
CH 37 Stealing A Bride And Reaching Winterfell

The sun was barely over the horizon as Ancalagon Flew towards the gates of the moon with all due haste, in just half an hour of flying we allowed spotted the Fortress at the Gates of the moon... it was far smaller than any of the other places we had visited yet but seemed quite defensible...a quick burst of dragonfire would melt it but against everything else is seemed a quite capable castle.

I had Ancalagon roar our arrival and fly around the fortress a dozen times to give the Lord enough time to prepare for us since our visit was unannounced.

I was interested in the daughter of Nestor Royce and came to see if she was truly as busty as the stories told.

I noticed the soldiers stationed in the castle run out into formation soon after we announced our arrival.

The Lord appeared soon after with an Entourage of soldiers surrounding him he was a large barrel chested man massive with huge arms and a solid suit of armor he had a shiny bald head and a gray long beard he had a noble Aura as he walked out with his soldiers.

walking alongside Lord Nestor Royce was a young boy around the age of 10 he had a small sword at his waist and was shaking in fear at the sight of the Giant black dragon flying down towards his castle I presumed him to be Nestor Royce's son.

Ancalagon flew downwards as each flap of his wing vibrated the air around him, his massive dark body neared the men who shook in their boots at his incredible size.

With a few flaps of his wings Ancalagon landed just outside the portcullis where the Entourage of men awaited us.

After he landed he let out a monstrous roar into the sky as me and my women sat on his back.

all the men except for Lord Nestor Royce seemed terrified at the side of the huge dragon before them.

Ancalagon lowered his massive body as I helped my women down to the ground I grabbed each of them while holding them tightly and floated down.

once we were all dismounted Ancalagon roared again and took flight as each flap of his wing caused the air to surge around us.

I approached Lord Nestor Royce with Lily in my left arm and Rhaella in my right as Melisandre walked close behind.

"greetings Lord Nestor, I am Lord Alucard Von Cathicus... it's pleasure to make your acquaintance and my apologies for not informing you prior of my visit" I spoke to Lord Nestor as he stared dead in my eyes the man was huge granted but still a foot shorter than I

"State your business Dragon Rider why have you come to visit my fortress unannounced?"

Nestor spoke in a serious voice I knew he was a hard man from what Yohn Royce told me about him.

no scorpions were on the walls of his castle, he was completely vulnerable so his bravado was something to be applauded.

"this is something which might be spoken over a cup of wine my Lord for it encompasses an important Union between both of our houses." I told Nestor as he raised one bushy eyebrow in interest.

"very well you may head inside but first please take bread and salt. let none say that I do not offer guest rights to any visitor"

a short dark-haired squire ran towards us with a bowl with bread and salt, the bread was freshly baked unlike our visit to the riverlands which I will never forget.

Lord Nestor would earn a point in my book just for the simple fact that soft fresh bread was served for guest rights, after all it's the little things that matter.

after taking guest rights we all headed in through the drawbridge and into the castle.

the castle was sparsely decorated but what paintings lined the walls were portraits of famous warriors of his lineage.

They all portrayed Knights of the Vale fighting Mountain Clansmen, although now nearly all the Clansmen were gone from the mountains of the Moon as of last night.

we walked until we reached a large dining hall in which the Royce family was seated.

I instantly spotted Myranda Royce she was the spitting image of Kat Dennings but a bit more plump.

in her chest was pale milky skin and huge juicy breasts that looked as if they were full of milk.

I took in her scent to ensure she was a virgin before I made an offer after all I didn't want to make this trip in vain.....

she was as pure as the day she was born.... perfect to add to my growing collection of flowers.....

She saw me staring hungrily at her and she grew nervous almost instantly.

Lord Nestor guided all of us to our seats as I pulled Lily onto my lap, Rhaella seated to my right and Melisandre to my left.

I received a strange look from the Lord Nestor at the sight of Lily on my lap since he was a more traditional man.

"so Lord Cathicus might you inform me and my household as to the reason for your surprise visit?" Nestor asked in a serious tone

"I have spoken to Yohn Royce of rune Stone during my wedding day joust and he informed me that you had a beautiful daughter who was to Wed a man with one foot in the grave.

