
Unexpected News

The wedding was getting closer and closer, and Ginny and Hermione were both very frantic about everything. Ginny's wedding was in 25 days, and Hermione's in 31. To the two of them, there seemed to be never-ending homework, essays, and finishing touches to make. 

For as much as Hermione hadn't cared about her wedding, in the beginning, she wanted everything to be amazing now; her mother would have wanted it to be perfect for her, so that is what she was trying to. 

On the other hand, the boys were trying to cope with the fact that their fiancés were always stressed out. The other evening Draco had found Hermione on the floor of the bathroom crying. He had found in various places after her parents died, crying, but each time he could calm her down. This time was worse. She had been crying for a completely different reason, and she wouldn't tell Draco anything.

He had been trying to find out what was wrong for days, but she had been in better spirits, so he figured he could let it go, what he didn't know what the roller-coaster of emotions was beginning. 

"Hermione, are you ready to go?" Draco called out from the door; she was supposed to get the final fitting of her dress with Ginny and his mother, but she had been getting ready for a really long time, and it concerned him. 

She appeared out of the bedroom in a soft white dress and smiled slightly. Tears were lining her face.

"What is wrong?" He asked, taking her into his arms. 

"Nothing fits." She whimpered

"You look great. Mother would highly approve of that dress, and she will tell you so." He smiled at her taking her hand.

"I feel like a giant balloon Draco."

Draco looked down at Hermione. To him, she looked no different, perhaps a little sadder, but that was to be expected. 

"I think you look, wonderful sweetheart." He kissed her head, and when Ginny finally came out of her apartment, he kissed her once more and went back to theirs'. 

"Gin." Hermione didn't know where to begin. She had to tell someone, though.

"What is it 'Mione?" They were walking quickly, worried they would be late, and Hermione was getting tired quickly. She stopped and turned suddenly and started throwing up all over the side of the road. "Mione!" Ginny ran over to her friend and helped her up, conjuring some water for her to rinse her mouth.

"Thanks, Gin."

"Mione?" Ginny stood up, suddenly wide-eyed.

"Please don't tell Draco; he doesn't know." That was all she could say.

"Of course, I won't tell anyone. When did you find out, though?"

"A couple of days ago. I figured it shouldn't be due till late June, I think. Gin. We only did it once."

"Well, June means you will be okay with exams, right?" Ginny knew that was the reason she was so upset. 


"You have to tell him, Hermione. He will be there."

"Ginny,  I don't know how to tell him. What if he freaks out. I know we all know we have to be pregnant, but we are going to have a baby before the deadline for being pregnant is."

"That means you'll have those people off your back quicker. Just think of it that way."

"What if he changes his mind. His children aren't going to be pureblood Ginny. What if he disappears?"

"I think he is over that Hermione; he cares for you. Why can't you see that?"

"I do, Gin. I'm just scared of all the uncertainties."

"Promise me you will tell him later." Ginny was looking at Hermione in a way that made Hermione calmer about telling Draco, but she was still scared. 

The fittings took forever, and Hermione was so nervous the entire time that Narcissa would find out. Cissy knew something was wrong, but she didn't want to seem like she was trying to replace her mother, so she thought she would let it go for now. 

She had an inkling about what was Hermione and thought maybe she would ask Ginny about it before they left if she got the chance. 

"Ms. Weasley," Narcissa approached Ginny carefully while Hermione was changing back into her dress.

"Yes, Mrs. Malfoy?" 

"I was wondering if Hermione was doing alright? She seems unlike her normal self. More preoccupied perhaps."

"I think so; she is still upset. Which is understandable, of course." Ginny debated telling her best friend's future mother in law about the fact that she was going to become a grandmother in a few short months, but she promised Hermione.

"Ginny, I know how she feels. Over-whelmed. Scared. If she needs anything to get ready for the baby, tell her I am here for her." 

Ginny looked wide-eyed at the older women; how did she know that Hermione was going to have a baby. She wasn't showing at all, and Ginny knew she hadn't told her.

"Dear, I was a new mother once, married to a man that was chosen for me. Most of it turned out unlike how I pictured, but I found a love you could never replace. I know Hermione will be a wonderful mother, and all Draco wants to do is prove to people that he can be different from his father. He wants to be there for all of his children. Just let her know." 

Ginny nodded at Narcissa, and Hermione smiled from around the corner. She didn't know how Narcissa would take the news of them being pregnant before the wedding, but it seemed like it wouldn't be much of a problem. 

