

The Glyphed God-King...

That was how her friend called him...

In truth, Astoria just couldn't see it, the somehow cold and aloof big brother who every time she came made his time just for her, who always made her laugh, who never told her he didn't have time, like her father and mother so many times done, or even send her away, no the big brother who always was with her until she fell asleep, or her big sis Daphne come to take her away or just join the fun...

Big brother Aegis didn't look like God in Astoria's mind, he was just a good big brother who made her feel good...

But that was how her new friend she gained in Royal Academy called him, didn't she? And she wasn't alone in that, after her newfound friend, was she still friend? Called her big brother God, Astoria started to notice there were others, Astoria noticed how they looked even at her with either reverend or jealous eyes, as it was known she was close to Schnee family and big brother Aegis...

"Can any of you tell me why Lycanthropy is such a dangerous virus?"

Asked the teacher and Astoria quickly shook herself awake as she didn't want to get a bad grade, she already got one yesterday and was punished by dad to go to bed without dinner, never again Astoria told to herself...

"It is a combination of Non-magical and Magical Curse!"

"It is not Curse!"

"It is!

"It's not!"

"Enough, kids! Yes, to some, it could seem like a curse, but in this is school, and that wasn't question, still, as Jacob said, the Lycanthropy is a combination of Mundane and Magical Geneingeneering, making it into were dangerous contagious virus if taken lightly, next question, can someone tell me how Wizard's who lived hundred'S of years ago were able to create Geneingeneered curse such as Lycanthropy even if they at that time couldn't know of Genetics to such degree?"

Astoria muted the conversation after that, she had a lot to think about and, in truth, a lot of worrrkk!

Why did they need to know how the universe was born? Why did they need to know how genetics and atoms worked?!

Yes, they did learn magic, but that too became harder and harder, even sis Daphne, Tracey, Hermione, Fleur, Luna, and her friend Gabrielle said that Royal Academy is much harder than their previous magical school's, and not just because they were learning about a mundane side of things, no, even the magical study became more and more boring!

Theories and theories, they were asking them how magic came to by, how much magic is tied to the Gaia, how much power you could gain as Priest of Gaia or Death or this one lecture where they spoke about Lycanthropy, last week they spoke about magical diseases and week before about how Aura interacted with magic!

So boring! They had just one day in the week where they purely practiced magic, as wands were forbidden until they were fifteen years old, and from what older kids said, even then, your study was more about theory than practicing magic...

Astoria wanted to bang her head on the table, but before she could she saw her maybe a friend who thought her big bro was god, beckoning her hand towards her to come...

Astoria needed to see if she could be friends with someone who thought your goofy big brother was a God...


"Any of you know how Super Sentinel is made?"

A hand shot into the air as the teacher gave a good-natured but resigned sigh, making the person with a hand in the air blush a little.

"Through Gene-tailoring, Gene-Enchantment, and Magical-Infusion!"

Hermione said as she saw the teacher nod his head and show multiple graphs.

"Yes, but that is just scratching on what these men and women who went through Super Sentinel operation, as you all know, the current details are being protected by the Law of Solitas, thus we will not know what the bodies of Super Sentinel's needed to go through, but that does not stop us from making our own theories, and as you already know, any theory you come up with, will earn you point's that you can use for your future project's, so don't be shy and go wild with your imagination, but please stay on the current topic, we don't need another diversion in the topic..."

Said teach and Hermione and other's in-class nodded their head's as they started to type on their scroll's, that was common these day's, they got topic to think and write about and they needed to do their own findings on it, even if they were permitted to look on the net for any information, their own thesis needed to by individual and with Album who could go through the entire net in seconds, any copying or cheating was soon found, thus making it impossible for the cheater's to copy what they saw on the net, still their thesis didn't need to be right, just on topic and original with their own input...

Truly, Album was the ultimate weapon against any cheater or just lazy copier, still Hermione was glad for it, as even if knowledge of her and her friend's who were Aegis girls, the teacher's didn't give them any slack, no from what it looked, they needed to be even better than other's as to not shame Schnee family...

Hermione still didn't make many friends, but she didn't mind that much, with Aegis who took her on dates, her sisters? Well, the other girls who belonged to Aegis harem were her friends, and her family that finally calmed down and opened their dental clinic, Hermione found herself, friends? Acuainces? Hermione didn't know, as she normally spends her time in the Royal Album Library that was Album's project to create a Library that has all books of all worlds, something that made it into a gargantuan project, still even with net and scroll's, people still visited the library as there was something about learning in a place that had all books of the world, and Hermione herself found a little group of like-minded people who liked to just quietly read from a book rather than scroll, so even if they didn't speak much, Hermione and her newfound group just found themselves little corner in the library where they didn't speak but just read in tranquility, with some questions and answers asked and replied in a while...

Hermione's days flew as school, dates with her boyfriend? Husband? and family nights with Schnee family continued, and she couldn't but enjoy it.


Fleur smiled as she helped another child in Veela settlement, day's under Royal protection made Veela's and their spouses finally feel tranquility and safety they didn't even until know they lacked, there wasn't any fear of any wizard raid that would like to have Veela slave for himself or just sell them, there wasn't any worry about the magical beast attack, there wasn't any problem with them just going to the city to look and just enjoy their life...

Yes, all Veela's needed to wear a Schnee symbol when they went out to make it clear they were under Schnee's protection, in case someone truly was too stupid to try to take Veela against her will...

Still, Fleur liked this feeling of safety, especially when she was with her hubby who, even though she worked really hard, always found time for her and her little sister who had a crush on him...

Truly Aegis was a gift Fleur wouldn't ever forget about, still, one little problem was there, and that was...

