
Swords Clash And Plans Unfold

Entry 88:

Linus Ozias POV:

The land of Asgard is quite beautiful as it has a rustic yet regal charm to it, as all around, I can hear the hustle and bustle of a more war-oriented society.

While the threat of the fire and ice giants is constant, it has not harmed the development of this place as Asgard combines aspects of the modern world and Viking culture. 

It is now April first, and I have been pranked for April fools by ROB, as he has seemingly made it, so I hit every doorframe I enter.

That or I have very little hand-eye coordination, which is impossible, so I will assume the former. 

I am currently in the more commercial district, filled with stalls selling weaponry and food. I'm thankful these people have access to magic because how they present it would be completely unhygienic.

I wanted to invite Rossweisse, but it seems that she was busy being Odin's assistant, so she kept him from strip clubs.

I found her using my magic sense and placed a holy construct hand on her back, and while she appreciated the gesture, it also somewhat freaked her out.

I could feel her pouting at me for that through the communication circle, and I regret nothing. Right now, though, I am trying to avoid Thor while also training my presence concealment.

While I may never reach the prowess of stealth like the first Hassan, having a high level of presence concealment would be very beneficial in worlds where I cannot use my technology.

I hope my next main quest is more relaxing or straightforward. I have had to split my attention between making sure the little fox and Yasaka are happy while contacting Asia and staying up to date with the Iscariot Order. 

Who knows, maybe in the next quest, I'll go to a universe like Steven Universe, or I was caught up in a hero summoning, but the world is at peace.

But who knows, as my fate is still in the hands of that random omnipotent God, and while he does not seem outwardly malicious, he does hold his principles quite dear to him, a veritable exemplification of a free spirit.

Based on his equipment, he most likely was a cultivator and most likely gained enough power to create or have control of multiverses, and when I recombine with my body, I will most likely be at a low multiversal level as silver age Superboy Prime could punch apart multiverses.

But even then, it would not be enough as beings like the presence or the one above all or even the random omnipotent gods could just snap me out of existence.

No matter how overpowered I feel, there is always a bigger fish. Ironically enough, most would be celebrating the idea of traveling the Multiverse while I just remain fearful of the bigger fish, such as the various demon kings, high-level cultivators, and various civilizations with technology so advanced they could wipe entire universes out in seconds.

So many different possibilities, and I will explore them all. 

On another note, I spent the five charges I got today on poison defense that will develop into poison immunity eventually. I mostly put charges into this because of Samael and his poison that could even harm the Infinite Dragon God.

While the Khaos Brigade may not have access to the holy spear anymore to aid them in splitting the Infinite Dragon God into two halves, which makes no sense because if you halve infinity, you still get infinity but anime logic.

Speaking of that terrorist organization, I have been keeping track of Loki's movements in conversations. While most of them are just insults and blame lies, there have been some inklings of information.

Based on what he said, he plans to infiltrate Asgard or help the Giants infiltrate Asgard using portal staves that would allow them entry into the realm. After learning of this, I brought this information to Odin, and while he was irked that I placed spyware on his son, he forgave me after I gave him some extracurricular magazines.

I found it very lucky that his Valkyrie assistant was not there to see me do that.

Speaking of Valkyries, I found their training ground, and their armor looked very reminiscent of that from God of War, which may have given me a small amount of PTSD when I tried to beat that game on God of War difficulty.

As I approached who I assumed was the instructor, the woman who looked very similar to Brunhilde from Records of Ragnarok gave me a slight bow, which I returned.

"Lord Anakim, what brings you to our training ground on this day?" Brunhilde asks as I state, "I had heard tails of the prowess of the Valkyries, so I had simply sought to see how they train, and I am very impressed."

This brings a smile to her face as she says with pride, "I thank you for your praise as it is expected of Valkyries to be very efficient in combat, and their training must reflect as such, although may I ask you for a favor, Lord Angel?" 

I nod while asking, "What is it you may require of me, Lady Brunhilde?" She then turns toward the weapons rack and grabs a sword and shield as she asks, "I would wish you to spar with me as I wish to see the power and prowess of one of Heaven's angels up close, no magic, just weaponry."

I then formed a short sword in my hand while removing my armor as it felt fitting for a spar. The Valkyries around us began to blush seeing my form, and as we walked towards the arena, Brunhilde took out a dagger and threw it into the air.

As the dagger landed, we rushed at one another, with her going for a slash followed by a shield bash. I dodge the slash and redirect her shield downward while attempting to grab her shield arm.

She ducks the grab while stabbing the sword at my gut, which I parry using my sword as I then knock her back. Expecting her to have an analytical look on her face, I look towards the Valkyrie, and I'm somewhat creeped out as she looks very "excited."

"Now, this is a brawl, as none of the other Valkyries can keep up with me. Keep entertaining me, angel," She then speeds up with each strike, generating dust clouds, and before we knew it, an audience had formed around us.

Various Einherjar and Valkyries cheered the fight on as we clashed repeatedly, with cuts forming on the Valkyrie captain. At the same time, I remained unharmed as while she is an experienced fighter, I am an anomaly of the highest order.

And it's not because of the charges I put into my natural healing factor healing any wounds I receive.

Eventually, she begins to run out of stamina as she has essentially been fighting at 100% for hours now, and soon enough, she makes a mistake as I make a feint strike towards her leg, which allows me to then grab her by the head and with her center of gravity broken I slam her into the ground.

I then take the sword from her hand as I put mine at her neck and say, "Yield Valkyrie."

Instead of groaning in pain, she begins to laugh as she says good-naturedly, "I Surrender this was a good fight. I hope we will be able to do this again as well as among other settings as well, Lord Angel."

In the last part, she says in the form of a whisper that only I could hear, or at least she thought she was, but Brunhilde forgets that all of the Valkyries have enhanced hearing and listened to what she said, and all had atomic blushes on their faces.

I sighed as I helped the woman up and healed her using my angelic magic and healing aura. She then thanked me for healing her so quickly.

Before I could respond, I felt an object flying towards me at very high speed, and as I went to use my other hand to catch it, a loud crack and boom could be heard as thunder rumbled as I had to hold back what I now realize is a hammer.

As electricity crackled along the hammer's surface and began to quite sting, I let it move past me as well as keep the Valkyrie out of its path. The hammer then flew back to its owner, revealing a rather heavily built god of thunder.

The best way I could describe this universe is God of Thunder is a combination of his God of War design and Conan the Barbarian.

As lightning and thunder continue to crackle in the sky, the God of Thunder smiles and charges at me while I throw the Valkyrie out of the arena. I pull out my blade Encarmine and clash with his hammer.

Luckily, I had reinforced my sword with various metals from across different universes, from vibranium to uru and necrodermis from Warhammer.

As it is constantly fed magic and various energies, my sword has grown alongside me, and it could potentially shatter worlds at its full power as we push against one another. My sword versus his hammer, lightning, and thunder crackle as the ground quakes from the exchange.

Before the fight could get any more serious, a large spear is thrown in between us, which is revealed to be Gungnir as Odin states, "Thor enough you may battle the Angel another day even if I myself wish to see the fight we have larger enemies to deal with."

The God of Thunder grumbles in annoyance as he pulls his hammer away and gives me a look that says we will finish this later. 

Honestly, I wish the fight could have continued, as Thor is a member of the top 10 and would be a great benchmark to see where I stand.

But before I could say anything, the sky darkened as fire and ice began to flood Asgard's walls, and I knew this was only the beginning.

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