
Ginny's Day

Hermione slipped into her bridesmaid dress around 10 a.m. and immediately started to cry. Draco had been dealing with this for a couple of days now. Hermione was starting to show even though it was only the end of December, and she was only 3 months pregnant. 

"Hermione, you cannot tell." Draco didn't even wait for her to ask. They still hadn't told many people, and when she was in her gown or a sweater, you couldn't tell. 

"Draco, don't lie to me." Hermione looked at him, sternly. 

"Okay, you show a little, but no one is going to be looking at you. It is Ginny's day."

"What about in a couple of days when I am the one wearing white? Huh. Everyone is going to be looking at me, and they are going to know that I am pregnant."

"Hermione, you owe them nothing. If someone asks, you can lie. Or you can blame it on the law. You really don't owe anyone an explanation."

"Fine, but if too many people start asking me about it, I am sending them in your direction."

"Deal." Draco kissed her head and then zipped up the dress before going back to getting ready as well.

Ginny and Harry had changed their minds and decided to have a day wedding, with a really long party. It was really Ginny's mind that had changed. Harry had given her anything she wanted the entire time they were planning. It was going to be out on the grounds of Hogwarts, and McGonagall had gone to extra lengths for the two of them to make it more private. 

Harry had asked Andromeda to come with Teddy, they were really the only family Harry felt he had left, and he was happy when she had said she would, of course, come. 

At around 10:30, Hermione went over into Ginny's apartment, and all the girls were there getting ready. Even Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, Hermione, I wanted to give these to you. I wasn't sure I was going to be seeing you tomorrow. I didn't put letters on them, but they are hopefully going to be big enough for your 3 little ones next year." Mrs. Weasley handed Hermione 3 plain sweaters. One maroon, one a gold color, and one green. 

Hermione couldn't hold back the tears. "Thank you, this means so much." 

"Of course, dear, let me know if you want me to put the letters on them when you decide on names. You know that you are always going to be welcome. I am only one floo call away if you need some reinforcements," Mrs. Weasley hugged Hermione. 

"You look so beautiful, Gin. I can't believe you and Harry are getting married. It is just so wonderful, and I am just so happy for the two of you," Hermione was so emotional lately, and this happiness was sending her over the edge.  

"Hermione," Ginny didn't look happy at all, she looked scared actually, "Ron is going to be here, and I know I should have told you earlier, but I didn't know how and I need you to know that he isn't supposed to be anywhere near you. Draco knows, and he is going to be with you the whole time."

"Gin, I expected him to be here. He is your brother, for Merlin's sake. Of course, he is going to be here. Don't worry about me. Be excited."

"Thank you, Mione!" 

It was almost time for the ceremony, and Hermione ensured that Ginny had all the finishing touches. "In a few days, I am going to be doing this for you." Ginny started to tear up.

"I know; how is this happening, Gin. How am I going to marry willingly, I may add, someone that I really disliked for so long. And then have triplets with him. How?" Hermione was starting to feel overwhelmed again. She was just on a rollercoaster of emotions recently. She wanted to be her calm self again.

"I am going to be there for you no matter what, alright, Hermione. You have to know that. Nothing is going to keep me from you. If you need anything, ever."

"You are worried about me again."

"I can't help it. You wanted so much more than this." 

"I'll get there Gin, you and I both know I will. Maybe not as soon as I wanted to. But someday, I will."

"Minister Malfoy. Maybe it has a ring to it." 

"Ginny, you are the only one that knows that I would want to do that someday. The only one." 

"I know don't tell anyone." The girls hugged one another for what seemed like an eternity before they both heard a knock at the door, and in walked Arthur, ready to walk his little girl down the aisle.

"I'll see you down there. You are glowing, Ginny; you really do look so beautiful." Hermione hugged her friend once more before walking down the stairs and finding her spot in the procession line. 

Hermione held her flowers a little lower than anyone else as she walked down the aisle. However, her smile shone brighter than anyone else. She lit up when she saw Harry's face. He looked so overjoyed to be getting married to Ginny. After everything he had been through, Hermione was so grateful that this law hadn't ripped her from him as well. She is the light of his life, and she didn't know if he would cope with everything without her. 

She took her place up at the altar and waited for Ginny to start walking down the aisle. The music began, and everyone stood up and looked back at her. Hermione could see the tears already running down her face, and her smile was bigger than Hermione had ever seen it. 

