

Crimson lit up in glee, seeing the spray of blood at the foothill. This is the best! He couldn't help but cheer. Finally! After waiting for so long, he finally met someone who matched his taste. Ah~ the blood.

His eyes curved maniacally at the bright color. He fetched his double saber. Verdant saw him stretching his arms and legs. He can't stop worrying about the prince. He knew his attitude too well. Crimson has this tendency to hunt down whoever he fancies, without giving a care what will happen to his body right after. He sometimes came home with broken bones and missing limbs after he hunted down stronger opponents. Verdant has an inkling it will be the same this time. He sighed and did not make an effort to stop the Prince from charging.

In one second, Crimson was 5000 meters away from Kyra, and in a split second, he appeared before her. He raised his right hand and attempted to graze her arm. She cleverly blocked it. Crimson took advantage of that and struck her ribs with the saber on his left hand. Kyra furrowed her brows. Then, with a sharp gasp, he abruptly pulled his saber away, grinning in frenzy at the sight of her blood. Kyra turned her attention to him and charged. In the next few hours, the two drastic figures will clash with blades. One attacks aggressively, not letting the other get the upper hand, while the other is forced into defense. But she upped him many times and managed to scratch his body.

Kyra's sword is indeed poisonous. One slice can cause the corruption to spread in the skin and kill her opponents. But Crimson is different. His power is simply eccentric and difficult to deal with. Kyra is fighting both his ability and his sheer battle strength. Crimson did not miss any opportunities to draw out her blood and take control of it. With his blood manipulation magic, it wasn't that difficult. Yet, whenever Crimson acquired hers, she always found the perfect time to disperse her own blood through her sword, letting the obsidian blade absorb it instead. Kyra's blood became its driving force to get stronger. The sword soon develops killing intent and always aims to penetrate Crimson's skin deeper.

Upon noticing this, Crimson did not show any signs of getting worried. Instead, he began to attack in a frenzied manner. His eyes were brimming with unruly delight. He began to stop diverting his attention to obtain Kyra's blood and went all out in trying to bring her down. This made Kyra falter and miss. She failed to deflect Crimson's blade and suffered the consequences. Her arms are almost sliced right through the bone. The whiteness protruded and blood flooded the ground. Crimson cheered and howled in glee before attacking again. Kyra did not hold back and countered.

At the foot of the hill, blades clash in a flash.The two figures clad in red are invisible to the naked eye. They are too fast to be followed. The remaining surviving demons can tell the two are heavily injured and cleverly step aside to avoid getting caught up. They all watched with bated breaths as the ground cracked from their sheer force. The heavy dark red clouds that absorbed the evaporated blood particles also parted, as if sliced into different pieces by invisible forces. This made some of the demon audience shiver in fear.

Just how strong are these two?!

Both are not using magic, only going all out through brute force, but still manage to affect the nearby environment in their battle. The demons all paled in fright.

One demon could not take it any longer and asked "Is this true?"


"Our Prince can stand hand to hand with a Tower champion."

One demon dissed him, "Of course he can! Our Prince is the strongest! Humans and beastkins alike fear him. In the seven realms, there was no one who could equally -"

"But this is the champion we are talking about. " 'Can he last?' The demon did not dare to voice out this sentence.

All fell silent and watched the battle with fear. Two figures are dashing around the perimeter. The ground is now covered in deep holes from foot soles and stone slabs are crumbling whenever a blade slices through them. Spills of blood sprayed on the ground from where the two figures stood. Dyeing the cracked ground red before the liquid dried and evaporated. Kyra and Crimson showed no signs of stopping. Their limbs were almost cut off from their bodies, but they did not falter or show any weakness. Their speed also never slowed down. Their fingers were almost detached from their palms, but they did not let go.

One fought for the pleasure of blood. The other fought for revenge.

When Crimson's two arms finally came off, he bit his other arm in his mouth, spilling his own blood. His face is soaked with blood and his torso is full of deep, long blade scars. Kyra was also in the same state. But unlike him, her limbs stayed within her body, not coming off, despite the fact that it was only the skin holding it together.

"Good. Good. This is it. " Crimson's hair suddenly transformed into flaming red, his eyes gleaming in scarlet. The blood that was half-dripping from his arm stopped in mid-air.

"You're the first one able to stop me from using my magic." Crimson crudely said, his overall draped red look made it seem as if he was a monster bathing in his blood in a hot spring.

"Would you like to see it in full swing?"

Crimson tilted his head at Kyra and let out a lopsided smile. Without any warning, Crimson's mutilated arm suddenly had balloon veins erupting on it; the blood then formed into an arm. Replacing his fingers and palms Within the blink of an eye, he already had fresh, healthy limbs, as if he hadn't lost them earlier.

The wounds and ugly scars on his body also disappeared. He picked up his two sabers and sheathed them on his back.

"Now, I won't hold back controlling you through your blood."

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