
Chapter 7: Voice of Reason

Training Ground 44

While in mid-air, leaping backwards, Three's eyes stared at the grasping right hand of Naruto moving toward the jugular. The Uchiha cut between distances at deceptively quick speeds. At this rate, he was going to get caught. there was no time to do a replacement Jutsu or even try to slap the hand away.

Reprieve came when White suddenly flanked his right side, stabbing his short sword toward the Uchiha's left shoulder. The sword seemed to pierce through his shoulder, but he exploded into a log. 'White' disappeared in a cloud of smoke as Three landed gracefully on the ground.

Three looked around the clearing, trying to get a sense of Naruto. Trees surrounded him. The silence was filled with the menacing aura of the Forest of Death. Neither White nor Naruto were visible. It was so unlike Naruto to hide during training. He was always visible and attacked head on. He'd asked the Uchiha why he didn't do strategies.


Had been his response. Three hadn't known whether to be offended or amused. After all, it had seemed Naruto was saying he didn't need to strategies against opponents such as them.

"There is an element of that," he'd conceded. "But you're strategizing... it's more fun for me to dismantle your strategies through sheer force."

One thing became certain, as efficient as he was, Naruto wasn't like Itachi or Shisui. The former was quiet and did his job diligently. The Latter strong and famous as he was, radiated with warmth. The Uchiha were truly exceptional shinobi. But not as bad as some people thought they were. However, if you did come across Naruto, you'd think he was an arrogant little prick with a superiority complex. Three smiled—well, he was arrogant. Yet, smart about it.

Three was pulled away from his thoughts when he saw a stream of flames coming from the trees. He swiftly did hand seals. "Suiton: Water Gun!"

He spewed an equal stream of water toward the incoming flames. The water shot out of his mouth like bullet, before colliding with the flames. The collision of water and fire resulted in a steaming noise, and a hot fog formed in the atmosphere as the two jutsu cancelled each other.

Seeing that Naruto had revealed himself by employing the Jutsu, White had dashed toward the origin. But when he arrived at the scene, the Uchiha wasn't there. As inconceivable as it was, he seemed to have released the jutsu and then vanished into thin air, so fast that even he, an experienced Anbu couldn't notice. White figured there had to be some trick behind it. He resolved to dash toward the clearing.

Three's eyes flashed opened, kunai burst out of the steam. There were three of them, and obviously sent by someone within the steam. He held a single hand sign, and did a replacement jutsu. The kunai hit the log, imbedding on it without breaking it. It harmlessly fell into the ground.

The second he landed on a tree branch and took a giant intake of air, Naruto flashed in from of him. A kick pummelled him on the side of his head with so much force he heard birds chirping. The force of the kick sent his head slamming into the tree, planting him there. White was upon Naruto while he was still in motion. The Anbu grabbed the Uchiha from behind, grapping his eyes around his neck. 'Naruto' smirked and White sensed a rise of chakra.

"Shit." He muttered under his breath as he let go. Boom! Naruto exploded into a fiery of crimson flames. The flames burnt in the air, creating a huge ball that burnt the tree and forcing Three to leap away into hiding.

White landed in the clearing, and fell on his knees, breathing a little heavily. His shirt was burnt around his chest. Once he recovered his breath, he searched for Naruto. the Uchiha was learning against the trunk of a tree, hands folded across his chest. He too had bruises. This had been going on for a while.

"Are you trying to kill me?" White demanded, glaring at Naruto.

Naruto just smiled. "It seems I must try harder."

"If I wasn't fast enough, it could have left permanent marks on my body!" White shouted.

"Aren't battle marks supposed to be trophies?" Naruto asked. "I've seen shinobi bragging about their wounds while drunk and trying to impress upon the women."

"If it is a wound from war, yes. But this is a sparring session." White Sighed and settled down with his legs folded. "I can't brag about anything..." he then grinned. "Well, when you become famous, I'll brag about having taught Anbu ropes and being your senior." Without doubt, Naruto was going to become a famous shinobi in the near future.

"You're being shameless," Three said to White, appearing in the clearing. "You make good use of strategies," Three said to Naruto.

Neither were ugly men some women wouldn't pick on the night. They both were built for the job. They looked more like twins than anything. Naruto had learned, they were related—they shared the same family name.

"I learned from Itachi and Shisui," Naruto replied with a shrug. "The last one however, I learned from Kakashi-san. Never fought the man but from what Itachi told me..."


"I occasionally wear weights when I train. I don't have the physic to keep wearing them, so, it is only during training," Naruto said.

Three nodded and held out his hand to White. He took it and was helped to stand. "Next up is the use of senbon to disable targets without harming them."

"Of course."

Three stared at Naruto. Once you got used to the Uchiha, you realized he wasn't that bad. "Drinks later on?"

"I'm a child."

Three stared at him. "I've seen you cut down men without blinking."

"I'm a shinobi."

"We'll get you juice or tea."

"Some other time... Got a few things to do."

Night, Uchiha Compound

The rest of the clan was in the dark about the meetings the warriors held. It wasn't that they didn't know there were secretive meetings, it was the subject of such meetings that was secret. Every now and then, the men huddled in the bunker, speaking passionately about their contempt for the establishment. Husbands wouldn't even tell their wives and children about the chaos they wished to bring into the village, potentially, putting their lives at risk. But perhaps it was a the last roll of the dice of some of these men.

The future was still long. In the hatred—the infamous Uchiha hatred—they didn't see it. It was a grave error in judgment, but a raging bull had no rational thought. The need in contempt simply dictated where the next Fire Ball would be hurled.

"Let me join you tonight," Shisui said to him in a whisper. The men were gathering late in the night. Soon, it would be crowded and the big debate would ensue.

Naruto didn't spare Shisui a glance. He was focused on observing the faces and body language of those who stepped inside their little bunker.

"Don't you want to be in front?"

Shisui shook his head. "I want to see what kind of view you have here."

"It's not much. Just staring at people's back," he glanced at Shisui for a moment and then asked. "Tired of speaking to men possessed?"

Shisui smiled weakly. "I'd thought some things could be changed. But spending time in Military Police Force has taught me that their conviction is great."

"More like insane," Naruto sighed deeply. "And I'd thought Inabi-san would listen. Then again, he isn't the only one. The majority will always overpower the minority."

"We're the minority in this picture."

"Indeed." Naruto's expression became grim. "What do we do then?"

Talking about things didn't appear as if it was going to solve the impasse. It seemed like a pointless activity at this time. However, a way had to be found past this mountain or the Uchiha clan would cease to exist.

Still, Naruto was loath to see members of his clan being manipulated by a Genjutsu. There was that danger that if the leaders of the village knew the Genjutsu worked too well, they would then deem the ability too dangerous and Shisui might become a liability. For someone like Danzo, his friend would become ripe for killing.

