
Alderi Counterattack Starts

(General POV)

Location the Khorne Daemonworld-Mudus Kars, Battlefield Eldar vs. Khornate Daemons

While Ka'bandha was dueling against Alaeden, they weapon, causing Warp sparks of psychic and fire energies.

All around, the eldar forces were being decimate, this was causing unbridled rage within Alaeden as he yelled and thrust his spear through Ka'bandha's right shoulder causing the greater daemon to scream in pain, while pulling out his great spear, and in a vertical rising slash he cut Ka'bandha's face and left eye forcing the Bloodthirster to back away the blood, poured out from Bloodthirster's wounds.

Having some time to rest, as Alaeden's kept his sights on his opponent but he could hear and feel the deaths of his people, and the whispers of two dark, malignant voices promising untold glory, power, and endless combat, and visions of blood covered battlefields, leading legions of red armored alderi as they storm battleground completely covered bodies.

Seeing and hearing these horrific things, and he refused awakening to see Ka'bandha about to cleave his greataxe at his head as he responded by instinct he blocked his opponent's axe swing, as he focused his psychic powers through his body as blue energy surged through his damaged his golden out from his right gauntlet, firing powerful psyker bolt at the chest of Ka'bandha blasting the Bloodthirster, away allowing Alaeden to fallback towards the crashsite and rejoin his warriors.

While running back to his main base as he watched as the enemy heavy artillery (Skull Cannons) were bombarding the crashed ships.

Using his psychic abilities to communicate with any Urlthawai Farseer that still remains for he sense a couple have died in battle already, he hopes that any farseer could hear his messenger as they need reinforcements of they'll perish on this forsaken world...dooming countless souls to Kjorn and Alka'lkarnak evil. (Khorne and Laharl in alderi speech)

The price as he still ran and saw many of his warriors being slaughtered by these Warp creatures of this Blood God, Kjorn as red ape/Scyla Anfingrimm was holding onto the broken form of the harlequin Troupe Leader of Light, bleeding as shattered all his forces dead on the feet of the beast as he beats his chest with his free arm, and roared in bloody victory.

In another area, he saw one of the members of the Urlthawai, a Shadowseer named Iza'ndei being held by those giant brutes, she struggled in bane in the giant's grip as his fellow khornate giants were crushing, tearing, and eating her bretheren but then came her gruesome demise as the giant raised her above his horned head and opened his mouth slowly putting Iza'ndei head inside his mouth as she still struggled and screamed when a sick crunched sound echoed, followed by a wet sounding tearing as the giant tore off her head and ate it, as he chewed and swallow he once again raise her headless body dumping all the blood into his mouth.

A truly gruesome death, but that wasn't all the alderi prince witnessed the three-headed hound/Karanak and his pack rushing what remains of the banshees, before they could either run or fight already Karanak and his pack were upon them tearing into them with fangs and claws or breathing blazing hellfire upon them as the wet sounds or screaming of those brave warriors echoed in Alaeden's mind he caught glimpse at the pack's alpha Karanak with all three head filled with blood and gore, the left and rip had various pieces of banshee remains but the centered one was licking it lips as he howled and soon all his flesh hounds followed sout.

Alaeden prayed to Lord Asuryan for aid still deaft to their plait, then a miracle happened as he heard a farseer, her name is Yi'Uma told him that they managed to gathered around 20k warriors ready for battle, and operational battle vehicles from Vypers, Jetbikes, a single Falcon, a couple of Cobras and a single surviving War Walker.

All ready while she regretted to report that they have lost all rangers and harlequins their are still warriors ready for battle.

The Alderi Prince, stopped running as he calmed himself smashing his golden great spear onto the red earth of the world, he swore on all the gods and Asuryan that he'll defeat their enemies and save their people from this corruption, hearing his message through psyker amplified means they all started to regain hope, and pray to their alderi gods, this was supposed to be the moment that Great Seer, Ba'al Allseer foretold but with the warpstorms conversion that occurred in the sector all their prayers were blocked and the ascension of Alaeden was forced.

The timeline was changed back to Chaos favor, as the alderi burst out the wreckage multiple banshees, guardians, shining cavaliers, infernos, psykers, and seers stormed out with jetbikes and vypers rushing past the ground troops, as Alaeden turned to face the enemy he spun his great spear and charge back into battle.

While the khornate daemons were actually excited and glad that their enemy still has numbers for them to kill, Skarbrand turned to the skull cannons and ordered them to fire at the enemy, smiling on the Greater Daemon's command they repositioned and started firing at the advancing alderi forces.

