
Chapter 6: Intentions

Hiruzen was standing by the window, watching the streets move with peace and happiness. These were not the streets trampled on by the Kyubi some years ago. The hatred, pain and suffering from the attack still lingered. If was for this reason that the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi was only known to a handful. Danzo had raved and ranted in attempt to get him to reveal the secret, but he'd remain steadfast. In a life of many failures, this was thing he thought he did right and well.

In an attempt unearth the mystery, Danzo had turned rocks Hiruzen hadn't even known existed in the Leaf. The secret remained safe nonetheless.

While riding the waves of his thoughts, his pipe between his lips, someone knocked at the door.

"Come in," he said, almost lazily. But he was just worn out.

The Uchiha situation was giving him a migraine and he thought he just made it worse by speaking about it with the village Council. There would now be caution with other clan Heads. They may have respected Fugaku, but the thought that members of his clan held delusions about village leadership rattled some of them and they would never look at the Uchiha the same way again. Once more, Hiruzen was left ruing his choices.

Shikaku entered the office with Pakura. The Sandaime Hokage didn't move away from the window—he continued his staring contest with the street.

"Sandaime-sama," Shikaku greeted with respect.

"Lord Hokage," Pakura followed suit, her voice quiet, yet firm.

Hiruzen finally turned around and faced the two. He removed his pipe and then smiled warmly. His smile was more directed to Pakura than Shikaku.

"Please sit," he said, motioning toward the chairs in front of his desk. Slowly, he made his way toward his chair and slouched with silence.

Once settled, Pakura examined the Third Hokage. He was aged, but still sharp. This was a man who was had the unique title of the Professor, with some calling him a God of shinobi. Without any bloodline, he could use all five basic elements. It was rare finding even a shinobi who could manipulate more than three elements.

The Leaf was truly blessed with famed shinobi. Who didn't even know the man sitting on her right side? It showed, why the Leaf has always been the strongest and something Suna couldn't compete with.

Yet, even with those circumstances, the village betrayed her. Sasori, a man who could be considered a war Hero was already gone. And yet, they still betrayed her. What were they thinking? No, it didn't even matter anymore. Suna wanted her dead for whatever reason. She was dead to them. They used her and chose to discard her.

"Thank you for saving my life, Lord Hokage ," Pakura said earnestly. "I would have been killed without Konoha's help. I'm grateful for that."

Hiruzen nodded his head, accepting her thanks. "Do you not wish you were left to die than to live with the pain of knowing the village you fought to protect and loved conspired to murder you?" He asked with curiosity.

Pakura smiled bitterly. "The thought did come to mind. I wanted to go back to Suna and demand answers. I knew, I would only end up being killed in the end."

"Why didn't you then?"

"Naruto convincingly told me if I tried to go back, both of us would die," Pakura said.

That was something Naruto left out in his report. The Uchiha had only stated after the battle, they spoke and a decision was made to return to Konoha.

"I am nonetheless glad you came back. You're human, and I think a life shouldn't be needlessly taken. A betrayal of this scale is unwarranted," Hiruzen said with a shake of his head. "Regardless, that was not the main reason we did what we did. We simply didn't want to have a situation were something disastrous occurring in our borders. Should things turn for the worse, we would be dragged into war. That is something we do not want."

"Thank you, nonetheless."

"I hope they were not rough on you during the interrogation."

Pakura shook her head. "I did have my fears when I came across Ibiki-san. But they were kind." Perhaps it was pity. Wouldn't it be the same if Konoha conspired to murder the Yellow Flash before he became Hokage? There would certainly be chaos and a bloody race to recruit him.

The Sandaime's kindness aside, Pakura was not naïve enough to think none of the other Great Nations not involved in the matter wouldn't want to recruit her into their ranks.

Hiruzen chuckled. "He does have a reputation," he said. His eyes turned to Shikaku who'd been silent. "Explain things to her."

"Bringing you here creates a problem for us and we could end up taking heat from both Suna and Kirigakure. If brave enough, they might even declare war on us. Your presence at the moment has been kept a secret, but not for long. You will have refuge within Konoha, for now. Whether you decide to become a shinobi of Konoha is a matter of your choosing. We however, cannot permit you to leave and join another village. You will be confined to the village for the foreseeable future." And her chakra would be sealed off. Shikaku wasn't going to mention this. But they all knew.

"I understand." They were being generous enough and it was nothing she didn't expect—except for the fact that she wouldn't be forced to become a shinobi of Konoha. If not, what then? What could she do?

"In the coming days," Shikaku continued speaking, "we will keep your existence a secret until things clear out."

Pakura really did want to go back to Suna to confront them, but she understood the situation. "If it blows up, they may end up even saying I've gone rogue while trying to kill me."

"A possibility. They don't know what is happening as of now. But they'll likely suspect you're still alive."

"Then they'll be hunting me. They can't admit to their treachery. It will create problems internally." Pakura knew very well how the villagers viewed her. Saying she went rogue while trying to secretly kill was a reality. "What happens when they find out I'm here?"

"Once they play their hand, we're not going to hide you. We'll see how it goes then. We'll let them know we know what they tried to do. However, we cannot admit to have saved you," Shikaku said with a slight shake of his head.

"Kiri and Suna shinobi were killed in the process. Both nations might conspire," Pakura said. "I'll take claim to their murders and say I came to Konoha to refuge."

Hiruzen smiled. "Think things through about what you want to do. If you choose to be a Konoha Kunoichi, we will treat you well. But you must understand that you might have to face Suna people in the future."

"I understand."

Hiruzen motioned for an Anbu to appear. "Take her to her quarters. If she wants to train, show her Training Ground 44. But ensure regular shinobi are not permitted into the forest."


Pakura offered her thanks and then left with the Anbu. Once she was gone, Hiruzen let out a heavy sigh. "You think I'm being too kind?"

"Perhaps," Shikaku didn't deny it. "And Danzo will be banging on your door soon enough to attempt to force you to give her to him so he can twist her into Konoha's loyal tool."

"Indeed." Hiruzen laughed, imagining Danzo doing his antics. "The only issue now will be Kirigakure. But we can handle that," he said with confidence and then paused, staring at Shikaku. "What is your personal view of Fugaku-san?"