Before Shisui could reply, the last of the member arrived and the lid was shut. There was no sign of Itachi in the meeting. Naruto thanked the Gods that he had listened.

"I have called all of you because the situation in the clan has not become desirable. We have seen changes in the leadership and the Sandaime is working with earnest to try to change how the leadership sees us. I've already stated my how position in the village Council. No, the Uchiha were never part of the village Council to begin with. But now we are part of the Council. Isn't that a step toward the right direction?" Fugaku asked.

While his trust in the Sandaime Hokage had taken some knock, Fugaku wasn't about to push those doubts into the clan. They would feed off those doubts and the flaming fire would just become a raging inferno that would burn them all into dust and memory.

Worse, it would put Itachi and Naruto into a corner. Fugaku was certain that before Itachi was forced to do anything, Naruto would carry the sin. But he didn't want Naruto to do that. Fugaku would rather sacrifice himself than allow the children to solve matters adults should have solved long ago.

But as long as he held firm, he could stall for time.

"We shouldn't value that position. They are just trying to pacify us." Inabi said in a forceful voice. The hatred in it unmasked for all to see and hear.

"They know we are displeased but this changes nothing in the long run."

"It is a fact that they chose a traitor to the village over you, Fugaku-sama!"

This was an undeniable fact that nobody could reject, not even Fugaku. "I understand this much."

"Where is Itachi?"

"I have decided it is best he not attend meetings any longer until the clan feels he can be trusted." Fugaku replied.

"Well, at least we have a traitor off our midst. But is the same not going to happen to Naruto? Shisui has also started to talk to like Itachi. No, they've become the same!"

Naruto glanced at Shisui with an amused expression. That was just his reputation tanking. It was indeed a pity that anymore who disagreed was viewed as a traitor to the clan. But there was really nothing they could do about it.

"Is this what you have turned into?" Fugaku asked in a cold tone. "We are going to sit here and question the loyalties of the clan members because we disagree with them?" He flared a bit of his chakra, his Mangekyo Sharingan coming to life for a second before he calmed down. "Shisui has been nothing but a loyal servant. That someone would question him is ridiculous and offensive. If your hatred is clouding your judgment in this manner, must we even listen to what you have to say?"

The member didn't say anything, shrinking under the gaze of Fugaku. Everyone fell silent for a minute before murmurs picked up.

Fugaku cleared his throat. "At any event, we cannot deny there is a systematic problem. And we must face with it. I'll be sitting with the Council to discuss the matter. I will provide timely updates on how those discussions progress. If there are any demands you have, please tell me them so we can take them up to the Sandaime."

"You become Hokage!"

"The Sandaime is old and shouldn't be leading the village!"

"He was willing to step aside to allow the Yondaime Hokage to take over. Why can't he do that for you?"

"If that is your demand, I will pass it on when I meet for discussions." Fugaku said in a calm tone. "To test the waters, I will suggest that the Prison be moved elsewhere… Away from Uchiha grounds. I'll suggest a place for the village to consider."

This was accepted as well.

Naruto then stood up and walked over to the front. His back faced the men and he bowed before Fugaku.

"I apologize for this, but I want to speak, today, is that allowed?"

Fugaku nodded his head.

"Thank you," Naruto turned around and sat down on Fugaku's right side. His Sharingan was activated, his face displayed no emotion. It was so cold, there was a chill that spread through the room. "I have watched for a long time now. Adults know better. You have grown and experienced things that we children have not. But I refuse to continue to watch my fellow clansmen become this foolish and vain."

"Watch your tone, Naruto!"

"If you have a problem with my tone, come and shut me up." Naruto said in a chilling tone. He waited, inviting anyone to come at him, but no one came. He sneered and continued to speak with an air of superiority. "On combat abilities alone, Shisui and I would be enough to subdue this entire room. It is actually laughable that the weak members of the clan are the loudest. Fugaku-sama who is the strongest has reason. I wager, the second strongest is Shisui but even he, doesn't talk with arrogance like many of you."

"You're the one who speaks with arrogance, you damn brat. We will challenge you right now!"

Naruto just smiled. "Fine," he said. "I'll tell you something once I finish speaking. But first thing first, I must speak my opinion.

"Are you all fools? Revolt? Sure, we Uchiha are blessed and stand out among all shinobi, but nothing displays our arrogance and hate than this plan. Do you not care about your children? You want us to become like the Senju? They've become extinct! If we wage war against Konoha, how many will die? How many will survive?! I refuse to allow my life to be wasted like that because a few rotten apples have got sticks up their behinds and possess so much hatred this village could burn. Pitifully, they have none of that strength to actually see it happen."

Naruto's words only incensed some members and a murderous intent was directed toward him.

"We're trying to protect your future. If we don't do anything, you won't have a future."

"At this very rate, Danzo could be plotting to get rid of us!"

Naruto scoffed. "You're trying to protect my future? Nonsense. There is no such thing. You're acting based on your own selfish needs to amount something in the village. Go and blame your fathers. They are the ones who refused to follow Madara when he suggested we leave Konoha. But your fathers refused, and now you feel Konoha belittles you? Besides," he stared with a wicked smile. "You say you want to protect our futures, but I will be the one demanded to lead the charge. We will be forced to fight and die. What future is there?"

"It is only natural for those stronger to lead the charge."

Naruto sneered once more. "It should only be natural for those who wish to revolt to lead the charge."

"You haven't been in Anbu for long and you already think like this?"

Yashiro spoke with contempt. "He's always been like this."

"Don't get me twisted," Naruto replied sharply. "I think the Sandaime is a coward. A lousy Hokage. Even I would have done a better job at being Hokage. He doesn't have any spine but just goes with the flow. It is honestly offensive to think someone like that would twist my thinking.

"I understand your feelings but I think a revolt will only lead to our doom. If you cannot even see that, none of you should be talking. I admit, words can't change anything. Fugaku-sama would wipe the floor with all of you. But I say, there is no need for Fugaku-sama to do the deed himself. You're all weak. Lacking any strength to take on Konoha and succeed. And I will prove to you," he then stood up. "Shisui, Itachi and I will face all of you. When we win, there will be no talk of a revolt. Because, you would know, you don't have the strength to do it and the three of us don't support it. If you try, you'll get wiped out before you even leave the clan grounds. When you lose, blame your arrogance and anger. Know that you—"

"Naruto!" Fugaku interrupted Naruto.

