
Clash Between a Prince and Infernus

(General POV)

Location the Khorne Daemonworld-Mudus Kars, Battlefield Eldar vs. Khornate Daemons

As Ghalh'kra charged at his target, killing all his way from guardian, to even a cobra that the bloodthirster cleaved in two with a powerful slash, running through the blazing, burning remains of said tank, as the Falcon and War Walker began firing at the Greater Daemon of Khorne.

While the heavy artillery did hurt Ghalh'kra his rage and bloodlust of not only himself but as well as the dark energies of the daemonworld itself, were strengthening Ghalh'kra as he roared and ignored the pain to claim his target's skull and obtain a greater blessing and favor than even Skarbrand could ever dream of.

While the rest of Skarbrand's legions desired to join Ghalh'kra in the carnage Skarbrand stopped them, while he to desires to do the same,he was tasked by the blood gods to win, and warned what will happen should he fail.

So begrudgingly, the butcher had to act like a commander holding his forces from charging in iraticly, Skarbrand even had to once again punch Ka'bandha across his wounded, still bleeding face to make his fellow bloodthirster heel and obey him, once he saw all his legions organized to his sastifaction Skarbrand looked at what remains of his artillery the Skull Cannons from hundreds reduced to some dozen, the bloodthirster growled in anger as he ordered them to aim at the red machine walker the alderi possess while they prepare to charge at the best moment.

Obeying the Rage Incarnate, the skull cannons changed their target to the War Walker.

Firing upon the eldar mech, hitting a couple of times forcing the eldar pilot to disengage her attack on Ghalh'kra and seek cover as one of her shuriken cannons were destroyed by the enemy's artillery fire. (Note this War Walker is fully machine not a Asuriyan mark so no spirit stone just full machine.)

Seeing the War Walker start to flee Skarbrand, he then ordered the skull cannons to cease firing as he commanded Karanak to hunt down the mech and kill the pilot, with a angry growl and howl the Hound of Vengeance, obeyed and rushed into the battlefield closely followed by his pack.

The Alderi notice the three-headed behemoth and his pack running through the battlefield and started opening fire at them, seeing them as a bigger threat than Ghalh'kra which thanks to Skarbrand command has gain some repreave from constant eldar firing at him.

This allowed Ghalh'kra to charge faster to Alaeden who sensed the monster's bloodlust and killer intent towards him, so even with Yi'Uma and other psykers trying to guard him he ordered them to stop, and believe in him and Asuryan telling them that gods haven't abandoned them yet.

He commanded his homeworld farseer and member of the Urlthawai, Yi'Uma to focus on the battle as the green robed and white armored farseer, wielding a crescent moon tip staff, and short wraithsword bowed to her prince and obeyed leading her psykers away as the brave prince faced his enemy head on.

Ghalh'kra saw the eldar prince stand brave and strong as he charged at him excited of their upcoming battle as he rised his massive axe over his right shoulder, charging faster like a rabid bull seeing red.

Alaeden was preparing himself for the next duel he has already faced two Bloodthirsters before and survived by skill, preseverance, and good fortune but he was no longer afraid with his mind at ease he saw his next opponent rush towards him with a massive axe in the air, as the red monster swung down with such force that it shattered the red earth between them, only by his speed and agility did he managed to evade Ghalh'kra's attack.

Quickly responding to Ghalh'kra's attack, Alaeden thrust his great spear, aiming for the heart of his enemy, only for Ghalh'kra to see the attack coming and block it using his right arm as the spear tip stab deeply into his right forearm as the wound bursted with deep red hot blood.

While the pain surged through Ghalh'kra's arm, the Bloodthirster used to his advantage that the spear blade was still inside his forearm, using his other arm to grab the pole of the wraithbone great spear and with Ghalh'kra's daemonic strength threw Alaeden across the area, as Ghalh'kra pried his massive axe out the ground and turned towards his opponent already standing up using his weapon to push himself straight onto his feet.

Ghalh'kra mocked the little eldar prince, as the bloodthirster towered other the eldar, as the two once again clashed blades, causing sparks of psychic and hellish fire to burst from their blades striking one another.

During the duel between Alaeden and Ghalh'kra, Yi'Uma took temporary command, trusting her prince can overcome this raging beast of Kjorn/Khorne.

She commanded the Falcon and the remaining Cobras to charge into range to fire at the enemy main forces, as she also send two-hundred banshees to guard their tank vehicles under command of her fellow Urlthawai member, a unique farseer that could rival Nagi'ish herself in combat abilities, and leadership her name is Lian'thus Zinsar, once a proud banshee when she awaken her psyker abilities now Zinsar is once again in battle side by side with banshee sisters, holding a drastically larger version of the ghostsword all banshees carry into war, she nodded to Yi'Uma's command swearing neither their tanks or their warriors will fall.

While this tactic that Yi'Uma order was being played, Karanak was fast approaching his prey while the mortals have killed several dozen of his packs, as their corpses were left behind bleeding and covered with wounds from shuriken-fire, being banished back to the realm of Khorne.

But still, the pack of the Hound of Vengeance was still in the high-hundreds of flesh hounds, Karanak and his pack were about to attack the damaged War Walker, which the pilot trying to make a futile escape against Karanak started to fire from her only operational shuriken cannon.

The heavy cannon blasts were fast and powerful, tearing flesh hounds into gorery messes as sprays of daemonic blood and gore but that same level of fire power was insignificant to Khorne's favored hound, as Karanak was shrugging off cannon-fire as each head growled, snarled, and started to ignite in a crimson blaze.

