
Chapter 64

" You're late. " Dabi said as he stared at the masked man. Stain stood next to him, observing the LOV members present, Dabi, Toga, Kurogiri, and Spinner.

" Hey look Spinner, it's Stain! " Toga said with a smile.

" I have eyes you know. " Spinner retorted as he looked at his role model.

" Sorry about that. We had to lay low for a while, but we're here. " The masked man said.

" It's been a while. How have guys been? " Axel asked as he unmasked himself and stared at the LOV members with a smile.

The LOV member's eyes widened as Dabi clicked his tongue in annoyance. He looked towards Kurogiri to teleport them, but that wouldn't be happening. Axel placed a barrier around Kurogiri, to keep them from running.

" Woah, Woah. Calm down, guys. I'm not here to capture you. " Axel said.

" I just want to have a chat. " Axel said with a smile.

" That's all. " Toga said as she looked at Axel with suspicion.

" Pretty much. " Axel admitted.

" Hmmm. Okay. " Toga said cheerfully as she put away her knives while Dabi and Spinner relaxed.

" This is too much. You let Kurogiri escape just so you can have a chat with us? " Dabi said.

" Yes. " Axel said bluntly.


" Is all this role play necessary? " Stain asked as he watched Kurogiri get into a straight jacket.

" Yes. We must make this as believable as possible. So bring your A-game and don't wuss out. " Kurogiri said as he stared at Stain.

" Why are you taking this so seriously? " Stain asked Kurogiri.

" I just like acting. " Kurogiri said as he was strapped to the chair.

" True. He was very good at it. Good times, good times. " Nezu said with a smile.

" The other reason is to fool All for One. " Axel said as he put on the black mask.

" Considering he can steal quirks, we don't know how many quirks he has at the moment. If he has a quirk that can check memories or read Kurogiri's mind then this plan is a failure.

A lie detection quirk will be easier to fool or in this case his echolocation since he has a quirk that can emit sound waves to " see ". Sensing heat signatures is also his way of seeing and we know this because he revealed it when he was dragged off to prison. His echolocation can be used to tell if someone is lying or not.

By doing this action, what Kurogiri tells him will be considered the truth. It just won't be the full truth. Shigaraki has the actual All for One quirk inside him and again we don't know how many quirks he gained from it. " Axel said.

" That's right. " Nezu said with a smile. This plan was a risk mostly because they don't know all of the quirks All for One has and it excited Nezu. He did always like risks.

" Though it's unnecessary since I'm a good actor. " Kurogiri muttered.

" Wow. " Stain said. " You said we're going to kill everyone in here, though? "

" Oh that. We're just using fake bodies with screams yelled by each of the staff that you " kill ". " Nezu said.

" Where do you even get fake bodies from? " Stain asked.

" I'm Rat Satan of UA high school. Of course, I have fake bodies full of blood. " Nezu said with an eye roll.

" That doesn't explain anything. " Stain said.

" No, it does. He just loves to mess with people. " Axel said as Kurogiri nodded in understanding. He did have Nezu as a principal once.

" Well then. I think everything is set up. Take your places people. It's time for Act 1. " Axel said with a smile.

Taking their places, the alarms came to life, blaring as Axel and Stain ran through the facility, " killing " everyone inside.

" Wait stop?! "

" I have a family! "

" Sword art online is a good anime!!"

" Hehehehhehheee. "

The staff members had a fun time, choosing their " final " words. As Axel and Stain killed everyone, one of the staff members knew how to play the piano.

You already know who's theme he played.

Axel and Stain busted into Kurogiri's room, released as Axel told Kurogiri that he has a message for the league that Kurogiri will relay. Once finished, Kurogiri warped away from the facility to Shigaraki's location.

Something All for One wanted was for the doctor to give Kurogiri the ability to find Shigaraki at any moment. He couldn't have Shigaraki dying on him. Using that Kurogiri teleported straight into the villain's hideout.

As for everyone else, they celebrated on getting the scene correctly on the first attempt.


" Kurogiri. " Shigaraki said in surprise as he watched Kruogir appear in the room.

