
Chapter 8. A gesture with the hands will assert an image in history.

- As feared. The scene from last spring was repeated. Charly was invited by Gerardy to a Talk on September 23, which is the International Day of World Sign Languages. On that occasion they were introduced.

–Rebeca when saying goodbye to Charly, she pinked her lips. –Although he was very notorious–, no one dared to formulate any word, given their condition of communicating gesture-viso-spatial, or by sign language.

- When Rebeca introduced herself with Gerardy.

She said hello again in the same way. And given the pressing circumstances. Nobody said anything.

-Okay. And where is the little one? Gerardy asked.

–Nobody, showed that, although Uriely, lost his speech because he is not a deaf-mute, but rather that he is in an emotional trance blocking his vocal-auditory capacity.

–As far as Rebeca, she could do little or nothing. Unless…

-It's you! Uriely yelled.

"I saw you in one of my dreams the other day…" Was all he said, because one would not find an answer from Rebeca, given her deaf-mute condition.

- They were unusual circumstances, very anecdotal. And it was open to improvise. Rebeca, she required attention, given the invitation and it would have to be planned how to connect Rebeca with Uriely in such a way that she allows to facilitate the dialogue to know details of the illustrations.

–And what was that Uriely mentioned about dreaming about Rebecca? It was already a lot to know about his claims towards Charly. But let little Uriely dream it; has a high meaning. A surprising connection.

"Hello, Pastor Bierny." Good afternoon. Excuse me for calling you, but I urgently need to discuss a topic of great interest that requires attention on a spiritual level. I could have the names of Uriely and Rebecca available in the advocacy group. "Uriely, he mentioned dreaming about Rebeca and we require his specialty with sign language to know about the illustrations made about Uriely's case of his parents"

- I write down and it will be done. How good is God. redirecting his service among his saints. Uriely is surely in the ways of the Lord. He already does enough with drawing, and more with connecting people. I warn you Charly, what God shows after the intercession meeting.

- I will be very grateful to him and my family also Pastor Bierny.

- Glad to help you and the team will be strengthened with this request by the grace of God.

–Gerardy, had a smile from ear to ear at Rebeca's presence. –Well, he liked her, but Rebeca liked Charly. -You can see a big mess ... but something, you have to talk and for something you have to be serene and prudent, people with special abilities such as Rebeca, strengthen their emotions and express their wishes openly ...

–Charly, Carini and especially Gerardy knew it very well.

"And if you teach me sign language, Dad," Danay said, "really concerned about helping to uncover the secrets that Uriely hides in speech."

-And me. I will also learn. We do have a teacher like Rebecca and Uncle Gerardy.

–It doesn't bother you, that the girl calls you uncle, Gerardy.

-No way! It flatters me, as it is time to settle down ... so I am practicing family affections.

-Thanks for your understanding.

-Rebeca? –Gerardy was heard saying–, while she made gestures with her face and with both hands ...

–You want to help teach the girls sign language.

"Hey, of course I do."

-Thank you for asking. –She answered with her hands and also with gestures.

Sign language is a very special communicating perspective and even more so when there is a climate with mixed feelings and desires.

-Let's learn the basics for today and for this whole week.

–And who will tell Uriely, so that he learns this language.

"I'm going to see him, wait, I'll take care of that."

Half an hour later, while the girls learned from Rebecca and Gerardy. Charly had managed to make himself understood by Uriely and he agreed to learn, together with his cousins ​​...

The problem would be how to ask him, in sign language, Uriely to explain what happened at his house.

–Let's practice the greetings. I want to talk, I need to rest, I want water, see you later, tell me, repeat what was said, what does this mean… as they say, you write, you paint, you draw…

–Well, half an hour more and we have dinner early, to go drop off Rebeca.

–Don't worry, I'm taking it for your safety.

"Funny ... thanks for doing it."

¬ – No one had noticed that Rebeca had already signed with Uriely and he explained part of another group of illustrations, which he had brought in the folder that Charly gave him. This facilitated and the great task was accomplished as a team. Quoting: Proverbs 24: 6

"Because with ingenuity you will wage war,

And in the multitude of advisers is victory. "

The visitors were dismissed and the girls put to bed. Charly did not wait any longer and he reviewed once more the new group of illustrated sheets and more with the annotations made by Rebeca.

"How is my hero doing?"

–Ah, and that. It is seen that the competition favors your love.

"Don't joke about that." Poor Rebecca.

