
Family Appreciation Day


Here you go. Not much to say. tomorrow is the last day of my uhh practical exams or something like this. I'm finally going to be free...or as free as I can be seeing as I'm starting my summer job a day later XD

Anyway hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


"Okay! Now spread your wings! Yes Just like that! And keep the image clear in your mind Dashie!" Starfall called out to Rainbow Dash who was currently trying to keep herself afloat above a magical circle in the open space behind the Golden Oak Library.

"It's...ugh...Easy for you to say that!" Rainbow grunted as she felt the weird magic pulse disturb her balance.

She had to flap her wings and produced a rainbow coloured afterimage due to that, to continue that weird floating thing she had had going on at the moment.

"Tell me again...why do I need to do this?"She managed to ask while keeping her balance.

Starfall, who currently wore a white lab-coat, glasses and had floating folder with a quill constantly taking notes, rolled his eyes at her question.

"I already told you Rainbow. This Experiment has the purpose of showing you the effects, magic has on a Pegasi's ability to fly. This magic circle was designed to differentiate between giving your wings too much magic, and taking it away. I hope to see if there's a bottom line after which a pegasus can't lift off the ground, and maybe find if this can be used to help Scootaloo. While the mental blockage she suffered had been cleared up for the most part, i was hoping that we could somehow jumpstart her recovery. There's also the part where you learning more about your magic could help you tremendously in becoming faster." Starfall smiled while explaining the reasons for their experiments, and Rainbow seemed to regain her resolve, especially after the Scootaloo part. They really were like two closest sister.

"Right! I knew that!..." She said unconvincingly, prompting Starfall to roll his eyes at her.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps hastily approaching the duo.

Starfall turned around and noticed Spike running in his direction in excitement, as Colorful autumn leaves lifted from the ground under his every step.

"Dad! There you are!"He called out stopping right in front of Starfall, with his claws on his knees and breathing heavily.

"Hey Spike. What's up?" Starfall asked turning towards the dragon.

"I-*Wheeze*- I mean...Miss Cheerilee told us that we'll be having a Family Appreciation Day in a few days! I...I was hoping you'd like to come..." He fidgeted shyly and Starfall felt warm seeing the hopeful little dragon that he considered his little bro, or maybe even a son, wanting to show him off to his class...

"Haha! I'd Love to Spike! Just tell me when and I'll be sure to come by!" Starfall easily agreed with the dragon. At moments like this, he really felt a sense of belonging to this wonderful world...

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is going to be so awesome Dad!"Spike exclaimed hugging him in excitement to Starfall's amusement, as he hugged him back and ruffled his headfin playfully.

"Um...Hello!? I'm still floating right here!"Rainbow Dash called in annoyance, reminding Starfall that he was in the middle of Research.

"Whoops! Sorry Darling!" He turned towards Rainbow and trotted over, before throwing back the last look at Spike.

"We'll talk later kid. For now go Inside. I think Twilight wanted to do some research into Dragons. You might want to give her a hand with that." He winked at Spike who nodded accepting his words.

"Sure! I'll do my best!"He replied before dashing into the library in hasty steps.

Starfall's attention turned back to Rainbow.

"Right... So where were we?" He asked to which Rainbow gave him an unamused look.

"The part where you let me try this full powered Magic Circle during a Sonic Rainboom?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows hopefully.

"Not gonna happen." He deadpanned To which she gave him a sheepish grin.

"Was worth a try at least." She said making Starfall roll his eyes at her disregard of safety...


"Okay, my dear Fillies and Colts! Today we are having another Family Appreciation day! This week's Pony...or pony and dragon for that matter... chosen to show off their Family members are...Spike and Apple Bloom! Since we had a bit of a tight schedule, we had to Squeeze them into the same day, but because of that, We'll have a longer lesson. With that said, please welcome Granny Smith!" Cheerilee said to the class as all the fillies started to clap their hooves in varying states of excitement.

Granny Smith walked into the class through the doors and soon her lecture started, and Starfall who listened behind the door using a spell out of curiosity, found her story really interesting despite having heard it in the show in his previous life.

Now that he thought about it, this day was supposed to mark the Zap Apple harvest so he probably needed to get himself a few of those. Other than their obvious delicious taste, they are an example of a truly interesting magical plant, and he was curious how they worked, whether they had any special effects on the consumer, and if their nature could be replicated.

He didn't even realize how he fell into contemplation, while Granny Smith was giving everypony a truly amazing history lesson about Ponyville...

He was about to look for some fruits, ready to start experimenting by infusing them with magic, but just then the doors opened and Cheerilee smiled at the Unicorn.

"You can come in Mr Blueblood. Everypony are excited to listen what you have to say." She said holding the door for him. He had to admit that this cheerful and kind teacher was quite beautiful, but he already had enough lovers and wouldn't actively chase after another one...

He walked right into the classroom to see dozens of little fillies and colts, looking at him with clear excitement, while some of them looked as if they had been just talking with Apple bloom judging by the fact that Spike was currently shielding her from some overly intrusive ponies. Seems like Granny Smith, who was currently dozing off in the corner, had been a truly good story teller, for her to generate such reaction.