Shikaku had nothing negative to say about the man. He recognized him for his power and respected him as a fellow clan head. Most of all, Fugaku was a model shinobi. A man in charge of the most powerful clan in the village, himself a powerful man who can lay claim to being the most powerful man in Konoha, yet, he obediently followed orders.

He didn't complain when the Sandaime chose Tsunade as his successor. Shikaku thought it was favoritism. Fugaku was respected by the majority of people in Konoha. Perhaps thinking of him as Hokage might make some people pause, but it didn't change his status.

"He is an honest man who has always put the interests of Konoha above everything and respected the authority of the village. I think, you made the correct choice in making him someone who automatically fills in the power gap in case you cannot do your duties. He has the power to command everyone."

Hiruzen smiled weakly. Perhaps he should have only had the discussion with Shikaku. Maybe things wouldn't have become awkward with other clan heads. At least, he didn't tell them the earth shattering revelation.

"He has become vocal. But still follows orders."

"Isn't it the pressure? The Uchiha are powerful. They have a history of disobeying their clan head."

"I think so as well. I will be grateful if you gave him your support. He has been understanding and patient. I don't want him to lose his faith in me. If that happens, it will be the end of everything."

"I understand." Shikaku said. "But I still cannot get involved personally because they are ultimately clan matters. However, in the Council, I will try my best to be the voice of reason. Division will not take us anywhere."

Uchiha Compound

It was just after 11am, Naruto's room was just darkness. The house didn't even have locks. You could come in and cook yourself some breakfast while Naruto slumbered. The double story house was just too big for just one person. There was always an eerie coldness that stirred discomfort whenever Shisui came to the house.

The curtains were just blackened. There wasn't even a tiny hole for the sun to peek through. It was fully blocked—and by design. Since Naruto had worked night shifts, rest for him came during the day. He didn't need the sun burning into his eyes while he attempted to imitate the death pose.

Shisui walked over to the curtains and pulled in. The sun light pushed into the room with haste, lighting up Naruto's bed. His fellow Uchiha shot up, tossed a cold glare toward him. The huge bed was covered in blue sheets, Naruto himself half naked.

Shisui didn't move from the window. "You need to be more alert when you sleep, Naruto."

"I'm home. Surrounded by brothers and sisters, I have every right to feel safe." If he couldn't feel safe in his compound, where would he be safe?

Naruto fell on the bed, his head resting on the pillows. He stared at the ceiling and forced out a yawn. Truthfully, he was forcing himself to sleep because he had nothing better to do.

"Enemies can infiltrate the village."

Naruto's dark eyes turned toward Shisui and he snorted. "Come with a better excuse. Only a fool would try to come to the Uchiha compound. It's a lot like trying to sneakily run through the Hyuga compound."

Shisui smiled. "You get my point," he shrugged. "Get up."

Naruto sighed and then slowly rose up. It wasn't unusual for Shisui to wake him up in the morning. He was the only friend he had in the clan. His existence was truly miserable. Just thinking about it made him laugh. Yet, it hadn't always been like this. Some years ago, even before the Kyubi rampage, Itachi would have been the other person to come here.

"Where are we going?"

"Nowhere," Shisui said. "I'll make you breakfast. Get dressed," he said, moving toward the door.

Once more, Naruto sighed. He didn't immediately get out of the bed but simply sat there in silence. Sasuke probably had his mother wake him up every morning. Itachi must have also had the joys of morning kisses by his mother. His father was especially proud of him. Yet, it was all wasted. At least Sasuke was grateful to the love of his parents. He just loved his brother too much.

A cold chuckle escaped through his lips as Naruto realized he was feeling envious. He placed his right hand on his chest, trying to feel how fast his heart was pumping blood through his body. The rhythm was normal. Despite the bitterness in his heart, he was perfectly calm.

He thought it was a little scary.

Naruto got up from the bed and took a quick shower before wearing casual clothes. He put on an oversized dark blue shirt, with dark pants.

In his teens, he would allow his hair to grow like that of Madara. Perhaps he could become as powerful as the former clan head.

Slowly, Naruto descended down the staircase.. Shisui appeared to be done. A bowl was set for him in the kitchen table for something soft. His breakfast diet didn't really taste good. Naruto stocked things that lasted and were healthy.

He pulled a chair and settled down, with a knee raised, foot on the chair. He grabbed the bowl and spoon. He said his thanks before he started eating.

"You look way too normal," Shisui said with a smile.

"Can't always be in battle mode," Naruto shrugged. "Besides, it's been a while since I felt a little bit free," he said, smiling a bit.

"Anbu treating you well?"

"I don't hate it as much as I thought I would. The missions are not bad. It is lively," Naruto said in a thoughtful tone. He glanced at Shisui for a moment and then stared back at his food. "Though, not the normal you wanted," he said.

"For you, that's normal. You can't have the childhood anymore. You've gone beyond that but you can at least make friends."

Naruto swallowed and then dug another load before dipping it into his mouth. The food danced on his tongue for a couple of seconds as the saliva build up before he swallowed once more. "Remains to be seen. But Three and White are not bad."

Shisui raised an eye brow. "You still don't know their names?"

"Haven't met them outside of Anbu."

Shisui heaved a heavy sigh. "Well, they are adults. I suppose they'll hang out with you when its training time and team building work," he said in a subdued tone.


"Yeah well, with taking duties in Military Police Force, I'm not burdened with Anbu duties. I'm only called for special missions that require my special abilities…"

"Or just someone skilled," Naruto said coldly. He stopped eating, just stirring the breakfast in the bowl. "You know, most of the Anbu are not that outstanding. You'd think for elite forces they'd be better than most Jonin…" he cocked his head a bit. "They are nonetheless splendid when it comes to covert operations. Then again, perhaps that is their primary duty."

"You've been dealing with Anbu, you should know. Haven't you met Kakashi-san?"

"I have… he is about the exception. Then again, he was a student of the Yondaime Hokage."

It was perhaps an oddity that Naruto appeared to have a positive outlook toward the Yondaime, despite only meeting him once. Shisui thought the man must have really made an impression on that moment.

"There are also other skilled shinobi you haven't met."

Naruto shrugged once more. He placed the spoon on the table and stared at Shisui. "Do I worry you that much?" He asked in a whisper.