She practically glided down the aisle and into Harry's arms. Minister Shaklebolt performed the service, and the two were bonded together for life. 

"You may now kiss your bride." 

Hermione looked across the kissing the couple and caught Ron's blushed face, and she felt a slight panic rise in her, but she stood up straighter and kept smiling. She wasn't going to ruin this for her friends, no matter how uncomfortable it made her. 

After Harry and Ginny walked back down the aisle, Hermione and the rest of the wedding party followed and outside in the beautiful setup Ginny's brother's had made for the reception, Hermione searched for Draco. As she walked, she unconsciously kept her hands in front of her stomach, trying to avoid detection.

"Ms. Granger." She smiled at the familiar face.

"Hello, Minister." She smiled politely 

"Now you know that you can always call me Kingsley."

"Well then, you know that you can, of course, call me Hermione." She giggled slightly.

"I was wondering if I may talk to you in private?" Hermione stopped laughing when his manner changed, and his tone became more serious. 

"Of course, sir." Hermione followed the Minister out of the tent and a little ways away.

"I was wondering what your plans were after graduating, Hermione."

"Well, I. I had plans to start at the ministry. I was hoping to work for rights for magical creatures. But I think my plans may change for a while." Hermione had no idea if the minister was aware of her situation.

"Because of your children?" Kingsley's eyebrow raised, as to say to her that he was fully aware of what she was going through.

"I am just not sure I can take of three babies and work full time. I want to work more than anything, but this entire law has shifted my plans more than I anticipated."

"How are you getting along with Mr. Malfoy."

"Draco? I never thought I would say this, but I don't think I could have ended up with someone better suited for me if I had gone through this life and met someone. It took some getting used to, but he challenges me. We can talk about anything. I believe he has changed, and I really do think he is going to be a wonderful father."

Hermione watched as Kingsley smiled and nodded his head. "Wonderful."

"Did you have something to do with us being together?"

"Of course, dear. They wanted you with Ron, Harry had already informed me of all that was going on with the two of you, and I told them that would be a terrible mistake. When I put Draco's name on the table, they all thought I was insane, but I am the Minister of Magic, and they listen to what I have to say."

"Where did you get an idea like that anyway?"

"Hermione, no one is smarter than you. No one can match your intelligence, and I know how much it means to you. Someone who could challenge you and keep your love of learning alive through this crazy law is the only person for you. You would have gone mad if you had to take care of someone. Draco was the only one who was even near you in grades throughout your years at Hogwarts. He was, of course, the obvious choice."

"Sir, I took care of Harry and Ron for 7 years."

"And did you ever once wish that you could just focus on something else?"

"I mean. I guess not having to worry about Draco constantly is nice. I suppose you are right, and I should thank you for him. 

"There you are," Draco sighed as he walked up to the pairing, "Minister."

"Mr. Malfoy."

"Hermione, Ginny is looking for you everywhere." 

"Thank you again, Kingsley." Hermione smiled and rushed off back inside the tent to look for Ginny.

"Is everything alright, sir?" Draco was worried about what they had been talking about.

"Of course, I was just inquiring as to your fiances' plans after graduation."

"Oh. Do you mind asking what she said?"

"You should discuss it with her. And when she is ready, will you please let her know I would love for her to be on my personal team."

The two men nodded at one another, and then Draco started to walk back into the tent. 

"Oh, and Mr. Malfoy, Congratulations." 

Draco couldn't help but smile. He was thrilled to be a father soon. He really couldn't wait. He thought about it more and made up his mind. He walked straight over to Hermione.

"What did Ginny need?"

"Oh," Hermione laughed, "help in the restroom." 

"Oh. Well, I have something for you."

Draco smiled as Hermione's eyes lit up, "What is it?"

"Well, I have decided that when the babies come, I want to stay at the Manor with them. I am sure you have plenty of plans that got switched upside down, and I had none. So this would be great for the two of us."

"Draco." Hermione didn't know what to say.

"Plus, Shaklebolt told me he wants you on his personal team, and I suspect that is because he knows something I don't."

Hermione blushed, "Well, I just feel like there is still so much more to be done, and I think by eventually being Minister, I would be able to help more changes along."

"Well, I think you would be wonderful at it. It is decided. Straight to work with you." Draco laughed, and people looked over.

It was quite a sight to watch Hermione Granger, Brightest Witch of the Age, to be laughing alongside Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater, and her future husband. 

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