
only she can see

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful world filled with vibrant colors and breathtaking landscapes. It was a world where magical creatures roamed free, and anything was possible.

In this world, there was a young girl named Lily. She had bright blue eyes and long, flowing hair as red as fire. She was kind and compassionate, always looking for ways to help others.

One day, Lily stumbled upon an enchanted portal that led to a secret world only she could see. As she stepped through the portal, she found herself in a strange, new land filled with wonders beyond her wildest dreams.

She saw towering castles and sparkling cities made entirely of crystal. She spotted mermaids swimming in shimmering oceans and unicorns grazing on fields of rainbow flowers. Everywhere she looked, there was something new and magical to discover.

Lily spent countless hours exploring this secret world, fascinated by its mysteries and beauty. She made friends with the creatures she met, dancing with fairies and playing tag with sprites.

But one day, she realized that she couldn't stay in this world forever. She had a family waiting for her back in her own world, and she knew she had to return.

With a heavy heart, Lily stepped back through the portal, saying goodbye to her newfound friends and the wonders of this secret world. But she knew that it would always be a special place in her heart, and she would never forget the amazing things she had seen.

And so, the young girl returned to her own world, carrying with her the memories of the world only she could see.