
"I saved your ass"

Time: 18:36:22PM

Location: 30 seconds before the gunshot

Ahmed was pushed to walk towards his people. He treaded slowly on the ground with his bare foot. Passing through David, he glared at him making the kid frightened. As he passed him, he spotted the sniper being set towards him. He was shocked, thinking they wanted to kill him, not when a loud bang was heard.

The loud bang was actually the sniper shooter thudding his body to the van and then the ground. His men turned back and spotted him on the ground with blood gushing out of his head. Ahmed ran to the scene and realized what happened. It was then they saw a figure very far from them, on a van with a sniper. The figure got down from the top of the van and entered, telling the driver to navigate towards them...

Instantly the leader of the terrorist banged his fist twice on the body of the van and instantly 5 other terrorists came out making eight with Ahmed.