
Chapter 55 Grandpa Jay...

I was gonna drive to grandpas house later today but first decided to visit my Warehouse as Jarvis had recently been updating me about how the Government was now launching a nation wide search for the Immortal wendigo, they have also observed how its strength increases after eating Humans and after it entered the forest they had lost complete track of it, When it emerged from the forest Jarvis had already deleted the camera footage of the recordings of it heading towards the school, there were still camera recordings that had a 0% chance of exposing anything dangerous to me that were left behind for the government.

So now they are in a situation where they dont know where it went, after the few recordings of it appearing out of the woods and seemed to have a direction it was heading to and once it reached the highway area it's like it had suddenly disappeared, Causing a bit of panic as they saw that it didnt disappear in a forest this time, no rather it was in the open and that to it could have gone anywhere from there.

They also seemed to put suspicion on the fact that the cameras on the Highways and everywhere around it had been deleted there had been traces of tampering with the footage on all of these other cameras so they had put an effort into finding out what these cameras footage deletions have to do with the Monster as these cameras footage deleations just seem to coincidentally match with the Monsters Last known whereabouts.

Finding out that They had started looking into the deletion of the footage I wasnt to worried regarding this as I had already taken this into account and created multiple patterns to throw of the investigation, so there is a zero percent chance for them discovering something regarding me and I'm gonna bet my chances on those odds.

In the warehouse I spent a full 3 hours working on Making the Base for the SES Project while Wednesday had fallen asleep on my chair leaving me no place to sit while I worked, My legs did start aching after an hour and I considered waking Wednesday up but when I saw her cute sleeping face I decided against it and just chose to bear through the pain.


Now although I said that I would brave it out 30 minutes later and I decided to say fuck that and just sat on the table and continued working for rest of the hour and half while sat on the table.

When the time was up and it was time for the Barbecue, I finnaly woke Wednesday up and we headed to grandpas house.

I arrived at the street where grandpa lived and drove for a bit before I found his house, the gates were closed so I asked Jarvis to open the gates and the gates opened for me letting me drive the car inside and park the car.

I got out of the car in casual clothes followed by Wednesday and rang the door bell, I waited a minute before the door opened revealing hayley to be the one opening the door.



We hugged eachother as we had not seen eachother in a while for a few seconds before we broke the hug and Hayley looked towards Wednesday.

"Is she your girlfriend?" She asked me in a teasing like manner and I without a shred of hesitation replied "Yes, she is my girlfriend"

"Hayley honey is that James?" hayley was gonna speak more when we heard moms shout from the living room.

"Yes mom, and he is here with his girlfriend!" Hayley yelled back causing the noise inside to quieter down.

"May we come in?" I asked being polite but Hayley didnt care about what I was saying as she was more intrested in Wednesday "I remember your name was Wednesday right?"

"Yes It is my name" Wednesday replied back with a straight face followed by a few seconds of silence where these two stared eachother down.

"Well come in" Hayley was the first to break of the stare down and led us inside the Villa. We walked in together into the living room where Mom and Gradpa Jay were watching TV.

"Hey Grandpa" when grandpa heard he turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey James, I have been hearing from your mother about this Phone thing you made, it seems to be incredible"

Oh so he completely ignored Wednesday and is talking about what he is intrested in... How Grandpa like.

"Thanks grandpa, As a matter of fact I made each one of you your own phones, this makes it so much easier to contact eachother, it's in the car right now"

"Car?" Grandpa Jay seemed confused when he heard what James said.

"Oh mom didnt tell you about it?" I asked and stared at mom who looked a bit awkward.

"Trust me I told them so did dad but they wouldnt believe us" Mom turned to look at grandpa with a victorious smirk " I told you didnt I Dad, he did make a car"

Oh I get it grandpa Jay and the rest didn't believe the fact that I "made" a car.

"Wait you were serious?" Grandpa Jay asked with wide eyes looking at mom and me.

"Grandpa, do you want to see it?"

"Do I want to see it? Haha If it's truly as amazing as your mother told me about then I must see it, dont you know a Car is Similar to a Wardrobe in many ways"

Grandpa stood up excitedly and walked towards the door, I looked towards mom with a bit of confusion as to what Grandpa was on about and mom just sighed and shrugged at me.

I knew what that shrug meant so I didnt bother thinking much about It, Grandpa is just like this when he gets excited.

"Come on!" I heard Grandpas Shout from the entrance and I looked back to Wednesday.

"Why dont you talk to Mom, I will be back" mom and specially Hayley seemed to be showing intrest in Wednesday propably because it's the first girl I brought home.

"Okay" was what Wednesday said so i nodded and headed towards the entrance leaving behind Mom, Hayley and Wednesday.

Hey guys since we have already reached Chapter 55... which I didnt think I would be getting to at all but hey, It was a surprise really, That I wrote this much.

So I was wondering since you all have read so far what would you say, You would like to see improve in the writing that would make your reading experience better?

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts
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