"Of course!" Shisui quickly calmed himself. "You're like a younger brother. Everyone thinks you're fine… but I understand more than anyone just how lonely and miserable you are."

"Even I don't think I'm that miserable." Shisui stared at him and he laughed. "I don't know any other way of living. My life has always been like this. I admit, I envy others who live simple lives. I comfort myself by saying we can't all be carefree. Some of us must carry knives so that others can smile… yet—" he stopped, shutting his eyes for a second, "there yearning never goes away."

"That is because you're human. We all desire something…" Shisui adopted a thoughtful look.

"Speaking of desires… why don't you have a girlfriend? Even Itachi has one." Naruto stared at Shisui expectedly.

The older Uchiha laughed. "Izumi, you mean. She is a good girl, isn't she?"

"Yes… perhaps could be some good influence on Itachi. His father encourages them. I found it shocking that he actually cared for her."

"You make him out like he has no feelings."

"If you see him with Sasuke, you wouldn't think that. I would say, he loves too much. Even with Konoha. But that is not what we're talking about." Naruto said. "Then?"

"You get to question me when you have a friend," Shisui said. "Besides, I'm always busy. I don't have time for other things."

"If that is the reason the older brother gives, what will the younger brother do?"

"You choose to copy me when its convenient?"

Naruto flashed Shisui a grin. "Whatever makes me happy," he said.

Such little moments did matter in life. Shisui was glad he could have them with Naruto, despite the circumstances around the village.

"How are you settling in?"

"Police?" Naruto nodded his head. "Haven't really hit the ground running. I've just been doing patrols with others. The others are very serious about it, which is good."

"Maintaining law and order is important to ensure the village runs smoothly. Besides, it is the only job we Uchiha have been entrusted with. It is our pride and joy. But perhaps we do it a little too seriously," Naruto conceded. "But I'm sure you'll be butting heads with Inabi. Man is stuck in his ways. Well, it will be fun to watch."

There wasn't much of politics in Military Police that Shisui had to wrestle with, just people who were set in their ways. If it was Itachi, he'd quit within a day. They wouldn't tolerate his presence. It was just sad that things had come to this point. Itachi was vocal about the stupidity of some actions, but so was he—he was just a little sympathetic. It didn't help that the Sandaime displayed his love for Itachi for all to see.

He smiled thinking that some members would be deathly shocked and accuse the Sandaime of all poisoning Naruto's mind when they hear him talk. The secret meetings that had everyone talking always induced silence in Naruto. But he would disagree with them a lot more forcefully than Itachi.

After all, Naruto would be the first to threaten to sever the hands of any Uchiha who wields a blade against Konoha. Itachi wouldn't say it to anyone's face but Naruto would.

"We'll see how to goes," Shisui said. "We should go on patrols sometimes… just the three of us."

"I've no problem with that. Well, it would be great. You and Itachi are the ones I know best," Naruto said. He then laughed. "It's weird, isn't it? I was practically raised as Itachi's brother. We grew together, training together… but we've become so apart and generally don't agree with each other on certain points…"

"Some things work like that. You are two fundamentally different people… Maybe seeing the three of us together will lighten up the mood. The adults must think the kids are loved. We can hold onto our insecurities for the sake of their future, right?"

"The problem is that they don't think there is a future."

Naruto didn't reply but just turned toward the entrance. Itachi made his appearance. He looked as stoic as usual. His smile appeared to be only reserved for Izumi and Sasuke.

"There appears the devil," Naruto said with a smile.

Itachi greeted them. "I've not seen you in casual clothes in a while," he said. He didn't sit, but remained standing.

"Been too busy to wear them." Naruto shrugged. "I'm being summoned? You only come to my house for that reason only."

"Yes… father is waiting for you." Itachi replied.

Naruto nodded and then got up. Shisui followed him and then left his house in silence. "How about tomorrow?"

"If I don't get dragged into something," Naruto responded to Shisui, knowing what he was talking about. "You going now?"


Shisui and Itachi walking together in the streets? Wasn't that a crime? Little girls would be chasing after them. Some would even abandon their mothers to speak and touch the objects of their affections. Being a little older, Shisui would be hunted down by even the older women. In this group, Naruto would end up just being crushed simply because he was unknown to them.

A consequence of his actions and he had to live with it.

He left the two without saying another word.

Watching Naruto's back, Itachi spoke. "He seems a little carefree," he said.

"Must be the joys of leaving the village. He loves to fight after all. He isn't even walking around with his Sharingan activated. I suppose he has built some considerable chakra reserves that it no longer even bothers him," Shisui said.

Itachi nodded. "I was speaking with Danzo yesterday."

Shisui really didn't like the fact that Itachi continued to speak with Danzo. The man was just bad news and a little extreme in his love for Konoha. He figured Itachi still kept contact because he feared the Sandaime wouldn't be ready to make the hard decisions if it came to it and the Danzo could make any decision without even a pause. If it benefited Konoha, that man would sacrifice the limbs of his children—if he had any. If course, he wouldn't sacrifice himself.

"What did he want?"

"Naruto left quite the impression on him. I'm worried he might do something to Naruto."

"I wouldn't put it past him to do something if he realized for Naruto, the clan came first. Someone like that in Danzo's eyes would be more than willing to turn on Konoha for the sake of the clan." Shisui said in a bleak tone. If Danzo tried something, and failed, nobody would let it go. Naruto would be the first to go on a rampage. There were boundaries one did not cross. "He just asked for information?"

"Yes. But I told him Naruto was like us. Though knowing him, he most likely didn't hide his dislike of Danzo," Itachi answered. "He is smart enough to know what Danzo will think. Unless of course, he did it intentionally to provoke a response."

Scheming? Naruto detested it. He was always the one who came in straight. But it didn't mean he wasn't capable of it. Both Shisui and Itachi knew this well.

"It would be dangerous if Danzo does something." Shisui said. "Just chaos and an excuse for everyone to lose it…" he fell silent, thinking deeply. "But at least it seems that Naruto did indeed speak with Inabi. However, they're still not convinced by anything and are likely just gathering evidence before they finally make the proposal out in the open. Nobody has it yet. Maybe because they all know once they take that step, there is no going back."

"My father's relationship with the Sandaime has also taken a hit. He confided in me that my father is now privately questioning him. It seems, even he has become shaken," Itachi said in a worried tone.

