Hey, Hope you enjoy my FanFiction or my Novel😊
de la lecture
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And yes it is purposely miss-spelled
Right, been gone a while now, done some stuff and I feel like soon I will have the time to come back and write this story again. But I gotta be honest with you all, a good portion of you readers are a little fucking stupid, if you don't like the story go fuck yourself, read soemthing else, if you like what I am writing , and can stay without bitching about every little thing, cool, I'm gonna keep writing this and see this to completion. And remeber, this aint a contracted Novel. This is a fanfic I don't owe you a single thing.
Haven't really dropped it, just took a hiatus I did not know I was gonna take, in a few days when I clear a bit of work I currently have, I'll get back to uploading like normal
Buddy what are you talking about
It's a machine powered by a shard of pure materialised hellfire, putting him on David's level in Base form, so yes this machine is pretty fast.
Na I'm gonna keep him stupid enough to not be annoying to the readers while also creating good plot due to it, that is the perfect balance I just gotta find.
Hmm, I don't get this double spacing part, on webnovel using phone and while using the Desktop mode on phone, there is no double spacing, the chapter is a full 1000 words long and I say that with a guarantee. I don't know what else to tell except there is no double spacing visible for me, maybe its a problem on your side.
Ah shit, my bad, let me fix that real quick