Before the pilot could react to the growing embers emanating from all three of Karanak's mouths, the three heads opened their mouths and unleashed a wide torrent of daemonic hellfire towards the War Walker, Karanak's large flamethrower attack was quite effective and powerful, the intense heat that emenated from them burn deeply onto the armor of the mech.

The pilot couldn't block herself from the flames thrown at her, burning and destroying all her systems and armor of her mech along with her own armor these unnatural flames actually burned her flesh while still not touching her or her wraithbone armor.

She entered in a panicked state, which made her easier prey for Karanak's pack, as the flesh hounds surrounded and pounced on the mech from all sides, biting and tearing through it eventually managing to tear off the right leg of the mech, forcing it to the ground.

Seeing the prey immovablelized, Karanak stopped breathing hellfire on it and roared at the flesh hounds as a command to back-off his prey as Karanak slowly approached the burning wreck of a alderi mech, the she-eldar still feeling the fires looked up at the huge three-headed flesh hound that hungerly approached her, once again panicking she tried desperately to escape her War Walker's cockpit and flee but then she felt the burning breaths upon her.

She slowly turned her head to see Karanak standing right above her, he started growl and slowly raised the volume of their growl before all three heads roared and strikes at their prey tearing right through the mech's cockpit and onto his meal as the jaws clamped around her and bite right through her armor and flesh gushing blood and she'd screamed as Karanak ate and tore her apart, staining his faces in more alderi blood.

The War Walker was destroyed, and Karanak was enjoying their latest prey, Alaeden and Ghalh'kra were still dueling as the bloodthirster was enjoying the battle he craved the power, and glory that his dark masters will give him when he cut of the head of the alderi prince.

So Ghalh'kra performed a brutal right shoulder charge at Alaeden hitting the prince with all his brute force once again knocking said prince to the ground, not allowing any time to recuperate Ghalh'kra was already on top of his opponent swinging down his massive daemonic axe but Alaeden reacted in time, rolling to his side avoiding the axe from killing him, making Ghalh'kra furious as he stomps down his right hoof to crush the prince instead.

But once again, Alaeden rolled away unscavaed and countered Ghalh'kra by swinging his spear and slicing open his right rib area causing Ghalh'kra to scream as he used his wing to knock away Alaeden before he could more damage, as the Bloodthirster placed his right hand over the heavily bleeding wound he roared at Alaeden, "Accursed psyker!!! I'll make you pay for that!!!"

Removing his hand from his wound, the bloodthirster retrieved his weapon and prepared to continue his duel against Alaeden, while Ghalh'kra was clearly the strongest of the two opponents but Alaeden is more agile as they cut their respected enemy defenses to deal the final death blow.

Ghalh'kra again started the exchange between them using pure strength and aggression only for when he raised his axe above his head, he felt the stinging pain on his rib area forcing him down as he lowered his axe and tried a sloppy horizontal slash which Alaeden dodged easily, followed by another slash and another but still Alaeden avoided the attacks.

Alaeden saw that his opponent had been weakened by his previous blow taking advantage as he waited for his moment to strike, dodging Ghalh'kra's attacks that take more energy and strength away from the Kjorn/Khornate monster.

When his enemy was being fueled and utterly blinded by rage, he tried once again to force an overhead axe strike, Alaeden responded that he knows these monsters have become greatly resistant to psyker powers but it still affected them to some degree and was his other advantage over his enemy.

Ghalh'kra tried and tried to cut down his prey, but his wound that was dealt to him by said prey was drastically inpeding him from using his full strength or use the full extent of his combat abilities against Alaeden which only served to make Ghalh'kra angrier and angrier the more Alaeden dodged his attack, the more the pain surged on his side, and the more frustrated he became with himself as the bloodthirster couldn't kill his victim yet.

Tired and blinded by his ever growing fury, forcing through the pain Ghalh'kra finally raised his massive axe over his head to deal a overhead swing and finally kill the eldar, but blinded by said anger he fail to sense and notice the growing psychic energy through Alaeden as he was in the middle of swinging down his axe Alaeden pointed his spear at him whilst it was surging with psyker power, in the form of an intensifying blue aura, before his axe even got close to the body of the alderi prince, Alaeden fired a psychic blast straight to the chest of Ghalh'kra this time knocking the bloodthirster away.

Ghalh'kra soared as the blow was mighty even managing to force a khornate greater daemon to not only let go of its weapon, but be also knocked across the air.

Crashing hard Ghalh'kra was dizzy and slow to stand unable to clearly see as he stretched his bruised wings, and fought the pain if not for the blessing of [Magic/Psyker Resistance] Ghalh'kra would have surely been killed by that last blow.

Getting up to a knee and as his vision was returning to normal, Ghalh'kra saw the form of Alaeden leaping to him, because while he was blown away and struggling to stand the alderi prince rushed over, using psychic energy to augment his physical abilities to leap high onto the air, charging energy through his weapon causing the spear-tip to glow and surge in a light blue spark of electricity.

Unable to do anything, Ghalh'kra watched and roared in rage as the psyker bastard surged forward and with a mighty energy coated swing of his great spear beheaded the mighty Infernus himself, gushing and spraying daemonic blood all over the body fell hard against the corrupted ground, as Alaeden breathed heavily and raised his spear for he has won, he has slain the Bloodthirster, Ghalh'kra the Infernus!!!

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