Naruto smiled, a little sheepishly. "I apologize, I got carried away." He then looked over around the room and settled down. "I have my pride as Uchiha. Yet, I must bow before all of you. Some of you don't even deserve it, but my pride must be dragged through this floor because I love all of you." The contempt in his voice was chilling. He paused to allow the tension to settle in the room. Their faces twisted with discomfort in th3 silence. "I want to see tomorrow with everyone. We built this village. Nobody has a right to drive us out. This is our home and I love it. Takada, I want to grow old enough to see your children. Inabi, you're strong, and I like you. I want to see you old enough to retire, be old enough you can't walk and still lecture the young ones that you can still beat them, if only you could walk. I desire to see Itachi or Shisui becoming Hokage one day, celebrated by the village as their faces are implanted on the Hokage Monument.

"This is my dream as a child. You're all brothers, sisters and cousins to me. I've not had any siblings. My parents died in the war. My grandmother passed away shortly. I learned to view everyone in this clan as family. I love all of you. And I hope you'll forgive my disrespect…" he then lifted his head. His expression becoming cold once more. "However, I will not stand by and watch as my brothers lead us to ruin. That is why I make the challenge. Face us. And we will lead the village into a new path. For now, we must endure. If it happens at some point that Itachi or Shisui are once more overlooked, then I will admit I was wrong. You won't have to do anything…" he paused, and then his chakra leaked. It was a dense wave of energy that brought tension to those in the room. "I, Naruto Uchiha will take up arms. I will rebel against the village and kill whoever is Hokage and the Entire village Council. That is my promise to you."

While the others were silent.

Shisui stood up to speak. "We do not disagree with a revolt because we value the village more than the clan. We all love our clan. But it is because we love it that we think this is wrong. A revolt will only lead to many deaths of the Uchiha and we may end up being erased from history. Even if we succeed, other villages will take the opportunity to attack Konoha. And we will become scattered, hunted down for our Doujutsu…" he fell down. "Please, I beg of you, give us the time and support we need to change things. At the very least, sit with the Sandaime Hokage to map a way forward."

"Nothing good will come out of speaking to the Sandaime!"

"But we will still face you. When we win, the three of you will lead the charge. Naruto is saying if we can't beat you, then we can't possibly win against Konoha. And you would try to stop us…" Inabi said in a firm tone. "If we can't teach the three of you a lesson, then we surely won't be able to defeat Konoha."

"But if we win, you will be good kids and listen to us."

"It is decided then," Fugaku said. "I'll make arrangements."

"We must not act as if we are saints. Our clan has a dark history. We have seen members of the clan killing fellow clan members for the sake of awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan. This is a fact and nobody can argue with it. I'm ashamed of this past. If one is willing to kill a brother or a sister, what more are they willing to do? I consider it treason, a blasphemy to take the life of a fellow Uchiha for underhanded agendas. We even developed Izanami to deal with members who'd lost reason. It is my hope that none of you have lost faculties to reason. As I stand before you, I'm reasoning, and if you think underhanded means should succeed in what you want, you're definitely a problem and a danger to the future of the clan. The clan must unite against such dangerous infiltrations."

He didn't need to spell it out, but they got him.

Moments later

The clan grounds were filled with darkness. The night stars dazzled in the heavens while a cold breeze washed over the them. Many were snoring happy dreams. The Anbu scouted the dark alleys within the village. Day and night, shinobi did not sleep. The enemy could launch an attack any moment. There had been a reasonable fear that after the Yondaime Hokage died, Iwagakure would launch an invasion. To their relief, it did not.

They could thank its skirmish with the Hidden Sand.

Naruto glanced at Shisui as he headed toward his house. He would be the first to stop and his friend would go on. These days, he was indeed starting to see Shisui as a dear friend. He'd always been around, filling in where Fugaku couldn't fill.

The thought made him smile. He cherished the little moments they spent together and saw the value of friendship.

"I've never expressed thanks for all you've done for me." Naruto said to Shisui in a warm tone. "I don't know where I would be without you," he said earnestly.

Shisui pinched him in his right shoulder. "There is no need for that. I do what I can for a brother," he said. "I care for you."

"One must appreciate. And I just wanted to let you know I appreciate you."

"You're not trying to soften the blow after what you did in there, are you?" Shisui glanced at him quizzically.

Naruto chuckled. "I'm not apologetic. The thought just came to mind. It is such moments that make you realize that the life of a shinobi is not long. If it so, then we must value these little moments."

"It's sad that you think like that."

"But the reality nonetheless. Its better to accept reality than try to reject it." Naruto said with a shrug.

"Your choice of words wasn't surprising. But I'm surprised Fugaku-sama permitted it," Shisui said, changing the subject.

He'd been left speechless when the silent Naruto took the podium. Nobody who really knew him would have been surprised he spoke so daringly. His fellow Uchiha had always taken some joy in displaying a superiority complex over the others. That he would call even the likes of Inabi weak in in their faces was not as much as surprising but still laughable. He imagined many felt their Uchiha pride being trampled upon.

And the warning shot was perhaps a signal that turning against clan members was not tolerable. If they wanted to do things, it had to be done fair and square. It was truly, the work of Madara. After all the man believed in the concept of winners and losers. Naruto was basically saying losers had to shut it and listen to winners. And if they wanted to complain, they had to blame themselves for being weak.

He loved the clan but wasn't above crushing the hopes of many and trampling on their pride.

"Fugaku-sama is just going to play like a referee. When the time is right, he will stamp his authority…" Naruto said. "It is a big battle we must face. But I hope, the ugly face of the Uchiha will not show itself."

"If it does?"

"A bonus. There are things you prefer not to see. But if it comes, we have to confront it."

"You're actually smarter than I give you credit for. If some members try to get rid of us, we expose just how mad they've become." Shisui said with a smile. "We will have to be careful because there is no telling what will happen, especially if we win?"

"If?" Naruto stared at Shisui. "You say some interesting things, brother. If we lose, it's a revolt. But of course, I said what I said because there is just no way they are going to defeat us. Inabi stands out. Others who don't even have the Sharingan can't be called into comparison either…" he then looked up into the sky.

"I suppose you're right. It is only utter and complete defeat that will quiet them down. But it creates a problem."

"We're already facing a problem that threatens our lives. We can deal with bitterness. Even if they carry it out for years, its fine. As long an Uchiha becomes Hokage and they say, the children were alright," Naruto said. "I'm also banking on working to improve things. Things can't nonetheless be improved with Danzo still moving things. One day, we will catch him. For now, I'll engage Fugaku-sama about asking the Sandaime to make it clear that the Uchiha had nothing to do with the Kyubi attack."

"We don't have that much of a bad reputation with the villagers."

"I worked at night. Drunk people speak a lot. " Naruto said sternly. "We must find time to think about how we crush their pride and arrogance. It must be totally victory. They must be decimated for thinking they are powerful enough to take over Konoha and remain with an army to still control the village."

Shisui sighed. "Aren't you the one who talked about eliminating a Kage?"

