
Essence Vote #2

Dear readers, now that we have completed or are currently in the process of voting for the next World, I would like to extend the opportunity to all of you to vote for the next essences that will be featured in the main quest.

But, the difference here is that you only get to vote for one instead of two, as I will only be taking the highest-voted essence off of this list.

1. Essence Of Remnant

2. Essence Of The Spark

3. Essence Of The Lost Primarch

4. Essence Of The Reality Marble

5. Essence Of The Archmage

6. Essence Of Emperor Ascendant

7. Essence Of The Abnormal

8. Essence Of A Hybrid From Bleach

9. Essence Of The Demon God

10. Readers Recommendation

Just a heads up, the second highest voted essence will be the next one used during the next main or side quest. Feel free to recommend any other essences you think would be a good fit. Thanks for reading this far, you guys are awesome!

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