
Convincing Offer

Tashigi blushed not accustomed to Hiko's bluntness, " Your joking you were able to beat me without breaking a sweat. " Shrugging Hiko finished his drink, " I can't be measured by normal standards, my wives can tell you. " Tashigi blinked as she repeated what he had just said, " Did you say wives as in plural as in multiple as in more than one. " Hiko nodded, " Yeah I have a harem do you want in. " Tashigi face turned red and Hiko could see steam coming from her ears.

" Ah, here we go hey can I get a refile. Thank you. " Hiko thanked the waitress as he looked at the meal in front of him. The special had somehow ended up being a large quarter-pound burger with the works, rubbing his hands in anticipation Hiko took a large bite as Tashigi started to reboot from her recent shutdown. Shaking her head Tashigi glared at Hiko, " Why would you ask such a question, I'm not some broad who just throws her life away because a handsome guy asks her to. "

" Well my wives are probably the strongest women in the world even in the Grand Line, in fact, we just left the Calm Belt after we trained a little. You think I'm handsome. " Tashigi froze shaking her head again, ' What am I doing, he's just looking at me and I want to jump in his arms. Nevermind that is he really telling the truth only the strongest pirates can survive that place but to go training there. ' Hiko watched Tashigi's expression changes as she worked over the facts he had laid out in front of her, ' She would be great to play poker against. '

" Can I see them? " Clearing his throat Hiko refocused his mind " You mean my wives, sure we meet in about three hours let me take you back to our shop and we can wait for them there. " Quickly finishing his meal Hiko left a pouch on the table to pay for the meal and drink, sighing Hiko rubbed his stomach as he got out of his chair.

Not waiting around he started to walk towards the door making Tashigi stumble trying to catch up almost tripping over her new sword. As they walked further and further away from the town Tashigi started to worry when the trees cleared Tashigi cleaned her glass just to make sure she was hallucinating. Hiko had to admit a glowing Chinese imperial ship isn't something you see every day, jumping down the foot between the ship and cliff Hiko looked up at Tashigi, " Come on it's not going to bite. "

Frowning Tashigi stepped off the edge of the cliff stumbling as she hit the deck, Hiko watched as she caught herself or more accurately the way her breast jiggled. Looking away before Tashigi could catch him he leaned against the rail, " We have some time to burn, you want to spar again. " When Nami, Alvida, and Nojiko showed up they were surprised to see a blue-haired woman wielding a sword charge their husband.

They would have attacked outright if not for the Hiko's calm appearance, " Oh you guys are back, this swordswoman to my right is Tashigi, she has some doubts about your strength so I brought her here so you can give her a demonstration. " Nami walked over to Hiko bringing his head down to steal his lips pulling back a little Nami whispered in Hiko's ear, " Do you plan to steal her too, " Hiko grinned, " You know it, as soon as you show her the power Nen offers she'll do anything to learn it. "

Stepping away Nami faced Tashigi, " Okay you and me the first to three hits win. Hiko can you do the honor? " Still panting from her round with Hiko Tashigi nodded trying to recover her breath. Dropping his hand Hiko signaled the start of the duel, what happened next was a tactical takedown Nami stayed out of reach using her flexibility to land three strikes on Tashigi. Tashigi could tell that Nami was toying with her, treating her like a child that could barely defend themselves. Sighing Tashigi sheathed her sword,

" While your good at martial arts it doesn't mean you can boast about being one of the strongest. " Nami smiled though it didn't quite reach her eyes, shrouding her fist in Nen Nami punch at Tashigi face. While she stopped the blow a few inches away the force behind the strike caused the air to explode away and a sound like a cannon went off making Tashigi's ears pop.

" Is that enough to make my point? " Nami raised her fist which had smoke rising off of it when Hiko placed a hand on her should, " Each of my wives can do the same thing, I can teach you the same thing you don't have to be my wife even though I wouldn't mind. Imagine if you applied that to your swordsmanship. " Hiko could see it in her eyes that the offer was alluring, " I-I need some time to think about it. " Tashigi bit her fingernails as she backed up climbing up the cliff and walking through the forest.

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