
Let's play together to escape from reality

The date was days later between Gerardy and Akanksha.

After tasting a sandwich for two and some pineapple and apple soft drinks. He subtly slid a finely carved sheet of tired paper with hand-embossed paper, it was an authentic papyrus, whose tenor read:

"You are a dreamer Akanksha, to dreams you sweeten living ... so go ahead! The world of numbers and finances needs a bit and a lot of sweetness ... and you have it. Go and teach them to dream "

-What detail. You don't seem like you, writing, go tell me: Who helped you write it?

"Your eyes, which woke me up… this morning." And that light guided me to you. You believe that with your gaze we can defeat the world.

–Ah, it depends on the liquidity of your facts.

-How? Always you from a financial perspective.

"Why don't you calculate how much I love you?"

"It depends on the ring you present me one day." I like you to.

–Have you paid for the car you bring…?

-You mean the BMW of the fourth quarter 2020. Yes. Although this week I get the Porsche GT.

- Where do you want the dress: Armani or Dior.

-With that we go on Honeymoon to Dubai. Enough for me.

- I was there, for the opening of a Rolex store, you have tried using the new models: Wall Street Lady. They come with a bond and stock market alert setup.

-I expect one in blue, first send the catalog to my office for Friday 29. On Saturday my cousin is getting married and by the way you are going to accompany me or flee to those previous events. You ran out of poetry. She calls your crib counselor. Tell him that as a man you are entering the major leagues very soon.

"I will, present."

–And to complete some American donuts…


–And what offers do you have to purchase companies? Some fusion.

–There are two, but I don't recommend you because of the country they are in.

–You will agree to place your Finance Lawyer buffet in one of my executive buildings or you have someone more interesting.

- For now it is not in my future investment plan. When I marry you, you give me the keys and I see where I go in the morning and where in the afternoon, At night I am all yours. Love.

-Let's go to the Boulevard, to watch the sunset together. It is 30 minutes that will consolidate this reunion. Also, I have to take the photo to my nieces. They are already worried about me. And for this Christmas, I must introduce you as his aunt. I am not inopportune to tell you.

-No. On the contrary, delighted to meet you.

–I think that if a man loves girls, his daughters will love him for life.

- What's the name of the redhead who asks you indiscreet questions?

-No. It is so, you are not going to tell him, but he is very intelligent and shrewd in his deductions towards the girls of his uncle. Danay is his name.

-Yes. It must be. And you will surely like me to give you a Fan Love Jr. Agenda.

"She will control you and she will be my maid of honor, she will wear the rings at our wedding."

-And the other is the one that is more efficient in attending to emergencies ...


"By the way, what do you know about the Everly case?"

–I should have sold a property in that area. And they have denied the permits, since more than one house is involved. The assailants are said to have fled into adjacent houses, and there is more than one hidden video. Circulate a hefty bounty on finding evidence.

"We didn't know that."

–And you may know why? Perhaps something very good or too bad for its owner was lost.

- I understand that someone lost a package, due to a police raid and that they threw or hid the package containing a few kilos of drugs.

-From there it follows that they blame the man of the house ...

"That they broke into his home and punished his wife." They knocked him out first.

-Sorry. And how do you know all that?

–It is my client who lost the merchandise. I heard him say it while talking to me on the phone to buy one of the properties in Las Casuarinas. He didn't realize that he left the other cell phone open, while he spoke to me through his office screen. I hope you save these details and the source. You will be my man, but very faithful ...

–You sound like: let's play together to escape from reality.

–You know that Charly is the uncle of the affected child and that they also beat him mercilessly.

"Seriously, I didn't know about it." And the little one's name is Uriely?

-Yes! How do you know?

- Let's not talk more about the subject. I'll make some calls and tell you: How to get out of the next problem?

-Well, they will not rest until they get their things back or until they eliminate all signs that give them away ...

"Apparently the boy's father."

"Everly?" What about him?

-He knows too much ...

"You know they don't like to leave loose ends."

"I'd tell them to get out of town."

–And tell them, as soon as possible: "Let's play together to escape from reality."

-Danay, I had defined, the action of him, and created a plan to distract his cousin Uriely Who will believe the slogan of his strategy! Let's play together to escape from reality. –It seems that it is the slogan Inter worlds… interpreted it would be: let's play together as children, while we escape from the world of the greats.

–Uriely, see my hands. What do they indicate to you?

- What does a story tell?

- On the basis of what?

-To one of

the drawings taken at random ...

–The practice will be for twenty times.

"Wait, I'm only 16 here with me, maybe you want me to do 4 more right now."

-Yes. You will do as I indicate.