"I know a way out if it comes down to it. We cannot allow a war to happen between Konoha and the Uchiha. It will just be needless bloodshed with only one winner. It may even spell the very end of the clan. We can't allow that to happen, Itachi." Shisui smiled sadly. "But I also don't want to sacrifice my clan. I love everyone and believe we still have a huge role to play in the future of Konoha…" his voice became stern. "But Itachi, be mindful that you don't end up becoming too comfortable with Danzo. You should understand his nature."

"I know," Itachi said with a small nod of his head. "He trusts me just as the Sandaime trusts me. I have no doubt both are thinking about what is best for the Leaf. Danzo does have his own agenda… that is an inescapable fact. But I also know he is not simply motivated by hatred toward our clan and when it comes down to it, he'll do what is needed."

Naka Shrine

The Uchiha Stone Tablet—a relic of the past. It contained history and warnings about the past. Some of it, even with his Mangekyo Sharingan, Fugaku couldn't decipher. Since it was left by the Sage of Six Paths, he reasoned the Doujutsu—the Rinnegan—could decipher most of it. The Uchiha could decipher some of it, because they descendants of the Sage.

"This has been passed down for generations. It details how the Mangekyo Sharingan can be unlocked. The story of the Sage of Sixth Paths, saving the shinobi world from the Ten-Tails. Others cannot read the latter parts but it is all there," Fugaku said to Naruto, who sat quietly behind him.

Fugaku was standing in front of the stone tablet, staring at it with his Mangekyo Sharingan. He turned around and then settled down, an expressionless mask on his face as he faced Naruto.

"During the warring times, some members of the clan would kill their loved ones in order to awaken the Mangekyo. You know, the condition to awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan is trauma. For years, we thought we needed to kill those we love. For this reason, awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan has earned one misfortune and suspicion. The truth however, is that you don't have to do the killing yourself. Trauma of seeing your loved one die is enough. Shisui and I being examples. It nonetheless doesn't change the fact that there must be an event that induces trauma."

The abilities of the Mangekyo were truly envious. One who has the Mangekyo truly stands above all other shinobi. The powers of Shisui and Fugaku couldn't be compared to them.

"Death, huh?" Was there really no other way? Regardless, the underlying qualification was trauma.

"I'm going to give your more materials to study forbidden Jutsu belonging to the Uchiha and those used by the Mangekyo Sharingan. You, Itachi and Shisui are the future of our clan," Fugaku said in a firm tone. "You've been like a son to me. As a father, my desire is for Itachi to succeed me, but if something happens to me, my desires will not be respected and the clan will make you leader."

Living without Fugaku? Naruto couldn't imagine it. The things he knew were taughtby Fugaku. The man basically taught him how to walk. He couldn't imagine the future without the man.

The idea made him sad for some reason. "Let us not think that far ahead."

"Are you afraid?"


"I understand. I told Itachi and Shisui that I wanted you to become a protector of the clan. You'll still be the protector of the clan regardless of your role. But the clan is much stronger with Itachi here. However, I understand he has other plans." Fugaku became silent before letting out a heavy breath. "I never told the Sandaime anything about some members thinking of revolting. But his actions of late suggests he knows. It could only have come from the mouth of Itachi."

Naruto frowned deeply. "Then they were right, he is working against the clan."

"From his point of view, it is trying to get the Sandaime to act before it becomes too late," Fugaku reasoned. "However, such matters shouldn't be for others to discuss or know. They should be internal clan matters."

"If the clan heads know about this, they too will become suspicious and that will make things difficult."

Itachi's ideals aside, to simply tell the Sandaime what others were thinking was treachery. Sooner or later, cold bastards like Danzo would learn of this and it would become a tipping point. Naruto hoped that this wouldn't reach the villagers. If it did, they would lose all respect.

Naruto understood Itachi's worries, but he was reckless. Even if Fugaku was trusted, with this knowledge, whenever he speaks, they'll start second guessing him.

Internal matters of the clan had to remain this way.

"Yes," Fugaku replied with a hint of grim. "When I spoke to him with Shisui, I'd not thought things had become like this. But now, it has become clear that he mustn't attend meetings. Those are secret meetings meant only for the Uchiha. Nothing should be reaching the village. In his quest to protect Konoha, it seems, my son will do anything." Fugaku finished with sadness.

"What to do?"

"I know I said you had the freedom to choose what you wanted to do. Military Police force is your choice, but things are different. I may not be around for longer than I'd hoped," Fugaku said with sadness. "Some clan members have approached me about killing Tsunade or forcing the Sandaime to select me as his successor."

"Not Inabi?"

Fugaku shook his head. "Not him. It is clear that patience is wearing thin. I'll continue to hold them back. But others have become too emotional that they can no longer see reason. Of course, there are some members who've come to me to tell me that they support my stance and do not agree with what others are planning."

"Are we heading for an Uchiha civil war?" Naruto asked, his voice a whisper. He dreaded the thought of Uchiha killing each other because of the clash in opinions.

"I'm not going to allow this happen." Fugaku said with confidence. "You're Anbu now. Keep watch of what is happening. If the Sandaime tries to get you in his corner, don't refuse."

"I understand."

"In a few years, you'll retire from Anbu and take normal Jonin Duties. If things go well, Shisui can leave Military Police and be a servant of Konoha while you replace him. I placed him there because of his soft touch. While you grow, his touch should influence Military Police, paving way for you. I want to focus on the internal conflict and my duty as Village Councilor."

"I am always ready to support you, Fugaku-sama. For our clan, I'll give my eyes."

Fugaku smiled. He then slowly stood up. "Shisui has never truly shown you the powers of the Mangekyo, has he?"


"Let us go outside of Konoha for a little while. I want to show you the powers of the Mangekyo Sharingan."


The absolute defense—Susanoo; nobody was going to persuade Naruto that the Sharingan was not a Doujutsu that made Uchiha superior. After all, everyone knew, come across an Uchiha in battle, the first option was always to flee. Generic to all Sharingan, but Genjutsu was still a deadly jutsu that couldn't be dispelled very easily. And then there was Susanoo. Naruto had seen Fugaku's beast. With that power, his teacher's power was without question top among all other powers within Konohagakure.

