
Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Olenna's Vigilance

The garden was filled with golden roses, and as the dawn faded into twilight, the petals were sprinkled with dewdrops that sparkled like pure crystals, creating a fairyland-like atmosphere in this elegant garden.

  Several beautiful larks flew over the vibrant flowers, fee perched atop the treetops, and sang melodies that were both enchanting and moving.

  However, such a beautiful scene was broken by a rude voice:

  "Damn Samwell! Why can't he slow down, always causing me trouble!"

 Duke of reach, Guardian of the South, Ruler of highgarden , Mace Tyrell had a big belly, waving a letter with his thick arms, and his fat face is full of anger.

  "Before he recruited hundreds of laborers from my dock without saying anything , I didn't bother with him. Last time he wanted the refugees from Highgarden, I didn't make things difficult for him for the sake of my precious daughter. This time, He actually provoked Starfall City! Does he want's me to send troops to support him? He regards me as..."

  "Father, drink tea." Margaery Tyrell brought the silver teacup to Duke Mace just in time for him to relax, as the complaints were starting to weigh heavily on his stomach.

  The Duke mace took the teacup, and couldn't lose his temper when faced with his daughter's bright smiling face, so he had to be pulled by her to sit down on the chair.

  After taking a sip of tea, Duke Mace said to LadyOlenna,

  "Mother, have you read the letter? Do you think this Samwell is a crossing the line ?"

  Lady Olenna placed her hands on her sleeves, her eyes fixed on the lark outside the pavilion, and said calmly after hearing the words:

  "Samwell is indeed a kid who can make troubles. But this time, I really don't blame him."

  "Don't blame him?"

  The old lady nodded, Said: "I just received a message from Blackwater Bay a few days ago that Edric Dane and Allyria Dane were unfortunately killed in a hunting accident."

  The Duke Macr was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "Mother, what does this have to do with that kid from Eagle Island?"

  Margaery said in a timely manner: "Those were the last two heirs of the main branch of the Dayne family, right? No wonder Starfall City will go crazy."

  Only then did the Duke Mace react, and shouted: "Samwell didn't do it, did he?"

  Olenna rolled her eyes, and she no longer wanted to talk to her stupid son.

  Margaery poured a cup of tea for her father, and said softly, "Someone must have provoked it on purpose, right?"

  Lady Olenna smiled at her granddaughter, as if she had finally found some comfort, then turned to her son, and said angrily,

  " Ah yes, my mighty son Duke Mace,your vassal sent a letter asking for help, do you think we should send troops to support?"

  Duke Mace didn't care about the ridicule in his mother's tone, anyway, this is not the first time.

  "His castle hasn't been built yet, so according to the lord's law, Eagle Island is not an official Reach territory. What reason do I have to start a war? Which vassal would be willing to fight for it? Going to fight the Dornish people in such a disputed place?"

  Lady Olenna said a name: "Randyll Tarly."

  "Randyll?" Duke Mace frowned, "Although Samwell is his son, But he is also the son who was deprived of his inheritance rights and kicked out of the house. Do you think he will send troops for Eagle Island?" "

  "I don't know." Lady Olenna smiled and said leisurely: "But I really want to know."

  "Ah ?" Duke Mace was stunned again.

  Margaery spoke again at the right time: "Father, grandmother never believed that Earl Randyll really gave up on his son Samwell, so she want's to take this opportunity to test it out."


  Duke Mace nodded, "Okay , then I will write a letter to tell Randyll about it. However, I will not give him any orders, and it is up to him to decide whether to send troops or not."

  After speaking, the Duke Mace stepped forward and kissed the foreheads of his mother and daughter, and then left in a hurry.

  Although he loved them very much, Duke Mace felt uncomfortable every time he was alone with them, especially his mother, Lady Olenna. In front of her, Duke Mace felt like a fool.

  Margaery sent her father out of the garden, then returned to the gazebo, poured a cup of tea for Lady Olenna, and asked,

  "Grandmother, what if Earl LRandyll really doesn't send troops?"

  Lady Olenna took a sip of the tea and said calmly: "Then Samwell can only rely on himself."

  After finishing speaking, she put down the teacup, reached out and fiddled with the sapphire necklace on the chest of her granddaughter in front of her, and said with a smile:

  "Why? Are you reluctant to part with the first knight you knighted ?"

  " Alittle bit. Sam is actually a very capable pioneer knight."

Margaery put her face on the back of her grandmother's wrinkled hands and rubbed it lightly, "And we have invested so much on him. Todd Flower, a hundred elite soldiers, and thousands of golden dragons... Now that Eagle Island is about to become a real reach territory, and it can also produce brandy and silver, i feel it's a pity to give up like this."

  Lady Olenna gently caressed her granddaughter's cheek, but the words she said were extremely cold:

  "If a rose in the garden is infected with insects, no matter how beautiful it is and no matter how much time and energy has been spent on taking care of it, when it is time to remove it, it must be removed, otherwise the insect disease will spread and destroy the entire garden."

Margaery was little hesitant : "Then try to cure it first ."

  "This is not a simple bug disease."

Lady Olenna shook her head and sighed, "You also know that the two heirs of the Dayne family died. And the timing of their death is so coincidental, it is obviously that some people have seen our plan in Eagle Island and want to use it to provoke war.

  Although we originally built that territory on Eagle Island to deal with Dorne, the timing of the war must not be grasped by others. Otherwise, We will only be passive everywhere, and even flowers planted in other places will be affected.

  Eagle island is already a rotten sore exposed to the vulture's eyes, let the Dornish people take this opportunity to goug it out for us. Brandy can be brewed elsewhere and for silver, how can we be short of this money. "

  Hearing what her grandmother said, Margaery had no choice but to give up.

She thought for a while, and then asked: "Grandma, do you know who is behind the scenes this time?"

  " There are several suspect targets.

The man was careful, though, and I can't tell."

Madam Olenna pressed her granddaughter's frown, as if she wanted to smooth it out, and comforted her with a smile, "You don't have to worry too much. The illegitimate son of Starfall City just wants to gain attention and honor, and will not offend us easily, so even if Samwell loses, he will not have to worry about his life.

  At that time, we will pay to redeem him, appease him, and use it elsewhere.

  Moreover, it's time for that kid to suffer a bit. Otherwise, I feel that he is about to float into the sky.

  You don't know , Paxter wanted him to marry Desmera but the kid refused.

  Margaery eyes widened: "He doesn't even like the eldest daughter of Arbor Island? "

"Who else does he want to marry? "

  "Who knows." Lady Olenna snorted softly.

  "Grandmother, what if Earl Randyll really sent troops to support Eagle island and help Sam hold it?"

  "That means Randyll Tarly didn't really gave up on this son. He might have other plans to drive him out of the house.

Before we see his true purpose, let's not intervene rashly. Leave the mess of Eagle Island to the Tarly family, and don't give any more support to Samwell. "

Margaery nodded, understanding what her grandmother meant, but then she thought of the last possible development of this matter——Samwell guarded Eagle Island by himself without anyone's help.

  But this kind of result is really unbelievable. The army of the Dayne family is not comparable to the savages. No matter how powerful Samwell is, it is impossible for him to be their opponent.

  Margaery immediately put this absurd idea behind her, and secretly prayed to the seven gods, asking them to protect her knight in this war.


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