

"Min-chul! You did so well!"

"Mmhhmmmm, thanks mom!"

"Waaaa~. Did So-young promise you some dirty deal if you won or something? Is that why you were so fast?"

At home, everyone was congratulating me. My dad didn't say it in person, but he texted me first, so I accepted it. He was asleep right now.

He usually sleeps when the sun goes down. So if it goes down at 6:00 p.m, he sleeps at 6:00 p.m. and wakes up at his usual 7:00 a.m.

He is the definition of the phrase, " all beautiful people are sleepy-heads". My mom is an exception to this, but it doesn't matter.

Mom was the opposite of my dad, and was extremely hyper and happy for me winning not one category, but two categories.

Jung was...well, he was Jung, doing Jung things. Every time he teases me about something like this, I know he is secretly proud, that little tsundere.

"Jung! Min-chul would never. He'll obviously only accept that kind of stuff from me!"

"Pfffttt!!! Hak! Hak! hak!...m-mom?"

Out of the blue, Jung and I are surprised at her sudden possessiveness. This has happened a couple times with Jung and I.

It happened first when Jung came home late after a mixer and for me, it was when So-young and I went to a theme park a couple years ago.

Since we know this happens sometimes, Jung devised a plan to calm her down, and it goes a little like this.

"M-mommy... uuuuuuu, th-that's embarrassing..."


As I started acting cute with mom, acting like a mommy's boy, her nose basically exhales all of her blood. Her face goes pale in blood loss and she is muttering something about Jung and I loving her a lot.

Yeah, that is how you solve the puzzle known as mom. It's as simple as that. Not much of a puzzle though.

Seeing that she was dazed, I leave her alone and enter my room to sleep on my second reward for winning a second category; a sponsor with JW Sports.

For the first few hours, I was fidgeting and very nervous, thinking about the negotiations, but I eventually just calmed down and slept on it.

I know that they must have contacted coach Seung-ri about this so he can help me negotiate, but too bad I'm already experienced!

From my time in a black company, I learned how to scam some clients out of their money through extortion-level contracts. They don't know me!

Like a blink of an eye, I wake up as if I never slept at all. It was good sleep since I saw the lines all over my arms. That's the sign of a good sleep.

I quickly dress up in my best business-casual clothes so I look like the biggest douche in the lane.

I'm wearing a gray dress shirt, black pants, black sneakers, a decent watch and some aviator sunglasses hanging on my chest area.

I check myself in the mirror and make sure my hair is styled properly for this upcoming meeting.

"Waaaa, I really look like I'm about to make a post on Instagram about how rich I got from FOREX or some cryptocurrency. It's uncanny"

I fix my shirt and exit my room to find mom waiting for me. Jung was still in his room sleeping and dad was...he was still sleeping. Who would have thought, right?

"Oh my, my baby looks so handsome!"

"Thank you mom"

No matter the age, any man would be embarrassed when their mother calls them a "handsome boy", even me. I can handle it better than others, but my face is lightly flushing.

Mom sees this and is satisfied that her teasing worked and she lets it go. I munch down quickly on her food and we get into our 3-year old car.

"So, you don't need swim for the rest of the tournament right?"

"Yeah, but I need to continue going since there might be sponsors and such"

"Wooowww~. My baby is so wanted by everyone isn't he?"

Right now, I decided to ignore her praises and just rest my head on the side of the car and as we were driving, I was just watching the passing buildings and cars while running a finger man onto of everything, like he's a ninja.

The little man was very nimble, able to run at the same speed as a car. However, he suddenly turned into a hand as the trip ended. I sighed, but was still excited for the day.

For one, I will be able to watch the longer and most likely, more dramatic 400 meter freestyle and the second one, was that I'd meet JW Sports.

I keep mentioning this, but I'm too excited to not mention it. I'm proud and I'm very happy right now.

For a third time, the stadium entrance reveals the swimming prodigies who are competing this category. Mom already left to sit by the stands and I went down to So-young and the others.

All of them only came becuase I came and that's a really heart-warming thing. They waste their time for me? That's true friendship.

The race was just as dramatic as I expected. The three people fighting for first were three people I knew.

All of them were insanely good with stamina and stamina management.

All of them were neck and neck and by the 6th lap out of 8 laps, the leader was only ahead by a single head. It was that close. And to add to that, they swapped positions whenever they flipped and changed directions.

It was a really nerve wracking fight for the win and the winner is down to the gods now.


"Come on, you can do it! Let's go let's go!"

"Get ahead, get ahead! COME ON!!!"

Right in front of us were the three coaches of the three leaders. Compared to the other coaches who were just taking notes and yawning, they were more lively.

"Hey, Min-chul oppa. You are going somewhere after this right? Papa told me"

"Oh? Yeah, I'm meeting with a magazine who wants to sponsor me. Don't worry, I'll be sure to mention you"

While rubbing her head with my hand, she pouts cutely and makes a "uuuuu" sound. Her eyes close in glee, but she still tries resisting so that she won't be seen as a little sister.

"Uuuuu, no! I was just curious! Hmph, I don't like you"

She crosses her arms over her chest and turns her body away from me. I wryly smile and turn to A-yeong to make her jealous.

"Ahhhh, I don't not like you, Min-chul oppa! Pet me more!"


'Waaa, to think she'd even cry'

I knew that she'd be a bit sad, but I didn't know if she'd cry. I freeze and just choose to pet both of them at the same time.

Meanwhile, the swimming race was finishing up and the times were basically seconds apart.

The first place guy got 6:23.68 while the second guy got 6:24.21. The third guy fell off near the end of the swim, but it was still a beautiful race.

...well, I'm just assuming. I wouldn't know, I was busy petting my girls.

I stop the petting and stand up suddenly to leave. The girls are surprised, but don't chase after me. They already heard from my texts that I have somewhere to be, and it's important.

Sorry So-young and A-yeong, my people need me!


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful and amazing readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you had an amazing day today and that tomorrow will be even better!

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Love ya, see ya when I see ya and peace ✌️! Thanks!

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