
Chloe Wilson

|*WARNING* There is a rape scene in this chapter, so If you are uncomfortable readings scenes like this I suggest you skip it.|

It had been a couple months since Jaden had been reborn, during this time he realized he was in King's county and was actually Rick's neighbor. He even met Lori, Shane and baby Carl, Jaden noticed how they looked just like their actors but younger.

Jaden wasn't skinny anymore as he had been working out over the period of time and was eating healthy and nutritious meals. Alfred noticed this and wanted to help him train and teach him how to fight. When they spared Alfred was amazed at his fighting prowess and asked him how he learned to fight, Jaden just played it off and said he was a fast learner.

Alfred saw how his young master didn't want to talk about it, avoided the topic and kept fighting him. Although Jaden was a great fighter his body was still weaker than Alfred even with the SS serum, not only was Jaden physically weaker than Alfred, he didn't train in that many combat styles as he was really a brawler. Alfred knew a lot of styles like Boxing, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Grappling.

These past couple of months also allowed for him and Alfred's relationship to become closer than it was. Alfred saw his personality change for the better and was overjoyed and prayed that his parents were watching their son from heaven as they would be proud of his intelligence and sudden maturity.


"Alfred, I would like to start going to public school instead of being homeschooled." I told the older man with a helpless expression.

Jaden was tired of being homeschooled and wanted to get out more as Alfred was really strict about his education and safety.

"Okay young master, I will make an appointment with the middle school and get you admitted."

Alfred sighed as Jaden made it known he hated being homeschooled and wanted to switch over to a public school.


A year passed and Jaden was now 13 years-old. He had just gotten out of school, and was walking home. Jaden didn't have Alfred pick him up because he didn't want people to know he was rich as all the cars they owned were expensive and luxurious.

Not that he was sensitive about it, but he just didn't want to draw too much attention, too bad he already had as he was very handsome and every girl at school wanted to be close to him.

When walking back home which was like a 15 minute walk he heard the sounds of men laughing and a girl screaming. Jaden was curious and looked into the alley and what he saw disgusted him, there were three men trying to rape a little girl.

As he got closer he noticed the girl looked familiar and recognized her as Chloe Wilson who was in the same class and age as him.

"Stop. Let go of me, Help! Some help me! mmhm" Chloe screamed but her mouth was covered by one of the men

"Nobody is gonna help you you little bitch, just lay down quietly and don't put up a fight."

The thug laughed as he saw the look of fear and despair on Chloe's face as she knew what was about to happen.

He opened his belt and pulled down his pants revealing his hard cock, Chloe saw this and struggled even more. He walked over to her and tried to forcefully open her mouth. Seeing that she wouldn't budge he pinched her nostrils with his fingers and waited for her to breathe in through her mouth.

When she opened her mouth to breathe he shoved his cock down her throat quickly before she could react. Chloe couldn't believe what was happening and started fighting back, seeing that he wouldn't let go of her head; she did the one thing every man feared, she bit down as hard as she could.

The man screamed in pain as she bit off the head of his cock, the two other men who were holding her down lost their concentration for a few seconds as they realized what had happened. Chloe took this opportunity to break free and ran for the street where she could try and find help.

As she was running away she noticed the two men were right behind her and was close to grabbing her, she was terrified and could feel her adrenaline pumping. That's when she noticed there was someone at the entrance of the alley.

"Help, Help me, these men are trying to rape me."

Chloe desperately shouted with all her might as she tried to draw the person's attention.

"Hmph these scum should be killed." I absolutely despise rapists and not to mention there were 3 men ganging up on 1 girl.

Jaden ran towards Chloe and pulled her behind him to shield her away from the rapists. She recognized as Jaden as he was her classmate and was the hottest guy in the school.

"You guys should leave before I call the cops." Jaden's voice echoed through the alley

Hmph it's just some brat, hey kid just run along home before we have to hurt you." The two men were not going to let Chloe go that easy

"Alright I warned you, now nobody can save you." I told them as my patience was thin

I rushed at one of the men and sent a jab at his face, the man didn't expect for me to be so quick and was caught off guard. He was instantly knocked out as my punches were filled with power.

The other thug backed off in fear when he saw how terrifying Jaden was. Jaden quickly beat the other two unconscious and walked back over to Chloe to check on her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her

Chloe looked at me and suddenly jumped into my chest and started crying. I sat there rubbing her back and comforting her telling her everything would be okay.

Even after beating the shit out of those three guys the amount of hatred I felt didn't decrease.

"Thank you." Chloe said with gratitude

"No problem I couldn't stand there and not help, do you want me to call your parents first before the police."

"Umm the police first, my parents are dead and I'm in an orphanage waiting to find a new home." She said looking distracted as she was probably reminiscing about her parents.

Jaden froze as this reminded him of his own past, how his parents died and he was put into a foster home, how he was bullied at a young age but fought back.

Jaden saw how Chloe didn't sit there and accept her cruel fate, she was always fighting back. Jaden felt that the two of them were too similar, they were both orphans and fighters.

While they talking they heard the sirens and saw the police arrive at the scene, behind them was Alfred and he ran to check on Jayden's condition

"Young master are you alright?" Alfred questioned with panic on his face

"Yes Alfred I'm fine, you should be checking the young lady next to me as she was almost raped by those 3 men in the alley." I responded looking at Alfred with irritation.

Alfred after checking Chloe sighed in relief as there wasn't any damage and there were only a couple of bruises on her face and body.

"Alfred I would like to adopt Chloe, call Child's Services for the paperwork." I said looking at Alfred and Chloe's stunned faces

Alfred smiled as he was used to his young master being kind and caring, Chloe heard how serious he was and started tearing up with happiness as she was finally gonna get a new home/family.

After a couple of days the paperwork was finished and Alfred was now Chloe's legal guardian/father, Chloe moved in and was amazed at how big the house was. She felt everything was surreal as her life had changed so much within a couple of days.


Later that night Jaden went to Chloe's room to speak to her, he knocked on the door and a 13 year-old girl with red hair and pale white skin opened the door and was looking at him. Her hazel eyes stared at him and she smiled when she realized it was him.

"May I come In?" I asked politely

"Of course, It is your house after all." She giggled

I entered the room and looked around as she had already decorated it, the walls were light pink. I sat on the bed and looked at her with a serious expression.

"I know how you felt when those men were trying to rape you, the helplessness and anger you felt. I know because I once felt it too, I can make you strong so no-one can make you feel helpless ever again." I offered staring into her eyes solemnly

"Mmm okay, make me stronger. I don't ever want to feel like that again."

she said while putting her head on my shoulder and silently sobbed.

I patted her head and stayed with her until she fell asleep. I laid her down on the bed and pulled the sheets over her so she wouldn't get cold, after that I returned to my room and went to bed.

First time doing a **** scene and was harder than I expected. Next chapter will be a timeskip and the plot will start. Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Floridaboytoniocreators' thoughts
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