The Hyuga could claim their eyes were all seeing, but the Sharingan could see and analyze. It was indeed the perfect Doujutsu.

"There you go." Teuchi said to Naruto, giving him a bowl of ramen.

Naruto said his thanks and grabbed the sticks. The street behind him was busy as usual. But he ignored it all as he absorbed the smell of the cooked noodles with a flavor of pork. How he sometimes missed eating such foods. He was constantly eating fish while at the Forest of Death.

It was just a pity, he was forced to come here alone without a friend. He didn't know where Shisui was and didn't think he would be kind to Itachi if he saw him.

After all, if the news got leaked, nobody would be getting closer to him. They would all be afraid that he could just kill them. At this rate, even if by some miracle, Fugaku was made Hokage, the others would even suspect them of foul play. The Council was going to take a cautious approach.

Shisui's ability couldn't even be made common knowledge to the Village Council or else there would always be a look of suspicion on everything they did.

A loud screech from the same street dragged Naruto from his thoughts. He turned toward his right where the noise was coming from. Some people appeared to be running over there. He could hear angry voices. His first reaction was to leave the bowl without a word to see what was happening as a member of Military Police Force. But he took out a bill and paid Teuchi before rushing over to find the cause of the commotion.

People were gathered around the entrance of a store. It was like a mob, there was yelling and screaming. The crowd was getting bigger.

"How dare you hit me!"

"You can't just assault people like that!"

"Damned Uchiha! You think you're the law in this village!"

"And to think Itachi-kun is from the same clan is you thugs. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You dishonor his and Fugaku-sama's name!"

There was hissing and all.

"I did not assault you. And it is wrong to obstruct us from doing our jobs, mam." A very restrained voice replied in the midst of the yelling. But the anger hidden underneath was clear in Naruto's mind.

He pushed through the crowd and entered the store. A member of Military Police Force was surrounded by a mob, a bruised man was being manhandled by the officer. He was holding the man's hands, while his knee was on the back of the man's neck.

The man didn't look like a civilian. He didn't wear a headband but it was clear he was no civilian. Naruto figured he was one of those failed shinobi who never rose from the rank of Genin and eventually ended up quitting to take up a career in criminality.

"You're even manhandling the poor man!"

Naruto really didn't see anything wrong. But an escape would be difficult from this situation because of the crowd.

To announce himself, he snapped his fingers, releasing a dose of killing intent. Civilians, but they all froze and quieted down.

Naruto smiled and then stepped up, standing behind his fellow Uchiha. "Hikaku," he recognized the man. "What's happening?" he asked in a quiet tone, helping the man tie down the suspect.

Some of the villagers got back their wits and then started explaining. "He assaulted a civilian, that's what's happening!" it was a man, loud and appeared angry. "Look what is happening in my shop now!"

While they shouted, Naruto faced Hikaku who then explained. "This man is a criminal. Theft robbery and murder. He was resisting arrest and I had to use force. The owner didn't want it happening in his shop. That woman," he pointed at the woman, who was on her butt, a little bruised and holding onto her right shoulder. "Intervened and I had to defend myself. She fell over…"

Naruto nodded his head and then turned over to the owner of the shop. He bowed a little. It was sickening he had to lower his head to a mere civilian. But arrogance wasn't going to solve this situation.

"I apologize that this has happened in your shop. But sometimes, we have no other choice. When an opportunity presents itself, we must act… If there is any damage to your shop, Military Police will compensate you," he said in a warm voice.

"I hope you do."

"Of course," Naruto walked over to the woman. He knelt beside her. She seemed to be in some pain. He held a single hand sign, and then a clone appeared in a poof of smoke. "If you have no problem, let me help you to the hospital."

She seemed to hesitate and didn't want to. But an elderly woman came in to his rescue. Naruto had been close to losing his calm. She told the woman it was fine since he had apologized and was willing to take her to the hospital. Finally, the woman relented and the clone picked her up.

Naruto thanked the old woman and then turned around. "I apologize again for the scene. And I hope everyone will continue to cooperate with us to ensure that scums who walk among you, are arrested and sent where they belong."

Within a couple of minutes, the crowd disappeared and Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

He and Hikaku walked out of the store and headed toward Military Police HQ, where the Prison was located.

"Why did you apologize like that?" Hikaku asked him in a cold tone, narrowed eyes. "As far as I have known you, you've been unapologetic."

"To thugs," Naruto said with a shrug. "Still, to be forced to swallow my pride and bow my head was humiliating. I'm almost thinking of torturing your suspect to make up for it."

Hikaku laughed while the suspect tensed and pleaded for mercy.

"For a moment I thought you were going to make me apologize," Hikaku said. "Just for the record, I wasn't going to do anything of that nature."

"I didn't apologize for your actions. I apologized for the commotion."

Hikaku blinked and then laughed once more. It was just like Naruto. He believed what he said and decided it was the villagers who were wrong but he wasn't going to tell them. It would have just made things worse.

"A brat but you know how to handle things in the streets. Thanks for the rescue…"

"Don't mention it. It is such little things that give some people ammunition to go after us. We have a favorable image with the villagers, we don't want to destroy that as well. Besides, their cooperation in crime fighting is important. When they start shielding criminals, it becomes war against us and the villagers. The Village leaders get involved and we get the short stick."

"Yeah," Hikaku said bitterly.

Hokage Office

Hiruzen smiled seeing the matter in the streets resolved without any trouble. He immediately placed the crystal ball in the drawer and leaned back on his chair.

"Impressive for a brat... yet quite nothing like the battle hungry Uchiha he's made out to be," Jiraiya said, sitting in front of his sensei's desk.

"It's all about appearances. Naruto-kun has been in Military Police for a while. He often used to clash with Anbu but you'll hardly hear anyone complaining about his behavior. When in duty, his personal views are discarded." Hiruzen explained.

It just went to show that Itachi's observation about Naruto was correct. The Uchiha was flexible and a reasonable person. He wasn't like all other Uchiha. Yet, not quite like either Shisui or Itachi. He was just a unique shinobi who behaved just like a normal person, with a little of violence hidden underneath.

Yet, seeing him handle civilians you'd not think he was the same person. He'd always seemed too keen to provoke Anbu. Now, he was a part of them and did his work to the best of his ability.

