
Some Butterflies do make Tsunamis...


Huh. This plot came out of nowhere XD, but that's how inspiration sometime works.

Hope you like it though and like always EEEENJOY!!!


They starred at eachother for an unspecified amount of time.

Her eyes never left his, and he was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Marry me." She repeated finally with all the confidence, as if it was an already done deal...

"Miss Diamond-" He started but was interrupted as the filly rapidly approached him.

"You can call me Tiara. or Tia..." Her cheeks blushed but she never broke her gaze.

"Well then...Tiara...I'm sorry but, I don't think I'll be marrying you. Can you tell me though, what brought this on?" He asked her trying to make some distance as the filly tried to get even closer.

"Why won't you marry me?!" She asked with her eyes wide open. "Am I not pretty enough? Not rich enough?! I don't even care about your other Marefriends! I just want to be one of them!" Her voice slowly turned into pleading and Starfall was getting more and more confused by the second.

He decided to try and figure out what's going on.

"Tiara. Look at me." He said while Patting her head gently.

Her gaze turned towards Starfall and he could see some tears forming in the corner of her eyes. He didn't expect such emotions from the defacto bully who was yet to have her "redemption arc"...

"Let's go for a walk, alright? I want to listen to your side of the story." He led her towards the playground and sat on a swing, Diamond Tiara taking the other while looking down.

"So?...Why do you want to marry me?" He asked and the filly surprised him with her next words...

"You are amazing..." She whispered making Starfall widen his eyes slightly.

"You...you have it all... wealth... status... fame... and yet it's clear, none of it matters to you. You left Canterlot behind, and yet somehow through sheer talent and hard work, your fame actually increased! You are loved by Ponies, even if you don't make them love you. You are famous for discoveries and achievements that are way over my head... You are everything I wanted to be... everything I... I...*sob*" Her eyes finally teared up and small sobs began to escape her muzzle.

Starfall on the other hand watched the situation in shock and wonder... Did his existence actually affect Diamond Tiara's life to such an extent? Talk about butterfly effects...

He stood up from the swing and approached Tiara, before gently caressing her cheek. Her face slowly lifted and their eyes met. It reminded him of Sunset Shimmer after she was defeated...But here Diamond Tiara was just crushed by emotions.

"...Why...Why do they hate me mister?...Why can't I be like you?..." She asked and Starfall understood. 'So that's what it was all about. now that I think about it, she wasn't sitting with Silver Spoon. Did Tiara try to do something drastic to gain some recognition because of her admiration of myself?'

"Oh Tiara...You can't force Ponies to like you. or for that matter listen to you. tell me. What is your Special Talent. What hides under the Diamond Tiara?" He asked her with a caring smile. To which the filly looked at him with confusion.

"My...My Cutie Mark? Why it's obvious! it means Im the best! and Ponies should listen to me!..."Her expression got angry, but soon it fell again as her voice grew weaker.

"Are you sure that's it? Or is it what your mother told you?" Starfall asked, remembering her mother Spoiled Rich and her way of looking down at ponies of lower stature... She's one nasty horse if he ever saw one, and he had the displeasure of speaking with her on a few occasions.

His words must have had a greater impact than he expected as Diamond Tiara opened her eyes wide.

"But my mother is is right! She's never wrong! I...I...You don't know her..." She tried to defend her mother.

"Oh but I do know her." Starfall interrupted Diamond Tiara. "And I have one thing to say about her. She's the last person I'd ever take as a role model. Pardon my bluntness but if it wasn't for your father, who's a great businesspony and has the talent to make money, your mother would have led your family into poverty. And I'm not even going to mention her less than ideal views regarding ponies of lesser stature. she disregards less wealthy Ponies as lesser, and considers hard work as something beneath her, which to be completely honest is idiotic, considering that her own money had to come from somewhere. You know what I believe Diamond Tiara?" He asked as The filly listened in shocked silence to her idol basically trashing her own mother. she shook her head at his question almost curious to what he wanted to say.

"I think you're talent is, to lead ponies Tiara. I have heard some stories from Spike. How you often like to take charge of games or events at school, and even if you'd often do it in a way that makes the other fillies displeased, you'd always do a good job in the end. I can see a beautiful, and Smart filly before me Tiara. I know that if you just try, you can become the pony you always wanted to be. Don't listen to your mother. You are the one with the talent. Take control and shoe her that your way is better. I once heard a very good advice that I'd like you to remember. A good leader doesn't stand in the sidelines ordering it's subject to push a giant rock. He stands beside them pushing the rock as much as they, encouraging them to do even better.

Also, you can't lead through fear and threats, because one day, your subject would rebel against you. After all, having them do their job of their own accord, and even encouraging them would make them work twice as efficiently than by forcing them." Starfall said with a hint of passion in his voice that deeply moved the Filly. His words resonated with Diamond Tiara. Her inner voice that had been long shunned by her mother's teachings, finally broke through and for the first time in a long time Diamond Tiara felt liberated. There was still the fear of standing up to her mother but...as she looked at Starfall. She felt that she could do anything.

Her expression changed finally showing a genuine smile. in the blink of an eye, she left the swing and hugged Starfall.

"Thank you mister Starfall!...You can't begin to understand how much your words meant to me..." She whispered while hugging Starfall who just smiled and hugged her back.

"It's no problem Tiara. I'm always there if you want to talk. Ponies of our statuses should stick together right?" He asked playfully and Tiara giggled while shaking her head.

"Not just our status... It doesn't matter, rights?" She rhetorically asked him with a small smile to which he nodded.

"Yes. But still. Remember that you can always come to me if you need to talk, ok? My house is literally always open since it's a Library haha!" He laughed in good humor, and Diamond Tiara nodded in happiness.

"Now, I think you should head back home right? It's already pretty late. Would you like for me to escort you?" He asked and Diamond Tiara Shyly nodded.

They walked for a few minutes and before long arrived in front of the Rich family residence.

Diamond Tiara once again hugged Starfall grateful for his eye-opening talk, and turned around to leave but Starfall had a last question that had been bothering him.

"Right. Tiara...Why did you think marrying me would be the solution to your problems?" He asked, and Diamond Tiara instantly turned red all over her muzzle. Her eyes turned towards the doors.

"Oh no! I think Dad is calling me! Good night Mister Starfall! Thank you for our talk!" With that said, she quickly shut the doors behind her, leaving Starfall alone on the street of Ponyville...

"Oookay..." He said to himself and turned around on his hoof. That was one hell of a weird encounter. He wondered how much this situation could affect the future...


//A few days later//

Starfall was just going to visit Applejack in the Apple Orchard, when an idea of saying hello to spike and the CMC came to his mind, considering that their club house was just in the area.

But as he stood not far away and saw not three but five fillies and a dragon playing around as if they were best friends, he decided that he should probably leave without disturbing them...

He needs to stop giving Ponies Life advices... Who would have thought a single talk with Diamond Tiara would have changed so much...

'The only thing missing is for Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara to join Spike's herd... I wonder how is Trixie these days... Who knows if she's even going to find that amulet now...


Somewhere in the southern parts of Equestria, a certain Sky Blue unicorn mare with white mane, sneezed out of the blue.

She looked around at the dessert like place and sighed. All she needed was to get a cold in the hottest part of Equestria. But the shady stallion from Appleloosa that she just passed, said that the shop was in this direction..."Let's hope it's worth all the trouble. I want to impress him and that Amulet can be my ticket to greatness... maybe I can make some shows on the way? Celestia knows, i need the bits..." She muttered gazing at her beloved cart...


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