
That place

Today's bunos chapter is dedicated to @Ivette_M11!!! Thank you so much once again for the supergift!!! <3 <3< p>


Standing under the warm pitter patter of the shower in the bathroom, Elle tried to calm herself. After they had both got up and stretched their limbs from the whole night sleeping on a random bench somewhere outside, she had been transported all the way back here to Abi and Alexander's house by Sebastian with his… oh, good lord! … vampiric speed or whatever it was that he called it. All she could do the entire time was cling onto him and hold on for dear life as she saw everything around her whizz by in a blur. And it was then that she wondered if she was even sane or if she was still in the same world she used to live in. Perhaps… have they crossed over into the world of fantasy?

A disbelieving chuckle escaped her and she shook her head. Who would have thought that this was the secret he was trying so damned hard to hide? 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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