
Reborn In The Walking Dead

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Jaden was one of the greatest fighters of his time when he died, but instead of going to the afterlife he was given the choice to be reincarnated in a world of his choice, along with 3 wishes. Follow his journey and see how he will survive in a world where the dead are walking about. This will be my first time writing and I hope you guys can be patient with me. Any ideas and criticism will be noted, don't really care about hate but I don't want idiots ruining the story's rating. Release's will be 2 chapters every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. *Warning* There will be a lot of violence and sex in this fanfiction so viewer discretion is advised. (There will be harem, sorry if you don't like that. The MC will have 3 girls and It will be Maggie, Andrea and Chloe (OC). I choose Maggie as she is a fan favorite, but was hesitant, I noticed everyone always picks her as a love interest. Andrea was just because, why not am I right)

6 étiquettes
Chapter 1Prologue

|Author-sama here, I wanted to write a TWD fanfiction because it is one of my top ten favorite shows of all time and was disappointed at the other fanfics that were out. This chapter is mostly the backstory for the MC so you can understand his personality and future actions. Enjoy the chapter.|

Jaden Ford spent most of his life fighting for something, whether it was for food, money or respect, Jaden was rebellious in the face of adversity. Jaden's parents died when he was only 13, he had no other relatives that he knew of so he was put into the foster care system.

It was a rough transition for Jaden as his parents always took care of him and supported him. Unfortunately, the foster care home he was placed in wasn't a good one and he was bullied by the older kids in the orphanage.

After noticing the foster care lady wouldn't step in and reprimand the bullies Jaden took matters into his own hand and started fighting back. After 2 years of fighting the bullies at the orphanage and at school he grew tired of it.

It was clear to him the world wouldn't love him like his parents did. Jaden noticed that the female caretaker only cared about the money she received from the state, and instead of using it to take care of them she used most of the money on herself.

After Jaden ran away from the orphanage he got initiated into one of the most prominent gangs that was in the city. To make money they had him join underground fight clubs and they quickly realized he had a talent for it. Jaden dominated the underground scene for the next 3 years and even participated in some international fights.

After Jaden was 18 he bought his way out of the gang with the money he made over the years, since he had a great relationship with the gang leader they let him go with no problems.

He didn't know what to do with his life from this point on, the only thing he knew was fighting, and he was pretty good at it. After coming to that epiphany he decided to do MMA and accept the offer he received from the UFC. The years went and life was great for him, he had a lovely girlfriend and was the current UFC Middleweight champion.

Everything was going great for Jaden until he was flying back from Europe on his private jet, during the flight they hit a pocket of wind and had some bad turbulence. Jaden thought everything would be fine as that was what the pilot told him but the plane crashed and he died.


(Jaden's P.O.V)

After remembering how he died Jayden looked up to see an old man staring at him.

"Who are you old man? And where the hell am I?" I asked confused.

"Sorry to tell you young man but you are dead. And before you ask, no this isn't hell. I am what you would call God."

"I brought you here to give you the opportunity to reincarnate into a different world and have a second chance at life. Obviously I will give you a little help by granting you 3 wishes and choosing your background." He continued.

I was shocked, this was the same scenario I would see in all those anime and novels. I definitely wouldn't waste this second chance.

"Alright, can I be reborn into 'The Walking Dead'. For my wishes I would like the Super Soldier Serum, Perfect memory and High comprehension, and a system that will help me along with the option to trade real money for the currency the system uses." I asked hoping that my wishes weren't too op.

"Done, now what would you like your background to be?" He granted with a soft smile on his face as he could probably read my mind.

"I want to be reborn 7 years before the plot starts, make me the only child to a rich family but my parents are dead, and I would like to keep my current looks."

I decided that I wanted to have easy life before the plot started, and I didn't want new parents as it would tarnish the memories of my deceased ones.

"Alright easy enough, good luck young man." God said before snapping his fingers.

With a flash Jaden was gone and reincarnated into his next life.


King's County, Georgia, 2003

In a large white house there was a 12 year-old boy who opened his eyes, Jaden had a massive headache as he received the memories of the previous host.

His parents were huge figures in the business and political world, 2 months ago they died in a car accident. The previous host couldn't believe it and fell into depression and overdosed on pills and died.

Jaden got out of the bed and walked over to the mirror, he stared at the mirror and saw himself, he looked like a younger version of himself but a little thinner than usual. He had light brown skin with emerald green eyes, his black curly hair stopped at his neck and he had dimples.

While he was looking at himself in the mirror his butler Alfred came into his room.

"Are you okay young master?"

There was a man standing at the doorway and was visibly concerned for Jaden, this man was named Alfred and he was Jayden's legal guardian/Butler

"Yes Alfred, although I am hungry and could eat a horse right now."

I told him as the previous host was refusing to eat and he was feeling the after affects. Alfred noticed that his young master was different somehow, it was his eyes, he didn't look like he was depressed and suicidal anymore. His eyes were now full of life and even spoke to him more politely.

The old Jaden would only call him butler and never called him by his name and never with politeness as he was very spoiled and arrogant.

"Yes young master, I will have the chefs make you something to eat right away."

"Thank you Alfred, that will be all for now, call me when dinner is ready."

Alfred left and went to the kitchen, Jaden finished absorbing the previous host's memories and knew he was a spoiled and arrogant prick. He saw how his parents were always busy and Alfred always took care of them while they were gone.

The 33 year-old man served in the army as an medic for 6 years and was apart of a special task for 3 years. He was a very skilled doctor and a deadly marksman. The Caucasian man was tall and in great shape, his muscles weren't too big and were compacted. Jaden knew he would be a great asset in the future.

After Jaden was alone he heard a feminine voice in his head.

Loading.. 1%... 33%... 67%... 100%

System downloaded

"Hello host, I am your personal assistant that will help with navigating the system. Could you please give me a name."

"How does Ava sound?" I wasn't very good with names but she actually liked it.

"I like the name Ava, call me Ava from now on host." She said with happiness lacing her voice.

"Sure and you can call me Jaden in the future. Alright let's check out the system."


Name: Jaden Ford

Gender: Male

Age: 12


-Strength: 10

-Agility: 10

-Endurance: 10

-Intelligence: 20

-Luck: 10

-Charisma: 10

-System points: Unlimited






'Looks like I already have the super soldier serum in me' Jaden thought. After going through the system, Jaden noticed he could buy anything he would need, from weapons and cars to clothes, medicine and food. The system had everything.

After a half-hour Alfred came back into his room and told him the food was ready. Jaden went to eat dinner and started preparing for the future apocalypse.

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