
Providing for the Future

When the swimmers that finished in the top 3 got out of the pool, they looked towards the stands and looked for the sponsors to impressive.

They spotted a man and woman staring in their general area and start trying to look cool while walking out of the pool.

One of them flips his hair, the other sticks his bottom jaw out to get a better jawline and the last guy was walking like he just pooped his diaper.

All in all, it was bad. It was like watching three monkeys act like a human model they once saw.

The flip hair guy was like a shampoo commercial and the jawline guy looked like a shih tzu with severe underbite. The cringe levels were reaching never before seen levels.

I swear I saw A-yeong, an experienced model, shrink in her seat while muttering "kill me" over and over again. So-young found it bad, but not to the extent of A-yeong.

With a chuckle, I walk out of the seating area and wave at the male and female pair. Both of them were watching the three idiots try to impress with a blank expression at the time.

When they saw me, their expression brightened up and stood up to meet me. The three dummies however thought they were the ones attracting the attention.

Honestly, it was a sad sight. They were wearing fairly provocative clothing that stuck to their body tightly and it defined their abs beautifully.

This should be attractive, but apparently it wasn't as attractive as me in a proper outfit as the girls watching had their eyes glued on me.

So-young's death glare ended up dissipating the hungry glares, but they still took short and quick glances after.

The JW Sports pair reached the swimming pool area and the triple trouble trio were more active than ever.

The JW Sports reps ignored them and to their annoyance and slight surprise, they both went to me and the girl even had her hand on my back to lead me out.

Their faces go a bright crimson after realizing their embarrassing poses,but there isn't anything they can do. All they actually CAN do is endure the trolling from their friends until they forget.

It's a hard life, but they brought it upon themselves. They tried being sexy in front of a real OG sexy guy. Sad.

With a pitying expression, I let the two people lead the way and we eventually take a seat at the nearest cafe.

"Welcome to Serenity Cafe, may I take your order?"

The beautifully mature waitress takes out her notepad, ready to take down our orders.

"I'll have an espresso and for my colleague-"

"I'll have a americano please"

"Alright, then for you sir?"

When she mentioned me, her face had a visible blush, but I'm guessing it's nothing but "he's hot". She doesn't love me, she loves my face.

Woe is me.

"Ahem, I'll have chocolate milk...please"

"Ufu, so americano, espresso and...chocolate milk, yes?"

'Oy Oy Oy, the hell is that "ufu"?!? Don't take me lightly woman!'

However, I didn't let it bother me. I'm bigger than this. That woman totally didn't bother me...

"Actually! I'd like an coffee please, along with the chocolate milk"

"Ufufu, I see. So I'll have to add "an coffee" right?"

When I asked for a manly man drink called coffee, she suddenly ufu-ed twice as much now. What is up with this woman! This doesn't even bother me in the slightest.

I'm a man even with chocolate milk. Hmph!

Since it didn't bother me so much, I changed my order to the only other coffee I know aside from americano and espresso.

"Uhhhh, then...I'll take a latte"

"Ara ara, then that'll be alright. An espresso, an americano, chocolate milk and then a latte"

For absolutely no reason, the ufu turns into an ara ara...why?!?! I don't know if she is teasing me or she has the hottest speech impediment, but I still dig it.

Hopefully though it's the latter.

Now that the teasing MILF-y waitress was gone, we started small talking as we waited for the coffee.

Seung-ri quickly arrived about 2 minutes later and then, that's when we really started talking. If I negotiated myself and got an amazing deal, it might not be as good for me as I thought.

Some other sponsors will be wary of me being a smart guy when it comes to deals so they might expect me to be good with deals. In deals, the element of surprise is the most element.

The second most important element being a good face and a kind smile.

"So, we are here to discuss your sponsorship deal and at this point of your career, it's vital to advance in the leagues, yes?"


"Great. So now, this is our offer for you. You can take your time to glance over it and we'll be right here"

They slid over a piece of paper and as if on queue, the MILF waitress brought our coffee. Sadly, Seung-ri didnt get anything, but he brought his energy drink so it's fine.

When Seung-ri and I flipped the paper over, we started glancing over it. All of the details were things I understood, but I needed to act as if I didn't know anything.

So, I was asking him the meaning of somethings, but I didn't overdo it. I'd say I did a good job.

The basics of this contract was that for 3 years, I'll be their front cover boy and their spokesperson.

They will in turn: sponsor my career for those 3 years + an extra year, give me a paycheck that equals about 40 million won a year and insurance for my body.

The spokesperson thing was things like attending certain events, some modeling and doing any commercials.

All in all, this wasn't a good deal...this was an amazing deal!

40 million won is equivalent to 40,000 USD!!! That's 40,000 USD every goddamned year! For three years straight! Plus I get paid 5% for the commercials I do.

So if the advertiser pays JW Sports 5 million won, I get 5% of that, or 250,000 won. That is an insane number if you scale that up.

40 million won isn't something easily earned by a regular kid like me. Your parents have to be the CEO of the company you work at if you want this kind of salary as a 15 year old.

The sample cheque looked extremely sexy with that 9 figure number on it. I'm pretty sure this deal is either equivalent or even better than the deal that Won-shik signed.

If they value me this much, I wonder how much the other sponsors will value my performance and face?

Beside me, Seung-ri's eyes were shaking and a bit shocked at the insanely beneficial contract terms. Usually, the company would try to scam the athlete for whatever they were worth and then just toss them aside.

But to pay a kid 40 million won a year? It's ridiculous.

So, he started reading again, and again, and again, until he read it 5 times. All 5 times, he found nothing that would be non-beneficial to his boy, Min-chul and in fact, it was even on equal terms considering the benefits of both sides.

The JW Sports pair see the doubt in Seung-ri's eyes and are understandably upset, but they also get where he is coming from.

"Coach, we assure you that there is nothing binding or anything hurt to Min-chul's future. We are a sports magazine that isn't just a business, we are a provider for the future generations"

"A-ahh...then, I'm sorry..."

Seung-ri embarrassingly wipes his sweat and contacts my mom to tell her about the negotiations. She already knew I had the chance to sign it, but hearing the terms, she was sqeauling delight.

Thank God she's my mom. I'd rather have a son-con mother than a completely cold one, that's for sure.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful readers and I hope you enjoyed this one!

Thank you to all of the consistent and regular support from you wonder readers! I'll continue providing content and in turn, you continue providing me powerstones! Mwuahahahaha!!!

Anyways, thanks and peace ✌️! Love ya and see ya when I see ya!

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