" Hello, Tomura. " Kurogiri says as he looked at Shigaraki, before observing the room. All for One wasn't there. Shigaraki was the only one here.

" You've grown a lot. " Kurogiri said with a happy tone. While he may be a spy since he got his memories of Oboro back, he still raised Shigaraki as Kurogiri. In a weird sense, he was still proud of how far Shigaraki has come.

" People change. " Shigaraki said with a smile on his face. He won't hide it, he missed Kurogiri after his capture.

" I knew it. You did miss him. " Toga said as she pointed at Tomura.

" Yes, I did. Now shut up! " Shigaraki yelled at Toga, who giggled in response.

" How did you escape? " Dabi asked with narrowed eyes. He knew the heroes wouldn't be so careless as to let Kurogriri escape.

" Yeah, that's true. " Spinner said.

" You shouldn't have been able to escape so easily. " Toga said.

" Kurogiri? " Shigaraki questioned.

" I had help, from a masked man and Stain. " Kurogiri stated.

" Stain?! " Toga said excitedly.

" He came to rescue you! " Spinner yelled.

" What about the masked man? " Shigaraki asked with narrowed eyes.

" He was the one in charge. Stain followed his lead. " Kurogiri said.

" When he helped me escape he sent a message with him, saying that you would understand and agree to a meeting. " Kurogiri said.

" Wow. How bold. " Toga said in surprise.

" The phrase? " Dabi questioned.

" I added more fuel to the fire. " Kurogiri said.

Shiagaraki, Dabi, Toga, and Spinner froze for a moment to register the phrase before grinning.

" So he's the one. " Dabi said with a grin as he let out a few chuckles.

" Tomura, let's invite him to the league. " Toga said with a smile.

" If he proves trustworthy then sure. " Shiagarki said as he looked at Toga.

" Dabi, Toga, and Spinner. You guys go with Kurogiri and meet with the masked man. If he is trustworthy, recruit him. If not, then do whatever you want with him, just make sure he's dead. " Shigaraki said.

" Okay. " Toga said while Spinner and Dabi nodded.


" You look happy. Do you want me to praise you for what you did? " Dabi asked with a grin on his face.

" Not really, but I would like a review of how I did complete considering I copied your strategy. " Axel said, grinning as well.

" Hmm. I would give you an 8/10. " Davi said while having a thinking pose.

" An 8/10 huh. " Axel said. " So where did I lose points? "

" Because you were the one who released them. " Dabi said.

" Wow. I can feel the love just radiating off your body, like a gentle breeze on a cool summer morning, off the edge of a cliff." Axel said while the others watched in amusement.

" So, why did you call this meeting? " Dabi asked.

" Oh that, it's because...hmm what was it again? " Axel said as he put on a thinking face. Dabi gained a tick mark on his head.

" If you don't spit out why I'm leaving. " Dabi said as he turned around.

" Oh, that's right. How did feel to drown, Touya? " Axel asked.

Dabi froze in his spot as his eyes widened to the absolute limit as he turned around with rage, staring at Axel.

" That chamber is brutal. " Axel said non-chalontly as he ignored Dabi's rage while the others just watched.

" How the do you know that?! " Davi yelled as he let his flames loose, intending to burn Axel alive.

" Dabi. " Toga said in worry.

* boom *

The fire was quickly put out as Axel dosed down Dabi with a column of water. Dabi tried to ignite his flames again, but every time he had the intent to do so, Axel just poured a column of water each time onto him.

" I can do this all day. " Axel said.

" Tch. How the hell do you know about that? " Dabi asked. He was calm now.

" I just went and asked Hawks. Seriously, such a nice guy. Just needed to ask him and he spilled everything to me. " Axel said as he looked at Dabi. Unknown to Dabi, he did exactly that. He did take control of Hawks and command him to speak, but he technically did ask.

" Then why are you here? Knowing this, you could easily reveal it to the public. " Dabi said.

" True, but I like to have my coffee jelly and eat it too. While I release the info to the public after getting it from the government records, you can get your revenge and burn them to the ground! " Axel said with a maniacal grin.

" That sounds too good to be true. What is it you're after? " Dabi said as he controlled himself not to agree immediately.

