
Love at First Sight?

After hours of preparing pastries and the lunch menu, we don't notice that we are having a very large crowd in the shop for the first time. We're not releasing any promo or it's not an anniversary but this huge crowd that rendered our body exhausts. 

"It's Darryl Brent and Erharth Weld. What are they doing here?" One of the teenage students squeaks in excitement. I place their order on the table while listening to the teenage students. 

"May I know what is happening?" I ask the teenage students. They all look at me while smiling. Their vast smile astonishes my soul.

"Darryl and Erharth are here!" They exclaim in unison.

"Okay? And who are they?" I ask while taking a gape at the two men, who's take their coffee beside the glass window. 

"Don't you know them? They are a very popular rapper in Los Angeles. They called themselves, Cypher." They explain while taking a picture to the two men. 

"Ohh okay but due to respect, please give them respect for their space and not take a picture of them inside my shop," I say politely but they don't listen to me so I call Jennie to help me out. 

"Girls can you take down your phone and give the place a peace. Some of our customers complained of your loud voice so please have some respect or I will kick you all out of the shop," Jennie mumbles sternly at them. They are all pout and nod. I sigh in relief when Jennie did an action. 

"Jen, thank you for that. I really can't handle the attitude of teenagers these days." I assert as I lean my head on the counter while glancing at the two rappers. 

"You are very kind and sweet. Even when you're getting mad, you seem very cute," Jennie explains with a grin on her face.

"I don't know if you are complimenting me or insulting me." I scoff.

"I can do both." She says while giggling. I glare at her but she doesn't even flinch, instead, she pinches my cheeks. 

"You are so cute when you are mad." She continues teasing me. I'm just pouting at her and leaving her at the counter.

After preparing the lunch menu, I start cleaning my working area so it could be less hassle for us while doing the dishes. 

The customers give a compliment about our newest special menu which was Chrysanthemum love and also how delicious our lunch menu, which is a relief for me. I called Yoongi from time to time to ask him queries about the menu and he annoyingly retorted all my questions and it took hours of time preparing a bunch of food. 

"Mia." I hear Theodore calls me. I take a look at him and he is madly pouting while holding the beef bulgogi that I made. 

"What happened?" I ask. He placed the plate at the table. 

"One customer complained about the bulgogi." My eyes wide, shock and my body freeze when hearing about the complaint. 

"W...what? W...why?" I ask.

"He said that it's very salty." He replies. I take a bite of the bulgogi and it's not that bad. I frown when chewing the food.

"It's not salty!" I exclaim and without thinking I walk out of the kitchen to tell the customer that my bulgogi is not salty. Theodore points out the guy who just complained so I nod and saunter to him. 

"Hello sir, I'm the owner and the chef of this place. I heard that you complain about the beef bulgogi. May I know what's wrong?" I ask politely, striving to set aside my wrath to this man.

"Yes ma'am. The bulgogi was very salty which I don't like." The man replies as he heaves his head and gave me a smile. My eyes wide when knowing that it's Yoongi. 

"What the... Yoonie! I hate you! Did you know I am very mad at the customer when he said that it's very salty? It was just you." I scoff while crossing my arms and glare at Theodore, who's laughed out loud. 

"That is not funny Theo and you too Yoonie," I threaten him but he just chuckles. 

"I was just kidding. It's good so don't worry, I was just checking the menu and it turns out good. Great job." He gives me a thumbs up for his approval. I sit in front of him and lean my face to the table. My body feels exhausted hence I need to double the job when Yoongi is absent.

"It was a relief that the customers compliment our lunch menu. Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought you're preparing for something else." I say 

"Yeah, and it was almost finished, and the reason why I'm here is to give the invitation for you." 

"Invitation?" I implore. He hands me the small envelope and slowly open it. 

"It was a ticket plane to New York. We need to meet someone and have an urgent discussion." I nod and close the envelope. 

"It will be on the 5th day of this week so you should get ready." He said and took his leave. I walk to the locker and place it in my bag. 

"What is the news?" I mumble to myself as I walk to the counter. Luckily for me, there aren't many customers so I could doze for a while at my post. I look around the place when realizing that the man doesn't show up. "That's a first," I said to myself while leaning my head to the counter.

"Are you waiting for him?" Justin asks as he brought some coffee for me. I accept the coffee and take a sip. 

"Nope. I'm not." I reply while turning my head to his direction. 

"You should be Mia. As far as I know about you, you have a soft heart to that person from what I saw in your eyes." He says while chuckling.

"I don't think so." It won't happen. Love at first sight on a guy that I don't know? Maybe he was right, or maybe he wasn't

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