"Its doable because I'm Anbu. I get closer to whoever is Hokage." Naruto said. "I hope at the end of it all, we are able to stall for time and change occurs. Because really, if no change occurs, it just proves there is a systematic problem and they are not wrong, the village is."

That was the part that Shisui feared about Naruto. He was willing to give a chance to wait because it made sense to do so. But the second it became glaringly obvious Konoha had a problem with the Uchiha, then it was the village that has to be destroyed.

He had a chill down his spine thinking that Naruto also had another goal in suggesting a fight—to incite the others to become better. If they become better, they'll be better equipped to wage war against Konoha in the future. He could see it happening, the anger and humiliation at being defeated would drive them to become better. The Uchiha's power would grow and if they had to fight Konoha in the future, they would be ready.

Worse, if Konoha tried to get rid of them, the clan would be ready.

"You really do have a frightening mind, Naruto." Shisui said in a bitter tone.

Naruto glanced at Shisui with a raised eye brow. "You're thinking something and giving me applauds for something I didn't conceive. And you know I'm not that modest."

Shisui laughed. "Sure," he said. "We'll have to work on our teamwork."

"A loathsome activity," Naruto said with a frown. He then stopped, glancing at his house. "Good night, Shisui," he said with a small smile.


"What the hell was that?"

Inabi ignored the question and looked up into the sky for a second before he glanced at Tekka, Yashiro and two other members of the clan. The latter didn't have the Sharingan, and mostly likely the ones most offended by Naruto. But even he was offended. Then again, Naruto had never lacked confidence.

"Just Naruto revealing himself. He's always been like that." Inabi said in a thoughtful tone. "Itachi is a traitor to his clan but he is humble. Naruto looks down on everyone else."

"Are we really going to challenge them?"

"It is good to do so. If we can't defeat children, then we can't possibly defeat Konoha," Inabi conceded the hard fact. "We must show the young ones that we're the adults. It also seems once we win, Fugaku-sama will listen to us and we will get what we want."

"But Shisui has the Mangekyo Sharingan."

"If we want to have a fair fight, he can't use it." Yashiro suggested.

Inabi wasn't going to point out that it was still going to be a number of Uchiha against three teens. He faced Tekka. "What do you think?"

"We have to defeat them. We must for the sake of our pride." He replied. "But it wasn't as if Naruto was being unreasonable. If anything, he is the one person who can simply change. All we have to do is show him that Konoha can't be trusted. He acts the way be does now because there is no reason. But we must show him reason."

"Fugaku-sama also appears to listen to him."

"Well, he is like a son to him." Inabi said. "Regardless, it does seem Naruto isn't the biggest problem. I don't doubt he would keep his word if things happen the way they don't expect. He did threaten to kill us. The problem is Itachi and Shisui. Having them around him is the bad influence."

Fugaku's House

When Fugaku arrived, he found Itachi sitting at the porch, staring into the sky. Perhaps he was waiting to hear his fate. He was aware, even if his son might choose village over clan, he was still an Uchiha and did worry about things. He didn't fundamentally agree with the thinking, but he at least found common ground in that a revolt would be a disaster.

Sasuke was sleeping peacefully on the side. The little boy was attached to his brother. He looked up to him more than anyone. Fugaku noted, he'd expressed disappointment when Itachi wasn't around more often. Of course, in his foolish ways, he'd ignored the younger one for the older one. He'd seen the light, and Sasuke was much happier. He did well. He got excellent grades even at the academy and was at the top of his class in everything.

Truly, he was blessed when it came to his sons.

Fugaku stood beside Itachi and stared into the sky. "You have work cut out for you," he said in a quiet tone. "Defend you, I will. But you have to make an effort."

"Nobody listens to me."

"Because you didn't take any interest in clan activities. The second you became Anbu, you abandoned us. I have always had to defend you," Fugaku shook his head, smiling sadly. "Has something changed between you and Naruto?"

"We understand each other. We've always understood each other, perhaps that is why we never made an effort despite your wishes. We got along when we were younger but the war changed everything." It was maybe about a decade ago, but it felt like a century ago when Naruto came to play in the house. Sasuke had yet to be born. The clan proud of him. And Naruto of course—but his fellow Uchiha had always kept to the background. Still, whenever his father had walked about the clan grounds, the two of them had always been with him.

Reminiscing, Itachi realized Naruto had always been a sad person. He ignored it. He'd always ignored most of the things. He'd first found Izumi boring until he realized she had awakened the Sharingan when he hadn't.

"We spoke and cleared things." But of course, it wasn't in anyway Fugaku would think.

"Nothing pleases more as a father," Fugaku said with a smile. "Naruto has never spoken bad about you in front of others."

"That is because even if he may disagree with my thinking, he thinks my fame will only be good for the clan and I have the best chance of becoming Hokage, precisely because of the way I think. In a personal level, he finds my way contemptuous but taking into account of everything, it is good… as long as I don't turn on the clan."

Fugaku nodded. Naruto would always put reason before his feelings. He then explained to Itachi what Naruto had said in the meeting.

Nothing really surprised Itachi about Naruto. He was bold, and has always been. He'd never broken his silence before because he was afraid, he'd just deemed it unnecessary to speak.

"That is a dangerous idea. They are just going to harbour contempt for us and may even think it is the work of the village. Losing in battle isn't going to break them, it will just make them take extreme measures to gain power."

"Naruto highlighted that much. Without saying it in many words, he did say members were discouraged to attempt anything that went against clan laws. He knows the darkness of the Uchiha—he embraces it instead of being in denial about it." Fugaku shook his head. "Regardless, there won't be peace here but they'll have something to focus on."

"You don't think some others might try to go to the extreme?"

"Hateful, and willingness to kill a loved one for the sake of power but there is a limit. Besides, if they take extreme lengths, doesn't it just show they've lost themselves and can no longer be reasoned with?"

The Following Day

The Uchiha compound had everything. They even has their own bar, clothing shops. You could survive without even leaving the grounds. There was however one blacksmiths. Naruto trusted him more than the other blacksmiths in the village, even if they could make better weapons. He preferred winging it Uchiha than anything else.

For the past few years he noticed a limitation to his fighting style, and that was range. He was a short to mid-range fighter. He could spew some majestic flames and lit up a battlefield with earth scorching waves of flames. But there was nothing in his arsenal that required less chakra and could hit opponents in a fair distance.

He'd requested Yoshino to make him some spears from a material durable enough to conduct both lightning and wind chakra natures.

The spear was purely steel. There wasn't any wood in it. Both ends were sharpened, not sticking it. It was almost twice as long as he was. The material wasn't heavy, but durable enough to withstand just about any clash of swords.

"How many did you make?"

"Just twenty." Yoshino said, looking worn out. "I'm out of materials. But I'll speak with someone from the village to make more."

Naruto nodded. "And the sealing scroll?"

"Got it as well."

