
Chapter 63

Stain turned his head to stare at the person in front of him. He recognized that voice, but the person was different. Axel stood in front of Stain, wearing his black suit and a calm smile on his face.

" You've changed a lot. " Stain said as he looked at Axel.

" Tell me. Did you cause this? " Stain asked.

" Yes. Though I did have help with getting the information to the public. " Axel admitted.

" Hahahahaa... " Stain laughed as he looked at Axel.

" You're like me, giving all this info out to the public like that. " Stain said as he looked at Axel.

" Not really. " Axel said. " I just had time to think, concluded, and decided on something. "

" And what's that? " Stain asked.

" Hmm. Oh look it's starting. " Axel said as he looked towards the giant TV screen in the middle of the city. Stain looked towards the TV, only to see Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist come up on stage.

The conference went smoothly at first. First, Endeavor told the truth about Dabi's video, admitting to everything, and telling everyone what happened with his family. Hawks told the public about his past as well along with the plan to " kill " Best Jeanist to infiltrate the league and everything else that happened. Finally, they asked the public to rest assured as they will end this madness.

" Then tell us about the government. " One of the reporters demanded.

" What are they doing in all of this?! The cover-ups for the middle schools and even the fact that they don't care about the qurkless at all. No one looked into those cases. Why should we trust you, heroes, in the first place anymore?! Heroes also work for the government. "

" Even if you defeat the LOV and peace is restored, what would be the difference?! You don't care about us at all. No one has even tried to do anything. It's always been about heroes. Will things just go back to the way they were before this happened?!

If that's the case, then what's the point in us trying to place our faith in you?! Why should we trust you?! "

Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist stayed silent as they looked at the crowd of reporters who were screaming for an answer. They had no answer at this moment. Just defeating the LOV wasn't enough anymore. Even if they do, why would people care about heroes at all?

" You don't. " Endeavor said. " You just watch us. I can tell you to trust me when I say that we will bring change and fix these issues, but you would all be doubtful and wouldn't believe me. That is why I want you to watch us. "

Endeavor bowed his head towards the audience along with Hawks and Best Jeanist. Axel just watched the screen with Stain in silence till it ended.

" That's some bold words, but they have no idea how to do it. " Stain said. He could tell from their expressions and the fact they avoided to answer, by just telling everyone to watch them.

" Tell what is your goal? " Stain said as he looked at Axel who kept staring at the city.

" To erase the hero system. " Axel said as he looked at with a smirk.

" The system? " Stain repeated in confusion.

" Yep. The rules that people follow Tell, the system that runs this society. I will erase it from the fucking history books. " Axel said darkly as Stain stared at him. Axel fell silent before regaining his cool.

" Tell me Stain, why didn't people listen to you when you killed 40 heroes? They only started to understand and follow your ideal when you yelled your connections out to Endeavor in Hosu on live TV.

Why do you think that's the case? " Axel asked as he looked at Stain before looking back at the screen.

" The government. " Stain said immediately.

" Exactly. Of all the heroes you killed, most of them become heroes for money but some also did dealings in the underworld, some even going as far as rape. Yet, no one learned of this.

The heroes you killed were praised for their bravery when they confronted you, and every single one talked about how righteous they were. They only ever talked about how you killed them and claiming that you are a villain but they never looked into the hero's dealings at all.

The government had full control over the news, manipulating it so that the heroes would be shown in a favorable light so that the truth would never be revealed to the public. " Axel said as he stared at the crowd below.

" Tch. It makes sense now because of you. I always thought it made no sense how my ideals never reached the public even after I killed those heroes. " Stain muttered to himself in anger.

" Don't beat yourself up about it. " Axel said with a relaxed tone as Stain looked at him.

" I intend to just that anyway. " Axel said gaining Stains full attention.

" The government has secrets that they wouldn't want to be released to the public. It wouldn't be surprising that they would use the hero image in their favor.

By the end Stain, I intend to make a better society than this. The hero system will be erased and replaced with a better system. No more heroes, no more villains. All the problems of this society will be eradicated and from the ashes, a new society will be born. " Axel said as he looked at Stain.

" And I want you to help me. " Axel said.

Stain stared at the child in front of him. He fought Axel before in Hosu and that was about a year ago and he's already changed this much. He was already on board with helping Axel, but before that he needed to know one thing.

" What was the question? " Stain asked.

Axel was surprised that Stain still remembered that before he smiled.

" You still remember that huh. A year is plenty of time. The question is ' What was my of saving someone? '. " Axel said sincerely.

Stain's eyes widened. There wasn't a hint of a lie from Axel. It baffled him. This kid had the balls to call himself a fake then. Stain laughed as Axel looked at him in confusion.

' Has he gone senile? ' Axel thought.

" Axel. I'll help you, but remember if you straight from this path or go back on your words, I will hunt you down and kill you. " Stain said as he released killing intent at Axel.

