
200 Yen: One Punch Man

OPM x (slight) Hypnotic Sexual Counseling *** Starting his second day at middle school, twelve years old Saitama moves through the motions of life mindlessly. In class, the boy overhears unsavory rumors in and out of school. Rumors of older delinquents, monsters, and girls had nothing to do with him. Not that he cared much for it; content to just breeze through school and avoid the naggings of his homeroom teacher to do homework. And hopefully, watch get enough anime in before becoming a corporate slave like his parents. Fate had intended for the destined hero to lose all sensation from the burden of overwhelming power placed on his shoulders. But all that changed. And it started with 200 yen and a girl. *** Saitama x Reina Kurashiki This story revolves around the earlier years of Saitama taking into consideration the bonus chapter after chapter 8 in One Punch Man labeled "200 Yen." All copywrites belong to whoever owns them. There will be no use of material for monetization.

VenerableFox · Anime et bandes dessinées
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200 Yen

AN: I'll admit, this will be the first time I incorporated a doujin character into fanfiction, but since I already did stuff with Nagatoro, I guess I'll do the same with this one? I choose Reina purely for her aesthetics if any people of culture can understand from the image I posted ;P. This will be just my spin on Saitama as a character, sticking somewhat to canon events and not involving any more crossovers. No harems either. Enjoy.


It was Saitama's first day of middle school.

The middle school went all out in welcoming the new batch of students. Flower buds decorated the school gate as parents and students alike gathered in the courtyard in front of the school, hugging each other.

Not Saitama, though. He came to school alone.

"It's important to make yourselves fully aware that from today onwards you are all middle school students..." said the principal.

What was the name of the school again? Did he need to know that? Probably not. Saitama assumed as long as he could remember how to head to and from school, that should be enough.

"I want every single one of you to become distinguished students that excel both academically and athletically."

Sitting among the crowd of other middle school students, Saitama sat in the middle row unassumingly, his head wobbling back and forth gently as a large snot bubble changed size according to when he breathed. His eyes were like a dead fish's, blank and bored.

"I want you to think about what you should do now for the sake of your own future because all your efforts are guaranteed to pay off later."

Saitama, twelve years old, was tired from staying up too late from watching anime and reading manga. Hearing the round of applause, he assumed the speech was done, so he began clapping as well, causing the snot bubble to burst. He hoped there wasn't going to be any quizzes on what the principal just said. He couldn't remember things with too many words.

"Welcome students! I will be your homeroom teacher for the entirety of the year..." greeted the beefy homeroom teacher in gym clothes. After the teacher's introduction, Saitama soon forgot his name, leading him to internally label the sports teacher as 'Beefy.'

Because it was only the first day of school, no homework was assigned. Though Beefy-sensei did assign some pages from the Health textbook to be read for the next class. Saitama tried to talk to other people in his class, but they just didn't connect. Not feeling the desire to stay after school to check the clubs like his classmates, he decided to go straight home.

Walking outside of the school building, Saitama noticed a group of girls hanging outside of the school gates. By their uniforms, they looked like third years. They had made modifications to the school uniform, with unbuttoned shirts and loose ties to their ankle warmers and ear piercings. Several had their jackets wrapped around their waists.

He was confused. Today's weather was mild with the occasional breeze. It didn't warrant the jackets and ankle warmers these older girls were wearing. Maybe they were sick? But all of them? As Saitama walked by them, he overheard them talk to each other.

"Man, I can't wait to leave middle school. There are no cute boys here."

"Oi, oi. How about that boy at the party last week? The one with a weird mole above his lip. Didn't you say he was totally 'vibin with you?"

"Ew, that dude? Don't you remember he barfed on the couch? So not my thing."

"Ara, did you watch that new drama on tv...?"

A chill flooded Saitama's senses. Barf? Barf! They had contradicted some virus at a party. And it caused people to barf. No wonder they had worn such warm clothes in this weather; it was contagious!

Avoiding the gaggle of girls, Saitama walked with his bookbag towards the school gate, avoiding them, taking glances at them in case they started to move in his direction.

One of the girls noticed Saitama taking sneaking glances at them. Everything about the boy indicated he was a virgin. Seeing him get closer, the older girl decided to show the new student his place.