"I'll come and check after two weeks. I'll go and check how these things work."

"Return with one of them so I can check the quality."

"I intend to do so. It would be disappointing to have something that would break after repeated use."

The twenty spears were sealed in a small scroll and Yoshino handed it him. Naruto made the payment and then left the store. The second he stepped outside, he was welcomed by Naori. She was just about the same age as Shisui. He'd spoken to her once or twice. She wasn't Anbu, she worked as a normal Jonin for Konoha. One of those chosen ones who awakened the Sharingan.

"I bet you dream even battles." She said to him, staring with her lips curled up with amusement. She had these long purple hair that made her standout. She was a beautiful girl—far more than any other in her age.

"I'm a shinobi."

"Boys have wet dreams."

Naruto stared at her—she said those words with a straight face. He thought she should have had the decency to look embarrassed. "Civilians, maybe." He ended up shrugging with indifference. "Rare for anyone to come up to me."

"Rare for you to be walking about the streets in the morning or during day. But hey, here you are."

"This about last night."

Naori smiled. "You were impressive. If you were a little older, I might have fallen for you," she said. "Well, give two years and you'll be fine."

"Why not now? Nothing I don't know or haven't seen."

Naori laughed. "How daring. But I have my morals."

"A pity."

"You're scaring me." She said that, but had a wide grin on her lips.

"How was that impressive?" Naruto said, ignoring her other remarks.

"It takes balls to stand up and tell a horde of angry Uchiha that they are weak and if they dispute it, they can test it," she folded her hands across her chest. "Uchiha anger is something else. They could have attacked you."

"Well, they are weak."

Naori laughed. "Only strong people can talk like that," she said. "You're not being your usual self, am I making you uncomfortable?"

Naruto glanced at her and then burst out laughing. "You'd have to be naked for me to be uncomfortable."

"If people weren't around, I'd strip naked just to see you in discomfort. You've always looked down everyone in clan meetings, always wearing the same expression and never showing fear." She cocked her head. "Though, much more different. Itachi doesn't even smile."

"You've just never seem him smile."

"He can smile?"

"Now, I don't know if you really mean that or you're just being sarcastic…" Naruto said with a stare. "But, if you want to see the discomfort in me… you can follow me to the Training 44. And strip."

Naori stared at him before giggling. "You're a little too young to see me naked."

Naruto snorted. "I've caught a few people doing nasty things to each other in alleys. On one occasion, this women got drunk and refused to pay, and then made scene. While I was taking her to Military Police, she slyly removed her shirt and wondered out loud if I had ever seen a woman's chest before, aside from my mother. I think I was too young then, but hey?"

"Night life in Military Police sounds interesting, tell me more."

"It's not."

"Such a bore…" she then suddenly turned serious. Her mask becoming expressionless and the aura around her reflected the look on her face. "I think like you and Shisui-kun. A revolt is wrong and I don't necessarily have a problem with Konoha. There are only a handful of us, the mass majority support a revolt."

"Even if it was just only you, I'd have been happy to know that."

"If you need anything, come find me. I'll be around for the next week or so." Naori's smile still did not return.

"I'll remember that." He paused, staring at her. His lips formed a smile. "You still think after two years you'd look at me somehow?"

"Who knows?" Naori smiled mysteriously.

Training Ground 44

The spear crackled with lightning surrounding it. The chakra was supposed to give it more speed and fire power. For faster opponents, weak against lightning, he could use this form. But everything needed to be right. He held it firmly on its centre and took two giant leaps before jumping into the air. In a swift movement, he did a 360 spin, and the hurled the spear forward with all the strength he could muster.

The spear disappeared from his grip like a lightning strike. It zipped through faster than he could blink, yet able to track it with the Sharingan. The spear pierced through multiple trees, only stopping about a hundred meters away from him.

Naruto walked over to take it, inspecting the trees along the way. The trunks had small, fist like holes on them. It was just a precise strike. If it hit a person over the trunk, it wouldn't destroy the whole thing but just leave a gaping hole. It meant he had to be precise with his attacks. One may not be enough to kill a person. If a person was experienced, he could avoid a fatal blow. However, anything around the chest would be enough, after all, it could puncture the lungs and leave them bleeding profusely.

He found the spear imbedded on the trunk of a tree and pulled it out. The sharp end looked fine. The lightning protected it. It still looked usable.

He channelled wind chakra into it. It wasn't as fast but still fast enough. The blow was a little but bigger than the lightning one. Naruto decided then that would only use a lightning spear unless he was forced to use Wind.

Still, how did he go about this? Since it was in a scroll, there would be a fair gap in summoning it from the scroll onto wielding it. And there was the chakra demands. He also needed the visual prowess of the Sharingan to track down targets and direct the spear's path for precision.

But did it matter? This was supposed to be his long range attack, and fastest attack, unless of course, he also wanted to use it at short range. At which case, he could always use other means. He could wear bandages with a sealing tattoo engraved. This way, he could summon a spear without having to unfold a scroll.

Naruto suddenly did a 180 degree twist, the spear crackling with lightning as he did. He then released it in a time upward motion, causing it to slowly ascend as it moved.

Pakura stood still when Naruto suddenly twisted and shot the deadly projectile toward her. She made no attempt to dodge it as she didn't think her saviour would attempt to kill her. The spear didn't hit her but whizzed just inches away from her throat. The lightning on the spear touched her neck, and she felt a bit of heat generated by the object.

She then jumped down from the tree, landing gracefully and then leaned against the trunk.

"That was too close," she said to the young boy walking close toward her.

"Shouldn't you have dodged?"

"I didn't expect you to suddenly attack me." Pakura replied. "And not many can dodge an object moving that fast, especially with that precision."

Naruto smiled, and sat down a couple of feet away from Pakura. Throwing the damn thing required a lot of physical energy. It was draining him far faster than he thought. Without enough chakra, he would most likely not be able to use the spears and that was just a disappointment.

"Love the Sharingan. I wanted to test how precise I can be," he said.

"Am I your test subject? What if you hit me?"

Naruto smiled. "Well, I'd have to burn your body and erase your presence here."

"I'm uncomfortable with you saying that." Pakura said and then added a little bit of detail. "The Sandaime told me you were here."

"Would have been in trouble then. But accidents happen," Naruto shrugged. He stared at the woman for a long minute before asking. "Why would the Sandaime send you here?" Was the Third tracking his movements in the village? Naruto didn't like the idea that he was being under surveillance.

Pakura let out a cold breath as she replied. "I've just been sitting idly. It was decided that my presence be kept a secret until Suna makes a decision on what to do. I can't be seen and only a handful know of my presence in this village," she explained. "He said since I came back here with you, it would be much easier to talk to you."

