call in the area between the Riverlands, the North, and the Vale would prove quite useful.

Strigoi could remain dormant for a centuries without issue just like a regular vampire so leaving them for later would be the best thing for now.

Rhaella and I then cleaned ourselves up and flew back to our tent in the clearing to get a few more hours of sleep before heading to the castle at the Gates of the Moon for a new concubine.

When we entered the tent we immediately stripped and hopped into the bathtub as Lily and Melisandre quickly joined in as our giggles and laughs were heard for a few more hours until we decided to sleep.

it would be a long day tomorrow I was sure of that......

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