- And more for Gerardy. He looks good next to

Rebeca. If she could focus her feelings for him. I believe Charly that we should preach to our friends and seek direction from God.

-That good! That you think so.

That is why I love you with all my heart. Match in 4 parts.

-You start now?

- Better, listen to this:

Block two of illustrations references a building, about two to four stories high. What is a casino or slots place like? Here's another girl of color

"Brown skin?" And hair with curlers and very prominent on her body features. This little guy is very neat when it comes to remembering.

"A whole boy." Do you want to have a child like that?

-Clear! When you like Charly.

–First, let's pay the bills that the two girls left us at birth and in 10 years we'll do the third….

"Good thing you understand reasons." Charly.

-I learn from you. Carini.

- Returning to the topic, you see these glasses of liquor, they are repeated in all the drawings ...

–Wait, Charly, you see here on the edge of the glass ...

-What is it?

"It's like a big kiss." Give me one to see if it is so.

–Of course… at bedtime…

"Concentrate for now." Here I see a footprint

–You see, there on page 24, there is an earring lying on the ground ...

"When Uriely arrived, did you go through his pockets?"


-What about if He. He brought something like that. That is: an earring.

–Of course, if we find that earring we will know who lost it and therefore: Who was in Everly's house and who attacked Mielsy?

–Look at sheet 14, it is the same scene from another perspective, the window faces the street. There is a car in the distance and it has a license plate ... Can you make out the code?

-Just a moment!

–You remember that when Uriely arrived he marked some numbers and letters in the cabin and that he did it with the tip of the pencil and that Danay and Victoria erased them believing that Uriely had done something wrong.

–And in this note, on your desk:

"You are an Akanksha dreamer and with your dreams you sweeten your daily life ... so go ahead! The world of numbers and finances needs a bit and a lot of sweetness ... and you have it. Go and teach them to dream "

–Ah, it's part of the deal with Gerardy, he helps us and he helped him with the romance ...

- When do they mature? You should no longer write for others.

- But, I know that these friendships were very useful today. And if it is a good deal.

–And what is the new girl like? Do you know her?

-You haven't presented it to me yet ...

- This time like Gerardy has reserved a bit, like he is serious with her. Let us pray that it is so.

"It is no longer possible for him to show up again at Christmas with another girl." Girls might get confused about it. Now that you understand.

-Yes. Try to talk to him. That respect our friendship. And bring good values ​​to our home.

–The note, repeats dreams and sweetness, will that mean the name of Gerardy's girl.

"Right, I'll ask him the next time he sees it."

–Akanksha! What a name ... it sounds like a great and mysterious woman, because she mentions numbers and finances ... this time she will not be so easy to conquer. She is a chicha: Ready!

"The last one she was, Alpinist?" Was she from what country?

"Well, I already ask you."

–Going back to the leaves ...

-No! Enough for today ... I'm already sleepy and kisses to give you, love.

-Oh! Let's go to sleep ...

-Yes! I like it when you please me in everything. I love you!

It had not been 5 minutes after they went to bed, when suddenly, they heard:


–Because they ask Daddy, and he answers: I don't know where the bag is…?

"Dad doesn't know I hid it."

"They will have beaten him for it." And mom too.

–Oh God forgive me for taking things that do not belong to me and why because of them, my parents are punished. I swear I won't do it again. Go back to mom from the hospital and bring dad from jail… Buu. (cries) Amen.

-Instinctively. Charly and Carini, had jumped out of bed. They both listened behind the door to Uriely's prayers.

–They opened, hugged the little one. Carini sang a song to him while he stroked her curly hair and Charly held her in his arms with great tenderness. After a while he fell asleep.

–Charly and Carini, went into his room and began to pray. They then hugged each other tightly and thanked God for Uriely. Quoting:

"… In love there is no fear, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear carries with it punishment. Whence he who fears, he has not been perfected in love. "

-Until tomorrow my love.

–I love you. We better rest.

–There is much to meditate and do; then we will have time to ourselves.

-Thanks for understanding. Goodnight.

In her room: Danay, "who listened to all the nocturnal events", repeated: Dragons and what must be deterred ...

(almost like a very subtle cry to the ear, but with great weight of the heart)

"Tomorrow we will defeat them, cousin: Uriely."

–With his little hands, he practiced, in such a way that he formed sentences; with them he hoped to convince Rebecca and therefore Uriely himself. The end get to the truth.

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