Hermione came around from the corner, and everyone said their goodbyes before the girls started heading back to the castle.

"Ginny, do you really think she meant what she said?"

"I am not surprised that you heard our conversation. And if you missed the beginning, I didn't tell her a single thing. And yes, I do believe every word. She looked happy, talking about your baby."

"I promise you I am going to tell Draco as soon as I get back." 

"Good, let me know how it goes in the morning."

Hermione marched right up to her apartment and went in; she was starting to come around to the idea of having children with Draco. Besides the fact they had basically never discussed it, she was confident they would work everything out.

"Draco?" Hermione called out for him as she went into the bedroom looking for him. He wasn't anywhere to be found until she realized that she had passed an open door. One that had never been opened before.

"Hermione." She was running to it when he came out of it. His face was paler than normal, and he looked as if he was going to be sick.

"Draco, I swear, I was going to tell you right now. I only found out a couple of days ago."

Draco just kept looking at her; he couldn't believe this. 

"We only did it one time!" He finally managed to say. Hermione laughed slightly.

"That is what I said when I talked to Ginny about it."

Draco suddenly looked disappointed, "You told Ginny already?" 

"Well, I didn't know how to tell you how you would react. Suppose you are even going to want it. I mean, I am completely messing up everything your family has ever stood for Draco. Don't you know how that feels?"

"I would think it would make you happy; you can now rub their nose in it. Why would you think I would be anything less than happy?"

"I don't know. We still hardly know one another, we have only been with one another for 3 months, and in 7-8 months, we are going to be having a baby." 

"Well, I am glad I now know more than you." Draco took her hand and walked her into the room. 

Hermione froze when she saw that there was not 1 crib, but 3. 3 of everything, in fact. 

"No." Hermione kept repeating the word.

"That is why I looked so faint, not because we are going to be having a child, but because we are going to be outnumbered from the beginning. The Malfoy's have only ever had one boy. Maybe you are the perfect person to break that streak and help reshape the name. Hermione Malfoy, Brightest Witch of her Age. Having Triplets and receiving the highest marks on all sections of her N.E.W.T.s. I can see the headline now." Draco pulled his fiance into a hug and kissed her head.

"Draco, promise me you aren't going to leave my side for this. Having Triplet is not as common as you would think, and most likely, they are going to be premature and tiny and need a lot of extra care." 

"Sweetheart, everything is going to be fine. I promise we are going to do this together."

"Draco, have you ever thought about having children?"

"Many times."

"Did you ever think about having more than one child?"

"You are still worrying. I don't want you to do that. You are going to stress yourself over nothing. You asked about children which would imply more than one, and I said yes. So to clarify, yes, I have always wanted more than one child."

Hermione smiled slightly; he really was smarter than he looked. She calmed down and let him hold her in his arms and sway back and forth slightly before he shot up suddenly. 

"We should go see Pomfrey." 

Hermione wasn't getting a choice on the matter; he had taken her hand and started walking toward the hospital wing. 

"Mr. Malfoy, this is going to be the third time Ms. Granger has been here this term. I don't believe she wants to be trying to break the record Mr. Potter holds. What seems to be the problem this time?"

Hermione chuckled at the thought of how many times Harry was here over the years and didn't doubt be held the record for most trips in one term, but this time she wasn't actually in pain. 

"Madam Pomfrey, the door opened," Hermione smiled shyly, looking at the women, slightly embarrassed, knowing she would know what that meant, "Draco insisted we visit."

"Congratulations, dear." Madam Pomfrey pulled Hermione into a hug but soon let go. "You know I am obligated to let the Headmistress know so that she may inform the board. And I would like to see you once monthly for check-ups, to make sure everything is going smoothly."

"Madam, there were three cribs." Draco piped up and then stared at Hermione for not mentioning that.

"Well, if that is the case, then I would like to see you once a week, to be sure. You may feel as though your magic grows stronger and more dangerous as you progress through your pregnancy, especially having triplets. Be careful when casting spells in class, and I will talk to Minerva about either postponing your N.E.W.T.s or making them earlier."

"Earlier, I am not ready to take those exams yet. I have almost two whole terms left."

"Hermione, you are more than ready." Draco put his arm around her and smiled. Something Hermione noticed he only did when they were together.  

"I agree. I will let you discuss it with her if you would like, but I believe she will want to have them done before your magic is too heightened. That might make it hard to take the exams. 

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