


A woman’s scream echoes across the safari camp, followed by the sounds of an enraged male voice; both cutting through the silence of the night, it jerks Jacques Le Vee into instant wakefulness. He scrambles from his camp bed, the Belgium model forgotten as he grabs his rifle and hurries outside in the general direction of the commotion. The flickering flames from the campfire are catching his bright red boxers, making him stand out like a beacon.

The sound of a hard slap, followed by a heavy sob, carries to him as he makes his way quickly towards the tent that houses a middle-aged German couple. Suddenly the tent flaps are violently thrown aside, and the woman is physically thrown out of the entrance. Her head strikes the ground hard enough to stun her, followed by the husband who delivers a sharp kick into her ribs as she lies on the ground, her face all bloody from his assault.

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