-It's okay…

-You swear.


"Because of your freckles."


–And if you don't, I'll rip them off one by one… and for that I'll bring my freckle-eating dragon. You won't like torture.

-There is no care with it. I will draw whatever it takes and more ...

–Open your folder, the pages numbered from 1 to 4, tell me: What's missing? Why don't you fill it out? What are you afraid of? Are you running from something or someone ?!

–Oh, wait… You don't freckle me with your dragon anymore…

-I will do it right now.

10 minutes later…

–Now, open the folder the sheets numbered 6, 7, 8 and 9 What is missing? Why don't you fill it out? Are you afraid, the one who killed Lucky, your dog? Are you running from whom, do you know him ?!

Danay, continued her work, serious, under the watchful eye of Vicky Who was watching, that her parents will not approach? -Uriely, she drew with skill and even said with pleasure and a lot of tenacity- She liked nothing so much as pleasing her cousins. Only under this premise did she forget what she suffered. I felt better each time I finished one of the drawings. He said to himself: Everything is to help my parents: Do you want to have them together again with me?

–Now, open the sheets numbered 11, 12, 13 and 14 from the folder. Who is that woman? Why is that glass of beer repeated? The earring, which was lost, who has it? Who did they hit first ?!

- To dad. Daddy! No!? Don't hit my dad. Nooo. He screamed wildly: Uriely. No!? Please. No ... (and she began to cry, throwing herself on the floor on her knees ...)

–The therapy scared the therapists.

-No!? Who is the one who hits your dad? The questioning Danay continued. She determined to finish what she started.

–Uriely. He was speechless again.

"After a while, alerted by the screams, Carini and Charly arrived ..." And more than one neighbor leaned out of his window and door. Saying: OMG!

- Several of them called the cell phone and the landline, one approached the house and appeared through the gate. Saying: Is everything okay?

-Yes. No problem. Thanks for your interest.

"It's little Uriely, he's still not fully recovered."

-Boys. Let's go home. Game time is over.

–Charly, carried Uriely again, and carrying him in his arms, he carried him from the mountain house to the living room of the main house.

Carini offered Uriely a glass of water. And he saw that the girls are fine.

That night, a strange sound was no longer required to drive new ideas than Dreaming: Wake up! –With the impact, the afternoon was enough to reactivate new creations and, consequently, Uriely became more specific with his drawings, much more detailed, since he lost a bit of fear and block ... Now he seemed more determined to confront the acts.

-However, now it was known what the little boy suffered, "for what happened on that street", and this was very dangerous for his new home.

–Uriely had to say what he knew before the culprits located him and attempted against him.

–Charly, Pastor Bierny was called back to confirm Uriely's dreams regarding Rebekah, and emphasis was placed on intercessory prayer for Uriely.

–The house of Charly and his family, had a police guard, since then and friends from the nearby congregation took turns to monitor any proximity of strangers, other external and night surveillance cameras were also bought, with motion sensors at 30 a 20 and 8 steps from the house.

–Danay, he whispered: Who was it?

For Rebeca's next visit, prior to the inclusive language classes; Ricardy, gave an account of what he managed to find out to Charly and Carini. And Danay managed to hear much of what was said.

–Uriely. He hinted with an illustration What did Rebekah represent from her dreams? -There was her, dressed as a fairy godmother. The interpretation was that she with her participation through the use of sign language would help Uriely to open up and thus be able to make the facts known.

–Rebeca, support, the reopening of memories to continue assembling the puzzle of the 100 illustrated sheets, the first 15 sheets have already been deciphered. Even Rebeca herself, who was an expert in inclusive language, was able to sign more indicators of understanding by means of signs and expedited the interpretation of up to 50 pages.

"And Uncle Ricardy, when will my aunt come: Akanksha?"

"Come Danay, I'll show you some pictures of her." And I am sending you a video that contains a family greeting.

"Ah, she is getting married, my Uncle Ricardy." She's going home…!

–The girls hugged and kissed him: each of his cheeks at the same time, making him blush. They always did that with him. It was like a nice gesture of affection, but Ricardy still did not consent to being caressed like that by girls, because he was not yet a father.

But when, he showed the video; by increasing the volume of it. Uriely, jumped out of his place and ran out and didn't stop until he got into his house.

"We're going to find him soon." Carini stay with

the girls and with Rebeca.

–Come Ricardi, come with me. Uriely rushed into his house.

–And you have to be very careful, where he ended up, because that will show us more clues about what happened.

That night Danay whispered:

"What was it that made him run like this?"

–And tired of her strong emotions, she fell asleep exhausted… And everyone in the home, would we say they rested in peace?

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