


The sound of the Kafue River running strongly was behind the party as they crouched behind the rocky outcrop, the sky was dark, the sounds of the night filling the air. The cry of a hunting jackal floats across the water, to be answered almost immediately from Moses who then flashes his torch three times in quick succession in the direction from where the first cry had come from. He is answered by three flashes from the opposite bank, confirming that the slavers are on their way over to collect their human cargo.

Slowly, through the curtain of the night, a shape can be made out. As it draws closer to the crouching group, the shape begins to resemble a long boat, powered by four sturdy oarsmen digging the paddles deep into the dark water and propelling the boat forward, until the prow touches the river bank. A figure, dressed in a flowing white robe much the same as Moses, jumps out and makes its way towards where the group is huddled.

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