"Hey hey Fleur, did you sleep with King yet? Do you introduce us to him? I don't mind being mistress..."

Such and much more vocal requests were common in the Veela community, something Fleur, no matter how much wanted to squash, couldn't by help, Aegis, was true ideal man, and that wasn't Fleur's love speaking, as Veela, Fleur and other Veela's were sensitive to magic, and commonly wanted to breed with the man who could give them best offspring, and Aegis, Aegis just radiated power that made any Veela weak in her legs, so it wasn't surprising for most unbounded Veela's to wish to belong to Aegis, just the ones who already had partner were immune to Aegis aura, but even they felt respect for him, but the ones who didn't have partner's?

The ones without partners were smitten by Aegis aura, just like most men are smitten by Veela's aura, so Fleur needed to commonly just tell them to wait, as Fleur didn't find strength in her heart to send them to hell, as she was understood why they so wanted to by with Aegis...

Truly, Fleur thought, she needed to speak with Aegis about this, and the sooner the better...

For Fleur worried that the longer she let this thing pester, the bigger chance would be for the Veela's just to somehow make Aegis join them into one big breeding orgy as their minds would by overtaken by their Veela instincts, and somehow Fleur worried that even her stalwart hubby that Aegis is, wouldn't be able to say no to hundred's of naked Veela's whose beauty would just radiate their sex appeal whose sole desire would by to mate and breed with Aegis...

No, she needed to find a way to make them immune to Aegis's powerful aura or scent or anything, Aegis was her's and her's little sister Gabi, and Fleur saw herself as top Veela...


Jean Granger looked around her, still a little uncomfortable with all that fancy, but as of late, she started to become accustomed to, to that lifestyle where she and her husband didn't need to go to work, but even then they did, as work was something they knew for most of their lives, and even without need, they would continue in it, as it felt bad to just live off the wealth of their future son-in-law...

"It seems your pregnancy is without a hitch."

Said voice and Jean looked at Apoline Delacour, who watched Willow with kind eyes.

"Of course it is, that boy wouldn't let anything happen to her, still, the fact that he is both your son and father of your next child brings me a very strange feeling..."

Said another voice, this belonging to Jolene Greengrass, another soon to by mother-in-law to Aegis...

Today was the day where most of the mother's of Aegis girls were invited by Willow on a cup of tea, and just to speak, Jean at first didn't think of coming, still a little unnerved by the attendance, but her need to get to know Hermione's future family made her come, and until now she was surprised how, kind Willow was, she was so outside of any norm of aristocracy that Jean expected from mother and, and lover of King, that fact still made Jean little nauseous, but she came to accept it, as it was not her place to speak, not when her little Hermione was soo happy, and, and healthy, her little bookworm again could walk, that was something Jean wouldn't ever forget to be thankful for...

Still, Jean looked around her, Raven Branwen, mother of Yang's, and surrogate mother of Ruby's, the fact there were alternate versions of people still made Jean's mind float, and more importantly, another woman who belonged to Aegis...

Then Apolline Delacour, a middle-aged looking woman who for her age looked still in her prime that radiated sexiness, that was Veela and magical genes speaking if Jean was right, and mother of Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour, one who already was Aegis woman and another who will be if what Jean heard about Veela's partner picking was right...

Then came Jolene Greengrass, magical that too looked too good for her age, something Jean would by jealous of in the past, but with Solitas gene modification, she too became younger than she is, and mother of Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, one who already is Aegis woman, and other who by the looks of it would join Aegis harem...

Then there was Alexandra Nikos, mother Pyrrha Nikos, and girlfriend of Iris, the right hand of Aegis...

Kali Belladonna, mother of Blake's, a cat faunus and natural woman who made even straight Jean blush with her words and her cat ears...

Then came the mother of Velvet Scarlatina, whose bunny ears made Jean want to pet them, no matter how inappropriate it seemed...

Then there were the mothers of Dew Gayl, Nebula Violette, Gwen Darcy, Octavia Ember, Arslan Altan, Neon Katt, May Zedong, Coco Adel, Reese Chloris...

Then came Salem, who Jean didn't know what to feel, she felt fear, awe, and little reverence for the pale woman, who was there as the surrogate mother of Cinder Fall and Emerald Sutrai...

And Krull Tepes who looked like a child herself but was an old vampire, something that made Jean's hair stood, but she was there as the surrogate mother of three vampire sisters, and she herself, from look of it, belonged to Aegis harem...

And lastly, Willow herself, who was the mother of Weiss Schnee, Aegis lover and from look of it most important person in Aegis heart, Winter Schnee another sister that became Aegis lover, and lastly she herself who became pregnant with her own son who she loved more than a mother should, something that Jean still didn't understand...

Still, the people there made Jean feel, little antsy as all of them were meeting for the first time, but Willow proved that she wanted to know families of her's, son/lover, women, something Jean could understand as she wanted to know what Schnee family is, as she worried for Hermione...

Truly, Jean could feel a storm brewing, but she knew nothing would happen as Jean was sure the more powerful people present wouldn't let anything happen to a woman who was pregnant with Aegis children...

Still, the more Jean looked, the more the fact of gargantuan harem her Hermione was joining made her realize how fucked up it, was...

As a woman who was raised by Catholics, the mere idea of the harem, incest, and many other taboos there made her want to vomit, but after she found out that her little bookworm is witch, Jean started to become more tolerant to what seemed to by blasphemy against god, now?

Now Jean just tried to accept that their family and this Schnee family they would by joining is one big mess, still, if Aegis made her daughter so happy, Jean couldn't find in herself to feel anything bad for their benefactors...


*Author note*

I need to make a list of all names there :O

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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