"How nice of him," Naruto said with narrowed eyes. "I'm just about done testing my weapon. I'm satisfied with the results…" he said and then stood up. "I'm told I must make friends… so, this is not bad at all. You're an outsider…" he trailed off. Could it be that she was sent by the Third to spy on him? Anything was possible. Or maybe it was paranoia. Whatever the case, he could play along. It wasn't like he was stupid enough to leak. "Do a henge, and let us go back to the village. I could use a snack."

Pakura nodded and disguised herself. Slowly, she followed him.

"You pleased with things?"

"No." Pakura admitted. "I wanted to face Kazekage. But it isn't like I have much of a choice."

Naruto nodded. "You appear much calmer. Though, I wouldn't forgive them if they did that to me." He said in a cold tone. "I suppose people are different..."

"It is unforgivable but…" Pakura fell silent for a couple of moments, "the alternative is being bitter and unable to see reason. That would be a pathetic existence which would amount to nothing but recklessness and an eventual miserable death," she said earnestly.

Naruto burst out laughing. "How strange," he said. "I know a few people who have become walking sticks of hatred. Hatred is truly a frightening devil. Once it has possessed you, you become something else." He felt sad for his fellow Uchiha. "How do you get over the betrayal?" He asked curiously.

Council Chamber

Fugaku sat motionlessly and expressionlessly within the chamber, ignoring the wary looks he was receiving from fellow clan heads. The Sandaime Hokage dropped the ball when he decided to disclose the matter to the village Council. At least, he'd kept the ideas of a revolt to himself. Had he said something, he wouldn't have been able to save face.

There was a guest in the room, and that was the Anbu Commander. Perhaps if he'd allowed Itachi to stay in his position, he may have ended up becoming the Anbu Commander. That way, the Uchiha would control Military Police Force and Anbu.

"I don't want to be seen unreasonable," Fugaku said in a quiet, yet stern tone. "I'm the one who leads the Council when the Hokage is not present. But this is a matter to deal with my clan, and it will become counterproductive if I become the one to steer the conversation. The Anbu Commander as the neutral figure has been chosen by the Sandaime to do so," he said, pausing to stare at everyone around the table. "Daiki-san."

"Thank you, Fugaku-sama," the Anbu commander said in a monotone voice. "Before we begin, I must highlight this discussion is highly sensitive. You're not allowed to record it anywhere, neither will Anbu keep a record of it. This is something you must die with and cannot tell your successors. You must understand that once the village knows of this, it would destabilize things."

"The villagers might turn on the Uchiha. No, they will suspect it to be true and things will just get out of control," Shibi said, understanding the need for absolute secrecy.

"Indeed," Daiki agreed. "If it finds its way to the public, the village will deny it. The Council will stand and rebuke such lies. And whoever spread it will be detained and treated as an enemy of Konoha, even if they are a clan head."

"That's a little heavy handed," Hiashi protested. "I understand the risks, but going through such extreme lengths is wrong. We can't be threatened like that."

Shikaku thought maybe the Sandaime didn't come because such a method could be applied. It had to have come from the Anbu commander. The Third would have never suggested such an extreme measure to ensure there was compliance.

"I agree with Daiki-san… one shouldn't be bothered if there is no threat to leak it. After all, only a person intending to sow divisions would distribute such information," the Jonin commander said.

"Well put," Chouza agreed with his former teammate.

"Mind you, there will be many secrets we must handle and we can't speak about them. Some of which could even lead to war if we speak. That is the nature of our jobs as Councillors of the village…" Shikaku then smiled. "Besides, I don't think there is even an option on this."

"Indeed." Daiki didn't deny it. "I'll just be on the side-lines and try bring back order if it gets out of order. I'll answer questions if you need them."

Chouza was the first to speak. "Sandaime-sama told us there is a problem within the Uchiha clan, but we want to hear it from the horse's mouth. The Uchiha remain Konoha's most valuable clan. We cannot afford to lose you."

"As much as it pains me to admit it, Chouza-san is right," Hiashi said with a straight face. "Konoha would be left impoverished without the Uchiha clan. However, if you're just being greedy and holding a worthless sense of entitlement, we won't attempt to pacify you but will deal with you."

Fugaku managed a small smile. "Entitlement?" he asked quietly. "I've never felt we were entitled to anything. But it is a fact this village was founded by Uchiha and Senju."

"That founder of yours left Konoha and then attempted to destroy it… battling with the Shodai Hokage into what has become the Valley of the End."

"But are we not here?" Fugaku asked. "Did we not refuse to go with him when he decided to leave? It is not Madara alone who decided to found Konoha. The Collective of the Uchiha decided it was time to end the wars. We founded this village. We've been at peace ever since."

"The Uchiha have fought bravely for the Leaf," Shibi conceded. "The village respects what you have done, Fugaku-sama. We all appreciate your work and loyalty you have shown to the Leaf. But what is happening within the Uchiha that has the Sandaime so concerned?"

Fugaku placed his hands on the table. He tapped once and then started speaking. "Perhaps is years of being slighted and not trusted. The Shodai wanted Madara to become Hokage, but the village elected him. He wanted Madara as his successor, but Tobirama was chosen. The Senju continued to rule, while the Uchiha were pushed to the background.

"Do you know how insulting it was when Danzo decided to pick new grounds for us? We laid the foundations of this village, and yet, someone born in this village could toss us about and pair us with a prison…" Fugaku chuckled. "That was on top of the Kyubi attacking and when we wanted to confront the Bijuu, orders came from above; stay away from the Kyubi and watch the village outskirts. Danzo decided we couldn't be trusted. When the Sandaime decided to retire after the Third war, my clan held expectations that I would be made the Yondaime Hokage. I was on equal status as the Sannin.

"But my name wasn't even brought up in the table. And the Sandaime put on Minato. There were some who even considered Orochimaru even before me. When Minato was made Hokage, the disappointment within the clan was immense. The events of the Kyubi rampage brought a huge rift that left even me baffled. I had never complained. Followed village orders without question. And yet, at a time of chaos, the village leaders would rather sacrifice many men and Minato than let us help. That—"

Hiashi intervened before Fugaku could continue. "It sounds somehow saying it like that. You would think the village decided it was better to sacrifice the Yondaime?"

"He was the Hokage… the decision was supposed to have come from him on how best to protect the village."

"But the decision didn't come from him," Fugaku replied. "The Sandaime should have told you this much. It was Danzo who made the decision while the Yondaime was busy trying to teleport the Kyubi out of the village."

"Do you hold those views or is it your clan?"

"The clan holds such views," Fugaku replied. "But it makes no difference who holds the views. I am the clan head. However, looking it practically, the village deemed that the Sharingan was capable of controlling the Kyubi. If we indeed could do that, then we would have stopped the rampage without many dying and the Yondaime would have been alive."

"Can you?" Shibi asked curiously.

