
A Day With New Friends 2/2

It didn't take the kids long to find a place to sit down and eat - there weren't that many choices to begin with. Itama originally wanted to go to an Akimichi-owned restaurant, he had wanted to try their food for a long time. He just never had the opportunity until now. But, he was talked out of it by Aitomi and Otomi who begged him to spare their wallets. Apparently, the Akimichi's aren't cheap. So in the end they chose a Senju-owned restaurant, that the group all liked.

The group spent around two hours in the place, half of their time spent eating to their heart's content, while the last hour was spent with them sitting in a food coma not able to walk due to their bellies being too full. Even the two twins had stopped complaining after stuffing their mouths with food. Itama learned during this time to never pay for Azama and the twins' food. The three of them put food away like he'd never seen. A couple of times, he silently thanked the ROB who reincarnated him for gifting him speed release. Else it would be his pockets that were bleeding.

The group was eventually kicked out to clear up space in the building. Still not having the energy to do much, the group decided to explore the market together.

The Senju Market isn't particularly big, but it does have all the things a person or family could need. Some stalls sell produce and other stalls that sell all types of meat that were hunted that morning. A bit farther down from the produce stalls are the smith shops that vary in what they sell. Some are blacksmiths that sell everyday metal items like nails, pots, screws, sickles, and other such items. While next to them are weapon smiths that sell shinobi tools like kunai, senbon, swords, and any other shinobi accoutrements.

The smiths are the shops that got the attention of most of the children within the group. They like looking at the cool designs that some weapons have and imagining themselves using them. Senji and Kazama in particular are the two that Itama notices are the most entranced by the weapons. They stop at every weapon store to look at the items on display. While Kazama just admires the weapons, Senji has a propensity to go up to the smith and ask a variety of questions that the group had no idea about.

A couple of times they had to pull Senji out of a store because they saw he was annoying the owner.

The two can go in every store because there aren't many smiths in the market, around ten or so. And their shops are fairly small. This is the case with most of the shops within the market. Only the few restaurants around had any significant space.

Itama was ultimately disappointed with the smith's area. None of them had any armors on display. He likes the designs of this era's armor, and thinks they are interesting, but he hadn't seen one yet. He knew his brother and siblings had a set, but they were still gone on their mission.

He had asked his mother one day when she carried him home after training, but she had sold hers to a friend. So after a month, he still hadn't got to see an armor. Even his teacher didn't have one, and it's not like people are walking around with them on like they are civilian clothes. So he still hadn't got the chance to see one.

Getting curious after not seeing them in the first two shops, he asked a smith in the third. This is where he learned that the armors were always made to order, as it was pointless to make armor that wasn't fitted for someone. Itama found the reasoning sound, and it made sense why he hadn't seen one in the shops yet, but nevertheless, he was still disappointed.

Past the Smiths is the last area of the market, the tailors. This was the area with the least amount of traffic. This is because most clothes that the clan members use are self-made and hand-me-downs. But occasionally they would buy new clothes from the tailors in the shops. Also, the tailors made most of the stealthier shinobi clothes that people wore.

The kids spent some time within a few of these shops, but none of them were too interested in anything in them, so they quickly left.

When they finished with the market, the group had a lull in what they wanted to do, but under the behest of Tatama the group made their way to the Patriarch Building to visit the clan's library. At first, Itama was worried about The twins and Senji not being able to get in, since they weren't members of the clan.

But Tatama informed him that there was no problem. In the case of the twins they were Uzumaki and because of the closeness of the two clans they could go all the way to the second floor of the library, where the basic jutsu are held. They couldn't go any higher, of course, but this was still better than any other clan, who didn't even have access to the library.

In the case of Senji, he is technically a Senju. He is the adopted son of one of the deceased sons of an Elder in the clan. Basically, his adopted grandfather is a clan elder. Senji just did not have the clan's last name due to an issue with his grandfather. This information was told to Itama by Senji himself, and while Itama was curious about the reason, he didn't want to pry into the boy's business. So with his worries solved, Itama went with the group to the library.

Anyway, the last stop in the group journey for the day was the clan's library. The library is a three-story circular building behind the Patriarch Building. To get to it, the group had to go through the Patriarch Building and go through a check from the library's guards.

Itama and Senji were easily let in due to their unique features, but the others had to go through a check. The twins were given a talisman that was stuck on their shoulders that they had to keep on at all times or else they would be kicked out and not allowed in ever again. The 'ever again' part was stressed to the two of them by the guards.

When he walked in, Itama was truly surprised by the size of the library. It was an open circular space, that allowed him to see up to the top floor of the building, where the high-level jutsu of the clan are. In the middle of the room is a spiral staircase that goes all the way up to the top floor. And at the exit to the top floor, he can more guards be stationed there, checking all people who went to it.

Once the group entered the library, they split up. Azama, Kazama, Senji, and Aitomi went up the stairs to go check out some Jutsu. He didn't really see the point of going to look at jutsu he couldn't learn, so Itama stayed with Tatama, Otomi, and Atama on the first floor where the general books are. This was the last time Itama saw his new friends for the rest of the day.

When he entered the library, he made a beeline to the history section of the library and didn't pay attention to what the other three did. He found a book about the history of the land of fire and engrossed himself in it for the rest of the day.

This week starts the Powerstone bonus chapters.

200= 1 extra chapter Sunday

400= 1 extra Monday

so on and so forth.

I hope you guys are liking the chapter so far.

I plan on going back to the trainign and then another small timeskip and then after that he will be out on his first mission.

So about five-six more chapters. Well... if I don't get to wordy adn start over explaining or something.

Sloth_Incarnatecreators' thoughts
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