

Those people in that place are very strict about the way they wear their clothes. It's like they're more traditional, long clothes, below the knee should be imposed on them strictly. It was like they could not help her at all. She seemed lost. They're strict in their traditions but they cannot help the lost woman.

Anne_Kosher · Livres et littérature
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93 Chs



(March 23, 2024 Saturday)

I walked on mountains and hills. I was walking around, here and there. And I remember the man that I left behind in the past.

And I think he was waiting for me.

I was on the mountain top, on a flat highland. I looked below the mountain and saw a running bus that was running in the middle level, on the side of it. It was like there's a railway floating in the mid-air.

From afar, I saw through the bus a driver and many passengers inside. I saw that he was there inside. I jumped off from the top of the mountain, free falling myself directly to the bus.

I was like having a power to do it.

I carefully entered through the door of the bus.

And as I reached the inside, I saw that the man I knew was alone, no driver and no passengers.

He sat there not moving with legs flat on the floor, his back leaning on the wall. He sat there frozen. I saw his pants froze and it became ice, icy cold.

I moved closer to him, touched his pants, his legs, and I hugged him.

I hugged him to warm his frozen body.

Later on, I saw him changed and he became alive.

He did not freeze anymore.

And he spoke to me, "My foot dear..."

He asked me to help him arrange his legs.

He was already lying down on the floor, one of his bare feet was outside the door, so I put it inside, away from the cold and arranged the maroon curtain hanging on the door.

I closed the curtain and he rested.