Hiruzen could see why Fugaku liked him. And more than ever, he wanted to bring the young one much closer to him.

"Just like a shinobi."

"He understands the situation of the clan." Hiruzen chuckled. "Still, to see him bow is rather surprising, considering the level of his pride and arrogance. But it just goes to show his love for his clan."

"Maybe I should approach him."

"No." Hiruzen was quick to reject the idea. "We have some problems but Naruto is a sensitive subject to Fugaku. Even I don't know his origins…" the Third added with a shake of his head. "Importantly, we have a Kirigakure issue to deal with. Once they become aware of the Pakura incident, they'll make noise. We have to be able to handle that noise without resorting to battles."

His sensei was always optimistic but Jiraiya had learned, some people were just not redeemable. He should have already learned with the Hyuga incident that Great Nations would always do everything to protect their interests, even if the cost is war.

"You really don't want another war, do you?"

"Do you?"

"No." the Toad Sage shook his head. "I've had enough of them. What do you want me to do?"

"Go to Kirigakure and gather as much Intel as you can. I understand it is riddled with chaos. I don't want to follow the suggestion of others. I want you to find if it would be possible to open dialogue with them and solve any issues with them in a diplomatic manner."

"What was the suggestion?"

"Something Danzo would readily agree to do?" Hiruzen said with a small smile. "Using the situation in Kiri to plot for a civil war. It was said if they make movements for war, to protect Konoha, we empower those who want to see change in the village."

It would be blood. A civil war that would tear Kirigakure apart but it would save Konohagakure. Without Kiri, Suna wouldn't mount any attack. Was it this much that was needed to protect a village? To sacrifice others?

Jiraiya shook his head. There has to be some other ways to solve differences. "Alas, The Mist is infamously known as the bloody mist," he said. They were used to deaths. Maybe an uprising could be the only thing that saves them. From a village that was once famous for its bloodlines, Kiri had descended into an uncontrolled chaos that was heading toward the edge of the cliff. "The savior of the world would intervene to solve the problem there. But I'm not that," he said bitterly. "I'll send people there. I want to focus on tracking down Orochimaru. Him founding a village is a threat to Konoha."

"Considering how he left, anyone would be worried."

"Yes… but he has so many hideouts even with Otogakure, tracking him down is not easy," Jiraiya conceded. "We should talk to the Sound to warn them about not letting him continue. Of course, it probably won't change anything but storming Oto would probably be the right decision."

It was just another war. "I'll have Danzo dig up something. He worked with Orochimaru. He should know his patterns. But I agree, those hideouts must be destroyed," he said with a nod of his head. "Gather all the intelligence you can get and we will send a team to destroy them."

"And Iwagakure?"

"We leave them be. Onoki has seen many wars. He'll not act like the Raikage." Hiruzen then smiled. "But I'm sure he'll be happy to see Suna fighting with us, considering their troubles."

"At this rate, Suna will be fighting with everyone. It will be in the Kazekage's best interests to solve things with us in a diplomatic manner, especially since we are willing."

"Indeed, but you never know what people are thinking. I trust Hiashi-san will be able to handle things with care. He is—" the door burst open. Danzo jumped into the office, looking irate.

"It was my decision to bring her back. But once she is brought back, you want to treat her this way? First it was the Kyubi and now her?!" Danzo hissed, glaring at Hiruzen with contempt. "Your naivety will cost this village dearly, Hiruzen."

"You're speaking to the Hokage, Danzo. Show some respect."

Danzo's eyes narrowed toward Jiraiya. He at least had some respect for the Toad Sage. He always gave his all for the Hidden Leaf. As such, he didn't say anything to the man.

"I was going to call you about Orochimaru. It is good you came," Hiruzen was used to Danzo's tantrums that this didn't even bother him. "But first tell me; where you planning on killing Naruto if the opportunity represented itself?"

"No." Danzo denied it. "But he is dangerous to the village."

"If you make an attempt on him or Shisui, I will have you hanged, Danzo."

"Can you?"

"Try me, Danzo. I've tolerated your nonsense for far too long. Leave the Uchiha matter to me. And don't touch anyone. Stay away from Pakura as well. You have duties that will be assigned to you. Do them…" Hiruzen said in a dead serious tone, a bit of his killing intent leaking to express just how serious he was. "We want information on all of Orochimaru's hideouts you know. If you can order your men to find any other, do so and report back. We have to deal with him before he becomes a bigger threat."

"At least you're doing something right. But I'd warned you he shouldn't have been allowed to leave Konoha in the first place."

"Be quiet!" Hiruzen glared at Danzo. "I've had to protect you from an investigation by Military Police Force. According to them, there is some circumstances that point toward your involvement in Orochimaru's schemes. You were also recruiting children from the orphanage without my authorization. You will not lecture me. Just do as you're instructed to do."

Without a word, Danzo left.

Hiruzen sighed deeply as the door shut.

"Why do you still keep him?"

Hiruzen smiled sadly. "He loves Konoha. But the main reason is he can do things I don't have the heart to do… you must think of me as spineless for not having the guts to do certain things and instead push them toward Danzo."

Jiraiya shook his head. "I don't think so, Sensei. You have given more to Konoha than anyone and your actions have saved many lives of Konoha shinobi. This village recognizes it—this is why nobody will say you must retire."

Military Police HQ

Naruto was casually strolling through the HQ when Inabi poked him on the back of his head slightly pushing him forward.

"You want a fight?" He asked, staring at Inabi with a sharp look.

Despite being himself, Inabi laughed. "For a brat, you talk a big game," he said. His expression became stern in the blink of an eye. "I heard you were involved in the streets today."

"Is there a problem?"

"You did well. But you're no longer part of Military Police Force. Stay out of it and allow the members to deal with their issues."

It was Naruto's turn to laugh. "You got a problem with me, Inabi-san?"

"It is just rules."

"I'll follow the rules." Naruto had no desire to argue. Inabi walked past him and he stared at the man's back before shaking his head.

Naruto continued his path, turning into a corner before entering a small room. It was stacked with mountains of papers. There was not even a window, and the desk was small. Shisui was buried behind the small desk, his black orbs staring at the reports. Naruto picked one of the papers without asking and looked through it.

