
Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Scam

  "Mother? Where are you going?"

  Seeing her mother walking towards the Dornish people, Natalie panicked.

  The little girl didn't know what happened yet, but she had a bad feeling.

  It was as if her mother had suddenly become stranger , and would leave her forever.

  Samwell held her back and comforted her, "Don't worry, your mother just returning to where she came from."

"Where did she come from ? What do you mean?"

  "Your mother is from Starfall City. She is the young lady of the Dayne family. "

Samwell rubbed Natalie's soft hair, "And you too."

  Natalie's purple eyes widened, completely stunned by the news.

  Countless thoughts burst out and spun in her mind, so she didn't know what to say at all and she just stood there for a while without moving.

  On the other side, Ashara had already walked up to the Dornishmen, and asked an elderly knight, "Sir Muta, do you still remember me?"

  "Miss Ashara...it's really you!" The knight couldn't believe his eyes, "Yes, but haven't you already..."

  "I did jump into the summer sea and tried to kill myself because of some things, but the gods obviously had plans for me and didn't let me be buried in the sea."

  "Praise the Seven Gods!" The old knight excitedly drew a seven-pointed star on his chest.

  He immediately realized that Ashara's return also meant that the title of Starfall City would no longer be an unresolved problem, and it would not attract the covetousness of ambitious people.

  Because Ashara Dayne is now the undisputed first heir to the Starfall City!

  Ashara smiled slightly, then turned to look at the rest of the Dayne family knights, called out their names one by one, and greeted them.

  Ashara could even name some veterans of the Dayne family .

  This made everyone no longer doubt her identity.

  And at such a delicate time, the appearance of Ashara seemed to be a ray of light, giving these Dornish people in darkness great hope.

  So, under the leadership of several knights, the Dornish people knelt down in front of Ashara, raised their swords above their heads, and said loudly: "

  " Lady Ashara Dayne, we swear allegiance to you, from now on,..."

  But facing this scene, Ashara shook her head lightly, interrupting the allegiance of the Dornish people.

  Everyone became desperate : "Lady Ashara, why are you refusing to accept our allegiance? Do you know that the Dayne family in Starfall City has withered blood and needs you to go back to inherit the title! "

  " When I jumped down, Ashara Dayne was already dead. Now I am serving the old god's as Nora, and I am the matriarch of the Raven tribe, so I cannot go back and inherit Starfall City."

After finishing speaking , Before the Dornish man could speak to persuade her, Ashara said again: "However, my daughter can go back with you."

  "You have a daughter?"

  "Yes." Ashara turned her head and waved to her daughter.

  Natalie trotted over quickly.

  Samwell watched this scene thoughtfully.

  "Mother!" Natalie hugged her mother's hand, standing behind her little timidly.

  Ashara pushed her daughter in front of her and said to Dornishmen :

  "She is my daughter, Natalie Dayne."

  "I shouldn't ask but miss Natalie's father is..."

  "Of course , my husband was the former patriarch of the Raven tribe, Ruen."

  The Dornish knights frowned.

  Although Ashara emphasized the "husband", she wanted to clearly tell everyone that Natalie was born out of wedlock and was Dane, not the lowly "Sand".

  But it is undeniable that the blood of savages does flow in her body.

  In a sense, she may not be as noble as some illegitimate children in Starfall City.

  Facing the silence of the crowd, Natalie seemed a little flustered, and her petite body began to tremble.

  At this time, Samwell took a step forward and said to the young squire just now:

  "Hughes, your original master has died in battle, now, the gods have given you a chance to choose again, you must grasp it well. Hughes came to his senses, quickly knelt down in front of Natalie, and said loudly,

  "Lady Natalie Dane, I, Hughes Dane, hereby swear allegiance to you. From now on, my sword will only be used for you!"

  Natalie was a little at a loss, until Samwell pushed her, she woke up like a dream, and said:

  "I accept your allegiance."

  Hughes stood up, and then turned to companions behind said loudly:

  "What's the matter with you all ? Why are you refusing to be loyal to the heir of Starfall City ? Could it be that you forgot your previous oath? "

All the soldiers of the Dorne finally knelt down one by one and swore allegiance to Natalie.

  After all, their situation not good . And if they still clings to the flaws in Natalie's identity at this time, it is estimated that the warhammer of the Knight of Eagle Island will swing again ... In fact, Samwell was also a little surprised that Ashara refused and pushed her daughter out.

  However, this was a good thing for him.

  Because Ashara is mature and experienced , after inheriting Starfall City, although she won't be an enemy of Eagle Island , Samwell certainly won't be able to take too much advantage, and must discuss everything with her.

  But Natalie is different, facing such an immature little girl, Samwell has a conscience not to empty out Starfall City...

  Moreover, Natalie had a flawed background after all, so she had to rely on external forces like Samwell to suppress those forces in Starfall City who did not accept her.

  In short, the current arrangement is actually more convenient for Samwell to secretly control Starfall City.

  He didn't know if Ashara had thought of this, or not but she still chose to trust Samwell.

  "Very good!" Samwell nidded with a smile, " Lady Natalie, now you are the owner of Starfall City, so we must talk about war compensation."

Natalie was stunned for a while, she looked at her mother as if asking for help, but her mother just smiled at her and said,

  "You have to trust your own judgment about this kind of thing in the future."

  Natalie had no choice but to turn her head and look at the Squire Hughes behind her.

  But Samwell just coughed lightly, and the Dornishmen immediately lowered their heads, as if they suddenly became very interested in the rocks on the ground.

  Natalie pouted, and could only say:

  "Okay, Lord Caesar...Sir Caesar, what kind of compensation do you want?"

  Samwell grinned, showing eight white teeth, and said:

  "Don't worry , Lady Natalie, I will not take advantage of you, I will only ask for reasonable compensation. You see, those soldiers under my command who were injured or even died in the war, should be given compensation?"

"Well. How much compensation? "

  " Ten copper coins for one person who was slightly injured, five silver stags for one person who was seriously injured, and three golden dragons for one person who died."

Samwell quickly reported a series of numbers, and then immediately added without waiting for Natalie to think about it, "And because of the war you must pay for the destroyed houses, right?"


  "And those brandies, you know how expensive they are, and now they are all destroyed in this war, my heart is really bleeding. However, I won't raise the price , twenty silver stags a gallon, is it reasonable?"

" ..."

  "And my castle! As you can see, the entire outer wall is on fire, and now I don't know how much it will cost to repair it, especially since it has seriously delayed the construction period. I think Starfall City will not only have to compensate money, but also send out Craftsmen's to help me with the construction, That isn't too much , right?"


  "There are also those old people and children in the orphanage, who have spent a lot of time migrating because of this war. Isn't it reasonable to ask for some mental damage?"


  Natalie was dizzy from these incomprehensible terms, she couldn't help rubbing her head, and said helplessly:

  "Okay, okay, Sir Caesar , just give me the final number when the time comes. However, I don't know if I can afford it... Besides, is Starfall City really mine?"

"Of course it's yours! You are now the first in line heir to the title in Dayne family!" Samwell said with a smile, "As for whether you can afford to pay, you don't have to worry about that, I am a benevolent lord, and I am willing to accept installment payment."

"What is installment payment? "

  "That is, you owe me money that you can't pay it back for now, but you can pay it back slowly in the future."

  "That's good, thank you very much, Sir Caesar."

  "You're welcome, this is what a gentleman should do."


  Ashara watched all this from the sidelines, and suddenly began to suspect that it seemed that it was not a wise decision for her to push her daughter to the position of lord of Starfall City...


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