

For the last forty hours when Kyra was resurrected, all the demon's eyes were on her. One of them was Crimson, who was studying her with bloodlust eyes.

This is the champion? What did Verdant say? She won't die? Hehe. If I rip her organs and force her to bleed in the throne hall, what color will her blood be? How beautiful will her mutilated body be? Crimson wasn't able to bring this thought to fruition. After watching her for a few hours, with her crying and lamenting about those dead bodies like a retard, he got bored. He was about to leave the throne hall when his father called on him.

"Crimson." The deep magnetic voice causes the atmosphere to ripple, showcasing danger in the enclosed space. Crimson secretly rolled his eyes and turned around.

"Yes, Father?"

"Gather the armies and send them to guard the Pillar."

Crimson did not acknowledge his father's orders and stared at the real time image. This time, it was right after Kyra killed the demon pet. Her clothes are covered in blood. Some drops came to her cheek. She was staring at the barren land with dead, hollow eyes. The thrashing, wailing faery they saw earlier is gone. She did not hesitate to abandon the bodies of demons and headed towards the north. After hearing the Demon King's orders, the Twelve Dukes understood she was heading towards the Pillar of Asmodeus.

They immediately knelt on the ground and said,

"Order us, my king!"

The Demon King sat lazily in his throne, clothed with red crystalline glow that made his aura sinister. Many can discern that he really is like his son.

"Protect each floor of the Pillar. Do not let her get past you."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Twelve Dukes disappeared from their position in a cloud of dust. When Crimson turned around, he saw Verdant had done the deed for him. Many armies are waiting for him outside the throne hall, led by Verdant in his green clad clothes with light armor. Crimson leisurely walked towards Verdant. Casually saying,

"Let's test how strong this Faery realm champion really is," A sick, twisted smile played on his lips.

Crimson can not forget the ominous feeling he felt back in the faery realm. It sent the hair strands on his nape straight up. He was gritting his teeth just to fight the oppression from that invisible force. If that kind of being descended upon the faery realm to revive this faery, then how strong could she be? Crimson giggled manically. His eyes glazed with insuppressible bloodlust. He could already see his fingers dripping with her blood. His nails were reaching out to rip her heart and crush it with his bare hands.

Then he will see her get revived again. And he gets to feel the pleasure of ripping the flesh in pieces. Ah~ what a wonderful experience that will be!

The Demon King did not say anything and watched his son come out of the throne hall, his aura emitting dense blood lust. The intense killing intent atmosphere almost chokes the ordinary servants who are serving the Demon King on the side.

He humphed and watched the sole haggard faery travel alone in the barren land. Taking the privilege of seeing the last bit of her sanity crumble into chaos. The emotions she had been holding onto, the deep-seated hatred, swallowed her whole, drowning her until she became a vengeful beast.

For twenty-four hours, the demon armies under Crimson's command waited outside of the Pillar of Asmodeus. Some grew tired of standing, but no one dared to leave their post. Or else they'll be killed by a crazy prince here and a demon king there. After what seems to be eternity, they finally see her silhouette. Her clothes, which used to be as pure and white as lotus, are now drenched in cold blood. Her sword, that once glinted in righteous silver, is now corroded and brimming with obsidian black glow.

Her hair is tangled and she did not hesitate to tie it in a ponytail. Her azure blue eyes that used to sparkle brightly are now as dull as a dead fish. There's no luster, no spark. People who see her now believe she is completely dead on the inside.The darkness has swallowed her soul and she has sunk into the abyss.

Kyra did not hesitate to brandish her sword and raise it towards Crimson. He laughed. With a snap of his finger, the demon armies charged without any hesitation. The foothill has many slabs of stone she can step on for support. Kyra immediately leaped and raised her sword to cut down the first demon.

Gutted flesh and a loud thud followed after she cut through bodies nonstop. It must be because her sword has corroded. It has completely absorbed the corruption and blended it with the sword properties, giving birth to the destructive poisonous might of her sword. Metals are no match for her blade. Armor is useless. Even the demon's weapons are rendered powerless. Kyra always finds a way to cut through and purge her way through the ranks. With a couple leaps, thanks to her flexible body, she arrived immediately at the center. The demon bodies are rapidly dropping. One slice was enough to take them down and kill them on the spot.

A phantom like figure basked in demon blood is swiftly harvesting the lives of Crimson's armies. Leaving corpses in her wake. The red figure, the agile movement that did not miss one single move, the spray of blood, the dark hovering clouds forming above their heads. These scenes are woven together to create a dazzling scene that gives birth to one word.


It was a completely one-sided massacre.

Verdant has his breath sucked into his throat. As expected of the champion. The revival, the grief, the hatred that consumed not only the host but also those around her, created this blood-filled scene. He looked over his shoulder worriedly.

The Pillar of Asmodeus would be actively devouring living things in the demon realm again if she did not stop her killing spree.

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