
Chapter 18 Eva , Ben in difficulties...

Next day morning, Eva was still in her dreams finding clues. Lara came rushing and knocked her door. Eva opened the door with a dizzy face, Lara rushed in and asked her about the notes David sir gave her the day before yesterday. Eva don't even remember about that,

Lara rushed her

" come on its already 7o'clock go get the notes ...go....".

" Eva was still absent minded, Lara rushed in and took her bag. She took out her books, while she was searching for the notes she saw her diary, and opened it and said "

what is this ,Did you write the notes in your dairy Eva?...what is this? She tried reading ..

"To the one in...."

Eva was shocked and came running, snatched the diary from her hands and said

" How could some one write a notes in a diary?.. The other book in your hand may be, it is written in there".

Lara stared at her

" That was so rude....., you are so rude "

said Lara and left with the book.

"uhh ... that was close ...I was almost get caught by her...I need to find something else " Eva thought.

Lara was so upset with her, she was in a hurry and didn't have time to check the notes. When she reached David sir's office, he was discussing something with Ben . Lara knocked the door David asked her to come in .

Ben was about to leave Lara was so happy to see him. She said

" Goodmorning sir "

both of them replied at the same time .

She looked at them with a stunned face. They both looked at each other and Ben left with a serious look. Lara kept staring at Ben

" Do you want me to stick it on the notice board... Get in"

David said furiously .

Lara trembled, then rushed near him to put those notes on the table. She thought ' what a terrible day ...first Eva and now David sir.' ..

"Do you want to say something? " he asked .

Lara was already terrified, she said "no sir".

He asked her to leave. Eva was keeping all her things back in her bag . She thought

"what did Era wrote in the notes and why Lara took it away... oh ..ya ..may be Mr Freak asked her for it ... What..!! wait...!! Did he asked for it ...oh my ...god..."

and she rushed to her phone , and called Lara immediately. Lara was sitting on the bench outside David sir's office.

Her phone rang, she was still angry with Eva , she waited for a while and then lifted it

" What now..? Do you have anything else to say ..?"

she said,

" Where are the notes...?"

Eva asked shockingly.

Lara was furious and said

"what the heck!! ...do you really think I am your slave ..What ... ? if you want to ask about the book then ask properly "

. Eva calm down a bit and asked again

"Miss Lara can you tell me , where is the notebook you took from here ?? please...",

Lara felt normal now and said

" hmm.. that's more like it, ...so you were asking about your notebook ha.. it's on David sir's office table. By the way, why did you asked??"

,Eva shouted

" what....??Did he see that..? "

Lara was shoked

" How would I know? he asked me to leave , just go to hell Eva , how could you talk to me like this ... Don't call me ever again ".

Lara Hung up the phone. Eva was panicked . She got ready to go to the hospital within seconds and rushed out.

She ran all the way to David's office. David opened the book to find the notes, he was furious to see it . Eva had an habit of making cartoons, when ever she is angry she drew cartoons of those who made her angry. And that book was full of David's cartoons . There was a knock on the door, David said

"come in"

, it was Ben .He was here to give him a list of interns he had to take care of. Ben came near to give David the list and unexpectedly saw those cartoon drawings.. they were hilarious, he couldn't stop laughing.

" Stop it Ben "

David said with a bold voice and was about to call Lara in, but suddenly the door crash opened and Eva came in running.

" I am sorry sir .. I am really sorry sir ..."

she said and took the book from the table and ran.

" Stop right there... !!" David shouted. She stood where she was

" I know you don't have any manners but atleast you could have taken the notes, I gave you. Do you really have any idea what you are doing right now? I was wrong about you."

David said disappointedly. Ben went near her and snatched the book from her, she tried to get it back , but she stopped doing that because David was in a Freak mood staring at them seriously. Ben looked at the cartoons in the book and said

"Hey ..these look familiar..wait let me guess..!! ".

That was the limit of her patience, she pulled back the book and tore all those papers. There were notes written on the other side of the book by Era, so she showed David those notes. She said

" I am sorry for the disturbense caused by me sir , if there is nothing here for me , I'll wait outside."

Ben was staring at her and smiled, but she was not in a mood to give him a smile. She was furious and went outside. Eva ran to the terrace bench and sat there .Lara followed her. David saw the notes ,it was well written. He was in a confusion, Ben started talking,

" So you have decided, whom do you want to take in "

they were discussing about the interns who were following Kate. He was sure David won't ask for Eva . So he was happy that finally she would follow him. David was busy reading the notes ,when he turned the page ,he was surprised .

All the most important matters were underlined in a different way , it was exactly how Era used to do. That made David uncomfortable . He was forced to think about Era again ,he thought to himself

"How could it be ? .. Why this girl always reminds me of Era ? ..Are they related anywhere? I need to find out.."

Ben called him and said

"oh come on tell me what you have decided? I need to go to my work, I have patient waiting for me."

David looked at him thought of something and finally said

" I want Eva to follow me,You and Jhon can have the rest".

Ben was shocked to hear that, " What?? Why?? " he asked.

David , as usual have nothing to say . Ben was disappointed again. He left David's office with a broken heart .

Lara asked Eva

" What happened?? Why did you run away like that ?? "

Eva showed the papers to her.Lara started laughing, Eva was furious . Lara recognised the cartoons

" oh .. that's David sir, he is hilarious , and that's you , I think , the one who is hitting him... ha ha , who's next... hey it's Ben sir.. oh he is good looking even in the cartoon form ha haha "

she couldn't stop laughing, Eva shouted

" Stop it".

Ben was standing behind them he snatched the paper with his cartoon and took it away.

Eva rushed behind him but couldn't get the paper, he was taller than Eva so she was unable to reach it. She said annoyingly

"just frame it and keep it with you.. I don't care .. I don't give it a dam..."

Ben laughed and took it away..

Eva was frustated and left from there but , her behaviour , already sown a seed of doubts in David's mind...and it be a new trouble for her... read if she'll be able to escape from it or......


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