" I expected nothing less. Though I won't be telling you the plans immediately. " Axel said.

" That's fine. As long as the job is done. However, you're going against the government. Can you kill people? "

" Of course. " Axel said as he held out his left arm to show a man's head in it, his lower body missing.

" The government official who ignored the quirkless. " Stain said with a grin.

" You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty. " Axel said as the head slowly disintegrated into nothing.

" No then, it's time for the next step in the plan. " Axel said.

" Oh, Axel. " Stain said.

" What is it? " Axel asked in confusion.

" Don't go back on your word. " Stain said seriously.

" I won't, but why is this a big deal? " Axel asked.

" Because I don't want to kill someone who could have been a true hero. " Stain said.

Axel stared at Stain as he blinked his eyes before saying...

" What? " with a confused face.

" You heard me. You want me to say it again." Stain said.

" No, No. I heard you. But I still stand by my statement. I'm not a hero. I will never be one. " Axel said with a shake of his head.

" That's right. You are not a hero by your standards, but you are a hero by my standards. " Stain said with a smile.

Axel's jaw dropped before he picked it up. He smiled and chuckled at Stains claim.

" Well, thanks. That's some high praise. " Axel said. " But I think it's time we head out. The next part of the plan needs to happen. "

" Alright. Mind filling me in. Also, did you ever found an answer to your question? "

" You'll learn once we get there and yes, I did find an answer. "

" What is it? "

" Keeping it simple. If they have a problem, there are two options. Option 1, you guide them step by step in order to help them solve their problems. "

" Option 2? "

" Do it yourself. "


" Sup Kurogiri. " Axel said as he waved towards him.

" Sup Axel. It's finally time. Let's get this show on the road. " Kurogiri said as he high five Axel.

" What in the hell? " Stain said in utter confusion as he stared at the two.

" You must be Stain. Hello, names Kurogiri. " He said with what seems to be a smile, but no one could tell since he doesn't have a mouth, just mist.

" Hello. Quick question. You're that mist dude that hung around hand job, right? " Stain asked.

" Pft. Hand job. That's so accurate. " Kurogiri weezed befpre going back to normal.

" But to answer your question, yes, Kurogiri and at the same time, I'm not Kurogiri. " Kurogiri said in a formal manner, which confused Stain even more. He switched between personalities easily. One was more playful and laid back, while the other was what Stain was used to, which is the one Kurogiri used the first time Stain met him. Also the fuck does he mean, I am Kurogiri but I'm also not Kurogiri.

Axel quickly took out his phone and snapped a picture of Stain's confused face while chuckling. The picture was priceless. Stain snapped out of his confusion and looked towards Axel.

" What the hell is going on? " Stain asked.

" You want to tell him or should I? " Axel asked Kurogiri.

" I'll tell him. " Kurogiri said.

"I am indeed Kurogiri, but before that, was known as Shirakumo Oboro. " Kurogiri stated. Stain looked at him in confusion. While he now knew what Kurogiri meant by his previous statement, this raised more questions.

" To put simply I am a Nomu. "

" A Nomu?! So you're just like those things that attacked Hosu because of Hand Job? " Stain asked.

" Yep. " Axel interjected. " Nomu have different tiers. Lower, middle, and High end. Kurogiri is a high-end Nomu, meaning he has intelligence. "

" As Oboro, I ended up dying while training to be a hero. My corpse was delivered to All for One where the doctor turned me into a Nomu. I didn't regain any memories of my previous self until I met with my old friends. It was only for a moment, but it was enough. " Kruogiri said.

" So you managed to regain your memories as Oboro and are now helping us? " Stain said.

" Yes. Though that's mostly thanks to Axel, who used his quirk to help retrieve all my memories. " Kurogiri revealed.

" Okay-wait! " Stain yelled as he looked at Axel who somehow got a coke.

" You're quirk is barriers right? " Stain asked.

" Duh. " Axel said as he created a rectangular barrier.

" Don't give me the sass. Anyway, how is it that you're able to do everything you've done? You managed to disintegrate a person's head, teleport and now I know you can affect a person's mind. " Stain said.

" That's exactly what I want to know as well. " Kurogiri said as he looked at Axel.

" Oh that. I had a quirk awakening. " Axel said.

" Quirk awakening? " Stain said.

" Yes. The doctor mentioned that once. " Kurogiri said.

" In my fight with Nine, I almost died. I didn't want to die at that moment, so my quirk awakened. " Axel said non-chalontly as if it's the most obvious thing in the world while drinking his coke.

" Really? " The two asked as they looked at Axel.

" Really. " Axel said.

" I see. By the way, how was it being Hand jobs care taker? " Stain asked.

" Oboro shouldn't have died. " Kurogiri said.




" So then, what's the plan? " Stain asked.

" Simple. " Axel said as he switched his coke for a full face mask, which was black, and placed it on his face.

" We help Kurogiri escape. "



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