"Oi, kid. What's ya looking at, huh?" said the girl, walking straight up to Saitama. Noticing the girl, he looked up. Standing in front of Saitama was a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, towering over by at least six or seven centimeters. The blond girl wore the girl's school uniform which consisted of a sailor shirt and skirt; her thighs were covered by black tights. Saitama could see the shirt button tightly keep the girl's chest covered.

Saitama wondered if such tight shirts would hurt a girl's chest.

"Hey, are you listening to me, squirt?" said the blond girl, drawing Saitama back from his thoughts. Behind the girl, he noticed the rest of her friends had stopped talking to look over, now whispering amongst each other while giggling.

He didn't know why the blond girl approached him, but he didn't want to remain near her for too long. Bowing, he offered the girl an item.

"What?" said the girl confused. Taking the item, she realized it was a plastic bag.

"I'm sorry to hear that you're sick," said Saitama, beginning to back away from the confused blond. "You can keep the bag for your barf. I don't get your virus. Bye."

With that, Saitama ran towards the train station, scared that prolonged exposure would infect him with whatever those girls had.

Still confused, the blond girl looked down at the plastic bag with a dumbfounded expression. "What the fuck?"

"Hey Reina-chan," said a pig-tailed girl nearby. "Don't you have to audition for that modeling gig later today in City X?"

Still watching the back of the boy in the black gakuran uniform run down the shirt before turning a corner, Kurashiki Reina nodded.

"Hey, do you want to stop by that new coffee place on the way?"

"You just want to see if that high schooler still works there, don't you, Reina?"

"Shut up!"


"I heard a first-year student got lynched by two third-year bullies after school yesterday."

"That's soooo scary!"

"His uniform was in shreds..."

It was the second day of school. Managing to get the morning train before it left, Saitama got to school early.

He sat at his desk as the other students became gossiping about the latest stuff the rumor spit out. While he heard a thing or two about bullies, Saitama was more focused on reading the assigned pages from 'Health & PE for Dummies' that Beefy-sensei assigned. He tried to read it at home but got bored after reading the first page and decided to watch tv instead.

"I hear it's two senior students with a bad attitude. We have to try and avoid them or we're dead meat."

"Be careful not to attract their attention."

"Did you hear about the hot upperclassmen? I heard she good-looking enough to be a model..."

Saitama flipped to the next page.


[Shortly past 4 P.M. today, a monster appeared in City Z.]

The soft pitter-patter of rain tapped the window on the outside. Several people milled outside in the downpour heading about in their ordinary lives.

Inside a bedroom, a TV sat on top of a small table right next to the window turned on, broadcasting the news as well as lighting up the dark bedroom. On top of the TV was a digital clock that showed the time, 17:10, or ten minutes past five. Currently, a news anchor was discussing recent monster appearances with another anchor.

[Police officers who rushed to the scene fell under attack and suffered severe injuries. The monster fled. The city has asked the government to mobilize special forces.]

"That monster looks like a piggy bank," said Saitama out loud. Currently, the middle schooler was laying comfortably on his bed, paying some attention to the tv as he returned to staring up at the ceiling enthusiastically.

[The last appearance of a monster was nine months ago in July, but data from the last ten years shows that monsters are appearing more frequently.]

Saitama's parents had busy jobs that left the twelve-year-old, for the most part, home alone. While his parents sent allowance monthly for daily living expenses, it was enough if he carefully watched his spending habits. Saitama learned that taking the initiative to get bargain deals from the grocery stores helped lower costs.

[In the days ahead, it will be interesting to see what measures the government takes against these monsters and dangerous life-forms of unknown origins.]

[Can't we just shoot them? It's okay if it's for self-defense and safety, right?]

Feeling a bit uncomfortable in his current position, Saitama tugged at the back part of his 'Mob Psycho 1000000' t-shirt so that it didn't bunch up on his back as he lay on the bed. It annoyed him when he woke and noticed the t-shirt marks from sleeping.

[Permission has been granted, but it is difficult to take immediate action when a monster suddenly appears. More people are calling on the police to do something.]

Speaking of pigs, maybe he should buy some pork chops tomorrow. There might be some if went straight to the grocery store after school.

