
You Are Not Useless

I take a deep, heavy sigh while strolling around the place at 4 in the morning on the cold breeze which hit through my well-covered body. The weather gives the people an idea that snow was coming and also, Halloween and Christmas. This is the most exciting month for me since we have a lot of ideas to celebrate these two big holidays. And so, I need to think about what I will do for the 1st anniversary of Rafflesia Cafe and my birthday. 

I take a while to search for the flower tea that I'll be using for my special menu and the best combination of the flower tea. After long research about my entry, I come up with the idea of combining the dried butterfly pea flower into the lemon juice. And magic happened when combining the two-component which is more desirable to publish the drink. 

When I walk to the side of the road, there's a person sitting on the grass ground, beside the basketball court. I take a quick glimpse of the person if it isn't a ghost or just a person, who's just chilling at the side of the road. 

I poke the person, who's sitting on the grass. When he turns over and he sees my shadow, he flinches. I give him a smile and sit beside him. I look at him to observe his appearance and it turns out that he is my age. I took out my breakfast burrito.  Luckily, I cut the burrito in half so it was easy for me to give him some of my breakfast. 

"Here, I freshly made that burrito," I announce while smiling. He's looking at me and hesitantly accepted the food. 

"I don't put any poison around the burrito so it's safe to eat," I said while reassuring that I'm not a bad guy. He bows at me before taking the burrito out of my hand. I take a big bite of the burrito while observing the beautiful dark sky that covered the shining stars and a half-moon that gave lights to the place. 

"What are you doing at this hour sitting on the grass fields?" I ask him while taking out the orange juice and the cup that I always bring for myself. I pour the juice into the cup and give it to him. 

"You didn't answer my question," I let out while looking at him. I can't describe clearly his appearance since the place was very dark and just a light pole which could give the light of the surroundings. But what I know is, he has a sharp jawline and plump lips. 

"I want some fresh air and a peaceful place so I could think clearly." He says for the first time. I nod and smile when hearing his thoughts. 

"You, what are you doing at this hour?" He asks me without looking at me. Before I reply to him, I take a bite of my burrito. 

"I'm making new drinks for our special menu. My friend came up with ew drinks so I told myself to do my signature drinks." I say in an excited tone. I'm really enthusiastic when thinking about my accomplishment if I release my signature drink. 

"So it was a competition between you and your friend that's why you want to do yours?" He asks in a rude way. I scoff at him while glaring at him. 

"For your information, we're not doing a competition." But what I realized on what he says was, I don't know my reason why I suddenly come up with an idea of working on my own signature drinks.

"See, you can't find any reason why you suddenly want to do your signature drink. Are you insecure?" He asks. 

"I...I'm not insecure about my friend but I'm insecure about myself. I...I'm the owner of the coffee shop but I think I'm useless when I don't have anything to contribute to the shop." I honestly reply to him.

 It is true when thinking that I become more useless when I started opening my shop. What I only do, oz to order them around and I felt bad about it. 

"You are not useless because if you aren't there to order around, they are nothing." He mumbles. 

"You think so?" He responds with a nod. 

"And being an owner was not easy since your workers needed your approval. The accounting and budgeting of the shop were in your hand and when you became reckless about it. It has a huge loss, I would say." He explains. 

"Yeah I know that but sometimes being the boss of your friends made me uneasy when I needed to be a boss around them," I murmur.

"It was natural because you were the boss so don't think that you are being a burden to them. Think about what you can do for them." He says as he gives me the courage not to be weak in front of them since it is natural. 

"So think about a reward to yourself when you complete your signature drink and not for someone else." I nod.

"If I release my signature drink, Would you drink it?" I asked him. He gives me a smile and a nod.

"Of course, I'll be the first customer that will order your signature drink." 


"Promise." He says and when he stands up, my instinct told me to stop him so I did by holding his wrist. My eyes wide when I realize that I stop him. I push my hand away from his wrist. 

"I...I'm sorry. I only want to know your name." I clear my throat as I stand up and offer him my hand to shake hands.

"I'm Amiadainne but you can call me Mia." I introduce myself to him. He accepts my hand and shudders my hand.

"Chance. Nice to meet you. I should get going. My manager would kill me if he doesn't see me in my room." I nod and waited for him to leave before leaving the place.

"It's 5 in the morning. I didn't know that we talked, like an hour. I should get going before Theo comes first at me." I mumble to myself.

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