"It is possible, especially with the Mangekyo Sharingan. According to the Shodai Hokage, Madara did indeed control the Kyubi during their battle… but I cannot say without doubt anyone in my clan would be capable of it."

"It is nonetheless true if the Uchiha were involved, things could have turned out differently. But it makes no difference because this is the reality we face now. But I understand the lengths in which the former Council was willing to go. I suppose this is what encouraged them to move the Uchiha from the centre of the village to the outskirts," Chouza said, frowning deeply.

"It was to say if the Uchiha decided rebel, the village could quickly to try to neutralize them without anything spilling into the village," Shikaku said with a slight shake of his head. "It seemed curious at the time why Danzo insisted on it. But it is now clear why they made the decision they made."

"The Uchiha must have felt insulted. I remember you tried to argue with this but still accepted the decision." Chouza added. "Some say the Nidaime in particular was always against the Uchiha. That is history," he said.

"It is however understandable that if the village thought the Uchiha could try to rebel, putting them in the outskirts of the village made sense," Shibi said.

"Regardless of the reasons, if justified or not, the Council did have a duty to protect Konoha," Hiashi said in agreement.

The others seemed to agree as well. Fugaku just picked up where he left off. "Tsunade abandoned Konoha. There have been many times she has been asked to return and she refused. Yet, the Sandaime Hokage would still choose her to be Hokage over me. When that was said, my clan came to the conclusion that we would never be trusted in Konoha. Of course, if we're being unreasonable, you can say so."

"It is not a matter of being unreasonable. I'm sure Lord Sandaime thought things through. It is not like Tsunade has betrayed us in any way. Regardless, I can understand why the Sandaime did what he did. Given the circumstances, making you Hokage would have meant he was only doing so because he wanted to appease you. The position of Hokage decides the future of Konoha and it cannot be given anyone because of pity."

"It is undeniable you meet the qualifications, but are we here because some in the clan are thinking of revolting? Or perhaps even leaving the village?"

"I won't discuss that. But the truth my clan does not trust the leadership of this village." Fugaku said.

"If you're not answering the question, then some members must be plotting something bad. The Third didn't say it, but it was obvious. There is something the Uchiha is planning," Hiashi said firmly. "And our job is to prevent it. Rivalry aside, if the Uchiha's demand is you being made Hokage, I cannot accept it. We must all live with decisions being made. Even if we don't like them. As long as Konoha continues to prosper, we should all be happy."

"I agree with Hiashi on this one," Shibi said. "But the Uchiha do have fine candidates for future Hokage. Your son has received nothing but praise and his skill and loyalty has not been questioned."

"I'm told not even Danzo questions it." Shikaku added. "There is also Shisui. If the two continue as they are, one of them will surely become Hokage."

"Just to be clear, if any of you are having some thoughts, I have no desire to become Hokage." Fugaku said in a stern tone. "But it is my hope that Itachi does do what many others before him failed. There are some in the clan who believe this much."

"What do we do in the meantime then?"

"The fear is that the Hokage is not trusted. And there are some who believe the village might do something against us. For now, an assurance that the village has no such plans, and unlike before, the Uchiha will be considered for leadership positions. And we want that prison to be moved elsewhere. We will still offer the needed protection to secure prisoners, but for it to continue being so close to where our children sleep is offensive."

"You're not asking for the grounds to be moved?"


"But moving the prison elsewhere without adequate protection could pose a security risk to the village in case there is an attack. The enemy could target it first," Shibi said.

"We'll simply have to build it in the underground. If we build it in the underground with only one entrance, it becomes safer for everyone," Shikaku suggested.

"That could work." Hiashi agreed. "But we need to pick a location and have experienced earth users to build the complex. It would be good to have Juijutsu users to keep prisoners in prison."

"We have been studying that and we should make some breakthrough," Fugaku said. "We would be fine with the village taking overall control of the prisoners. We would simply focus on policing and protecting the village."


Rasa threw himself onto his chair behind his desk and heaved a tired sigh. Another day, another rampage and the village's very security was threatened. Things were not looking good for them. Making mediocre seals resulted in such circumstances. If only the Uzumaki were still around. He'd have kidnapped one of them to create a stronger seal. But as things stood, Gaara's inability to control Shukaku meant more episodes would occur and the boy's sanity was over the edge.

He was already a liability that even Rasa couldn't tolerate anymore. His son, yes, but at this rate, there was no value in keeping Gaara alive. However, because of Pakura's disappearance, it meant be had to take careful measures or otherwise, he would be left exposed without a tool to unleash on Iwa.

He glanced between Baki and Yashamaru.

"A mother's love, huh?" He said. But it was something only Yashamaru could understand. "It does us no favours at this point. I would be inclined to get rid of him because the experiment has failed, but Pakura has disappeared. We don't know where we stand with both Iwagakure and Kiri."

"At this rate, the village will openly start to call for him to be expelled," Yashamaru said.

"Yes and I would agree with them. He can't control Shukaku."

"He is a child."

"Doesn't change anything. He was born for this role and he is failing it. If nothing is done, he will destroy Suna." Rasa said in a cold tone. "I cannot allow that to happen. I expected better but he has failed despite the many chances I have given him."

The Fourth Kazekage fell silent. But for a fact, they couldn't lose Shukaku. Perhaps they could find another Jinchuriki. But in the mean time, they needed a better seal. He would have to put his people through intense work.

"I'll be giving you a special mission," Rasa said to Yashamaru. "Take him away from the village. You'll be with him. Maybe while he is away from the villagers, his mind will calm. If there is no improvement, kill him before he becomes a threat to Suna."

Yashamaru hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Hai."

"You may prepare to leave. He already trusts you. Taking him away shouldn't be a problem."

"What of Temari and Kankuro?"

"What of them?" Rasa asked blankly.

Yashamaru shook his head and then excused himself from the office. Rasa was silent for a couple of seconds before turning to Baki.

"Still nothing?"


Rasa swallowed bitterly. He didn't expect this to have happened. Both Suna and Kiri's team have disappeared. There was no sign of their shinobi and Kiri was saying the same. Pakura could have killed everyone and then herself. Or she could have killed everyone and them went into hiding. If it was the latter, it would be disastrous to Suna and they had to deal with this cautiously.

"We can't allow the truth to come out. Suna will turn on us. She is loved by everyone and if it becomes known we tried to have her killed, we will have a problem."

"A serious one."

"Eliminate everyone who knows. We can't risk the truth coming out." Rasa ordered Baki in a ruthless tone.


"Yes." Rasa nodded. "With the Council, send them to the Wind Capital to talk to the Wind Lord. You'll go with them as their guard. You'll kill them, barely survive and return saying Pakura attacked you."

"If she is dead?"