[It would need the capability to act on a moment's notice because the monsters appear without warning...]

Yawning, Saitama turned on his side as the voices from the TV faded into background noise that blended together with the sound of rain and thunder outside. Adjusting heart-patterned pillow, he closed his eyes. "Man... I'm sleepy."

Like a lullaby, the sound of the news and weather lulled the young boy to sleep.


"Saitama, why haven't you done your homework."

Standing in front of the teacher, he scratched his head nervously. He could feel the sweat start to form under his clothes from anxiety. "I forgot. I'll do it now."

"We're having class now," said Beefy-sensei annoyed, chastising the boy as he waved his pointer finger around. Veins bulged around his forehead in frustration. "Are you stupid? Huh?"

Beefy-sensei continued to berate the boy as the rest of the class disinterestedly listen to the rant. "It's only day three and you're already behind. You can't make that time up! Do you understand?! While you're doing yesterday's homework, everyone else has moved on. One small slip-up today has ramifications ten years later! Don't you get that?!"

This made Saitama confused. How would him not doing homework yesterday affect him ten years later? He could just do both homework tonight to catch up. "No, I don't get it."

This seemed to piss off Beefy-sensei off more. "Do you think goofing off will get you girls?"

"Huh? No, not at all..." said Saitama uncertainly, cautiously as to not make his homeroom teacher angrier.

Slamming both hands down at his lectern, Beefy-sensei leaned forward as his face got closers to Saitama's. "Why you little punk... Come to the staff room after school! I'll teach you how much of a loser you are!"

Not wanting to waste any more words with the boy, Beefy-sensei dismissed Saitama with a wave of his hand. As the boy walked back to his desk, several of his classmates began talking amongst each other.

"Whoa, he shouldn't have talked back..."

"Now the teacher's out to get him..."

"...if that was me, I wouldn't want to show my face anymore at school."

Silently, Saitama sat down at his desk with his head face-down. His normally emotionally face changed as his eyebrows furrowed following the small frown that appeared. His hair shadowing his forehead.

Determined, Saitama had a goal. He would explain to Beefy-sensei that he didn't mean to talk back, and hopefully smooth things out. And maybe find out his teacher's name. He's been meaning to find out the names of his teachers, but his memory failed, leaving him to give them nicknames as well.

Hearing Beefy-sensei begin the lecture, Saitama tried to pay attention despite how boring it felt.


After school, Saitama made his way to the staff room. Walking down the hallway, he heard some footsteps behind him before hearing a male voice call out.

"Hey, new kid!"

Noticing no one else around, Saitama pointed at himself as he turned to face the two students approaching him. "Me?"

The two students walked up closer to Saitama. Their gakuran arm sleeves were ripped off from their shoulders, frilled both there and at the bottom as well, shortened enough to reveal their dress-shirt underneath. One had spiky blond hair while the other had a black buzzcut. "C'mere a sec."

"I can't," responded Saitama. "I have to go to the staff room."

"Hunh?" let out the buzz-cut student as he towered over the younger boy. "Do you know who we are?"

His friend grinned viciously at a new victim. "All the little twerps around here fear the uniform rippers of Z South Junior High. Come with us out back."

Closing in on the boy, the older middle schoolers surrounded Saitama. "Do as we say, or we'll rip your uniform apart!"

Absorbing in the reality of the situation, Saitama's normally expressionless face turned serious. If one looked closely enough at the small of the boy's eyes, they could perhaps make out a flicker of change in his pupil before it faded away.

Following the two third-years outside of the school grounds, Saitama all but forgot about the meeting after school with his teacher.

As Saitama neared an alley outside of school, he prepared himself. So many different scenarios played out before him. This was what his classmates were talking about a couple of days earlier, right? The delinquent third-years that stole lunch money from the first-years. What would he say? What would he do? All Saitama knew was that while he may not be the smartest crayon in the pencil box, he wasn't going to let someone push him around.

They had stopped. Both turning around, the third-year students finally got to the real reason they had lured him outside of the school. "Alright, new kid, you got a wallet?"

This was it! This was the moment for him to show that he was strong enough to resist society. That he wasn't going to be bullied around! Putting both hands on his hips, Saitama made sure to talk in a deeper voice to sound cooler. "I don't have one, you moron! Don't get bossy."