"What are you doing reviewing complaints?" He asked. As far as he concerned, complaints were always locked away. Hardly any member faced any disciplinary penalties.

"Just checking what people complain about." Shisui said without lifting his head.

Naruto pushed some papers away and sat on the desk. There was no other chair available for him and he wasn't going to stand for the duration of his visit here.


"Went to fetch Sasuke… mostly likely training."

"I do miss the little genius." Naruto said with a small smile. He didn't dislike Sasuke. He was a good boy—he just loved and idolized his brother too much. The mistake Fugaku had made was focusing too much on Itachi. But Sasuke was still young, lost time could be made. "Why you called me?"

"Where you busy?"

"Three reached out and wanted to know if I could join for some training."

"And you rejected that?" Shisui asked with surprise, his eyes now staring at Naruto.

"Of course not."

"Would have thought you hit your head." Shisui sais with a smile. "This is going to be a tough job for me. But there really is not much I can change. Fugaku-sama has things running well."

That was only natural. Fugaku was a good leader. Even when he was now losing control of the clan, he was still an excellent leader and Naruto would beat anyone who dared to slander his name.

"You're really trying to be Madara?" Shisui asked Naruto. He was dressed almost like the infamous Uchiha, and held the gunbai as well as two other weapons—a scythe and a sword. It was Naruto's full battle gear.

"Just in terms of power… not ideology and the like," Naruto replied, staring into the sky. There was still light, but the sun had already set. The trees surrounding them created a dark shade. "Do you think we can stop clan members from trying to wage war against Konoha?" He asked with concern.

Everyone worried. Naruto just had as much worries as Itachi. The former was just not willing to put the village first. It wasn't that Itachi didn't love his clan—he did. But if the clan waged war against the Leaf, the other nations would attack and the Leaf would fall. The Uchiha name would be forever known as the clan that led to Konoha's demise because of its lust for power. Their ideas differed but they all wanted the same thing.

Shisui really hoped they three of them could truly work together. "The majority demand action… in fact, those with power want something to be done. The ones who don't want it have no influence over the others. I honestly don't know if we can dissuade them. They are united in their anger toward Konoha."

"They going to lead us to destruction," Naruto said coldly, looking up at Shisui who was leaning against the trunk of a tree. "I told Inabi would kill him if he tried to force things. He agreed to wait, but I think going back to the others, he isn't going to wait. I'm just a child—I understand nothing in their view. But," he smiled sadly. "If it comes to it, I'm more than willing to kill the pack leaders. It is fine if I become branded a traitor and have to leave Konoha. I already don't have a life here. But you're a loved in this village."

"Itachi worries just as much as you," Shisui said. "And so do I," he added. "I was thinking of using my Genjutsu on everyone. I can still use it. I want you and Itachi to have good futures and become pillars of the Uchiha. If I can make a sacrifice… then it would be fine.." If anyone was willing to take such drastic measures of being the one to kill members of the clan, it had to be him. It was a dark path, but one that appeared unavoidable. Maybe if he chose to die, he could give both Itachi and Naruto the Mangekyo Sharingan. Such a death would surely be of benefit to the clan.

"I wonder about that," Naruto said, a bit with contempt. "Does Itachi really care for the clan? Why does he tell the Sandaime things?"

"Because he is a shinobi of this village. And he is not the only one who talks to the Sandaime. I also talk to him. We do so because we love the clan and hope to come to a solution." Shisui said in a firm tone. "You'd never think of doing so because you think it is just an internal matter. But this is bigger than the Uchiha. You need to understand this much. If you do, you'll understand some of Itachi's thinking. He loves the clan, just as much as I do. I want you to understand that Naruto."

Did Itachi love the clan? He loved his brother. But loyalties were with the village. Naruto didn't want to think that he was the one who was wrong. He couldn't be wrong. His thinking was logical and made sense.

Still, it was a fact that he hadn't betrayed the clan. And the Sandaime's kindness meant he would be thinking of a diplomatic solution. Perhaps he too could speak with the Third. The problem was that he really didn't trust the old man.

Naruto grabbed the handle of his scythe, and then disappeared in a blur. He flashed where Shisui was, swinging the scythe horizontally. Its blade was coated with wind chakra, and cut through the space in a blink. Shisui blurred out of existence as the scythe neared him. The weapon cut through the trunk of the tree.

The older Uchiha dropped atop of the scythe that was still stretched. He then took a step forward, swinging his right foot toward Naruto's face. Naruto saw the kick coming and let go of the scythe, and leapt backward.

Shisui had expected as much and then vanished into thin air. He appeared behind Naruto, and tried to deliver a roundhouse kick on the back of his head. In response, Naruto's right hand swiftly moved toward his back and lifted the gunbai on his back. The kick from Shisui crashed into the face of the gunbai. Unharmed, Naruto leapt away.

Shisui dropped to the ground while doing hand seals. His stomach grew and as he did an intake of air. He held his fingers in a triangle around his mouth. "Katon: Dragon's Breath!" He released a stream of crimson flames from his mouth. The flames spread forward, charging up toward Naruto.

While in mid-air, Naruto twisted around to face the incoming attack. He held his gunbai in front of him, and used his left hand to balance it. The incoming flames collided with the face of the fan, before being absorbed. The weapon glowed brightly before Naruto burst into flames.

Shisui was a little surprised when Naruto flashed behind him. He already had his Sharingan activated. It was indeed true, his fellow Uchiha really couldn't fight without the Doujutsu.

More importantly, he had moved much faster than before. And he knew what was coming.

"Uchiha Return." Naruto waved the gunbai toward Shisui. It released a powerful blast that exploded in front of him. The blast had waves of wind gusts, and peeled off chunks of earth. Naruto didn't move even as the blast threatened to engulf him. He just stood there and admired his work.

When it cleared, there was no sign of Shisui, just a huge crater.

"You've gotten faster. If I didn't know about the ability, I would have suffered." Without knowing, there was just no way to avoid it.

Naruto didn't turn around to face Shisui, but he narrowed his eyes behind. The older Uchiha was bruised. He was obviously caught just slightly in the attack. He was indeed Shisui of the teleportation alright. Naruto was certain not even Itachi would have avoided that attack.