Some of the skull cannons managed to hit some ground units or a couple of jetbikes, but their non-stop charge was making things difficult for the daemons operating the daemonic cannons to aim, move, and shot.

Taking advantage of the enemy artillery being iratic, the Cobras opened fire along with the Vypers, which starts taking down the skull cannons as the daemon engines blow-up in hellish flames resulting in the death/banishment of several of the lesser daemons operating the cannons.

Seeing this, the bloodthirsters Ka'bandha, Ghalh'kra, and An'ggrath were furious, especially Ka'bandha, as they ordered the bloodcrushers to rush at the eldars, which they did pulling on the ring-saddle as a couple of heralds known as Skullmasters led the charge on top of their darker toned and more armored juggernauts.

These Skullmasters and Bloodcrushers rushed towards the jetbikers, vyper pilots, and shining cavaliers that have rushed ahead of all their forces while still both the cobra tanks and skull cannons had their own artillery battle.

The guardians on jetbikes were firing upon the force of bloodcrushers some shot hit fatal spots on either the Chaos Beast eyes or the hitting the rider, but most of the shuriken-fire just hit the juggernauts armored hides doing less damage than other encounters for Khorne and Valkia's blessing placed upon the khornate daemon-calvary.

Once close to their targets, the shining cavaliers had their laser lances pointing straight as the bloodcrushers charged right towards them.

As a clash between two calvary forces fiercely ignited as wraithbone lance and daemonic blade, the carvaliers either succeeded in hitting the kill-strike or had their weapons blocked and meet their end as juggernauts bit and stab at the eldar busy fighting their rider or the bloodletter rider managed to slash their hellblades deep into the bodies of their opponents the end result is a bloodstained slaughter.

The fighting intensified across the area, as the bloodthirsters rushed forward under Skarbrand's command and their legions followed their commanding Greater Daemon, the calvary forces were still at the midst of bloody battle between each other.

Bloodcrushers led by skullmasters were focusing on the other mounted enemies as the hihh-daemon heralds swung their daemonic blade bisecting those in their way, as the aim at the jetbike-riders that like cowards refuse to enter glorious close combat, and receive the glory of the Blood God.

The Guardian Jetbikers were providing long ranged hit-and-run support to their shining cavaliers that were engaged in brutal melee.

But then another large group of enemy calvary approached the guardians being led by the same red creatures but with more brass and golden armor covering them, as well as armed with longer crimson swords, mounted on more heavily armored beasts, immediately the guardians started to shot at these bloodcrushers and skullmasters which are eight in total.

One of the guardians armed with a shuriken rifle missed his last shot and was forced to reload, making the terrible mistake of taking his sight off his enemy, only to feel the gruesome pain of losing his right arm as a skullmaster reached him, and before he could utter a scream the daemon herald swung it's sword across his neck, fully decapitating the eldar and granting another skull for the thrones.

That engagement between calvaries was happening in that area in the battle several bloodletters were being massacred.

Under constant onslaught of guardians and infernos using shuriken firearms and fusion guns, they shredded and burned the screaming bloodletters to death when hundreds of blood valkyries swooped in some even dive stomping onto the infernos first as they lay crushed before their cloven feet the blood valkyries drove their hellaxes onto the bodies of the infernos going after them first, since witnessing their sisters being burned before.

Having seen the winged armored she-daemons kill many of their infernos allies, the Guardian Defenders, along with the few remaining Infernos, aimed their weapons at the blood valkyries only to be rushed low, as the blood valkyries in the front swung their daemonic axes low chopping off the legs of their enemies while the rest of their sisters used their back as a platform to leap from and onto the rest of the alderi as they chopped, sliced, and beheaded their enemies in the name of their Goddess, the Gorequeen!!!

While these atrocities happened on Mudus Kars, under the watchful and expecting eyes of the Chaos Gods, they were somewhat relieved that they prevented the alderi prince's ascension for now but while he still lives he is a threat so Khorne send a message to his forces whoever bring the skull of the prince to him shall be rewarded with ascension to that of the first Elder Daemon of Wrath, hearing this has enhanced the rage, bloodlust, and fighting hunger as Skarbrand reorganize his forces to charge at the eldar but against his command Ghalh'kra charged ahead forgetting everything else only aiming at Alaeden.

The bloodthirster blinded by lust, battle hunger, power, and untold glory charged straight through the enemy line being shot and bombarded by the alderi but Khorne and Valkia's blessing has greatly aided him and all that were in his way were chopped in half by his massive greataxe in his two hands, all his sights were focus on was Alaeden's skull and the reward of ascension!!!

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