"Wh-What?" asked the blond-haired bully, sweatdropping alongside his buzzcut friend as the first-year talked in a nasally voice.

"So you're the 'scummy upperclassman,' huh?" asked Saitama, cracking his knuckles. This would prove that wasn't the destined failure to society his parents told him he would be. He would prove it, even if it meant fighting against the odds. Isn't that what heroes did in the mangas? "You've got some nerve taking on a 'loser' like me."

This continued to stun both bullies at the chunni behavior of Saitama.


"He was 'nuthin but attitude!" remarked the buzzcut-bully as he looked down at Saitama's bruised and beaten form on the ground, tossing money in his hand. Saitama's uniform, as promised by the bullies, was now shredded. "And he only had 200 Yen..."

"He really is a loser!" said the blond-bully jokingly, laughing at the pathetic sight of the boy on the ground. "Ha ha ha!"

Saitama, laying on the ground, gritted his teeth. The urge to get back up and prove those bullies wrong was not strong enough to lift his fatigued body. Giving up, he rested his head against the asphalt pavement, gratefully that at least his head didn't land into one of the puddles from yesterday's shower.


From out of nowhere, something large rammed into the buzzcut-bully's back, sending the third-year flying belly first.

"Ugh!" The air in the third year left his lungs from the force of the collision to his back.

Raising his head slightly from the ground, Saitama looked up to what had hit the bully. Standing over two meters tall was a golden pig. To correct, it was more like a piggy bank than an actual pig. With jacked arms and legs sprouting from holes in the upscaled model of a golden piggy bank, its veins bulged as it faced the duo of middle schoolers.

"COINS! PUT IN COINS!" shouted someone from inside the piggie armor. "GIMME YOUR CHANGE!"

Scared out of their minds, the bullies screamed. The blond one, started to back up as the buzzcut bully remained on the ground.

"Gaah! A m-monster!"

"The one on the news!"

The 'Piggie Bank' monster soon started to close in on the two bullies. "GRAH! COINS! IF I RAM INTO YOU, COINS WILL FALL OUT!"

"Here!" screamed the buzzcut boy, his hand raised outward to the monster in surrounded. "Here's some change!"


Shaking, buzzcut-bully put the 200 Yen into Piggie Bank's coin slot, the coin making a clinking sound as it fell in.

"OINK OINK!" laughing, Piggie Bank ran away in search of more money to plunder.

Frustrated, buzzcut-bully slammed both fists to the ground. "Argh! He took everything I had! That money was for my littler brothers' lunches!"

Saitama, who was still lying on the ground, froze at the bully's words. His initial impression of the bullies was bad, experiencing firsthand their extortion fees. But hearing the selfless motivation behind their actions moved something inside of the middle schooler. Literally.

Drawing strength into his body, Saitama rose from his prone position on the ground before sprinting after the Piggie Bank monster.

"Huh?! The new kid?!" exclaimed the buzzcut-bully.

Everything's so stupid! First, he forgot his homework, and then thugs beat him up. Sweat started to rapidly form on his body as Saitama pushed himself to follow the monster. Only one thought sounded true through his mind.

'Give back my 200 Yen!'

Chasing after the back of the Piggie Bank monster, Saitama never lost sight of the muscled freak in a pig costume. Running past a vending machine, he saw a girl up ahead. It appeared she was too busy looking through her wallet to notice the approaching monster from the distance. But the Piggie Bank monster certainly had.

"MONEY! GIVE ME YOUR COINS!" shouted Piggie Bank.

Scared stiff, the girl stood frozen in place, her phone still placed against her head as she watched the spherical golden orb with a smiling pig's face barrel towards her.

Seeing an empty soda can lying nearby the vending machine, Saitama picked it up before throwing it at Piggie Bank to distract it away from the girl. But because he was unathletic and uncoordinated overall, the soda can was thrown too low, landing in front of the monster.

This seems to have worked because, despite the display of superhuman strength, the monster did not see the soda can, most likely due to the poor visibility of the costume. It stepped on the empty can, causing the foot to slide and make the monster roll on its side.