I came to see if he spoke true of her beauty.... looking at her now I see that Yohn is no liar" I spoke while looking at his beautiful daughter she blushed deeply at the meaningful look I sent her.

"now that you have deemed this rumor true what do you intend to do about it Lord Cathicus?" Nestor asked a bit offended

"I aim to offer a better deal....I look at your daughter now and see that she is a true beauty who any man would covet.... and I at this moment covet her more than any other...

I offer four fold the dowry of whatever that old coot is paying you for her hand in bride price to take as my own."I told the Lord as he looked at me incredulously.

"as much as I would like to entertain your offer my Lord, I have already given my word and her fate is sealed, the deal is done." the bald Lord answered.

"you may have given the deal and made the agreement my Lord....But I on the other hand possess a massive dragon which does not care for any deals made without me present....I will walk out of this Castle with her the easy way or the hard way.... the choice is yours my Lord."

I spoke as my monstrous Dragon roared outside and the castle shook as if going through an earthquake.

Lord Nestor snarled in anger at the threat but did not reach for his sword, he just drank his entire cup of wine in one go and slammed the empty cup on the table.

"this is dishonorable my Lord I hope you see this I will have broken my word if I accept your offer...." the bald Lord answered as he looked between me and his daughter.

"tell him what I have told you now.... that I threatened you with dragon fire if you did not release your daughter into my hands....if he has anything to say then he may say it to me, then dragon fire will fall on his castle and not yours my Lord...and I am being perfectly generous for such a large bride price My Lord." I told Lord Nestor with a smile as he seriously considered my offer

the Lord looked over at his daughter and she sent him a meaningful nod as if to accept the deal.

After all she wouldn't want to be given to an old coot..... Instead This handsome and scary Dragon Rider would be a far better arrangement even if he already had a few more women.

"very well I shall inform the other Lord that my daughter is now otherwise indisposed....I shall bring the paperwork of her dowry....." Lord Nestor spoke as he rose from his high seat and walked away.

looked over at his daughter again she was perfect... exactly the bounciness I was looking for..... I was grateful he accepted rather quickly since gallons of delicious milk awaited me once I put a baby in her belly.

Lord Nestor soon returned with all the paperwork I overlooked it and handed him several chests full of gold bars it was far more than her bride price was worth but his daughter was more beautiful and busty than I had expected so I considered it a fair deal.

soon after me and my women headed out of the castle with Myranda in tow as she said goodbye to her father and little brother.

She had returned to grab a small white female bunny named tabby from her room before we departed and now carried it in her bosom.

it was a pet given to her for her birthday and she'd not leave it behind.

With every step she took her giant juicy breasts bounced beautifully on the way to the Dragon... she was mine now and I could hardly wait to hop inside of her since I had basically bought her off from her father hehehehe.

I noticed her nervousness so I spoke to her briefly before mounting Ancalagon and she said although this was unexpected.....it was far better than marrying a 75-year-old man with loose skin and bad breath..... I laughed as she said the last part I guess she had a good sense of humor.

we all mounted on Ancalagon and flew away less than an hour after landing in the fortress.

We then flew North West along the King's Road towards the castle at Winterfell I had a meeting with the Lord Paramount.....

we flew through the North as the beautiful landscapes slowly changed upon leaving the Vale.

When we flew Over the neck we saw vast swamps hundreds of miles of swampland and bogs where any army could be lost.

then the marshland bogs slowly turned into vast barren plains which seemed nearly endless.

Then the empty plains became scattered trees which became denser and more numerous as we neared Winterfell.

Snow covered the land more and more as we headed north, it was the year of the false summer after all, soon the winter winds would blow again harder and harsher before long.

As The Sun was going down we flew over thick snow covered forests as we followed the King's road to the massive Castle in the distance.

I was deeply impressed when I saw Winterfell, it was a massive and hulking powerful Castle.

although the north was poor and destitute in these times I was sure that when the castle was built only a prosperous society could have achieved such grand architecture.

I also saw the famous Weirwood Grove and Glass Greenhouse from far overhead.

Winterfell castle was far larger and more impressive than in the show.