"Good morning students." Starfall started with a smile, not bothered much to appear in front of young children.

multiple greetings came from the students, and he also heard a "hey Dad" somewhere in the crowd which most likely came from the single dragon currently waving at him in excitement.

"My name is Starfall Blueblood. I believe many among you heard about me already but-"He started, but was interrupted by some children shouting.

"You are the author of The Magic Dictionary!" Exclaimed one of the few Unicorns present amongst the students.

"Yes. I-"

"You are a Prince! And you're related to the Princesses!" Called one of the fillies.

"No! I heard he is their Coltfriend!"Shouted a colt that Starfall identified as Snails.

"What!? Yuck! Aren't they family?" Asked the first one wrinkling her muzzle.

"The Princesses are over a thousand years old! I don't think that really matters at this point!" Said one of the fillies.

"I think that's hot..." Said a quiet colt sitting by the window.

"What's hot? This isn't soup." Pointed out a clueless filly.

"Don't listen to him Petal, Nut Cream always spout things nopony understands."A filly said to the other one.

"You'll get it one day..."Nut Cream said without turning away from the window.

Starfall watched the interaction for a while, not getting offended byt actually finding their talk hilarious. Suddenly, a loud voice of a familiar filly interrupted the distracted kids.

"Mister Starfall! Can you show us some magic? Ponies say that you are the greatest magic researcher of our times! Some even compare you to Starswirl the Bearded!" Exclaimed Sweetie Belle, finally managing to quieten the class.

"Haha! Thank you for your praise Sweetie Belle. I'd be very happy to show you all some magic. I'm not sure how much do I actually compare with Starswirl, but I do like to think I have advanced to the level he would have approved of." Starfall said with a smile while lifting some chalk using levitation.

"Let me start by giving you a proper introduction. As I said. My name is Starfall Blueblood, And many ponies know me as Prince Blueblood thanks to my heritage, although I prefer being known for what I achieved and not what I was given." He felt the eyes of a certain somepony looking at him calculatingly. Diamond Tiara was surprisingly thoughtful upon hearing his words. She was actually weirdly quiet since the moment he walked in and her eyes looked at him with a weird mix of admiration and fanaticism...

He decided to try and keep a bit of a distance with the filly...

"Since I was little, I have always been fascinated with magic. But, and it might be a shocking revelation for you, I had been really bad at it. My magic didn't listen to me, and there was not much of it to begin with. Everypony has magic. But not everypony can instantly learn how to wield it. true mastery requires a lot of time and work, and only lucky ones are born with an innate control and talent needed to wield magic properly."

As he started talking he chalk started to draw pictures on the board, depicting magic accumulated inside a Pony, the three races, their differences and how the magic interacted inside the body.

"Wait. You're saying as if everypony could use magic, but only unicorns can do it, right?" Asked a suddenly interested Silver Spoon, and Starfall couldn't help but grin.

"On the contrary miss, that isn't true. Everypony has magic, it's just the way we use it that differs, and with enough training and dedication, you can actually learn these magic despite being of another pony race." Starfall explained patiently to the filly.

"You said we can use magic. What do you mean by that? I'm an earth pony and I had never heard of something like this." Asked one of the colts sitting in the back.

"Are you sure? then tell me, have you ever wondered, why is it that earth ponies more than often tend to do physical, or agricultural work? Why are they more often than not found creating art, or performing impressive agility related stunts? You might say that those things aren't reserved only for earth ponies, or that it's because of how it always was, but the truth is, more often than not, we do those things because magic in our bodies makes all of this easier! Earth Ponies, tend to be Physically stronger, more durable, and overall good with plants, While Pegasi magic centers itself around their ability to fly and their overall agility. Unicorns are not as physically strong or as agile as the other two races, but they can naturally manifest their magic in the material world. Something that would require an extremely impressive amount of talent and dedication for the other races to achieve, with a mixed effect." Starfall explained while animating the pictures on the blackboard to showcase ponies of different races showcasing the usage of their magic.

He then followed his explanation by giving examples and exceptions to the rule, and point out that this is in no way a guarantee as there are other factors to take into account that might or might not be related to the pony's magic and natural talents.

This brought the conversation into what are Cutie Marks, and this one was the favourite part of a certain foursome, who listened attentively to everything he said.

At some point even Cheerilee sat beside her students listening to what he was saying, too enraptured in his exciting explanations.

He would more often than not explain something while giving a show of magic of different kinds like transfiguring things into other things, floating students around or even giving a show of teleporting around the room and scaring an unprepared Snips and Snails.

In the end, the lesson lasted even longer than they previously expected, but all the students and even the teacher left school in a good spirit, having learned a lot and some even with new ambitions.

He was about to head back home, but was stopped as a familiar filly appeared right before him, her cheeks flushed and an unspecified thirst in her gaze as she looked straight at him.

"Marry me." Diamond Tiara said...

"I'm sorry what?..."

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