Piggie Bank falling seemed to snap the girl out of whatever trance she was in. Glad to see the girl finally get away, Saitama noticed anger emanating from the monster as it stare him down.

Saitama roared as he charged towards the monster, hell-bent on retrieving his 200 Yen.


"Saitama... I told you to come right away. Are you jerking me around?"

Standing inside the staff room, Saitama's bloodied, bruised, and covered in dirt. It was evident to anyone that his uniform was in a sorry state. "You told me to come, but you didn't say right away."

"Always a comeback, I see. Are you still in grade school?" asked Beefy-sensei, arms crossed in anger. "And you're destroyed your uniform."

"Upperclassmen did this. And they took my money," answered Saitama.

"Are you trying to push this off on them?" asked the homeroom teacher. "How much did they take?"

"200 Yen."

"You ARE jerking me around."


Walking home from school, the images of the monster, his teacher, and the bullies flashed through his mind.

Passerbys and pedestrians looked at Saitama in curiosity at how the boy had managed to get roughed up enough to be bleeding that much. Not caring if he stepped in the puddles that scattered the street.

'I just don't fit into society,' Saitama thought. 'I don't know how to live.'

Looking down with a sense of loss, he gritted his teeth. 'I always end up losing... How can I keep going when I'm weak?'

"'Yahello." said a voice.

Looking up from his self-deprecation, Saitama saw the girl standing in front of him. The older girl looked oddly familiar.

"Hello?" greeted Saitama back uncertainly. As he was about to walk around the older girl, she moved to stand in front of him once again. "Are you heading somewhere? You can go ahead first."

"You're hard to track down, 'ya know," said the blond girl, crossing her arms under her generous amount of breasts. Looking closely, Saitama noticed that she was wearing the female counterpart to his school uniform.

"Are you here to recruit people for a club? Sorry, I don't plan on joining any clubs this year."

"What? No! I mean from the monster attack you, idiot!" corrected the fellow student from his school. "Remember me, Kurashiki Reina? Does that ring any bells?"


"What do you mean no?! I understand if it was the first day, but it's been at least a couple of days since school started. I'm pretty popular, even people from other schools know me."

"But I don't know you."

Reina looked like she was about to have a minor aneurysm with Saitama before she started to take a couple of breaths, muttering words under her breath. "That doesn't matter. I owe you 'cause you saved me from that pig thing earlier. As a model, my body is money. If I got hurt, that might seriously hurt my rep in the modeling business. So I owe you one."

Walking up to the shorter boy, Reina couldn't help but notice how more handsome he could've been if he didn't always have that damnable expressionless face on. "And that favor could be anything."

Grabbing her own collar, she pulled it down a bit to show off her prized goods. While she was a virgin, Reina prided herself on knowing how to manipulate men, including those far older than her, using her natural gifts. She gave Saitama a wink. "If you catch my drift."

"200 Yen," said Saitama plainly.

"...What?" asked Reina, backing in confusion. Did she hear it wrong. Usually, most boys would ask for something more sexual in nature. Reina was nearing her 15th birthday soon, and puberty made her more conscious of other boys and her own desire for pleasure. And what better way to kick it off than by having sex with her savior. He definitely was a virgin. But so was she. Still, that didn't explain his request.

"200 Yen," repeated the first-year student. "That monster stole 200 Yen from me. So I want that much back as my request."

"Seriously?" rubbing her forehead, Reina sighed. Pulling out a ten thousand yen bill, she put it in the boy's hand. "Here, free of charge. I don't accept your request, though. You know what? How about this."

Wrapping her arm around the boy's shoulder, Reina made sure to push her breast into the boy's shoulder. Looking at Saitama's expression, she didn't notice any obvious expressions of embarrassment; just signs of being uncomfortable with a stranger hugging you. Reina cursed in her head. She was sure this would get the younger boy blushing. "From now on, we're buddies, you hear me? I'll watch out for you firstie. What's your name anyway?"

"Um, I'm Saitama," he said as they walked down the street. He noted how chilly the arm without the girl's breast against his arm was. This made the boy want to head home quicker to snuggle in his bed.

"Saitama? No first name with that? Whatever. I'm Kurashiki Reina, the hottest babe you'll ever meet."

"Can I go home now?"


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