The city of Wintertown just outside of the fortress was relatively large compared to any others that we had seen as we soared here in the North.

as we approached Ancalagon announced our presence with a mighty roar which shook the land.

we flew overhead and around the castle a dozen times before lowering down onto the drawbridge just outside of the castle walls.

I spotted Lord Rickard and his family approaching us, Brandon was far taller and more handsome than his brother Ned, I could see why Catelyn in the books said it took her years to fall in love with Ned since his brother was so much better.

Just those lines told me all I needed to know about whether or not Catelyn originally wed as a virgin in the original timeline.

Good for me however, in this timeline I was the one who deflowered and ruined her for any other man..... she might hate me for it but I know she will never be satisfied if it's not me pounding her slutty pussy.

Benjen stood next to Brandon and was still a young boy of about 13 and he looked at my dragon in wonder I'm sure the sight of Ancalagon would never leave his mind.

Next to benjen was lyanna she was about 16 now and she had a simple clean beauty but i saw the glint in her eyes.....she was a firebrand someone who did not like to confirm...a terrible choice for a wife in my opinion.

Lyanna was no breathtaking woman but I sort of understood Rhaegar and his obsession... what really Drew my eyes was her mother

.... Lyarra the wife of Rickard and the mother of the children.

She was a busty Beauty with thick thighs that showed even through her heavy winter dress, she'd be mine soon enough and have her moaning in ecstasy beneath me before long.

I could already imagine what she felt like as she moaned underneath me as Ancalagon Landed in front of the castle.

I could hear panicked cries in Wintertown nearby since news travels slow in Westeros, I was certain only The Lord's who received ravens here in the north would even know about the new Dragonlord.

I looked at Lyarra's Body and I honestly had to do it.... I couldn't allow Ned to become Warden of the north without paying a price first after all his future wife already paid now it was his mother's turn.....nothing is free after all.

I looked beyond the Stark family and noticed a few other Lords standing behind them, I presume they are here for my wedding and they had all earned thanks in my book for attending since it was all for Lily's sake.

I couldn't differentiate many of the Lord's but I did spot two which stood out one was a big hulking brute of a man a few inches taller than me and shaped like a barrel...an Umber no doubt I was sure of it.

Another Lord I recognized was a tall fit young man with a Stern face and pale blue eyes I sensed darkness within him, Roose Bolton it could be no other I could smell the figurative blood on him from here.

Ancalagon landed as his massive claws dug deep into the Earth then he stared at the Lord's present before us.....he was hungry I even had to order him to stop threatening them since I saw him chomping his fangs while he drooled heavily.

He was looking at them as if they were juicy pieces of steak..... my dragon's gaze was lingering on Greatjon Umber a bit more than the rest since he had the most meat on him.

After we all disembarked and Ancalagon flew off in search of prey, I'd take him past the wall soon after all even I wished to taste Mammoth meat one of these days..... and I needed some Shadow cats to give to my women.

I approached the Lord's with my women in tow, I wore my demonic armor for the meeting and had yet to remove my helm which gave me an inhuman look.

my women all wore veils and hoods to hide their faces since high up in the sky the sun would affect their soft supple skin.

I walked up to Rickard and extended my arm in greeting.

"A pleasure to finally meet you My Lord I am Alucard Von Cathicus and these are my women,My First Wife Rhaella formerly of House Targeryen, My soon to be Wife Lily of the new House Exceter, Melisandre Of Asshai Priestess of R'hollor, And Myranda Royce my new Concubine." I introduced all my women as they removed their veils as their names were spoken till reveal their beautiful faces.

"Greetings Lord Cathicus Please take Bread and salt. We have been awaiting your arrival and the wedding has been prepared for a Sennight from now since Many lords are still on their way as we speak. I hope you don't mind Waiting My Lord." Rickard spoke as we shook hands.

"Not at all the more the merrier and I would enjoy meeting the lords of the north." I told him as I eyed his wife from underneath my helmet.

"Let us head inside and make all introductions there as we keep out of the cold winds." He spoke as we walked towards the huge castle.

I could sense Rickards children and all the Lords we're eyeing me curiously as we walked but we would talk inside. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

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