"She is dead and no one knows when she died. What is a fact is that she left and never returned. If she is alive, then she knows and we need to cover ourselves…" Rasa said. "Once you come back, we will issue an order to hunt her down and say Iwagakure seduced her. If she turns out dead, the original plan continues, Iwa still killed her to cover their tracks."

"How about making use of the Akatsuki?"

"We don't have the money to pay them."

Konohagakure, Naka River

"Still not used with this free time much?" Shisui asked Itachi with a small smile on his lips. He stared down at the river, watching the water flow.

"I have been busy," Itachi replied, his voice as low as a whisper. "It is just not the same anymore. Today, I had to make arrangements to meet with the Inuzuka clan head. Political rounds are about to begin."

The Sandaime supported the idea and said he deserved some rest from the fighting. He'd said it would do well him for his future. Konoha functioned well when all the clans were working together and so, he had to endure this for a little while longer. It did seem that the Third would support be the first to throw his name into the Hokage position if he was alive in the future.

Itachi really didn't want to work toward it. But if the village announced him and accepted him, he wouldn't reject the idea. There was no greater honour than being allowed to steer Konoha. However, such dreams won't be possible if the clan goes ahead with its desires.

"I'm not having any joys either," Shisui said with a tired sigh. "After Naruto's declaration, some have now gone as far as to ignore me," he put on a sad expression.

He'd known there would be some negative reaction but he didn't think it would go as far as this. Things were still working well. Even with the perceived betrayal on his part, no one was allowing their personal battle to get in the way of their duties. Then again, the Uchiha have always taken their duty to protect Konoha very seriously.

"But I know it won't last forever," Shisui said encouragingly. "They'll settle in due time. Just shocked, maybe. Even I didn't know Naruto would go that far."

"Something had to be done… though, he could have been civil about it," Itachi said. "Where he is?"

He hadn't spoken to Naruto since and wanted to go over a couple of things with him. He wasn't going to tell the Sandaime about it, at least not now.

"They dragged him away for a solo mission toward the border of the Cloud. He isn't going to be back in at least a week or two."

Weekly missions were becoming a norm for Naruto. He was only complaining because he had to be far away from his clan, especially with everything happening. "I was speaking to your father. He said the prison is going to be moved away. A new structure for Military Police might be made… it seems Danzo was always the problem who didn't want talks."

"He doesn't understand that language. Then again, even some members of our clan don't understand it either," Itachi replied. A tiny smile graced his lips for a moment. "Perhaps things will change."

"I'm starting to think they will." Shisui agreed and then turned around, sensing some movements. Sasuke rushed out from the trees, running toward them. "He is about the happiest person in the village because of your new role."

Shisui didn't know the half of it. Itachi couldn't even walk in the village in peace without a mob charging at him. It was annoying and he really didn't know how to deal with it aside from fleeing the scene.

"It is a little unthinkable that he used to get along with Naruto."

"Really?" Shisui asked with surprise.

"When I became Anbu, Naruto was the one who was training him as Father didn't have the time. Things just changed when Naruto joined Military Police."

"Nii-san!" Sasuke called out, rushing toward the two. He looked worn out. He stopped in front of Itachi and smiled brightly. "Are we going to practice today?"

Shisui chuckled. "You're ignoring me now, Sasuke?"

The boy smiled a little sheepishly. "Sorry, Shisui. I got a little excited," he said.

"What happened to the academy?" Itachi asked Sasuke. He was supposed to be at the academy now, not home. He didn't even think that the boy would have left his classes. That was something he did though.

"They let us go early… So, are we going to practice?" Sasuke asked and then looked around.

"I better go back," Shisui said. "A lot is happening in Military Police and I was told I might be needed for some Anbu duties…" he waved his right hand, leaving the two.

"What were you looking for?" Itachi asked.

"Naruto nii-san."

"He is out on a mission." Sasuke's reaction was something Itachi didn't expect. His brother seemed to get happier. "You don't like training with Naruto?"

Sasuke shook his head and replied with puffed cheeks. "I just want to train with you alone," he said. "Besides, Naruto nii-san is not a better teacher than you."

Itachi smiled a little. He then picked up Sasuke and put him on his shoulders. "What do you want to do?"


Sasuke could count the number of times Naruto carried him. His back was cold, and nothing like his brother's. Quite simply, his brother was the best at everything.

Foundation Base

Hiruzen's naïve ways were not going to change. To think he would allow Pakura to just remain idle in this situation was ridiculous. Danzo had not thought the Sandaime would be this foolish, but as the days pile up and he remained in that position, Hiruzen was getting worse. He'd not thought possible but it was happening. He should have selected better agents to get rid of him.

At this rate, Danzo wouldn't be against using any means necessary to get rid of Hiruzen. The problem however was the Uchiha.

They remained the biggest threat to Konoha and Hiruzen seemed oblivious to it all.

"I assume you called us to talk about the Uchiha matter," Koharu said to Danzo as they stood within the hallway of the hideout. Homura was beside her as well.

"The situation is getting critical. They are openly talking about a revolt against the Leaf and Hiruzen is keeping quiet about it!"

"He seems to think talking to them will change anything. But the Uchiha have always been people filled with hate. It is indeed a pity, even Fugaku was loyal," Koharu said. "We will go talk to him about this. It is a matter that cannot be kept as it is. Something has to be done."

"Itachi can be used against his clan. He is loyal and can be used to protect Konoha. Shisui's ability is however dangerous. And one thing Hiruzen has done well is to keep it a secret. We cannot have someone with that ability to be able to control people without anyone even noticing."

"But Shisui is loyal like Itachi." Homura said.

"It doesn't matter. His ability is too dangerous to be left in the hands of a clan that wants to revolt against Konoha. If Hiruzen wasn't still making the same foolish decisions, I would have thought he too was being manipulated!" Danzo shouted, slamming his cane on the floor. "The first thing that needs to be done is to ensure the Kyubi is given to me."

"Where is it?"

For years, Danzo has searched with no avail. He was even beginning to think Hiruzen had removed the Jinchuriki from Konoha. It was a waste of a powerful tool to keep him away. They had lost the Yondaime, that power should now be used to protect Konoha.

"He has refused to disclose the identify of the Jinchuriki."

"There are three people who possibly know about it. Hiruzen, Fugaku and the Anbu Commander. If the Uchiha know, they could manipulate the Jinchuriki and use it against the village. We cannot have that."

"How is it that Fugaku knows?"

"We sent them to the outskirts of the village. Minato decided to teleport the Kyubi outside of the village to seal it away. From my investigations, Fugaku arrived at the scene before Hiruzen."

"Why are we only being told of this now?"

"It made no difference." Danzo replied. "Minato did what he thought was best. Fugaku had no influence on it."

"We will speak to Hiruzen and he will give you the Jinchuriki."

End of chapter

Chapitre suivant