"Training with Gai helps. I was certain that burst of speed would surprise you." Naruto said, before glancing up into the sky. "I'm a little frustrated since I really have no other idea on how to stop the talk of a coupe. There is no telling that even if we remove those leaders, the others won't feel empowered. I've become an Anbu. They are likely to think the Sandaime corrupted me and gave me the order… Then what is the solution? How do I save my brothers, Shisui?"

Naruto didn't need to turn around to sense that Shisui had released a wave of shuriken toward him. He held the gunbai above his head, and waved it slightly. The movement was enough to create some gusts that managed to repel the shuriken.

Shisui was in front of him in a second, driving his short sword toward his throat. Naruto attempted to dodge the strike by cocking his head. However, the strike never reached him as Shisui exploded into flames. Naruto's eyes did notice and he jumped from the flames, but he was caught slightly.

While in the air, Shisui blurred on his side, spinning in mid-air before delivering a high kick straight on his forehead. The blow sent him flying backwards but Naruto flipped twice before hitting the ground. He skidded a couple of feet before coming to a halt.

The second he stopped, he dropped his gunbai and lunged toward the incoming Shisui. As he neared the man, he created a fist, and drove it toward his chest. Shisui's reaction was swift; his left arm moved below the drive and he punched him on the wrist. The slight movement was enough to redirect his drive. Shisui didn't stop there, he twisted around, lifting his right foot. Naruto reacted swiftly this time, managing to leap backwards. He did feel a bit of the wind brushing through his face as Shisui's foot went past him.

While in mid-air, he went through hand seals. But Shisui swiftly mirrored him.

"Katon: Great Fireball no Jutsu!"

"Katon: Great Fireball no Jutsu!"

The gigantic balls of flames they released collided in mid-air, creating one powerful explosion that lit up the entire area with crimson flames. The intensity of the flames caused both of them to jump backwards to avoid suffering from burns.

It took a while for the flames to eventually die down. When it did, Sasuke's happy voice rang through the area.

"Wow!" the younger Uchiha exclaimed. "That was so big, Nii-san… but not as big as Nii-san!"

"Disturbance," Naruto said in an annoyed voice.

Shisui laughed. "You don't have to look like that," he said.

"I was starting to get excited. I was thinking I might even force you to show me the powers of the Mangekyo," Naruto said, his sharp eyes turning toward Sasuke.

The boy flinched and hid behind his brother. Naruto sighed deeply and settled down on the ground. Sasuke peeked behind Itachi and stuck his tongue out.

"I'll come and beat you in front of your brother."

"Brother will defend me. You've never even beaten him." Sasuke replied proudly, now stepping out behind his brother.

Itachi put on Sasuke's head, brushing his hair. The boy blushed at the contact. "It seemed to me you were trying to burn the forest. We're still in clan grounds, you know?"

Naruto shrugged with indifference. "It's not like the village will notice since we're ousted from the village center," he said. "How I miss our former location. Well, this is just fine…"

Did Itachi really care for the clan? Was he too trying to save the clan or was he just sucking up to the Sandaime Hokage? Toward what end?

He sighed, unless he asked, he wasn't going to get answers. He glanced at Shisui. "A pity I can't vent," he said and then turned toward Sasuke. "Been a while, Sasu-chan… I heard your grades aren't dropping…"

"Sasuke!" Sasuke exclaimed in response.

"You'll always be Sasu-chan to me…" Naruto said in a teasing tone. "You think you can beat Itachi's record?"

Sasuke huffed, folding his hands across his chest. "Of course."

"You can't beat mine of course."

"You didn't go to the academy."

Naruto smiled. "That's the point… I was too smart for the academy." He said, stepping up.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "You're not even a genius like Nii-san."

"That so?" He smiled. "Wanna test me?"

"You want to train with him?" Itachi asked.

"No way!" Sasuke folded his hands across his chest. "Naruto-nii is rough!" he complained to his brother.

"Ungrateful little brat. When your dear brother had abandoned you, I was the one looking after you. Now that your brother is back, you don't even come to visit me."

Sasuke only pressed against his brother.

Naruto picked up his gunbai and flung it over his right shoulder. "Shisui, can you take Sasuke back home? I want to speak with Itachi."

"No way!"

"It's okay, Sasuke," Itachi replied to his brother's protest. He created a clone, which picked up the boy, putting him on its shoulders.

"You're going talk things out?" Shisui asked Naruto.


He smiled. "I'll drop in tomorrow morning."


Shisui left with Itachi's clone and Naruto walked over to pick up his scythe. He didn't say anything to his fellow Uchiha and just walked into the trees. Itachi followed him in silence and they arrived at the Naka River. Naruto placed his weapons on the side and settled on the edge of the cliff, staring down at the water. Itachi sat behind him on a small rock, watching him intently.

"We were much younger than Sasuke when we first met. We should have been brothers and much closer to one another than you and Shisui," he smiled bitterly. "But I'm not even close to Shisui as much as you are. It seems I've placed some distance between me and everyone.

"But I care. I love everyone dearly. You're all my brothers and as your father said, I took it as my duty to be a guardian of the clan. Plans change of course…" he shook his head, clearing some memories of old. "We never really played together. It was always training, and learning. Yet, we never truly gotten to the point of understanding each other…"

Itachi didn't say anything but he agreed. His father had raised Naruto as his own. He even admitted he wanted them to be like brothers and he failed on this. But their differences had only arose after the War and when he started going to the academy. From there, things just went on a downward spiral.

"Your father loves you and he'll never do anything to harm you. He'll protect his son against the clan…" Naruto chuckled coldly. "I envy this at times. Anyway, I know you tell the Sandaime things. Amazing, isn't it? The clan wanted you to become a spy and instead you became a spy for Konoha."

"I'm not a spy."

"Sure…" Naruto rolled his eyes. "I thought it was only you but even Shisui has done it. That has put me in a tricky position. I'm arrogant, I know and I have no shame. But, I'm flexible and listen to reason. So, Itachi, convince me that you love the clan, and want to protect it. I agree with you the revolt must be stopped. But I want to hear that you love us…" he closed his eyes. "Your father may not do it. But if I can't be convinced, I'll treat you as a traitor who has sold out his family to the scum who wish to destroy us." He turned around, and stared deathly. "And please don't tell me Danzo only has good intentions toward our clan."

End of chapter

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