" I want to make a new society. One without heroes and villains. The first step towards that is to remove the hero system after exposing all the lies. " Axel said with a smile.

" It's something you guys want as well, which is why this is just partnership till it happens. After that, we will be competing. "

Axel then reached into his pocket and threw a phone at Dabi, who caught the phone.

" Call me using that once you've made up your mind. " Axel said.

" Can you leave? " Dabi asked.

" Sure. " Axel said as he teleported from his spot, surprising Toga and Spinner while Dabi just stared with wide eyes.

" He could have captured us at any time. " Dabi muttered.

" Hey, you're the real Stain, right? " Toga asked as she went up to Stain.

" Yes, kid. " Stain said as he looked at Toga. Toga got in close and smirked before thrusting her knife straight at him.

Stain saw that coming and blocked it with his sword. Toga smiled as she attacked again, going a jab at Stain's abdomen. Stain smacked her wrist, blowing her arm back. Toga looked at him with wide eyes, as Stain swept her leg, making her fall onto her back, and put his sword at her face.

" You're good kid, but I'm kinda in a rush. " Stain said as put away his sword and backed up.

" You're are him. " Toga and Spinner said.

" Yes, I am. " Stain said in response.

" Oi. " Dabi called out to Stain, who looked at him. " Why are you working with that kid? "

" The same reason why you joined the league of villains. You also want to create a better world, don't you? The world I want is similar to Axel's which is why I joined him. " Stain said.

" What will you do if he doesn't do what you want and betrays you? " Dabi asked.

" I'll kill him. " Stain said immediately.


" How did it go? " Shigaraki asked as he looked at the four who came back.

" It went well. The masked man was Axel. " Toga said as she went over to Shigaraki.

" Eh? Really? " Shigaraki asked.

" Yep. It was him. " Spinner said.

" Oi, what's wrong with you? You seem gloomier than usual. " Shigaraki stated to Dabi.

" Just got reminded of some trauma. " Dabi said.

" I see. So what did he want? He didn't capture you and let you leave. " Shigaraki said.

" He wants to work together with us, to take down the government. " Toga said with joy.

" So he wants to release the dealings of the government. That would ruin the hero society even more. " Shiagarki said with a grin.

" But why is he going through that trouble? "

" He stated he wants to create a better society. The first step for him is to destroy the hero system by exposing all the lies. " Kurogiri said.

" We should agree to it. " Dabi said with a wide grin on his face.

" Eh? Why are you smiling now? You were so gloomy before. " Toga said.

" That's because the memories came back after he mentioned them. Besides, I was going to murder them anyway. " Dabi said with a smile as he thought about those people.

" Did he give you a way to contact him? " Shigaraki asked.

" Yep. " Dabi said as he handed Shigaraki the phone.

Shigaraki clicked on the only contact number on the phone. The phone rang for a few seconds before the call went through.

" Good Morning, Shiggy. " Axel said with joy on the other side of the call.

" It's 4 pm. " Shigaraki said with an annoyed tone, controlling himself to not disintegrate the phone.

" Hey, Axel. " Toga yelled.

" Oh Toga. Sup. " Axel said.

" How can you teleport and dose Dabi with water when you can make barriers? " Toga asked with a smile.

" Oi, you can ask him when he comes over. " Shigaraki said.

" Who said I would come over? " Axel asked in a confused tone.

" Yeah. He didn't say that. " Toga agreed.

" It's a condition. We will have a partnership but you have to be here with us for at least 2 hours, every day till the partnership ends. " Shigaraki said.

" That's all. Okay. I'll be over tomorrow. Just give Kurogiri the phone. I'll text him the location of where he should pick me up from. " Axel said.

" I'll tell you tomorrow Toga. " Axel added.

" Okay. Bye. " Toga said as Axel hung up the phone.

" Why did you ask him to hang out with us? " Spinner asked.

" It was to observe him. As long as he's with us we can observe him and see if we can use anything to beat him. After this partnership, it will be a competition to see who's ideal world will be created. " Shigaraki said.

" True. But at least we have someone strong to help in taking down the hero society. " Toga said.

" Yeah. "



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