

Yumei: I don't hate you Austin but I feel like you do.

Austin: yes, I hate you. I really and sincerely do!

Yumei:why? We never met before!

Austin: We can possibly have met

Yumei:We are from different worlds,that's the reason?


Yumei:Then tell me!

Austin:we can't have met before cause this world is...

Yumei:What is wrong with this world?

Austin:It is fake!


Austin:I can't believe it !

Yumei:what ? what are you saying ? this world is ...

Austin:I hate you for your ignorance.this world is because of you ! because of you,Michelle,Elise and all the others!

Yumei: Michelle? Where did you get this name from? tell me now!

Austin:You wrote it!

Yumei:wrote what? Exactly,what ?

Austin:I hate you .

Yumei: "I hate you"?

Austin: I hate you,Michelle!